also consider the course structure, HKUST is semester based, HKU is modular
based, as you are studying part-time, you have to consider:
- frequency and length of your business trip
- availability for group meeting作者: 小宇宙2010 时间: 2011-2-27 20:20
最好的是 HKUST (全球TOP 10 左右)
次好的是 CUHK (全球 TOP 30左右)
剩下的有四所, 分别是HKU, HK City U, HK Polytechnics U, HK Baptist U; 都不在全
球TOP 100 内 , 不敢说高低 , 肯定都是好大学 , 很多人报名
这六所都有 part-time & full-time MBA , 两种mode 都差不多, 课程和老师都一样 ,