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[2011签证]2.14日 美广州领馆 旅游签证 水过~

Me: Good Afternoon, Sir
签证官(VO): How are you(冷淡)Me: Fine, and you?
VO: Passport?
Me: Here you are···  and this is my application confirmation.
VO: Em```Why do you go to US?
Me: Travelling.
VO: Have you been overseas?
Me: Yeah, I have been in twenty countries in three continents (递交缩印照片)
VO:看了看,How long have you been in Europe?
Me: Around half a year recent two years, the rest time, I am in China.
VO:Um`` Give me your old passports.
Me: 递交Passport.
VO: VO边看PASSPORT边看电脑,我没事干,假装很有信心的整理相关资料,好像随时要拿给VO看的样子
过了25秒, VO: But there are no visas?!
Me: I am sorry, that is a public passport and it is kept in my company.
VO: 摇头,No No.
Me: But I have made pictures of these Visas, There are the shengen Visas, UK visa and others. (递交给VO照片)
VO: Ah, that's ok, how long will you stay in US.
Me: Three weeks.
VO: I wish you have a nice trip(盖章,给我小绿条)
Me: Thank you. Have a good time.
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