Dec.16,Rej from Warwick Business School Finance&Economics 4天
Jan.5,Rej from Edinburgh University Finance&Investment 3周
Jan.7,Rej from LSE MSc in Finance&Economics 1周
Jan.21,Rej from Warwick Business School MSc in Financial Mathematics 2周
Jan.24,Rej from Warwick Business School MScin Finances 3周
Jan.25,Rej from LSE MSc in Financial Mathematics 2周
Jan.25Rej from Imperial College MSc Risk Management and Financial Engineering 2周
Jan.25Rej from Imperial College MSc Finance 2周
Feb.4,Rej from Boston University MS in Mathematical Finance 3周
Feb.22,Rejfrom Purdue University MS in Finance 6周(NoInterview)
Feb.23,Rejfrom LSE MSc in Real Estate Economics and Finance 2周
Mar.3Rej from Columbia Business School, MS in Financial Economics 9周
Mar.3Rej from University of Connecticut, MS in Applied Financial Mathematics 10周
Mar.11Rej from Washington University in St. Louis Olin business school MS in Finance12周
Mar.16Rej from University of Wisconsin-Madison Quantitative Masters in Finance 12周
Dec.21,Ad from Manchester Business School Quantitative Finance 4天
Jan.24, Ad from Rutgers Business School Master of Quantitative Finance 3周
Jan.25, Ad from Lancaster University MRes Finance 4周
Feb.2, Ad from University of St Andrews: Analytical Finance 3周
Feb.3,Ad from University of Maryland: Master of Science in Business: Finance program3周
Feb.19,Ad from Delaware University: MS in Finance 6周
Feb.23,Adfrom American University: MS in Finance 7周
Feb.16,Ad from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,MS Finance 6周
Offer (Declined)
Feb.3, Offerfrom Temple University: Master of Science in Financial Engineering +$10,000
Jan.14,Ad from George Washington University: Master of Science in Finance 4天
Mar.2,The Johns Hopkins University Master of Science in Finance
真的很诡异 一来速度太快了 二来我没实习没工作经验 三来我提交的是GRE成绩
Q. Is the GMAT or the GRE required?
GMAT is usually required for applicants with less than 10 years of work experience. GRE scores are also acceptable, but GMAT is preferred.
Q. Is work experience required?
We prefer that applicants have a minimum of two years of full-time, progressive, and relevant work experience. Relevant work experience is one of the most important factors in the admission process.
若无小概率事件(比如NYU Columbia要我),George Washington University MSF就是我的1st choice
这个世界就是这么奇妙,申请了20多个项目,竟然第一个结果就很可能是最终的结果。Anyway,it's destiny.
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