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标题: 求教OG12 SC103 [打印本页]

作者: pengyayun    时间: 2011-5-6 06:52     标题: 求教OG12 SC103

103.  Yellow jackets number among the 900 or so species
of the world's social wasps, wasps living in a highly
cooperative and organized society where thev consist
almost entirely of
females—the queen and her sterile
female workers.
(A)    wasps living in a highly cooperative and
       organized society where they consist almost
       entirely of
(B)   wasps that live in a highly cooperative and
       organized society consisting almost entirely of
(C) which means they live in a highly cooperative
       and organized society, almost all
(D)   which means that their society is highly
       cooperative, organized, and it is almost entirely
(E)    living in a society that is highly cooperative,
       organized, and it consists of almost all

OG答案上说三个修饰语 cooperative ,  organized, consisting almost entirely of females,做 social wasps的修饰语,而且是一个有效的平行结构,而答案的正确选项解释 consisting properly modifies society. 到底consisting修饰social wasps,还是society。我觉得那三个修饰语都是修饰society的,然后定语从句是修饰social wasps的,不过看过答案觉得很迷惑,而且对这种平行结构也不是清楚
作者: suners    时间: 2011-5-6 13:25

回复 1# pengyayun

个人认为consisting of 修饰的是society。

例如,the society consists of people of all professions。

这里wasps开始,是同位语从句,同位social wasps,来解释他们是怎样一个society。

cooperative and organized society,那么cooperative and organized 当然是修饰society的。
作者: with二    时间: 2011-5-6 19:04

你看得好仔细阿,别管OG怎么说的了,cooperative ,organized,



我用GWD方法翻译一下 解释B为什么正确
Yellow jackets 在世界上900种左右的social wasps中很出众 , wasps(什么样

的呢,定语从句) 生活在cooperative and organized society(什么样的呢,

作者: pengyayun    时间: 2011-5-7 10:16

谢谢 ,有点惭愧,我回复的这么晚,看来按逻辑意思cooperative ,  

organized, consisting almost entirely of females都是修饰society的
作者: liuyinghong    时间: 2011-5-19 06:33

live 和 organized 不是不平行吗
作者: vansonkated    时间: 2011-5-19 21:38

个人理解的是and前后连接的是cooperative 和organized哈~~

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