242. DS: what is the median sales price for the cars
1) there are more than 1/2 car price tags with a price that is greater or equal to 185,000
2) there are more than 1/2 car price tags with a price that is lower or equal to 185,000
<v2> 求问可不可以确定一个汽车经销商卖的汽车的中位价格是多少
2 一半以上的车子的价格大于或者等于18500
243. 正方形内有三角形,3边分别是3,4,5。给出面积16根号3,求周长。
244. DS:有一个连续数列,最小数是6,问数列的个数?
(2)the range is equal to the mean; C