66. A recentsurvey showed that many workers in a certain company are dissatisfied withtheir jobs. The survey also showed that most of the dissatisfied workersbelieve that they have little control over their job assignments. Therefore, toincrease workers’ job satisfaction the company’s management need onlyconcentrated on changing workers’ beliefs regarding the degree of control theyhave over their job assignment.
Which one of thefollowing, if also shown by the survey, would most seriously call into questionthe conclusion made by the author of the passage?
The dissatisfied workers feelthat their wages are too low and working conditions are unsatisfactory.
The number of workers in thecompany who are satisfied with their jobs is greater than the number of workerswho are dissatisfied.
The workers in the company aremore dissatisfied than workers in other companies.
Most people in companymanagement believe that the workers already have too much control over theirwork.
The workers in the company whoare satisfied with their jobs believe that they have a lot of control overtheir job assignments.
59. Top college graduates are having more difficulty demonstrating their superiority to prospective employers than did the top students of twenty years ago when an honors degree was distinction enough. Today’s employers are less impressed with the honors degree. Twenty years ago no more than 10 percent of a given class graduated with honors. Today, however, because of grade inflation, the honors degree goes to more than 50 percent of a graduating class. Therefore, to restore confidence in the degrees they award, colleges must take steps to control grade inflation.
Which one of the following is an assumption that, if true, would support the conclusion in the passage?
A.Today’s students are not higher achievers than the students of twenty years ago.
B.Awarding too many honors degrees causes colleges to inflate grades.
C.Today’s employers rely on honors ranking in making their hiring decisions.
D.It is not easy for students with low grades to obtain jobs.
E.Colleges must make employers aware of the criteria used to determine who receives an honor degree. 为什么不选C呢~~
66题我觉得The survey also showed that most of the dissatisfied workersbelieve that they have little control over their job
assignments. Therefore, to increase workers’ job satisfaction the company’s management need only concentrated on changing workers’ beliefs regarding the degree of control they have over their job assignment.