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标题: Darden的Intervew with AD in Darden [打印本页]

作者: loveapple    时间: 2010-11-17 16:28     标题: Darden的Intervew with AD in Darden

趁热打铁,新鲜出炉,刚刚结束Darden的Intervew with AD in Darden. 40分钟整。

1) Typical questions tell me your story (your family, your undergraduate major, your career progress etc)
2) Why MBA
3) Why Darden
4) Contribution to Darden
5) Community Services
6) Q&A

AD最后一直在说case study 希望每个人contribute ideas, exchange thoughts,有人不喜欢发言,不喜欢与人讨论、分享等等,估计Darden喜欢的学生是will to share and collaborative,于是补充说我们公司经常培训,就用的是case study,我很喜欢case study啥的

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