580. Physics professors, the Arnmore Laboratories and Arnmore Research Facilities were founded by Leo and Fontove Arnmore in 1989 after ten years of fundraising.
(A) the Arnmore Laboratories and Arnmore Research Facilities were founded by Leo and Fontove Arnmore in 1989 after ten years of fundraising
(B) Leo and Fontove Arnmore founded the Arnmore Laboratories and Arnmore Research Facilities in 1989, after ten years of fundraising
(C) after ten years of fundraising, the Arnmore Laboratories and Arnmore Research Facilities were founded by Leo and Fontove Arnmore in 1989
(D) the Arnmore Laboratories and Arnmore Research Facilities were founded in 1989 by Leo and Fontove Arnmore after ten years of fundraising
(E) Leo and Fontove Arnmore founded after ten years of fundraising the Laboratories and Arnmore Research Facilities in 1989
答案是B 可是我选的是E. B
在B和E当中纠结了很久,唯一的区别是after ten years of fundraising位置不同,一个在句中,一个在句尾
求解答~作者: windows10 时间: 2010-12-16 21:11
Tom reads a book after five. Tom reads after five a book. 谁更通顺?
我没有更正确的解释。。。作者: winny0821 时间: 2010-12-17 06:40
其实我也觉得B更通顺点, 但是又感觉after ten years of fundraising放在founded后面似乎更清楚的表达了founded的时间和状态(经历了十年的筹资)