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标题: 美国商学院Profiles- Clarkson University [打印本页]

作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:28     标题: 美国商学院Profiles- Clarkson University

Getting In


Clarkson University School of Business

8 Clarkson Avenue
Box 5765
Potsdam , New York 13699-5765

Web site

Program e-mail address:

Program telephone number:
(315) 268-2300

Private Institution

  AACSB accredited:

Year in which the undergraduate business program was founded:

Four Year

  Business program:
Four Year

Degrees offered:

Degree/Program Name:
BS/Global Supply Chain Management
BS/Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BS/Financial Information and Analysis
BS/Information Systems & Business Processes
BS/Engineering Management
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:29


Annual Tuition (Resident)  32,220

Annual Tuition (Non-Resident)$  32,220

Cost per academic credit (resident)$  1,074

Cost per academic credit (non-resident)$  1,074

Required fees$  690

Room and board  11,518

Books  1,100
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:30


Total college enrollment for 2009-10:2,746

Full-time undergraduate business student enrollment:625

Part-time undergraduate business student enrollment:2

Distance undergraduate business student enrollment:0
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:30

ADMISSIONS - Getting Into the Institution

Required standardized tests for entire college:


Minimum SAT score for entire college on 1600 scale:n/a

Minimum ACT score for entire college:n/a

Minimum high school GPA for entire college:n/a

  Interviews for entire college:

Additional application requirements for entire college:
Toefel for International Students; 2 letters of recommendation; Dean of Student recommendation for transfer students

Upcoming application deadlines for entire college:

Semester: Fall
Deadline: 01-15-2010
Semester: Spring
Deadline: 12-01-2010
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:31

Selectivity -- applicants admitted, entire college, 2009-10:72  %

Yield -- accepted applicants enrolled, entire college, 2009-10:25  %

Total number of full-time applications for entire college:3,100

International applicants, entire college, 2009-10:3  %

Female applicants, entire college, 2009-10:30  %

Relative Importance of Application Elements:

Secondary School Record: Very Important

Class Rank: Very Important

Talent/Ability: Important

Interview:Not Considered

Extracurricular Activities:Important

Volunteer Work:Important

Character/Personal Abilities:Important

Application Essay:Important

Work Experience:Important

SAT/ACT Scores: Important


High School GPA: Very Important
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:32

ADMISSIONS - Getting Into the B-School

Undergrad business program admissions managed by:

The university admissions office

Total undergraduate business program applicants, 2009-10:646

Applicants admitted to undergraduate business program, 2009-10:71  %

Admitted applicants enrolled in undergrad business program, 2009-10:30  %

Minimum requirements for business program:N/A

Entrance exam requirement other than SAT/ACT for business program: No

Interview to enter business program:Recommended

Freshmen admitted into business program:Yes

Percentage of business students admitted as freshmen:84  %

Are the freshman admits to the business program required to complete pre-business courses before beginning upper-level courses in the junior year?

Freshmen admitted by:Indicate interest on university application

Additional application requirements for freshman admits:N/A

Minimum college GPA for internal business program transfers:2.0

Additional requirements for internal transfers:N/A
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:33


Class Profile:

Female: 35  %
International : 9  %

Entering students by age:

Mean: 18
Median: 18

Percent of Students Who Were In:

Top 10% of high school class:48  %

Top 25% of high school class:66  %

HS GPA of 3.75 or higher:38  %

HS GPA of 3.5 to 3.74:43  %

SAT scores for full-time entering business students on 1600 scale:

        Mean:  1,180
        Median:  1,170
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:33

SAT middle 50% range on 1600 scale:

        From:  1,080
        To:  1,240

ACT scores for full-time entering business students:

        Mean:  26
        Median:  25

ACT middle 50% range:

        From:  24
        To:  27

Citizenship of entering students

U.S.: 91  %
Canada: 3  %
Other countries: 6  %

Percentage of US citizens in entering class who are:

African American: 10  %
Asian American: 5  %
Hispanic or Latino American: 1  %
White (Non-Hispanic): 84  %

Entering students are from the following regions:

Northeast: 94  %
Mid-Atlantic: 3  %
Southwest: 1  %
West: 1  %
Possessions and territories: 1  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:34


Financial aid handled by:
Central financial aid office at the university

Financial aid web site

Institutional scholarship money distributed to undergraduate business students in previous academic year:
$  8,165,096

Institutional scholarship money to be distributed to undergraduate business students in current academic year:
$  9,148,786

Scholarships awarded to students in the business program based on:
A combination of need and merit

Other scholarship considerations:
Financial need and academic achievement
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:39

Undergraduate business students receiving institutional scholarships for 2009-10 academic year:
86  %

Undergraduate business students with full-tuition scholarships 2009-10:
1  %

Percentage of institutional scholarship money distributed to business students based on merit, 2009-10 year:
50  %

Percentage of institutional scholarship money distributed to business students based on need, 2009-10:50  %

  Scholarship consideration process:
As part of the admissions application

  School offers guaranteed loans:No
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:40

Academics & Lifestyle


Institutional freshman retention rate:
87  %

Business students who graduate within four years:
63  %

Business students who graduate within 6 years:
65  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:41


Credit hours required for graduation:

Degree: 120
Hours: 60
Degree: 120
Hours: 60
Degree: 120
Hours: 60

Other degree requirements:
2.0 overall GPA as well as 2.0 within major; international experience in the form of study abroad or a faculty-led program abroad; professional experience in the form of an internship and/or co-op; course in SAP
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:41


Average class size in required business courses:34

Average class size in business electives:16

Class size:

Classes with fewer than 20 students: 24  %
Classes with 21 to 50 students: 61  %
Classes with more than 50 students: 15  %

Required business courses that reached maximum enrollment by the first day of class, previous academic year:40  %

Required business courses that had waiting lists, 2008-09:5  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:41


Number of elective courses available in business program:19

Electives added in current academic year:

EM333 Elements of Operations Research in Engineering and Managment

Year of the last major change to the business program's core curriculum:

Leading areas of study:



Management Information Systems

Manufacturing and Technology Management

Supply Chain Management

Special programs for business students:
All first year business students participate in an entrepreneurship program where students develop and run a real business. All profits are donated to a local charity. All first year interdisciplinary and management students participate in an engineering design, product creation and business launch experiential course. Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) training using SAP, which is integrated through the business curiculum. The Clarkson Consulting Group is a real life team-based counsulting experience for Clarkson students. Each semester several projects are presented to students by outside organizations facing challenges. Students work in teams, study the issues presented by the clients, and find workable, cost-effective solutions.
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 21:42

Business program offers work study or co-op opportunities:

Work study opportunities description:
Students are given the opportunity to work at various sites on campus. The amount each work study student may earn is predetermined by the Financial Assistance Committee in accordance with need and the student works a specific number of hours each week. The Co-Op office works closely with representatives of business, industry and government to place students in real-life work environments during the academic year. A Co-op experience provides students the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge and gain valuable experience while positioning themselves to obtain full-time professional employment.

  Business program offers study abroad opportunities:

Study abroad program description:
Students are required to participate in some type of a study abroad experience as a graduation requirement. Students can take the traditional semester-long and year-long opportunities. This exchange program allows a student to attend a university in one of 14 countries. Clarkson has formal agreeemtns iwth more than 20 universities. Exchange agreements include Australia, England, France, Germany, China, Ireland, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain and Sweden. The Business School also offers 2-3 week long faculty led trips to different destinations each May. Students select their top two and then complete an application. Once accepted, students participate in a pre-trip lecture which educates them about the country and prepares them for the trip.
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:00

Volunteer work and community service opportunities:

Volunteer opportunities description:
Clarkson has an office "Co-Curricular Education" specifically charged with assisting students to find volunteer opportunities. This office matches students with opportunities such as the Potsdam Humane Society, American Red Cross, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of NY, Building Blocks Day Care, Canton-Potsdam Hospital, Citizens Against Violent Acts, CORC Thrift Store, Hospice of St. Lawrence County, Potsdam Neighborhood Cetner, Rescue Squad and Fire Department, Renewal House. All first year students donate business profits to a local charity, as well as being required to donate hours to their specific charity. Other opportunities include Alpha Phi Omega and Circle K.

Business clubs and extracurricular activities:

Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization (CEO)
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
Engineering & Management Society
Alpha Kappa Psi
Beta Gamma Sigma
Sigma Tau Iota
Investment Club
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:00



Full-time faculty : 34
Adjuncts and visiting faculty: 5
Permanent/tenured professors: 13
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are women: 23
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are underrepresented minorities: 15
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are also members of company boards of directors or of advisors: 26
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are business owners: 31

Prominent faculty:

Farzad Mahmoodi
Augustine Lado
HSonmez Atesoglu
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:01

Alumni Affairs & Careers


Total number of undergraduate business program graduates since inception:

Total living alumni:8,984

Percent of alumni who gave, 2008-09 academic year:
15  %

Mean alumni gift 2008-09:
$  1,693

Median alumni gift, 2008-09:
$  100

Single donation in excess of $10 million in 2008-09?No

Prominent alumni:

Name: Barney Adams '62
Title: Chairman, Adams Golf
Name: Larry Kingsley '85
Title: President and CEO, IDEX Corporation
Name: Timothy MacCarrick '87
Title: Vice President and CFO, Crane Company
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:02


Percent of 2009 graduates who provided employment information:
63  %

Seeking full-time employment in business: 59  %
Not seeking full-time employment in business: 22  %

Number of companies recruiting undergraduate students on campus in previous academic year: 79

Companies posting full-time job offers on school job boards, previous academic year:113

Career services provided for business majors:
Two career fairs, on-campus recruiting, employer information sessions, workshops, alumni referrals

Job offer results, 2009 graduates:

Received first job offer by graduation: 54  %
Received first job offer in three months following graduation: 6  %
Received first job offer more than 3 months after graduation: 6  %
Did not report having received a job offer: 34  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:03

Top hiring firms:

International Bus. Machines

General Electric
Exxon Mobil Corp.
Target Corp.

Other Hiring Firms:

Lockheed Martin
General Dynamics
Central Hudson Gas and Electric
Cooper Industries
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Nalco Company
NorthEast Consulting
Raytheon Corporation

Graduate compensation:

Mean base salary: $  50,570
Median base salary: $  50,000
Mean signing bonus: $  4,821
Median signing bonus: $  5,000
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:03

Grads accepted jobs in following functional areas:

Consulting: 25  %
Finance/Accounting: 4  %
General Management: 14  %
Human Resources: 3  %
Management Information Systems: 1  %
Marketing/Sales: 19  %
Operations/Production: 11  %
Logistics/Transportation: 8  %
Other: 15  %

Grads accepted jobs in following industries:

Consumer Products/Retail: 28  %
Consulting Services: 12  %
Financial Services: 4  %
Government/Education: 4  %
Manufacturing: 24  %
Media/Entertainment: 3  %
Petroleum/Energy: 3  %
Technology/Science: 3  %
Other: 19  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:03

Percentage of job acceptances, US and Canada:

US: 99  %
Canada: 1  %

Grads accepted jobs in the following US regions:

Northeast: 76  %
Mid-Atlantic: 12  %
South: 6  %
Southwest: 3  %
West: 3  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:04


Number of companies recruiting interns on-campus, 2008-09 academic year: 48

Companies posting internships on job boards, previous academic year: 72

Top internship recruiters, 2008-09:

Johnson & Johnson

General Electric
International Bus. Machines
Procter & Gamble
Exxon Mobil Corp.

Other Internship Recruiters:
Lockhee Martin 3 Northrop Grumman 2 Johnson Controls 2 AXA Advisors 2 Tyco Electronics 2 Frito Lay 2 Siemens and Building Technology 1 Whiting Turner 1 Central Hudson and Gas 1

Percentage of internships that were paid, previous academic year98  %

Mean internship compensation per week:
$  760

Median internship compensation per week:
$  720

Average internship, in weeks:15
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:05

本帖最后由 s 于 2010-12-23 22:06 编辑

Graduate Comments

Clarkson's School of Business provides freshman students with the unique opportunity of creating an entrepreneurial business venture and presenting a full business plan with the objective of securing funding for the business from actual venture capitalists. Additionally, Clarkson emphasizes the importance of having actual professors, rather than TAs, give lectures during regularly scheduled business classes. Therefore, students are exposed to new materials directly from experts rather than students who have just taken the course earlier in their careers.

Due to the requirement of taking knowledge area course outside of our majors, the business school tries to make students well rounded and not just focused on the courses within the major.
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:07

The business department at Clarkson University is full of professors that are willing to help and offer that extra hand. This seems unique, mainly because I have classes in both the engineering and business departments, I can see the difference. Business professors are definitely more people-oriented!

I have had a wonderful experience with advising and study abroad. It's great how much they encourage us to get international experience. I think that is a big strength of our business school
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:07

The support and quality of the teaching staff is unsurpassed by any university that I have ever attended (I have attended 6 other universities on a part time basis). All of my questions are promptly addressed (24 hrs. or less) and it is a very collaborative work environment. The associate dean and academic advisers are always willing to give career advice and any academic suggestions when asked. They even take the time to support their students' social interests and make an effort to attend any events that they may be invited to (my personal experience involves a Sigma Chi fraternity annual pig roast).

They were one of the first universities to offer short, faculty led study abroad experiences just after school ends in the spring to give students the opportunity to go abroad, who might not have the room in their schedule for a complete semester abroad.
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:08

The freshmen, hands-on experience of creating and running a business for-profit is fantastic. This course taught me so much about myself, teamwork, motivation, work environments...etc. This class was the reason I chose this school.

The amount of resources they have. There are definitely a lot of fancy gadgets and numerous events being set-up to benefit the students, which is nice and something that is not largely available in this region.
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:08

I loved my time at Clarkson and am confident that the school will only improve. The combination of business and engineering at the school makes it the perfect experimenting ground to start businesses and work on ideas.

Small classes, professors who care, strong programs, great relationships with employers.
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:12

Requirements like international and professional experiences. Small class sizes. Hands-on experiences. First name basis with professors.

Everyone is very friendly, Professor knows you, classroom size is not big, location of college is very good- because you don't get distracted from studying, it is like a big family- everyone seem to know everyone.
作者: s    时间: 2010-12-23 22:21

Requirements like international and professional experiences. Small class sizes. Hands-on experiences. First name basis with professors.

Everyone is very friendly, Professor knows you, classroom size is not big, location of college is very good- because you don't get distracted from studying, it is like a big family- everyone seem to know everyone.
作者: nihong    时间: 2010-12-23 22:33

作者: s    时间: 2010-12-29 22:52

回复 31# nihong


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