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标题: 12月24号换题库-GMAT逻辑新题(82-100)1月17日更新 [打印本页]
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 21:56 标题: 12月24号换题库-GMAT逻辑新题(82-100)1月17日更新
A shortage of orders for Manto Aircrafts airliners has led analysts to predict that the manufacturer will have to lay off workers, the new order that consolidatedairlines has just made for 20 of Manto’s model TX jets does not provide a reason for the analysts to revise their predictions, because simultaneously with its neworder, consolidated canceled its existing order for an equal number of manto’slarger, more expensive model Z jets.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A.Manto relies more heavily on outside subcontractors to provide the labor to manufacture the model Z than it does the model TX
B.The Manto employees who currently work to manufacture the model Z are not proficient at manufacturing the model TX
C.Manto includes all required maintenance work for the first five years in the price of each jet it sells
D.Manto has had to lay off workers several times within the past ten years but has typically rehired many of the workers when it subsequently received new orders
E.A large number of the airliners in consolidated fleet are at the beginning of their expected service life
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 21:56
83说某个生产workstation 还是神马的要降低价格以吸引更多人够买。。。中间还说了一些话的。。。没想起来 但实际情况是该生产厂商的sales没有上升反而下降了
这道题记得之前做过的 选项是选貌似最后一个 大意是因为买的人都能从价格里面拿到一个回扣神马的 所以他们还是会选那个
厄 后来想起来了 是GWD上面的 上面的话就不用看了 厄(640)
40. GWD21-Q40:
A manufacturerof workstations for computeraided design seeks to increase sales to its mostimportant corporate customers. Itsstrategy is to publish very low list prices for workstations in order togenerate interest among the buyers for those corporations.
Which of thefollowing, if characteristic of the marketplace, would tend to cause themanufacturer’s strategy to fail?
A The proposed list prices would seem low to a typical buyer for the manufacturer’s most important corporate customers.
B The capabilities of workstations suitable for given jobs are not significantly different among various manufacturers.
C the manufacturer’s most important corporate customers employ as buyers persons who are very knowledgeable about prices for workstations for customer-aided design.
D Customers differ significantly in the percentage of resources they can devote to computer workstations.
E Buyers for corporations that purchase workstations for computer-aided design receive bonuses for negotiating large discounts from the list price.
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 21:57
V1报纸业不景气,印刷订单减少,newsprint factory 毅然决然地涨价(真牛),结论印刷业一定能赚钱,问支持项。
V2报纸业不景气,印刷订单减少,newsprint factory 毅然决然地涨价(真牛),结论印刷业一定能赚钱,问支持项。
我选了:有些没有能力印newspaper看到了订报纸的需求在增加。象assumption的bridge the gap
86 合并到8题
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 21:57
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 21:57
V1 有个航空公司一般买经济舱的票。如果客户可以忍受规定时间和航班,就给打折。上座率在这之后就上来了。而且公司的利润不变,问一下哪个must be true .相对绝对的问题
V2 一个航空公司,为了提高它的上座率和盈利什么的,就有一个management team搞了个方法,比如改善什么舱的什么服务,能使盈利提高。问削弱的,选项有两个是说management team的情况,我觉得没什么关系,就选了个它缩小了每个航班的capaciy,但是没有增加航班数。
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 21:57
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 21:58
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 21:58
另一个是火灾是由light striking引起的
V1 说一个地方很容易森林大火,即使很小的风都可能让火势很大。所以准备一项立法禁止室外的火来防止森林大火。问前提。好像是“恶意纵火或者闪电引起的不很多”
V2 说是这项立法不能减少火灾发生,问为什么?答:大部分火是雷电造成的(他因)
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 21:58
一种病可以由turtle吃生肉或其他原因引起,可以由turtle传给人,所以美国规定法律不允许大家养turtle, 但是随着技术的进步,现在这种turtle都没病了,所以大家呼吁政府应该允许大家养turtle, 问weaken
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 21:59
V1(710)一个地方经历了大风暴,人们说在风暴开始的前两分钟就看到了某种现象发生(或者说某种现象在风暴开始先两分钟就已经开始发生了)。但是科学家说不可能,因为雷达没有检测到。问weaken科学家的说法。我选择的是在 这种现象和风暴里的某个现象很难区分by the unaided equipment。
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 22:00
93 合并到78题
95逻辑考到了gwd的一道原题 确定一模一样(V28)
In each of the past five years, Barraland’s prison population has increased. Yet, according to official government statistics, for none of those years has there been either an increase in the number of criminal cases brought to trial, or an increase in the rate at which convictions have been obtained. Clearly, therefore, the percentage of people convicted of crimes who are being given prison sentences is on the increase.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. In Barraland the range of punishments that can be imposed instead of a prison sentence is wide.
B. Over the last ten years, overcrowding in the prisons of Barraland has essentially been eliminated as a result of an ambitious program of prison construction.
C. Ten years ago, Barraland reformed its criminal justice system, imposing longer minimum sentences for those crimes for which a prison sentence had long been mandatory.就这个
D. Barraland has been supervising convicts on parole more closely in recent years, with the result that parole violations have become significantly less frequent.
E. The number of people in Barraland who feel that crime is on the increase is significantly greater now than it was five years ago.
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 22:00
96政府说要在downtown建立high-rise, high-density又买得起的房子,让交税的本地居民能住进来,从而节约政府开支。能节约的原因是建这些房子的花费比建立郊区设施,例如公路的投入少。问削弱。我选的是住这种房子的居民也要用到郊区公路。(730)
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 22:00
97一个叫做以C什么开头的药,这个季度在各大医院卖的非常火,比上个季度销售额增加了15%。可是这个C药的药厂商却说这并不能代表什么,因为与上个季度相比,这个季度实际上增产了25%的此药物. 问EITHER SUPPORT OR WEAKEN. (忘了)(620)
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 22:01
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 22:01
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 22:01
100 A公司盛产的一种给老人的药。 公司想革新药的盖子,因为盖子很不绒衣开。但是如果更新的话,盖子容易开,那么小孩也容易达开,有小孩误喝而受伤害。所以,如果公司改变盖子的话,会给人们带来方便,但也会对孩子造成伤害。 问削弱。
有: 1) 老人通常把药放在孩子狗步道的地方。
2) 引文盖子太进,老人打开厚不想盖起来。 (V34)
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 22:02
101很像prep 或GWD里的,但选项遍体。
从A 到B 的火车由于不划算而中断了。现在A住的人多了,所以如果火车恢复的话,会盈利。但是火车公司人说,还是不会恢复。问削弱。
有:1) A 的人住在 walking distance from the station and workwithin walking distance.
2) A 的人要去B里shoppingetc. (V34)
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 22:02
102研究发现经常喝soft drink 会导致骨质疏松,原因是soft drink 会导致胃酸失去平衡,使人通过牙齿和骨骼释放钙元素以中和过多的胃酸。于是市面上出现补充人体钙元素的口服药。但是调查发现那些同时喝soft drink又服用补钙药的人得骨质疏松的概率和不服药喝soft drink的人一样。问解释。我选了因为当那些药在不喝soft drink的情况下药效更好。还有个选项是人喝soft drink后会导致对营养物质吸收变差。(V34)
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-17 22:02
103 还有个没太读懂,大意说一个地方现在的人口达到大城市标准的城市比例比若干年前增加了,但是调查又发现人口达到大城市标准的城市从若干年前的13个变成11个。问可能的解释。我选的是有些达到大城市标准的城市和周边城市联结了(nexus);还有个选项是现在判定是否达到大城市标准的人口比若干年前提高了。估计我选的是错的…(V34)
作者: zhaoqi0418 时间: 2011-1-18 10:02
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