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标题: 请教PREP 1-38 [打印本页]

作者: pfullsomer    时间: 2010-11-18 21:04     标题: 请教PREP 1-38

Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?

When interest rates are high, insurance companies reduce the premiums they charge for many kinds of insurance policies.
The reason is that insurance companies want to take in as much money as possible in premiums so that they can invest the money at high rates of interest.
And premium reductions help achieve this objective, since __________.

(A) interest rates are likely to decrease when large amounts of money are available for loans

(B) smaller insurance companies are not able to amass enough money to take advantage of investing at high interest rates

(C) insurance companies can sell many more insurance policies if they charge lower premiums than they would if they left premiums unchanged

(D) an increase in the number of policies sold eventually leads to an increase in the number of claims that an insurance company has to pay

(E) the number of claims that insurance companies pay increases at a higher rate than does the number of policies that the insurance companies can sell at the lower premiums


作者: tingting520    时间: 2010-11-19 06:49



作者: linmeimei    时间: 2010-11-20 06:46

題目:since 後面應該要接有說服力的explanation. 這個解釋要能解釋how do premium reductions help to achieve this object.

(B)smaller insurance company 不等於 insurance company in general. 即使合理,解釋力也不足。
(C)解釋了如果保費降低,會比不降,收進來的錢更多,這些錢就可以用來投資高利率獲利商品,this objective will be achieved.
作者: crystalbain    时间: 2010-11-21 06:42



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