1.tell me about what you have done since highschool. Why you're sitting here today?
2.why tepper
3.what's kind of leadership do you have
4.what's kind of a team member you are
5.what's your hobby (问这个之前先问了一个what's your hubby doing........confused me a little bit)
6.who's the leader that inspired you alot. 我说了昂山素姬,但是很寒地说不出“缅甸”的英文,结果当场上wikipedia查给他看!
今天是tepper的women in business day,所以全部的prospective student都是女的。很壮观。tepper是个很nice的学校,一天的campus visit安排地很紧凑,感觉不虚此行。中午提供了很好的午饭,下午有下午茶。每个人还送了tepper的纪念汗衫和名片夹(应该是名片夹吧...)。另外去了好几个学校,这是第一次能有机会和dean交谈的。另外也有很多机会和tepper很有名的一位marketing教授讲话。所以tepper一直标榜的community文化不仅仅是说说的。