1. why do you study ms in marketing?
2. do you plan to stay at your family company eventually or find other job? (因为我说我的长期目标是在我父亲的公司里工作)
3. why do you think your undergraduate major is not enough for you to help your father's company? (感觉问题都是结合我的回答提问的)
4. Why simon? (终于来常规问题了)
5. how your work experience help you to realize that marketing is what you want to do? (没想到所有问题都要联系到专业上)
6. 之后把简历上的所有工作都过了一遍,我有1个实习,2个工作经验。问的比较细,之前觉得自己工作这么多年了,实习的经历就一点没准备...
7. what did you learn from your employment?
8. what job do you think is most valuable?
9. international experience in work
10. can you give some suggestion to those students that do not have international experience?
11. Any interest in Simon's Student Club? which club? and your hobby?
12. Why are you special? (这题问的很长,结果重复了一遍555)
13. what part is your most proud?
14. Any question?