1.1. Business & Economics
1.1.1 广告与歌曲
V1 有一篇是说广告里面加了歌曲,歌词重新改编过的额歌曲,原唱和非原唱的歌曲对于广告的吸引力的影响,这篇是最后一篇,时间有点紧,来不及仔细看了
1>With songs more effective than without
2>With vocal more effective than without
3>With original lyrics when in high personal significance more effective than with altered lyrics when in low personal significan 这种情况还解释了因为人们的注意力会放在了改过的词中, 原文有”lack of fit” 这里有题..
4>Male 对ad的反应会比Female 多..
然后还有一题是出了很多选项, 问你哪种是最effective的
问 题3:然后还有一题是出了很多选项, 问你哪种是最effective的我选的是male original lyrics when in high personal significance 好像还有个popular吧,总之要包含male high personal significance original lyrics
需要回原文的第一段和第三段定位 (Ozy:关键字为 男,原来,个人重要)作者: Ivxiuer7801 时间: 2011-1-5 15:57
第二十四篇 企业产品创新和Marketing战略研究 reyes0413(V38) 7/2
稍长,但不难。是说现在一些企业把战略重点放在 了开发新产品上,因为这会给企业带来不少好处,比如更高的利润,而另一些战略如marketing/distribution被冷落,后来作者说其实这样 做厚此薄彼也不好,最好是综合利用几种战略。因为一个企业过分注重开发新产品而忽视了另外的战略,竞争厂商很可能通过学习你的新技术再利用他们自己的强大 的marketing/distribution渠道打败你。
考古 感谢林月! 7/7
第一段:现在很多公司都主张生产 innovative的产品。 Innovation有以下优势,能为公司带来superior profits, prolonged growth,并增强公司的竞争力。(注意,这里有题,他问innovation带来的好处,五个选项之中3个在这里找到,最后一个隔了好几句话,但还在 第一段,找下去!)后来用了几句话讲了最后一个优势,大多数公司现有的measure performance的system用来measure由innovation带来的好处,而measure其它的试图提高公司的 performance的方式比较起来都没有那么容易measure了。(有一题的选项和这里有关系,题目问的是以下哪个statement是对的,有一 个statement说的是:假如除了innovation带来的成果好measure外,其它的几种方式带的成果也同等样的好measure, managers就都会更多地采用别的方法。 另外一个选项说的是绝大多数由innovation带来的好处都只能体现在短期,在长期还会坏事。)某人的意见,选了如果其它的好measure得话, 这些公司就….因为第二段没有说短命;说的是before the innovator can make profit from the innovation, competitor will如何如何,所以我认为在短期也是没有benefit,因为说的是before嘛!
第 二段:主要用来解释innovation的好处为什么常常很短命。主要有一个原因是如果一个公司能够创新但却没有办法保护这个innovation并把这 个innovation转化为profits的话,其它的公司很可能会在短期之中生产出来相同的products来和这个产品竞争来排斥这个公司。最后具 体讲了除innovation之外可以提高公司效率的几种方法,像改善管理体系之类的。还举了一个列子,有一道题目好像就在问例子的作用是用来说明什么的 吧。
做个补充 文章:如果一个公司只注重创新,而竞争者的其它方面都比较强的话,就会立即复制创新产品并占据市场,使得前者没有利润。(前面是句号,下边是最后一句话) 相反地, 一个公司整个系统都很强的话,就会提高潜在竞争者WOULD-BE COMPETITOR 的准入门坎。我的本篇最后一问:这最后一句话是起什么作用?选项1,用来反对前面提到的某种策略。选项2,为了说明其它因素的重要性
很 多公司都很注重产品创新。因为,1。可以提高劳动生产率。2。吸引投资。3。提高利润。4。便于建立指标去衡量结果。(有一题—创新的优势)。企业一般也 会用奖金激励那些有发明创造的员工,因为这部分的创新有量化的指标,不像企业在组织行为等的方面的创新没有可以量化的指标。
但是,企业因为过于 考虑技术的革新而有时低估了其它方面的努力,所以他们的技术革新有时不能大规模生产而市场化,但是其它的竞争企业因为可以学到这种技术并加以市场化而取得 竞争优势(有题—猜题: 企业文化的重要性)。所以,一个企业也需要在组织管理,市场推广,生产过程等方面多加努力。
答案:superior profits、prolonged growth、增强公司的竞争力、measurement system衡量新产品的开发指数就容易很多,
问题二: because measurement system 更加难以衡量很多其它方面的指针,而衡量新产品的开发指数就容易很多,问的是以下哪个statement是对的(段一)。推论题
答案:除了innovation带来的成果好measure外,其它的几种方式带的成果也同等样的好measure, managers就都会更多地采用别的方法
问题三: because measurement system 更加难以衡量很多其它方面的指针,而衡量新产品的开发指数就容易很多,it can be inferred from the passage that(段一)。推论题
答案:如果measurement system 可以更加容易和准确的衡量其它方面的指数,那么很多公司可能不会花这么多气力在开发新产品上
问 题四: 文章最后一句话是:所以其实一个公司综合的素质的提高,比如distribution system,可以作为一个有效的barrier,屏蔽别的公司的竞争而使自己获益。所以一个公司的综合素质而不是新产品开发的实力,其实是最重要的。文 章最后一句话起什么作用?
答案:provide a reason to support why new product invention is not always the best way to help company achieve its competition among the market.).、为了说明其它因素的重要性、选提供证据证明为什么
答案:反对某一策略的选项作者: Ivxiuer7801 时间: 2011-1-5 15:58
by sapan (710)还有一个innovation的,说大企业错误的一段,然后又一段讲这个小企业在subcategory上做文章。举例子90年代运动型饮料,大公司都跟可乐饮品拼了没人注意,结果小企业就抖起来了。
by coffeebeanmm(710 M51 V35)说很多小公司在一些sub category创新,但是一些大公司反而没有这么做,最后不得不去收购这些小公司.
那么怎么创新呢?比如可以develop new use of the existed product,不如可以开发出一些新的产品,这里举例说了一个cereal bar的例子
有些大公司可能一开始觉得这个sub category太小或者如果在这个sub category如果创新会和自己的产品产生同类竞争(这里用了一个词叫Cannibalization,后来题目考到了.)
by lanyu0321创新对于一个企业的种种种。
By catherine66(710)还有一阅读 是说企业创新的 3段还是4段忘了 反正不短 貌似第三段说企业从哪里发现新机会 列了3条 最后一段说小企业创新了大企业为啥不跟着创新 貌似原因是觉得小企业太弱 不足以与之竞争 这篇感觉像商科原版教材 我觉得大家要是上课的时候看过原版教材都会觉得熟悉的
By flsfqq还有一个企业innovation的,不确定是不是题库那个,第一段最后提出为什么大多数企业都不去创新,然后第二段有专家指出了3个原因:企业惰性(有题),中层管理人员怕创新危害自己的企业地位,第三个忘了
byaugboy (770)Innovation那篇,有一题好像问的是大公司担心innovative产品会有什么影响,选的是B还是C,说的是担心会取代其已有产品, 段中有个词cannibalize必须会,就是根据这个词选出来的。还有一题问文章会同意consumer是怎么样的(大致是这么问的),这题花了超过两 分钟,把文章重瞄了两遍也没找出来,最后回到选项看着选,完全忘了选的是什么,C、D、E其中一个,遇到这篇的童鞋注意开始读文章的时候带着这个问题读。 也可能是我太紧张了,漏了什么。
by1234567x(Q51 V39) 公司innovation利弊的那篇(长,在有狗的情况下很纠结)
有 一个题好像是问innovation对公司最有影响的地方在哪,两个选项很纠结:一个是有cannibalize的(也可能拼错了,但是这个词很好认,而 且只有一个选项有),另一个是说competitor respond->但是这个选项说的很模糊,我语文不好没看懂,最后就选了有cannibalize的那个。
1P 现在很多公司都主张生产innovative的产品。 Innovation有以下优势,能为公司带来superior profits, prolonged growth,并增强公司的竞争力。(注意,这里有题,他问innovation带来的好处,五个选项之中3个在这里找到,最后一个隔了好几句话,但还在 第一段,找下去!)后来用了几句话讲了最后一个优势,大多数公司现有的measure performance的system用来measure由innovation带来的好处,而measure其它的试图提高公司的 performance的方式比较起来都没有那么容易measure了。(有一题的选项和这里有关系,题目问的是以下哪个statement是对的,其它 3个都一看就是胡闹的,有一个statement说的是:假如除了innovation带来的成果好measure外,其它的几种方式带的成果也同等样的 好measure, managers就都会更多地采用别的方法。另外一个选项说的是绝大多数由innovation带来的好处都只能体现在短期,在长期还会坏事。)某人的意 见,选了如果其它的好measure得话,这些公司就….因为第二段没有说短命;说的是before the innovator can make profit from the innovation, competitor will如何如何,所以我认为在短期也是没有benefit,因为说的是before嘛!
provide a reason to support why new product invention is not always the best way to help company achieve its competition among the market
文章最后一句话 是:所以其实一个公司综合的素质的提高,比如distribution system,可以作为一个有效的barrier,屏蔽别的公司的竞争而使自己获益。所以一个公司的综合素质而不是新产品开发的实力,其实是最重要的。文 章最后一句话起什么作用:provide a reason to support why new product invention is not always the best way to help company achieve its competition among the market.).、为了说明其它因素的重要性、选提供证据证明为什么
我选择的是 “企业只奖励那些开发新产品的部分部门反映了企业文化的一个缺点” 因为其他选项都挺不沾边……
答案:superior profits、prolonged growth、增强公司的竞争力、measurement system衡量新产品的开发指数就容易很多,
8、because measurement system 更加难以衡量很多其它方面的指针,而衡量新产品的开发指数就容易很多,问的是以下哪个statement是对的(段一)。推论题
答案1:除了innovation带来的成果好measure外,其它的几种方式带的成果也同等样的好measure, managers就都会更多地采用别的方法
答案2:如果measurement system 可以更加容易和准确的衡量其它方面的指数,那么很多公司可能不会花这么多气力在开发新产品上
9、主旨:就是说提出的这个方案其实是unsuccessful的/反对某一策略的选项作者: Ivxiuer7801 时间: 2011-1-5 15:58
6 如何测量英国经济在亚洲的发展[附考古]
V1 by szdxs930(770)
V2 by liujingruc(740 M51 V30+)
段2作者提出用市场份额market share,举例说公司在iran份额原来特大,后来在所有亚洲国家都缩水
问题1 作者认为什么(公司在iran份额后来变小了)
问题 见本月考古狗狗,很详细了
V3 by roamer1011(690 V36)
有 主旨题,1919-1920利润来源题,银行例子题还有最后一段Iran的作用,前面都在狗狗上,最后在iran的做用我有不同看法,那句话是, in 1980s the British modern business is no longer playing largeroles than 1920s, 狗主人说iran后来份额变小了是没错,但是我看到的选项不是这个意思,是说份额接近于0了..所以我选了Britishbusiness in Iran was in central role than any other asian country in 1920s.(这个原文有提到,在1920以前的时候其他亚洲国家都没british的特征了,只有在iran是dominating role).作者: Ivxiuer7801 时间: 2011-1-5 15:59
sunny桃:不是这篇,GWD我也做过 只是很类似,但内容侧重不同
The experience of British business in Iran between the 1860’s and the 1970’s is one example of the changing importance of British enterprise in Asia as a whole. Before 1914 British business established and dominated Iran’s modern industrial and financial sector; in the 1920’s this domination began to wane; by the 1960’s British enterprise was of little importance in the Iranian economy. While in Japan and India the decline of British business was primarily a function of the rise of strong indigenous business groups, in Iran, by contrast, the government played a large role in both challenging British commercial interests and stimulating locally owned enterprise. Periodic surges of intense Iranian economic nationalism must be understood partly as a reaction to the close relations
between British business in Iran and the British government. In retrospect, it is possible to see the uneasy and ambiguous nature of this relationship. It is true that the British Imperial Bank in Iran was never entirely a tool of the British government, and that the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company did not take its orders from the British government, despite the 51 percent government
shareholding. However, the relationship between British business and the British
government was sufficiently close that many Iranians understandably viewed
the oil company and the bank as symbols of a British imperialist policy.作者: Ivxiuer7801 时间: 2011-1-5 15:59
1.1.6 经济贸易的合作
有一个问题是说可以infer欧盟1992年以前是怎样的,文中说1992年以后会消除成员国之间impediment of free flow of goods, labor等等,所以可以推出92年以前是有障碍的。
As the economic role of multinational, global corporations expands, the international economic environment will be shaped increasingly not by governments or international institutions, but by the interaction between governments and global corporations, especially in the United States, Europe, and Japan. A significant factor in this shifting world economy is the trend toward regional trading blocs of nations, which has a potentially large effect on the evolution of the world trading system. Two examples of this trend are the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Europe 1992, the move by the European Community (EC) to dismantle impediments to the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labor among member states by the end of 1992. However, although numerous political and economic factors were operative in launching the move to integrate the EC’s markets, concern about protectionism within the EC does not appear to have been a major consideration. This is in sharp contrast to the FTA; the overwhelming reason for that bilateral initiative was fear of increasing United States protectionism. Nonetheless, although markedly different in origin and nature, both regional developments are highly significant in that they will foster integration in the two largest and richest markets of the world, as well as provoke questions about the future direction of the world trading system.
1. The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is to
(A) describe an initiative and propose its continuance
(B) chronicle a development and illustrate its inconsistencies
(C) identify a trend and suggest its importance
(D) summarize a process and question its significance(C)
(E) report a phenomenon and outline its probable future
2. According to the passage, all of the following are elements of the shifting world economy EXCEPT
(A) an alteration in the role played by governments
(B) an increase in interaction between national governments and international regulatory institutions
(C) an increase in the formation of multinational trading alliances
(D) an increase in integration in the two richest markets of the world(B)
(E) a fear of increasing United States protectionism
3. The passage suggests which of the following about global corporations?
(A) Their continued growth depends on the existence of a fully integrated international market.
(B) Their potential effect on the world market is a matter of ongoing concern to international institutions.
(C) They will have to assume quasi-governmental functions if current economic trends continue.
(D) They have provided a model of economic success for regional trading blocs.(E)
(E) Their influence on world economics will continue to increase.
4. According to the passage, one similarity between the FTA and Europe 1992 is that they both
(A) overcame concerns about the role of politics in the shifting world economy
(B) originated out of concern over unfair trade practices by other nations
(C) exemplify a trend toward regionalization of commercial markets
(D) place the economic needs of the trading bloc ahead of those of the member nations(C)
(E) help to ensure the continued economic viability of the world community
5. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the European Community prior to the adoption of the Europe 1992 program?
(A) There were restrictions on commerce between the member nations.
(B) The economic policies of the member nations focused on global trading issues.
(C) There were few impediments to trade between the member nations and the United States.
(D) The flow of goods between the member nations and Canada was insignificant.(A)
(E) Relations between multinational corporations and the governments of the member nations were strained.
6. The author discusses the FTA and Europe 1992 most likely in order to
(A) point out the similarities between two seemingly disparate trading alliances
(B) illustrate how different economic motivations produce different types of trading blocs
(C) provide contrasting examples of a trend that is influencing the world economy
(D) identify the most important characteristics of successful economic integration(C)
(E) trace the history of regional trading blocs
7. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
(A) An argument is put forth and evidence for and against it given.
(B) An assertion is made and opposing evidence presented.
(C) Two hypotheses are described and shown to inconsistent with one another.
(D) A phenomenon is identified and illustrations of this phenomenon offered.(D)
(E) A specific case of a phenomenon is discussed a generalization drawn.--------by nowwsy作者: Ivxiuer7801 时间: 2011-1-5 16:00
bytangsusie说low operating cost的公司比high operating cost的公司去贷款,bank要evaluation of the firm,还需要charge fees,有一题问bank charge fee的考括号里imply什么,好像是说bank charge fee的时候要charge company approved不然bank可以通过charge fee赚钱而且不用真的去evaluation。然后说low operating cost的公司可以通过post colleteral。。我不会拼诶,是不是说抵押的意思?不知道,low cost post colleteral only if某某某condition,然后说low cost的公司post Colleteral的风险比high cost低,他们做project成功的概率也高,然后bank就给他们放贷without evaluation。
v1economist 有一个hypothetical model,内容主要说:when firms apply for a bank loan,他们需要知道自己的operating costs,但是operating cost会被其他因素影响,因此还需要向bank申请evaluation, bank要对他们进行investigation.
higher cost firms不容易被approved,while low cost firm更容易被approved,那么high cost firms will be subsidisized by low cost firms. and the low cost firm knows that. 因此,to distinguish from the high cost firm, they will跟银行弄一个collateral.而collateral的风险成本很大,所以high cost firm基本上不会collateral,而low cost firm因为本身low cost,不特别在乎其带来的风险.所以到后来,就只有low cost firm弄collateral,而且他们只要弄了collateral银行就基本上不会对他们进行eveluation.
v2:关于bank loan的。
第二段大概是对high cost company和low cost company借款之前要先evaluation一下,要收费。后来发现,low cost company subsidize the high cost company,就是低成本的在花费这方面补给了高成本的公司,于是低成本的公司想出了一个办法,那个词挺关键,不过我不认识,记不清了,大概是co什么的。最后一段说low cost company用这种办法的前提是什么。High cost company为减小这个花费也有一些risk.
V3 by foxwill low cost公司和high cost公司的担保问题。机经上貌似没有。主要是讲经济学上一种叫做screening啥玩意的模型。第一段讲假设公司分两种:low cost公司和high cost,显然high cost偿还银行贷款的能力更弱,银行因此更不愿意把钱贷给他们,所以银行发贷款前要审查;第二段讲审查是要成本的,因此呢,那些low cost公司等于就在补贴high cost公司了(因为low cost其实是不需要审查的);第三段讲鉴于此,low cost公司就为贷款提供担保,好让银行把他们从high cost公司里挑出了,而不用审查,避免补贴high cost公司(这句话有题);第四段讲这个手段为什么有效呢,因为high cost公司模仿的成本很高——如果他们提供抵押担保的话,他们是很容易还不了债而出去抵押物的。后面的题目不难,找准定位即可。
V4by qiuhailing01 economist 有一个hypothetical model,内容主要说:when firms apply for a bank loan,他们需要知道自己的operating costs,但是operating cost会被其他因素影响,因此还需要向bank申请evaluation, bank要对他们进行investigation.
higher cost firms不容易被approved,while low cost firm更容易被approved,那么high cost firms will be subsidisized by low cost firms. and the low cost firm knows that. 因此,to distinguish from the high cost firm, they will跟银行弄一个collateral.而collateral的风险成本很大,所以high cost firm基本上不会collateral,而low cost firm因为本身low cost,不特别在乎其带来的风险.所以到后来,就只有low cost firm弄collateral(质押),而且他们只要弄了collateral银行就基本上不会对他们进行eveluation.
(2)high cost firms 在什么情况下会去做质押?
higher cost firms不容易被approved,while low cost firm更容易被approved,那么high cost firms will be subsidisized by low cost firms. and the low cost firm knows that. 因此,to distinguish from the high cost firm, they will跟银行弄一个collateral.而collateral的风险成本很大,所以high cost firm基本上不会collateral,而low cost firm因为本身low cost,不特别在乎其带来的风险.所以到后来,就只有low cost firm弄collateral(质押),而且他们只要弄了collateral银行就基本上不会对他们进行eveluation.
问题好像有: (1)银行只对批准贷款的公司作风险评估,为什么? (2)high cost firms在什么情况下会去做质押?
V5 by carolwting Past collateral.这题我总觉得是以前考过的..但是又想不起来是在哪里了.是说经济学家提出一个假设,假设有两种公司,一种是low operating cost,一种是high operating cost.在为项目申请贷款时候,低的因为成本低,项目成功性大,容易成功.而高的相反.银行为保证他们的贷款,都通常会对申请进行evaluation.然后第二段就开始说,银行的evaluation是有cost的,为了保证他们的cost可以recoup,他们通常只向贷款成功的firm收费.而因为低成本公司通过审查的成功率高,因此到头来,他们发现都是低成本的那些公司在为高成本公司的审查买单.第三段,低成本公司为了避免这种状况,就申请post collateral.(这里我不是特别确定,有点记不太清楚了).有些经济学家就又提出一个观点...(这是一个段内的小观点).第四段就说,这样一来,申请贷款的公司在银行那里就是一个低成本公司的代名词,从而导致银行的审查不严格或干脆不审了.---------bynowwsy作者: Ivxiuer7801 时间: 2011-1-5 16:01
1.1.9 company 的location
有一篇讲怎么去选择company 的location的,不是用以前的单纯的cost-base原则,而是一个什么新的原则.
第一段:从传统的经济学观点可以看出,向同行业的企业应当有一定的距离,否则会引起竞相减价等问题。但事实是这样吗? 也不一定。实际上企业在一起起码有两点好处:(1)、好的方法技术传播的快。(2)、增大需求。
产业集中和选址#### location对做生意的重要性
传 统观点认为很重要。但是现在自由贸易削弱了这种重要性。接着一段谈到 cluster business, 以意大利服装业为例,可以带动很多相关产业在一个地方聚集。最后作者又指出cluster 也有可能带来在一起聚集的企业之间的竞争,以及其他地方对这些企业的竞争压力。
在 老观念里,企业主要通过减低原材料和劳动力成本来赚钱。但现在一些企业扎堆不符合这一理论。以下以意大利制鞋业为例子来解释:扎堆有利于企业招到熟练工 人。以下是重点:在现代条件下,因为交通运输发达,即使企业扎堆也不会因为本地原材料紧张而使价格上涨。有2个infer题,一个问为什么作者强调原材料 问题,我选原材料价格对制鞋业的
[版本七] 110行
p1: location is no longer critical to business with the development of information technology...
p2: however, sales clusters still has a role in business,such as the fashion show in milan, being centers of information sharing and where suppliers gather together.
p3: disavantages of cluster: intensive competition in one location...
location. but different from old GJ. Qualitative factors such as tax rate, exchange rate are more important than quantitative factors such as cost advantage when the venture decides the locations. the last sentence says the venture can consider quantitative factors after the consideration of qualitative factors. One question is about last sentence.
Manufacturing site location is an important consideration in determining the optimal deployment of a firm’s production resources, but one that is usually given only limited attention. Decisions about location are often based purely on quantitative analyses that trade off transportation costs, economies of scale, and other cost-based variables. This practice, however, can lead to suboptimal results, as decision-makers tend to focus only on easily quantifiable factors. A further disadvantage of strictly cost-based methods is that they tend to focus on cost advantage factors, which are often transitory Government regulations, tax systems, and exchange rates can quickly change. Strategies based on such parameters may eventually be rendered obsolete by the very factors that first created an advantage.
In contrast, qualitative issues, which are frequently neglected in choosing manufacturing site locations, are often central to creating and supporting a competitive advantage. For example, the level of skill possessed by the local workforce varies with location; consequently, location can affect the ability of firms to implement skill-based process technologies. When formulating a site location strategy, companies should therefore emphasize qualitative factors to ensure that the chosen strategy supports the company’s overall business strategy. Only after establishing a set of desirable location options should companies refine choices using cost-based factors.作者: Ivxiuer7801 时间: 2011-1-5 16:01
第七篇 中世紀經濟惡化探源:莊園主(lord)和佃農(tenant)的關係
版本一acrophobia (V35)
p2使用了一個free serf的例子說明以上觀點是錯誤的
p3說access to land 的變化 才是生產力下降的真正原因
版本二 scratte (V42)
第一段:傳統的觀點認為,lord給tenant,特別是serf tenant (隸屬於lord的,給其交租納貢的tenant),帶來了極大的經濟壓力,因為tenant要交很高的稅負,要孝敬lord,缺乏人身自由。但是,這一觀點是不正確的。因為其一,有很大一部分是non serf tenant,這些人只要交很低的錢,有很大的自由度,小日子還挺滋潤;其二,即便是serf tenant,他們的生活也沒有那麼糟糕,他們還是有一定自主權的,諸如lord要增加稅賦的時候,他們可以提出反對意見,並且有一定的力量。
這是一篇長閱讀,我記得最後一個題目好像是我上面講到的第二段,問你lord的這些舉措是serve了誰的長期or短期利益?我從文章的理解是,serve the short term interest of tenant but not the long term。大家碰到的話可以再看看。
Q1: 有主題題
Q2: 問作者在第二段提到free-tenant的作用
Q3: 問你lord的這些舉措是serve了誰的長期or短期利益?
答:serve the short term interest of tenant but not the long term。也有答: 短期對領主有利,但不利於長期的經濟發展。因為造成鄉村的失業。大家小心。
考古 nowwsy!!謝謝 7/1
2)新證據。雖然老觀點有著很大的吸引力(作者用了compelling),但是它越來越不能回答近期發現的一些新證據(主題句)。老觀點忽視了(overlook)另一個不同於lord和tenant的新人群:free tenant。他們不是serf,不受地主的人身控制,只用按一個較低的fixed rate繳納租金。最後提到其實tenant也不是原來想的那樣軟弱無力,他們已經能夠組織起來和地主negotiate rate。
3)進一步的補充。為了應付tenant想多租地擴大自身利益的欲望,地主想出了一系列方法。。。,生詞很多,看不太懂。。。結果就是造成巨大的 unemployment in rural area. 地主的這種做法相當於對經濟的一個“brake”,阻礙了14世紀的英國經濟發展。(有題,說地主的做法對誰有利?選項裡都分了從長期看和從短期看,兩方面討論)[推測:短期對領主有利,但不利於長期的經濟發展。因為造成鄉村的失業]感覺第三段可能是對第一段經濟學家的反駁,說這才是阻礙經濟發展的真正原因,當然這只是我個人的看法。作者: Ivxiuer7801 时间: 2011-1-5 16:02