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标题: GMAT考试——阅读新题个人整理版 [打印本页]

作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:23     标题: GMAT考试——阅读新题个人整理版

1.1.1        restaurant 的service guarantee
第一段:提出service guarantee 这个东西带来的影响是mixed的,对于一个比较高级的餐厅来说,有service guarantee是有帮助的,因为去这种餐厅是一种financial commitment,有service guarantee 是符合对这这种高级餐厅的期望的,客户对这些餐馆本来就有印象,对其服务水平有概念。但是对于一个a开头的一个形容的餐厅,我猜是那种平价的,大排档一样的餐厅,service guarantee 往往会产生negative effect, 因为人们本来就没有期望从这样的餐厅里头得到多好的服务,有了service guarantee让人们觉得餐厅是不是觉得对于自己的服务的不自信还是什么的,然后这样的情况是对于一般餐厅来说的,但是这种情况只是出现在类似餐饮业这种行业中,对于那种需要skill的行业,比如说软件业,修理啊什么的行业,客户一般不具备专业知识去了解产品和服务,客户就会很需要这种service guarantee。(这段有考点问你软件业和餐饮业的区别,好像还有考点问低档次餐馆和高档次餐馆的区别。我有印象,大家注意别选那个肤浅的选项,说什么一个使用承诺管用,一个不管用;个人意见,选引起区别的原因,不要选区别本身。)

1、文章的idea :我选的是介绍service guarantee的disadvantage 和advantages
2、一个好像是问人们对service guarantee 的看法,有一个比较靠谱的选项是他们对服务质量有要求的时候,sg就会有用之类的。
3、问service guarantee对内些不是特别高级的餐馆有什么影响
5、有一道题是把那个skilled activities 高亮,这两个词就出现在电工那一块,然后问这个指代的意思的,我当时在AB两项徘徊,B是说 有时顾客对这个服务到底是好是坏不容易有清楚的概念   A是说 guarantee service is needed in some specialized area.....
7、问的一个是关于electric work哪个是对的。这个eclectic work的词,前面是在讲说差的restaurant有guarantee会有坏处……然后,customers知道你个质量如何,知道该期待啥,所以empower them to question the qualify. 然后作者提到了electric work。然后我杯具的忘了我选了啥了。。。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:26

第一段:从传统的经济学观点可以看出,向同行业的企业应当有一定的距离,否则会引起竞相减价等问题(这里有一题问以下那种现象属于此类,题干很长,不难)。但事实是这样吗? 也不一定。实际上企业在一起起码有两点好处:(1)好的方法技术传播的快。(2)增大需求。
第三段:经过研究,发现并不是所有的旅馆都得到好处,在大旅馆chain hotel旁边的小旅馆hotel得到了最大的好处。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:32

1.1.3  CEO
是说公司board对于CEO的态度,说政府的方法premature(不认识,就知道mature)(有考点),board要自己做好(有考点)。然后分析了一下为啥board在这事儿上不行,因为他们content CEO工资和同类公司的比较。最后提了一个解决方案,说注重long-term和short-term的啥啥(好像是stock)
Although recent censure(责难,责备) of corporate boards(董事会) of directors as “passive” and “supine(懒散的)” may be excessive, those who criticize board performance have plenty of substantive(大量的) ammunition(依据). Too many corporate boards fail in their two crucial responsibilities of overseeing long-term company strategy and of selecting, evaluating, and determining appropriate compensation of top management. At times, despite disappointing corporate performance, compensation of chief executive officers reaches indefensibly high levels, nevertheless, suggestions that the government should legislate board reform are premature. There are ample opportunities for boards themselves to improve corporate performance.
   Most corporate boards’ compensation committees focus primarily on peer-group comparisons. They are content if the pay of top executives approximates that of the executives of competing firms with comparable short-term earnings or even that of executives of competing firms of comparable size. However, mimicking the compensation policy of competitors for the sake of parity means neglecting the value of compensation as a means of stressing long-term performance. By tacitly detaching executive compensation policy from long-term performance, committees harm their companies and the economy as a whole. The committees must develop incentive compensation policies to emphasize long-term performance. For example a board’s compensation committee can, by carefully proportioning straight salary and such short-term and long-term incentives as stock options, encourage top management to pursue a responsible strategy.

According to the passage, the majority of compensation committees put the greatest emphasis on which of the following when determining compensation for their executives?
A.    Long-term corporate performance
B.    The threat of government regulation
C.    Salaries paid to executives of comparable corporations
D.    The probable effect the determination will have on competitors
E.    The probable effect the economic climate will have on the company
The passage suggests which of the following about government legislation requiring that corporate boards undergo reform?
A.    Such legislation is likely to discourage candidates from joining corporate boards.
B.    Such legislation is likely to lead to reduced competition among companies.
C.    The performance of individual companies would be affected by such legislation to a greater extent than would the economy as a whole.
D.    Such legislation would duplicate initiatives already being made by corporate boards to improve their own performance.
E.    Corporate boards themselves could act to make such legislation unnecessary.
Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
A.    A problem is acknowledged, the causes are explored, and a solution is offered.
B.    A question is raised, opposing points of view are evaluated, and several alternative answers are discussed.
C.    A means of dealing with a problem is proposed, and the manner in which a solution was reached is explained.
D.    A plan of action is advanced, and the probable outcomes of that plan are discussed.
E.    Two competing theories are described and then reconciled.
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:36

1.1.4  check支付方式
第一段是说,现在电子化的支付方式很多,但是paper check 还是很受欢迎,占80%什么的
第二段,讲paper check多说明市场不健康,似乎稍微讲了点原因。其实这种现象是不正常的。因为支票的社会成本(生产成本,流通成本)比其他方式高。根据一种理论,有竞争的产品,如果其成本很高,会被其他成本低的产品取代。 如果取代这件事情没发生,那么就是market failure。个人支票没被电子卡取缔就是个market failure。
第四点,驳斥了上面的理论,因为实际上那个inflator/inflation现在已经没有那么大的影响力了,说现在对一些大的check,第三段里讲的吃亏的那一方也是rational的,会争取利益,作者对这种传统的认为float可以带来 利润的批判。它给出了原因,1因为技术提高(高亮,有题--作用是减少从写到收的时间,确定是这个呵呵) 2如果这种收益足够大的话,receiver可以采取行动以减少float产生的损失--和writer商量,接受支票的一方也会通过谈判要求共盈(有题)
Despite the growing availability and acceptance of electronic payment instruments—such as credit cards, debit cards, and automated clearinghouse (ACH) payments—by far the most popular noncash payment instrument used in the United States is the paper check. In 1995, approximately 80 percent of all noncash transactions were made by check (Bank for International Settlements, forthcoming). Furthermore, although use of electronic instruments has grown in the past several years, check use has grown as well: between 1987 and 1993, the average annual number of payments per capita increased by 26 payments for electronic instruments, but by 31 payments for checks (Humphrey, Pulley, and Vesala, forthcoming). Clearly, individuals and businesses are not rapidly shifting away from checks to electronic instruments.

The popularity of checks persists even though checks cost society more to produce and process than do electronic instruments. According to standard economic theory, that may be a sign that the market for payment instruments is not working properly. In general, in an efficient market, when competing goods are available and one costs society more, the prices of the goods will reflect the relative costs of the resources used to produce them, and the cheaper good will be substituted for the more expensive. In this way, society uses its resources to produce only the particular goods it wants in the particular amounts it wants. In other words, resources are used efficiently. When use does not shift to the cheaper good, either the goods are not close substitutes or the market has failed, and there is a potential role for a public authority to attempt to correct the failure.

Market failure is a commonly accepted view of what’s happened in the market for payment instruments. According to this view, the users of checks are the check writers. And for those individuals and businesses, the private cost, or price, of using checks has been distorted by the value of check float, or the time between the writing and clearing of a check. During that time, of course, the funds can earn interest for the check writer rather than for the check receiver. The size of this benefit is thought to have reduced the price of check use below the cost to society of producing and processing checks. Since individuals and businesses
don’t face that higher social cost, they continue to use checks despite the existence of other means of payment that are less costly to society. In short, checks are overused.

(待确认)That view is suspect even if the data still supported it,
though. The view seems to assume that only the agent on
one side of a transaction—the check writer—recognizes
and takes advantage of the value of float. That assumption
doesn’t correspond with expected rational behavior. Since
float is a transfer payment from the check receiver to the
check writer, with no allocative effects overall, rational
agents are likely to negotiate a mutually beneficial distribution
of any significant value of float.7 And, in fact, this
type of negotiation is common for large payments between
businesses, for which the value of float is potentially large.
In practice, many business-to-business payments contractually
stipulate payment transaction terms that internalize the
effects of float.
1) 作者提到了现在因为科技的进步,支票的签发与兑现很快了,是为什么
A. 是为了说明支票从签发到兑现的时间缩短了
B. 是为了说明支票从开出到兑现产生的float的经济效益没用这么大了
2) 对那些支持第三段中老观点的人来说,以下哪个选项是正确的
3) 从这个文章可以infer出支票接受者对支票产生的check float的态度?
支票接受者会通过谈判来保护自身的利益(也就是要求分享check float)
4) 这篇文章的主旨是什么
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:36

1.1.5  government regulation与crop出口量
讲如果政府采用 environmental regulation 在农业方面的文章: 研究发现,农业对土壤及环境有破坏,原因是使用了农药以及作物生长造成土地的贫瘠,因此有的国家对农业提出了较为严格的要求,有学者认为, 增加 environmental regulation提高了成本,有环保要求的国家的市场份额将会下降,因为别国没采用的话成本将产生差异。但作者认为不然,作者的理由为: 说其实就有一些农场品的种植会导致比较严重的环境污染,可以只对这些产品(incentive crops)监管,那么举排名前三的tobacco, sylugum, tomato来说,这些农产品在所有农产品出口中所占份额非常小,增加 regulation 并不会对他们的国际市占率有太大的影响。而且环境监管并不是导致份额下降的唯一因素,其他因素还有:汇率,还有一个国内什么什么的(这边有题:国内什么什么的在题中对应一个individual country 的什么,比较确定)
(2)有问到要如何 weaken 作者的 assumption, 我是找原文里面有个 If 的作者假设去 weaken(里有一个问了削弱, 选的是控制污染的条款对产量与出口量大的作物有最大影响)
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:36

1.1.6营销策略(trade promotion)
版本一:manufacture和retail sellors          “everyday low price”
第一段讲,M会有季度性的对产品进行各种打折,manufacture觉得给retailor打折鼓励他们促销越来越不好了,因为顾客虽然大致知道有产品促销的频率(有题,问作者关于顾客暗示了什么),但是他们不知道具体一段时间里有什么折扣,不知道开始的日期和结束的日期。部分生产商开始采取天天低价(everyday low price)的措施,但至少有一家尿布(diaper) 生产商又转回了原来的促销方式(后面有一道题是考这句话)。 [而且每个M都进行折价,最后顾客就对这些打折没兴趣了。]
(3)有一个问manufacturer曾试过什么方法来避免这种现象,根据题目定位,选的一些M采用每天都低价的战略(everyday low price)
(6)some manufacturer intend to advertise the discount by themselves, what is their assumption?
If the customers know the discount message, they will spent more time in searching for the discount (so the retailers will not benefit from the discount by not offering to the customers)
但我没选JJ答案(消费者并不知道促销原来是由生产厂家发起的),我选:the consumers know the frequency of discount in a certain interval. 因为文中有这么一句话:Although the consumers only know approximate frequency of discount
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:37

版本二:purchase 比comsumer consumption重要  “buy one get one free”
第一段说的是人们很少把purchasing behavior和consuming behavior分开来,研究purchase 比comsumer consumption重要,来分析大减价,比如有些商品捆绑销售“买一送一” (“buy one get one free”),那些discounting 和promotion虽然促进了销售,但是其实消耗了将来的购买,其实没有提高总的consumption rate。如果消费者买了之后consumption quantity不增加,销售就会下降,除非consuming rates提高(这个点是第一题)。
第二段有一些讲解customer convenience 如何影响消费者(而非购买者)行为的论述。一直在讲high convenience 和 low convenience。好像说人们更注重high convenience的products。结尾是用泡冰茶举例,说明泡一小包冰茶和一罐冰茶工序是一样的。(这里是这篇阅读的最后一题,选取选项中与最后这个例子关系一样的,我选的是捎带一个邻居去超市和捎带两个邻居去超市那个选项。)
[topic题。 我选:explore relations between stockpiling and consumption of food products.(其他都不像,只有这个提到关键词consumption)]
3、有个细节题要小心,问题是问stock piling(存货)和trigger consumption increase的关系在high-convenience package和low-convenience package中一样吗?
文中说消费者在第一次消费low convenience package之后会更容易提高消费量。
5、哪个会trigger consumption of stockpiling
我选:Preparing food will not cause monetary expenditure.(定位第二段,文章提到影响convenience of preparation的因素有cost)
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:37

1.1.7 雇佣人数layoff
第一段:1980年左右雇佣人数下降(a wave of layoff),我们很好理解因为二战,而令人奇怪的是1993年雇用人数也下降了为什么呢?因为新科技和XX的使用, 导致工人效率的提高。第一段尾反驳了(有题),说科技是慢慢影响的,三十年什么的。
第二段:提出了新理论,说由于为了labor cost 才是原因,说公司都雇佣临时工part time,工资低,福利不好,然后就辞退(layoff了)很多全职的工人,成本就下降赚钱就更多了什么 。最后又提到了二战德勤layoff。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:37

1.1.8 Gray Market (黑市)(主题是销售中grey area不会影响到retail和manufacturer的利益。)
P1:  提出了gray market的定义,说是游离于产品的分销渠道之外的一种市场。通常会通过另外渠道从制造厂商那里获取商品,然后以极低的价格销售。无论是制造商还是零售商都觉得gray market是一种伤害。制造商认为会搅乱分销渠道,零售商认为会影响商品的价格水平并降低零售商利润;
P2:  话锋一转,gray market在特定的条件下是有益处的。两种情况:1) 绝大多数商品的顾客对价格不敏感; 2) 顾客的区分度很大。
P3: 解释了原因。 gray market将价格敏感性的顾客全部吸引,从而使得零售商可以专心的服务于那些价格非敏感客户,他们往往更重视服务质量,因此公司提高服务品质甚至适当提高价格。对于制造商,则可以如何如何;[说公司具体如何针对价格不敏感顾客群来进行决策。通过这部分创造的收益来弥补黑市交易造成的损失。]
1:  主旨题,What is the primary purpose of the article?
To explain how gray marketing can benefit the profit and margin of manufacturers and retailers.;
2:  如果gray market不存在,零售商如何处理可以达到gray market的效果, 我选可以开两个chain store, 一个关注于价格敏感客户,一个专注服务质量;(而不是B分两种广告!)
[问题里有一个是问根据这个研究, 对那些符合这些条件的市场应该采用怎样的策略, 我选了A, 分两种经销渠道, 一种是便宜实惠的吸引那些价格敏感的人, 另一种走高端路线吸引那些人傻钱多的]
3: 假如没有grey  market, 这篇文章 indicate商家会怎么做?
4: 第2.3段的关系:
我选:E.第二段提出了GRAY MARKET对商家有利的CONDITION.第3段解释怎样对商家有利。
5: 有个是逻辑的题目,问哪个可以削弱retailer revenue increase的结果。。
我选了个(1)越来越多顾客都变的price sensitive, and the trend will continue的选项。
       (2)authorized retailer will stage a price war, because of the appearance of gray market。。。,and then the profit margin 就会下降了,
6: 细节题,grey marketing起作用时应该是什么样一种情况? 定位于第二段。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:38

1.1.9 大企业与创新
[还有题问的是同意第二个观点的科学家们同意以下那些statement 第二个观点就是企业大反而会对innovation不好影响
反正这题我选的是 innovation inverse related to company size貌似]
[我印象中我选的是 总结大家的观点然后指出mispoint还是啥的]
我答:会沿用以前的旧产品。定位第二段。[问根据最后的人的说法,公司不愿意cannibalize会怎样,就是做出与红体字相反的举动,stick to old technology去开发新产品]]
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:38

1.1.10 客服与顾客投诉
第二段讲了如果一个人的affectivity(心理学术语,原文用括号解释了意思)是正的,这种消极影响会decrease,and如果一个人的affectivity是负的,这种消极影响会increase(我知道这个不是中文,但是为了接近原文的样子,就这样写了,大家应该能看懂,顺便复习下愈发的并列结构)。但是第二种情况没有被research support。(这里被考到)接着说因为如果affectivity是负的,就会believe what you believe。然后又说一般顾客的抱怨对客服的影响是nutralized (具体推理忘了)。

[考古 来自今年6月份机经        待确认:
V1  yizhutou1 7/1 Cuiever 710
第一段消费者的Complain 影响了消费者对公司的信任。而客服人员有时候擅自deny一些complain也会恶化customer relationship。
第二段客服人员的negative affectivity(na)和positive affectivity(pa)的问题。有人觉得有pa的客服人员会reduce这种不好的customer relationship的影响,而有na的客服人员会更加加深这种不良关系。作者不认同第二种说法(na更加损害关系) 作者觉得有na的人本身看世界就比较消极所以遇到这种不好的relationship 也会归咎为是世界黑暗而不是损害和消费者的关系。

V2  Mmo3333 v34 7/11
跟狗里的不太一样,这篇主要讲customer 由于某种原因不愿意complain客服人员,这个原因好像是怕对客服人员造成不好的影响,但不complain又对公司有negative的影响,使得公司没有办法评估自己的服务系统。
其中有一个问题问得是公司如何做可以使得customer放心的complain,我选的是一个公司应该让customer 知道complain 对客服人员没有不好的影响

新增考古 yandong1208 待确认
讲的是顾客complaints还有员工的recommend,这篇我以前绝对做过,实在想不起来在哪做过了。第一段就是说,conflict的产生是由于expectation of 什么 and expectation什么的。(这是一道题的答案)第二段就说,员工的high activity能减少什么,然后negative能增加,但是negative的那个观点没有观点证明(这个有道细节题)。然后后面说了什么我真不记得了]
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:38

1.1.11 公司筹资factor(代理人)
[factor是国际贸易中的保理业务, 将国际贸易业务中的应收账款(AR)外包给第三方公司,代为催收(也就是把所invoice[发票]卖给第三方公司)。 对于出口企业来说,好处是:1.能够立即拿到cash,缩短账期(国际贸易中往往有些应收账款>90天)2.转移应收账款风险。对于第三方公司来说,当然从中需要抽取一部分佣金的。这种结款方式一般用在大型项目采购,或者目的地信用风险较高的国家比较多用。一般商品贸易中很少会用这种方式]
第三段:讲保理适用于哪些情况,不适用于哪些情况。不适用于应收帐款发票为众多的小金额,因为这样保理商收取的风险承担费用会很高(这里有题,好像是说factor收费的依据,一个选项是说银行利率only,文章中没提,还有一个说根据customer的finance ……好像财务评级,我选的是这个,因为对应了risk,选项文章中没有出现,但是在美国衡量公司的risk都是采用机构评级的方式,我不知道会不会自己的背景会有负面干扰,大家小心),企业付出的融资成本高。最后说,factor比较关心发生应收款的客户的财务状况和信用,所以公司就能知道哪些客户的信誉好,哪些钱可能收不到。保理还是好。
1、主旨题,我选了 这篇文章介绍了这个比率的功能
5、factor business为什么会愿意个新的小公司贷款
6、公司通过factor business是想做下面那些事
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:38

第一段大概说outsourcing的概念,然后说outsourcing这个practice在有形产品(physical product)工业已经很成熟之类的,但是在service 的行业还是有很大前景的,而且越来越多的公司也开始做service outsourcing了。
第二段先说了service outsourcing的特色feature。然后举了intellectual service的outsourcing。说这类的outsourcing, 客户通常来说很难通过下订单(place order)来描述(specify)要买什么样的服务产品(暗指service product知识含量高,有考题)。介绍完特色以后,然后说了一大堆弊端,比如service outsourcing出去可能会有泄漏企业关键信息之类的risk。但是最后,作者话锋一转,说如果企业仔细考虑计划outsourcing strategy的话,就可以lower and minimize 所有的这些risk,证明了作者对待这个practice支持态度。
1、作者会同意下面哪个选项,我选的是although service outsourcing 有很多的弊端,但是它的优点outweigh all the risks. 但是这题还有另一个选项很迷惑,想不起来了
2、细节题,说文中为什么客户无法specify 他们要的service product:选因为客户没有这方面的expertise
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:39

1.1.14 环境与经济关系(荷兰病)
P1 一开始来了个新名词 然后解释 是关于环境和经济的之间关系的。然后又是个新名词(什么什么curse)什么的,说这种情况往往发生在欠发达地区,会导致失业啊和通胀什么的,然后作者说,这个现在在发达国家也有。
[industrialized countries如果靠出口natural resource来赚钱,就可能发生叫“resource curse”的这个现象]
[一个国家如果资源丰富本来是件好事,但也不一定,它可能会导致各种XXXX麻烦,这种现象叫做C XX, 非工业化的国家只依赖出口资源(像天然气啊之类的不可再生的),那它会遇到各种XXXX麻烦。有些人认为这是非工业化国家才会出现的,其实并不是这样。]
P2 讲resource curse的一个component,叫“Dutch disease”,(有题问第二段讲了什么,选这句话的同意替换,选项里面说Dutch disease是resource curse的一个aspect,然后第二段是讲这个aspect的来源)。说这个“Dutch disease”是先在Netherlands出现的现象,所以叫这个名字,就是荷兰本来是industrialized country,但是它靠export 自己的natural gas resource来赚钱。但是这个赚钱方式却引起了inflation,后面有括号解释inflation是什么意思,还有对其的举例。Inflation严重地impaired荷兰自己国家的制造业,使荷兰已经很发达的制造业向deindustrialized 的方向发展。这个地方又重述了荷兰发生这个现象也有political,什么,什么的原因,重复了一下第一段末尾的原因。(然后这个地方有题问:作者suggest Dutch Disease这个应该怎么解决呢?我当时很仔细很仔细地读了原文,但是文章就只是说这个现象是怎么造成的,有什么不好的影响,没说怎么能解决。我定位了之后发现这个是真没有啊!我只好相信这是作者“suggest”的了,选了一个跟文章有关的。选项有:C. regulate exchange rate to a fixed number(选这个); D. raise 从别国家进口东西的tariff)
1、那种情况可以解决Netherlands的那个现象。 我选了 把limitation搞紧一点(好像是错的,应该是固定汇率)
2、XXXcurse和NetherlandsXX 这两个名词的关系
A、Dutch XX只发生在荷兰
B、Dutch XX是C XX的一种(选这个)
C、Dutch XX发生在工业化国家,C XX发生在非工业化国家
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:39

1.1.15  fuel efficient(升空用油问题)
第一段:原有个设备,有两个问题。第一个问题是,the faster,油耗越多;第二个问题是,payload(有效负荷)越重,耗油越多
第三段:说那个装置是怎么运作的。还说新设计的航空器有些问题没解决, 如采用更高燃烧效率的燃料,如氢等, 将有关燃料转化成其它性状,还有就是这类高效率的燃料的燃烧可以熔化绝大多数的物质(heat),必须解决这个燃烧problem,就是如何有一种超耐高温的容器来做燃料室 。
答:protect heat from损害设备。(温度太高会烧坏引擎)]
4. 缩短航行的时间意味着什么?
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:40

1.1.16 企业联合模式(brand sharing & asset sharing)
说企业的两种企业联合模式,其中一个是brand sharing(品牌联盟),还有一个是asset sharing(财产联盟),和物业有关的 。
A模式(brand)举了个例——航空公司和某牌子合作提供某个牌子的coffee,那个牌子的coffee的chain同样可以收获名气还是什么的(反正是互利), 两个联合方可以有完全不同的产品,但可以share real estate and technology,主要是为了降低成本;模式b也举例(就有asset的那个)——一个什么店开在一个什么店旁边,利用其中一个店的丰富客源来为另一个店吸引生意。
第二段:说这两个模式的弊端;A的弊双方的得利很可能是不成比例的[比如说你不可能因为咖啡难喝就换另一个公司的飞机吧,但是飞机晚点以后你看那间咖啡店都怎么看怎么不爽了],举例——一个奢华酒店和一个平价酒店合作;B的弊端是market target
3.为什么说一个贵酒店和一个平酒店不能用模式B——不同target 消费群
4. 问了一个下面哪一种属于财产联盟的情况
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:41

1.1.17 专利
GWD-TN-6   Q7-Q10
The system of patent-granting, which confers temporary monopolies for the exploitation of new technologies, was originally established as an incentive to the pursuit of risky new ideas. Yet studies of the most patent-conscious business of all—the semiconductor industry—suggest that firms do not necessarily become more innovative as they increase their patenting activity. Ziedonis and Hall, for example, found that investment in research and development (a reasonable proxy for innovation) did not substantially increase between 1982 and 1992, the industry’s most feverish period of patenting. Instead, semiconductor firms simply squeezed more patents out of existing research and development expenditures. Moreover, Ziedonis and Hall found that as patenting activity at semiconductor firms increased in the 1980’s, the consensus among industry employees was that the average quality of their firms’ patents declined. Though patent quality is a difficult notion to measure, the number of times a patent is cited in the technical literature is a reasonable yardstick, and citations per semiconductor patent did decline during the 1980’s. This decline in quality may be related to changes in the way semiconductor firms managed their patenting process: rather than patenting to win exclusive rights to a valuable new technology, patents were filed more for strategic purposes, to be used as bargaining chips to ward off infringement suites or as a means to block competitors’ products.

GWD-8-Q7 :

The passage is primarily concerned with discussing

A.a study suggesting that the semiconductor industry’s approach to patenting during the period from 1982 to 1992 yielded unanticipated results    (GWD答案)

B.a study of the semiconductor industry during the period from 1982 to 1992 that advocates certain changes in the industry’s management of the patenting process

C.the connection between patenting and innovation in the semiconductor industry during the period from 1982 to 1992  (PREP答案)

D.reasons that investment in research and development in the semiconductor industry did not increase significantly during the period from 1982 to 1992

E.certain factors that made the period from 1982 to 1992 a time of intense patenting activity in the semiconductor industry


GWD-8-Q8 :

The passage suggests which of the following about patenting in the semiconductor industry during the period from 1982 to 1992 ?

A.The declining number of citations per semiconductor patent in the technical literature undermines the notion that patenting activity increased during this period.

B.A decline in patent quality forced firms to change the way they managed the patenting process.

C.Increased efficiencies allowed firms to derive more patents from existing research and development expenditures.

D.Firms’ emphasis on filing patents for strategic purposes may have contributed to a decline in patent quality.

E.Firms’ attempts to derive more patents from existing research and development expenditures may have contributed to a decline in infringement suites.


GWD-8-Q9 :

The passage makes which of the following claims about patent quality in the semiconductor industry?

A.It was higher in the early 1980’s than it was a decade later.  (已修正)

B.It is largely independent of the number of patents granted.

C.It changed between 1982 and 1992 in ways that were linked to changes in research and development expenditures.

D.It is not adequately discussed in the industry’s technical literature.

E.It was measured by inappropriate means during the period from 1982 to 1992.


GWD-8-Q10:  (据考过同学反映,本题在实考时并未遇到)
Which of the following, if true, would most clearly serve to weaken the author’s claim about what constitutes a reasonable yardstick for measuring patent quality?

A.It is more difficult to have an article accepted for publication in the technical literature of the semiconductor industry than it is in the technical literature of most other industries

B.Many of the highest-quality semiconductor patents are cited numerous times in the technical literature

C.It is difficult for someone not familiar with the technical literature to recognize what constitutes an innovative semiconductor patent

D.There were more citations made per semiconductor patent in the technical literature in the 1970’s than in the 1980’s

E.Low-quality patents tend to be discussed in the technical literature as frequently as high-quality patents.  (已修正)
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:41

1.1.18 服务保证 unconditional garentee
Seeking a competitive advantage, some professional service firms (for example, firms providing advertising, accounting, or health care services) have considered offering unconditional guarantees of satisfaction. Such guarantees specify what clients can expect and what the firm will do if it fails to fulfill these expectations. Particularly with first-time clients, an unconditional guarantee can be an effective marketing tool if the client is very cautious, the firm’s fees are high, the negative consequences of bad service are grave, or business is difficult to obtain through referrals and word-of-mouth.
However, an unconditional guarantee can sometimes hinder marketing efforts. With its implication that failure is possible, the guarantee may, paradoxically, cause clients to doubt the service firm’s ability to deliver the promised level of service. It may conflict with a firm’s desire to appear sophisticated, or may even suggest that a firm is begging for business. In legal and health care services, it may mislead clients by suggesting that lawsuits or medical procedures will have guaranteed outcomes. Indeed, professional service firms with outstanding reputations and performance to match have little to gain from offering unconditional guarantees. And any firm that implements an unconditional guarantee without undertaking a commensurate commitment to quality of service is merely employing a potentially costly marketing gimmick.
1.        The primary function of the passage as a whole is to
(A) account for the popularity of a practice
(B) evaluate the utility of a practice
(C) demonstrate how to institute a practice
(D) weigh the ethics of using a strategy
(E) explain the reasons for pursuing a strategy
2.        All of the following are mentioned in the passage as circumstances in which professional service firms can benefit from offering an unconditional guarantee EXCEPT:
(A) The firm is having difficulty retaining its clients of long standing.
(B) The firm is having difficulty getting business through client recommendations.
(C) The firm charges substantial fees for its services.
(D) The adverse effects of poor performance by the firm are significant for the client.
(E) The client is reluctant to incur risk.
3.        Which of the following is cited in the passage as a goal of some professional service firms in offering unconditional guarantees of satisfaction?
(A) A limit on the firm’s liability
(B) Successful competition against other firms
(C) Ability to justify fee increases
(D) Attainment of an outstanding reputation in a field
(E) Improvement in the quality of the firm’s service
4.        The passage’s description of the issue raised by unconditional guarantees for health care or legal services most clearly implies that which of the following is true?
(A) The legal and medical professions have standards of practice that would be violated by attempts to fulfill such unconditional guarantees.
(B) The result of a lawsuit of medical procedure cannot necessarily be determined in advance by the professionals handling a client’s case.
(C) The dignity of the legal and medical professions is undermined by any attempts at marketing of professional services, including unconditional guarantees.
(D) Clients whose lawsuits or medical procedures have unsatisfactory outcomes cannot be adequately compensated by financial settlements alone.
(E) Predicting the monetary cost of legal or health care services is more difficult than predicting the monetary cost of other types of professional services.
5.        Which of the following hypothetical situations best exemplifies the potential problem noted in the second sentence of the second paragraph (lines 14-17)?
(A) A physician’s unconditional guarantee of satisfaction encourages patients to sue for malpractice if they are unhappy with the treatment they receive.
(B) A lawyer’s unconditional guarantee of satisfaction makes clients suspect that the lawyer needs to find new clients quickly to increase the firm’s income.
(C) A business consultant’s unconditional guarantee of satisfaction is undermined when the consultant fails to provide all of the services that are promised.
(D) An architect’s unconditional guarantee of satisfaction makes clients wonder how often the architect’s buildings fail to please clients.
(E) An accountant’s unconditional guarantee of satisfaction leads clients to believe that tax returns prepared by the accountant are certain to be accurate.
6.        The passage most clearly implies which of the following about the professional service firms mentioned in line 22?
(A) They are unlikely to have offered unconditional guarantees of satisfaction in the past.
(B) They are usually profitable enough to be able to compensate clients according to the terms of an unconditional guarantee.
(C) They usually practice in fields in which the outcomes are predictable.
(D) Their fees are usually more affordable than those charged by other professional service firms.
(E) Their clients are usually already satisfied with the quality of service that is delivered.
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:41



作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:42

1.2.3 狩猎与游戏关系 game theory
就是说有些部落的活动不对外但是有经济价值的。然后介绍了一个部落,这个部落里面的人打不到猎物就会聚集在一个S的地方,族人会用烧龟壳然后扔在地上的方法,来决定到哪个方向去打猎。根据一个西方人Y的观察,这种方法居然保证了极高 的打猎命中率,19次里面12次成功打到猎物,就算X族的人根据烧龟壳的方法决定打猎的方向使他们没有打到猎物,他们也只会认为是没把龟壳地图读好(有题问为什么不成功, 答案就选没把龟壳地图读好)。然后就有专家出来说这种活动,但是从MOORE的理论来看,这是有根据的。(而且GAME THEORY也有相似的说法)(GAME THEORY是打上括号了的,这里有题,问GAME THEORY和这种龟壳地图的共同认识是什么,我记得我选的B,但是不记得答案讲的是什么,当时看了别的答案觉得都不对)(有题,说为什么要提game theory)
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:43

In her account of unmarried women’s experiences in colonial Philadelphia
, Wulf argues that educated young women, particularly Quakers, engaged in resistance to patriarchal marriage by exchanging poetry critical of marriage, copying verse into their commonplace books.Wulf suggests that this critique circulated beyond the daughters of the Quaker elite and middle class, whose commonplace books she mines, proposing that Quaker schools brought it to many poor female students of diverse backgrounds.

Here Wulf probably overstates Quaker schools’ impact.At least three years’ study would be necessary to achieve the literacy competence necessary to grapple with the material she analyzes. In 1765, the year Wulf uses to demonstrate the diversity of Philadelphia’s Quaker schools, 128 students enrolled in these schools.Refining Wulf’s numbers by the information she provides on religious affiliation, gender, and length of study, it appears that only about 17 poor non-Quaker girls were educated in Philadelphia
’s Quaker schools for three years or longer.While Wulf is correct that a critique of patriarchal marriage circulated broadly, Quaker schools probably cannot be credited with instilling these ideas in the lower classes.Popular literary satires on marriage had already landed on fertile ground in a multiethnic population that embodied a wide range of marital beliefs and practices.These ethnic- and class-based traditions themselves challenged the legitimacy of patriarchal marriage.

Q15: The primary purpose of the passage is to
A.        argue against one aspect of Wulf’s account of how ideas critical of marriage were disseminated among young women in colonial Philadelphia
B.        discuss Wulf’s interpretation of the significance for educated young women in colonial Philadelphia of the poetry they copied into their commonplace books
C.        counter Wulf’s assertions about the impact of the multiethnic character of colonial Philadelphia’s population on the prevalent views about marriage
D.        present data to undermine Wulf’s assessment of the diversity of the student body in Quaker schools in colonial Philadelphia
E.        challenge Wulf’s conclusion that a critique of marriage was prevalent among young women of all social classes in colonial Philadelphia

Q16: According to the passage, which of the following was true of attitudes toward marriage in colonial Philadelphia?
A.        Exemplars of a critique of marriage could be found in various literary forms, but they did not impact public attitudes except among educated young women.
B.        The diversity of the student body in the Quaker schools meant that attitudes toward marriage were more disparate there than elsewhere in Philadelphia society.
C.        Although critical attitudes toward marriage were widespread, Quaker schools’ influence in disseminating these attitudes was limited.
D.        Criticisms of marriage in colonial Philadelphia were directed at only certain limited aspects of patriarchal marriage.
E.        The influence of the wide range of marital beliefs and practices present in Philadelphia’s multiethnic population can be detected in the poetry that educated young women copied in their commonplace books.

Q17: The author of the passage implies which of the following about the poetry mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.        Wulf exaggerates the degree to which young women from an elite background regarded the poetry as providing a critique of marriage.The circulation of the poetry was confined to young Quaker women.
B.        The circulation of the poetry was confined to young Quaker women.
C.        Young women copied the poetry into their commonplace books because they interpreted it as providing a desirable model of unmarried life.
D.        The poetry’s capacity to influence popular attitudes was restricted by the degree of literacy necessary to comprehend it.
E.        The poetry celebrated marital beliefs and practices that were in opposition to patriarchal marriage.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the author’s basis for saying that Wulf overstates Quaker schools’ impact (lines 17-18)?
A.        The information that Wulf herself provided on religious affiliation and gender of students is in fact accurate.
B.        Most poor, non-Quaker students enrolled in Quaker schools had completed one or two years’ formal or informal schooling before enrolling.
C.        Not all of the young women whose commonplace books contained copies of poetry critical of marriage were Quakers.
D.        The poetry featured in young women’s commonplace books frequently included allusions that were unlikely to be accessible to someone with only three years’ study in school.
E.        In 1765 an unusually large proportion of the Quaker schools’ student body consisted of poor girls from non-Quaker backgrounds.
整理者手中的答案版本为:A C D B
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:43

1.3.2  黑人奴隶自由
第一段简单介绍了一下,Eden(名字不确定)认为殖民时期一些企业主和奴隶主对黑人的管制不是很紧之后,美国南方黑人通过在做奴隶之外打工来赚钱,攒钱为自己赎身。但是研究发现,由于不打工的话,黑人也能通过自己种庄稼卖来赚钱,赚的钱不比打工的少,所以打工的并没有存更多的钱(有题,问支持这个观点的人认为什么)。但是Eden的观点persists among历史学家们inadequately consider both the research results and the role Africa American communities played。
第二段说在哥伦比亚时期,一些获得自由的黑人开始帮助那些还生活在水深火热里的黑人奴隶,举了个例子,成立了个啥组织,专门帮助黑人获取自由。(有题)有自由的黑人就通过几种方式帮助其他黑人:直接的经济资助、hiring their time、给travel in and out of cities的黑人提供shelter,还有一个方式。。。(有题)。
[评估黑人。。。反正我没选黑人怎么样帮助其他人。 我感觉看整体嘛。]
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:43

1.3.3 二战美国女性与政治国内战后妇女参政现象研究的历史缺陷
The fields of antebellum (pre Civil War) political history and women’s history use separate sources and focus on separate issues. Political historians, examining sources such as voting records, newspapers, and politicians’ writings, focus on the emergence in the1840’s of a new “American political nation,” and since women were neither voters nor politicians, they receive little discussion. Women’s historians, mean-while, have shown little interest in the subject of party politics, instead drawing on personal papers, legal records such as wills, and records of female associations to illuminate women’s domestic lives, their moral reform activities, and the emergence of the woman’s rights movement.

However, most historians have underestimated the extent and significance of women’s political allegiance in the antebellum period. For example, in the presidential election campaigns of the 1840’s, the Virginia Whig party strove to win the allegiance of Virginia’s women by inviting them to rallies and speeches. According to Whig propaganda, women who turned out at the party’s rallies gathered information that enabled them to mold party-loyal families, reminded men of moral values that transcended party loyalty, and conferred moral standing on the party. Virginia Democrats, in response, began to make similar appeals to women as well. By the mid-1850’sthe inclusion of women in the rituals of party politics had become common-place, and the ideology that justified such inclusion had been assimilated by the Democrats.
The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is to
A.        examine the tactics of antebellum political parties with regard to women
B.        trace the effect of politics on the emergence of the woman’s rights movement
C.        point out a deficiency in the study of a particular historical period
D.        discuss the ideologies of opposing antebellum political parties
E.        contrast the methodologies in two differing fields of historical inquiry
most underestimated extent and significance.
According to the second paragraph of the passage (lines 20-42), Whig propaganda included the assertion that

A.        women should enjoy more political rights than they did无
B.        women were the most important influences on political attitudes within a family无
C.        women’s reform activities reminded men of important moral values不是改革活动
D.        women’s demonstrations at rallies would influence men’s voting behavior无
E.        women’s presence at rallies would enhance the moral standing of the party定位34行
According to the passage, which of the following was true of Virginia Democrats in the mid-1850’s?
A.        They feared that their party was losing its strong moral foundation.无
B.        They believed that the Whigs’ inclusion of women in party politics had led to the Whigs’ success in many elections.无
C.        They created an ideology that justified the inclusion of women in party politics.无
D.        They wanted to demonstrate that they were in support of the woman’s rights movement.无关
E.        They imitated the Whigs’ efforts to include women in the rituals of party politics.定位35行
The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding most historians of the antebellum period?
A.        They have failed to adequately contrast the differing roles that women played in the Democratic and Whig parties in the 1850’s.
B.        They have failed to see that political propaganda advocating women’s political involvement did not reflect the reality of women’s actual roles.
C.        They have incorrectly assumed that women’s party loyalty played a small role in Whig and Democratic party politics.
D.        They have misinterpreted descriptions of women’s involvement in party politics in records of female associations and women’s personal papers.
E.        They have overlooked the role that women’s political activities played in the woman’s rights movement.
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:44

1.4.1广告(comparative, non-comparative,relative, not relative)
第一段,文章首先提出说两个人W&F貌似,证明了有对比类的广告comparative advertisement(即在广告诉求中说我的产品比竞争对手的产品怎么怎么好)比noncompetitive类的广告更好(persuasive)。但后来部分研究结果表明,第一类广告在某些方面的确有优势,但另一些研究又表明第一类广告在说服力度persuasive上并不比第二类强。作者貌似是反对第二个研究结论的。他说这个研究很null(无效的,无价值的),因为它研究的两组广告,本身都是说服力不强的。作者举了例子(我实在记不清楚了,为避免误导大家就不写了,大家看这里的时候注意一下,因为有考题)。此外,用什么标准衡量说服力,也是这个研究的薄弱之处,因为early studies衡量广告说服力persuasive的方法是nonrelative measure的,它并没有引入相关性因素(relative factor)来较好的衡量广告的说服力度。之后的一些relative measure证明确实comparison形式的广告比较persuasive。
第二段,作者认为评价哪一种广告好,首先要解决relative factor的问题,应该多用现代relative的方法 (这里有考题)。balabala,记不清楚了。不过第二段很短,大家知道第二段作者的主要观点就好了。[作者开始批判这个研究而肯定第一个的观点. 指出实验之所以有这样的null的结果是因为他们所取的sample不对. Nonrelative 和relative的数据对postcommunication的作用不一样. 而上述研究因为只取了与结果一致的数据而造成了研究结果的局限性. 新的研究肯定了第一个的观点.]
补充一下 : 文章共两段(短),考了3题, 文章架构一开始说competitive比较有说服力, 接着转折说有一些研究推翻了, 但到了第二段作者指出后者研究上的缺点, 所以作者还是支持原来competitive较好,请注意作者的态度, 会考。
1. 主题: 对一个研究的品评
2. Nonrelative 和 relative 对 postcommunication 作用的区别: Specifically point out the reference
3. 为何研究的结果不对: 采样不完全
4. 第一题是问开头那2个学者最同意下面哪个。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:44

第一段讲美国立法本来以为是服务大众的,但是有两个神马专家一个叫K(这里有题,问这个人的观点是什么,有干扰选项是第二个人L的观点的),一个叫L,他俩意见很一致,说研究出来1915年以前government federal regulation只为business interest大公司服务的,不是为了public interest(这里有题,问如果这个学者是对的,以下哪个STATEMENT是对的,我选了 “公民抱怨某厂的卫生状况,government就立法了regulation,这个厂如果要遵守就很cost”,另外一个是“政府通过了某项立法,提高了某个business的成本”应该不是这个。[公众对卫生情况不满迫使政府立法,而这个法律会让相关企业花大大的钱]),可以防止进口产品的竞争啊什么的,受这些business利益的影响,才会制定相应对其有利的法案。(有题问which能undermine专家L的结论(就是business的利益会影响法案的通过)选一个跟L态度相反的就可以了,是道逻辑题。[有道题是问下面哪个事情反驳了这种说法,我选的是有一个对行业巨头有利的一项政策政府没有通过])
第二段,一个however转折,说不对,其实senator也不是完全受business影响来制定法律的。其实也受public interest的影响。然后作者就举了例子说有关一个地方的铁路train的Federal Act, 是著名的ICC railroad的例子,(有细节题,是关于ICC power的,来自于题目中的一个长句子,要注意读懂),我的理解那个长句子的意思是说1905年ICC准备regulate railroad industry,all but one of the businesses 都不同意修这个铁路railroad,但是senator还是坚持,在接下来的一年(也就是1906)通过的一个什么法案中批准了ICC有这个权利(有题,原文说的是19X5年这个法案被提出,然后经过senator的不懈努力,在19X6年这个法案生效了;选那个说这个法案用了一年最后生效的)。然后说这个铁路限制了三种不同的行业使用,其中有agriculture,木材,和XX。这个法案对这三种行业的利益影响各有不同,有个行业得到好处,agriculture支持favor(这里有细节题),有个没得到好处(split),有个行业有消极影响。这个地方没有题了,不看也可以的,因为作者态度在第二段开头已经很明确了,支持后者,反对前者。
俺选的是:为了老百姓 (public interest)
俺选的是,XX ACT 拓宽了ICC的power
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:44

1.4.4 加拿大铁路
第一段: 19世纪初加拿大修了一条贯通东西的铁路。本来政府期望通过这条铁路来增加收入,但是很少人使用这条铁路。但是过了很长一段时间之后,加拿大才出现大量的人来使用这条铁路。
第二段: 解释了其中使用delay的原因,大概是说首先因为天气和干旱的原因,农场主只能在每年的很短的一段时间内种植粮食,所以全国有很少的土地可以适合耕种,但是随着科技进步,他们就能够开阔以前不能开阔的土地。适合耕种的土地扩张了,工人的工作机会也多了,所以有很多人就从西部开始向东扩张,那么铁路的使用就增多了。或者是天气好了,农民丰衣足食了,地也开根的越来越多了,发现西边的土地和市场越来越有吸引力了。于是这个时候铁路的优势就被显示出来了,越来越多的人靠着这条铁路从东到西。
[为什么农民开始要乘铁路呢? 偶选:西边的土地有吸引力(attractive)]
4、what can you infer在文章里,我选了1900年加拿大的这条铁路业绩不是很好。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:45

虽然ozone里面organic的气体有大概一半都是汽车尾气排放的,但是安装了clean engine就能减少50%的污染,其实最影响环境的是工业气体。现在有两种方法治理工厂污染:1用一种过滤方法air filter,但是这种方法有缺陷,因为它只能过滤少量气体,气体量太大就saturated了(有考点)。2燃烧,因为有很多气体是没有完全燃烧的,所以也造成了污染,然后工厂就加入了天然气使得它能燃烧的充分一点,但是这也不能减低废弃的排放,会产生by-product副产品,H气体和C气体。然后说有个荷兰的公司新研发了一种新的装置,说了点优点,是和ozone反应,总之跟其他的相比然还好,虽然不能完全解决问题,也产生by-product气体,但是不多,可以忽略,还是会让情况有所好转。
1、air filter这个方法有什么缺陷,我选了只能small scale[有一题air filter的缺点,就是过滤大量气体的时候会被堵塞]
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:49

1.4.6 广告2   model
[广告的效用 :第一种理论:评判广告的效用应该看对需求sales的影响;第二种理论:hierarchical model,中间的因素促进消费也很重要。Hierarchical模型]
第一段:当时传统的人们为, 广告要起作用的话, 必须要通过不断影响消费者, 促使其购买产品。如何评价advertisement的effectiveness呢?第一句说了one view,是直接评价advertisement的投入和产出(input and marketing/sales),但另外有人提出广告其实可以是建立一个model来分步 (stage) 分析advertisement在每一步的effectiveness, 在真正有demand之前,还有一些步骤如brand awareness之类的东西,所以就有第二种衡量广告的多层model,并建议用hierarchical 模型来对消费者进行渗透影响。传统的广告model只重视广告与销售的关系,也就是广告的费用和带来的销售增长之间的关系,而新的广告model则表明广告不仅仅和销售有关系,广告的目标是通过影响中间阶段来影响最终需求,中间阶段也就是那些消费者没有受到广告刺激时到接受广告之后作出消费决策这一阶段。
[有一篇广告题,说有两种广告模式的理论,一种老的说广告必须直接影响sales,广告的效应应该用需求、直接产生的销售来衡量(说广告的效果要看花费与促成消费的数字的比值来计算);另一种说把影响渠道分成了好多级traditional hierarchical model,每一层的影响都可以衡量广告的效应,而不仅仅是最后一层--需求、销售量的变化。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:49

[我补充原JJ的文章结构: P1是引出topic2是作者摆出了两个challenge保守主义者的问题, 这个十种并没那么危险的物种就在第二个problem处; P3是作者进一步摆出了两个challenge保守主义者的问题]
答案是他们拥有的resource 比required的要少
3、main idea: a. A discussion inherented problem
              b. explanation phenomenon
[我选了debate那个, 因为文章里第3段开头提到controversy]
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:50

1、主旨题:main purpose好像是一个theory并支持它。
2、问「 If hunting evidence are small, then the collecting evidence is nonexistent.」这句话被作者拿来做什么用?
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:50

Martin (1968, 1984, 1990) has summarized the evidence for the world-wide
extinction of late Pleistocene megafauna.

In Africa and Asia 15–20 percent of the genera disappeared 80–60,000 years B.P.; in Australia 94 percent were lost from 40–15,000 years B.P.; North and South America
experienced a 70–80 percent loss in the last 15,000 years, with an abrupt(突然的) North American loss of mammoth, mastodon, ground sloth, and such dependent predators and scavengers as the saber toothed cat and (in much of its range) the condor 11,000 years ago. The horse and two subspecies of bison were gone by 9–8,000 years ago. This worldwide pattern correlates suspiciously with the chronology of human colonization leading to Paul Martin's hypothesis that extinction was directly or indirectly due to “overkill” by  exceptionally competent hunter cultures. This model explains the light extinctions in Africa and Asia where modern humankind “grew up,” allowing gradual adaptation to humankind's accumulating proficiency as a superpredator; it explains the abrupt massive losses in Australia and the Americas—the only habitable continents that
were colonized suddenly by advanced stone-aged humans. But the control cases for Martin's “experiment” are the large oceanic islands such as Madagascar and New
Zealand; both were colonized within the last 1000 years, and both suffered a wave of extinctions at this time.

One wonders, if extinction was due to climatic change, why Madagascar extinctions were not coincident with those of Africa 220 miles off its coast, and those of Australia were not coincident with New Zealand extinctions; and why European and Ukrainian mammoths became extinct 13,000 years B.P. while in North America they survived another 2000 years. Previous great extinction waves had affected plants and small animals as well as large animals, but the late Pleistocene extinctions are concentrated on the large gregarious herding, or slow moving, animals—the ideal prey of human hunters. Such large genera are also the animals that are slower growing, have longer gestation periods, require longer periods of maternal care, and live longer. Consequently they were more vulnerable to hunting pressure because reductions in biomass require more time to recover. The theory is bold—some say fanciful.

A counter argument is that there is little direct evidence of hunting; that Paleolithic peoples “probably” relied on plants. But if the fossil record of hunting is “small,” the fossil evidence of gathering is virtually non-existent.

A second counter argument is that there would not have been an incentive to overproduce in excess of immediate needs; that this occurs only in modern exchange
economies. But this argument fails to recognize that in the absence of private property rights, there is no intertemporal incentive to avoid the
kind of waste associated with large kills. What controls the slaughter of domestic cattle is the comparative value of dressed versus live beef. Since no one owned the mammoth, their harvest value (net of hunting cost) contrasted sharply with their zero live procreation value to the individual hunter. A third argument finds it incomprehensible that mere bands of men could have wiped out the great mammoth and two subspecies of bison. It takes a particularly skilled modern rifleman to stop a charging African elephant in time to prevent injury, and extant bison react quickly and violently when they sense danger.   

Such observations may simply tell us that these particular subspecies have survived because they were selected for their successful defensive characteristics. We know nothing of the behavioral properties of extinct species which may have been far more approachable than their surviving relatives. While the African and Indian elephants are both members of the same genus, their fossil similarities fail to inform us that the Indian elephant is docile and easily trained for circus display, while the African elephant is not. No one has successfully domesticated the African zebra; in contrast, the Tarpan horse has been domesticated since ancient times (5000–2500 B.P.). Equus includes horses, asses and zebras—all behaviorally distinct animals.
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:50

P1:第一段的行文就三句话。(the first sentence) The recent evidence of the bones of M found in the XXX pit 怎样了。。然后不同于一个另一个pit的。第二句说before(之前)the scientist had found that M 死于什么什么原因,什么什么环境。。。第三句说,but the evidence now indicates that...the M 死于一个什么pond.
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:50

2.1.3  native species declines
第一段: native species declines, 有人认为是因为nonnative species[nondominant species] invade了,也有人认为是本地的一些环境改变,像污染之类的才是造成这个原因, 然后给了个例子说某某湖的某鱼在另外一种鱼来invade(侵犯)之前数量已经decline了,原因是人们过度捕捞还有环境污染之类(后面有一道题目问这个例子说明了神马,或者问这个例子的作用是什么来着)。所以是因为本来nonnative species所在的环境不行了,因此nonnative species才长得好,因此nonnative species长得好是consequence不是原因。这段作者没有给出他的point
第二段: 说2个研究的人说,如果是nonnative species造成的,那如果把nonnative species拿掉的话,native species 就不会减少了;如果是本地环境变化造成的,那就算拿掉nonnative species 的话也会减少native species。(有题目问说这2个学者认为下面哪个assumption是正确的,或者问的是同意下面哪个说法) 然后就分析了一个实验还是研究,在本地的草中间引入两种外来的草,大致是说把新物种移走要是老物种数量多了,就是drive model(貌似),如果把新物种移走老物种数量没咋变就是passenger model,实验的结果是并没有发现本地的那种草被外来物种影响数量下降(这个地方有题,问实验削弱了那个结论,选项里有关于这两个的[后面有题问哪个support什么什么的.选项CD一个是说的passenger type,一个说driver type.答案应该在这两个里面吧.我好像选的是driver type那个,C.不确定,大家到时还要好好读读])。
1、说M和T(最后一段做实验的两个人)based on试验数据会justify以下哪个?
我选了一个什么native plant的thrive兴旺will not be impeded(阻止) by外来species
偶选的是nonnative species invade不是造成habitat degradation的原因
就是Nonnative的入侵不是造成native species declines的原因,而是native species declines之后的结果
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:51

2.1.4 lepidoptera(鳞翅类,鳞翅目)
A small number of the forest species of lepidoptera (moths(蛾,蛀虫) and butterflies, which exist as caterpillars during most of their life cycle) exhibit regularly recurring patterns(模式) of population growth and decline—such fluctuations in population are known as population cycles. Although many different variables influence population levels, a regular pattern such as a population cycle seems to imply a dominant, driving force.  Identification of that driving force, however, has proved surprisingly elusive(难懂的) despite considerable research. The common approach of studying causes of population cycles by measuring the mortality caused by different agents, such as predatory birds or parasites(食客,寄生虫), has been unproductive in the case of lepidoptera. Moreover, population ecologists’ attempts to alter cycles by changing the caterpillars’ habitat and by reducing caterpillar populations have not succeeded. In short, the evidence implies that these insect populations, if not self-regulating, may at least be regulated by an agent more intimately(紧密地) connected with the insect than are predatory birds or parasites.

Recent work suggests that this agent maybe a virus.  For many years, viral(滤过性毒菌引起的) disease had been reported in declining populations of caterpillars, but population ecologists had usually considered viral disease to have contributed to the decline once it was underway rather than to have initiated(发起) it. There cent work has been made possible by new techniques of molecular biology that allow viral DNA to be detected at low concentrations in the environment.  Nuclear polyhedrosis viruses(多角体病毒) are hypothesized to be the driving force behind population cycles in lepidoptera in part because the viruses themselves follow an infectious cycle in which, if protected from direct sun light, they may remain virulent for many years in the environment, embedded(嵌入) in durable(持久的,耐用的) crystals(晶体) of polyhedrin(多角体蛋白) protein. Once ingested(咽下) by a caterpillar, the crystals dissolve, releasing the virus to infect the insect’s cells. Late in the course of the infection, millions of new virus particles are formed and enclosed in polyhedron(多面体) crystals. These crystals reenter(重新加入,再加入) the environment after the insect dies and decomposes, thus becoming available to infect other caterpillars.

One of the attractions of this hypothesis is its broad applicability. Remarkably, despite significant differences in habitat and behavior, many species of Lepidoptera have population cycles of similar length, between eight and eleven years.  Nuclear polyhedrosis viral infection is one factor these disparate species share.

Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the author’s conclusion in lines 25-30?
A. New research reveals that the number of species of birds and parasites that prey on lepidoptera has dropped significantly in recent years.
B. New experiments in which the habitats of lepidoptera are altered in previously untried ways result in the shortening of lepidoptera population cycles.
C. Recent experiments have revealed that the nuclear polyhedrosis virus is present in a number of predators and parasites of lepidoptera.
D. Differences among the habitats of lepidoptera species make it difficult to assess the effects of weather on lepidoptera population cycles.
E. Viral disease is typically observed in a large proportion of the lepidoptera population.

It can be inferred from the passage that the mortality caused by agents such as predatory birds or parasites was measured in an attempt to
A. develop an explanation for the existence of lepidoptera population cycles
B. identify behavioral factors in Lepidoptera that affect survival rates
C. identify possible methods for controlling lepidoptera population growth
D. provide evidence that Lepidoptera populations are self-regulating
E.   determine the life stages of lepidoptera at which mortality rates are highest

The primary purpose of the passage is to              
A. describe the development of new techniques that may help to determine the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera
B. present evidence that refutes a particular theory about the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera
C. present a hypothesis about the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera
D. describe the fluctuating patterns of population cycles in Lepidoptera
E.    question the idea that a single driving force is behind population cycles in Lepidoptera

According to the passage, before the discovery of new techniques for detecting viral DNA, population ecologists believed that viral diseases
A. were not widely prevalent among insect populations generally
B. affected only the caterpillar life stage of lepidoptera
C. were the driving force behind Lepidoptera population cycles
D. attacked already declining caterpillar populations
E.  infected birds and parasites that prey on various species of lepidoptera
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:51

P1:  第一段说两个科学家做蛙类卵的孵化率field study,三个品种的卵拿来照紫外线,第一个品种因为含有某种酶,此酶的activity很活跃因此抵挡紫外线,所以孵化率仍然很高,另外两个的酶activities较低,所以孵化率就不行了,要减少紫外线照射孵化率才会回升。所以证明这个酶跟孵化率有关。 然后说到这个酶还会影响到蛙类的免疫系统。[说青蛙/癞蛤蟆卵对太阳光中的紫外线辐射UV的忍耐度不太一样,有些忍耐力很强,有些则很容易就被kill掉了。三种蛙,有一类H很NB就具有很高的耐受性,另外两种H和B不太行,有了UV就萎了,只有把UV移去才能恢复正常。而且说紫外线照射不仅会影响卵的生长,还会由此影响青蛙的免疫系统]
P2: 说到人类污染导致臭氧减少,紫外线升高,于是很多蛙类的孵化率降低可能是这个原因云云。[讲了这三种eggs的免疫力的问题,说他们的免疫力强的时候也能提高孵化率。但是人类活动不断deplete ozone,使更多紫外线能够到达地球,影响了eggs的免疫力,所以孵化率就降低了。]
原文搜索:dumdumface (已有狗主人确认第一段为原文,但也有狗主人称不是这段,可能是GMAC出变体了,大家自行定夺,建议最好还是看下这段英文~)

Blaustein and his colleagues tested whether or not UV-B could be a factor in lowering the hatching rate of amphibian(两栖动物) eggs. At two field sites, they divided the eggs of each of three amphibian species into three groups (Figure 3.6). The first group developed without any sun filter(过滤器,滤光器). The second group developed under a filter(滤波器,过滤器) that allowed UV-B to pass through. The third group developed under a filter that blocked UV-B from reaching the eggs. For Hyla regilla, the filters had no effect, and hatching success was excellent under all three conditions. For Rana cascadea and Bufo boreas, however, the UV-B blocking filter raised the percentage of eggs hatched from about 60% to close to 80%.

The environmental programs of experimental embryology(胚胎学) were a major part of the discipline when Entwicklungsmechanik was first established. However, it soon became obvious that experimental variables could be better controlled in the laboratory than in the field, and that a scientist could do many more experiments in the laboratory. Thus, field experimentation in embryology dwindled(变小) in the first decades of the twentieth century (see Nyhart 1995). However, with our increasing concern about the environment, this area of developmental biology has become increasingly important. Other recent work in this field will be detailed in Chapter 21.

我的答案貌似是identify an explanation to some findings
2、还有问如果把那做实验的两组不同frog放在同一地方会咋样,我说这是depend on the extent to shield from the sun
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:51

一屏左右的文章,两段,开头就讲了K-T事件,就是恐龙灭绝的事件(第一句搞亮了)很多scientists认为是小行星撞击造成恐龙灭绝,讲了一堆证据和原因,说这过程涉及i**元素的大量产生(有题,文中说i元素地球上没有,故题目问i元素从哪里来,我选从小行星上来),提到fossils里面有大量动物灭绝的证据。然后有人跳出来说,不对,小行星撞击不是直接原因,撞击后地球发生变化,慢慢产生什么气体还是物质,导致大气不正常,global warm, 然后很多动植物才慢慢死掉。。。[而植物灭亡是从carbon同位素的全面改变得知(有题,我差点选了动物灭亡从fossil中得出。阴险。注意看)]
第二段就说有人研究认为是volcanic eruption造成的,行星撞击造成大量火山喷发,不仅火山灰掩埋了一些动植物,更是由于火山喷发造成大气温度的升高,慢慢使很多动植物死亡。(有题)后面的就不咋记得了。。。。。
3、 好像是真正造成大量古动植物灭绝的原因是什么?
我选了是volcanic eruption的一系列mechanism的结果。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:52

2.1.8  DNA与细菌
讲病菌和antibiotic 的关系。其中谈到了DNA,  讲现在污染很严重, 好像是和什么病菌有关系, 然后导致antibiotic也没用了, 因为, 细菌develop antibiotic resistance(这个确定就是文中的短语),bacteria适应了这些antibiotic。
第二段将有两个人做研究, 他们的方法不是去找到这些病菌(文中用的是spot these bacteria), 而是去blabbla, 反正就是一种研究办法。然后,讲他们研究病菌的DNA,而这些病菌是从不同的地方采集来的(田间地头、下水道和污水处理厂什么的)。发现在原始无污染的水里(pristine  river)里面某两种物质的含量比从农场工厂(farm)附近收集的水里面含量低。  
1、有一题是问, 这两人的研究提供什么作用
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:52

2.1.9 古文物DNA
说科学家们提出一个观点, 现在开始从古文物[化石、骨骼碎片]上面的残留物上分析DNA,来研究这些东西。作者说有科学家不同意,这个方法是有问题的,因为要确定DNA确实是古代的,还是现代物种的是一个关键crucial问题,DNA很有可能是外界接触到的东西的,可能是contamination的或者是人们在处理标本时不小心沾上去的,因此分析这种DNA得出的结论是纯扯淡。(高亮开始)然后有个实验就说在一个什么化石里提取某植物的DNA比对。(高亮结束)有人就说了,要在化石或者骨骼碎片里提取古生物的DNA很难,因为时间久远,而且里面的什么物质会消散什么的。。正常情况下leaf不能保存那么长的时间,因为环境是wet的,所以这个提出来的DNA肯定不是古生物的而是现代物种的。因为里面的一个什么blablabla是现代物种DNA的东西。 文章意思大概就是这样吧,就是这个新方法不太可行(这里有题,问这个例子是怎么反驳科学家的)。作者说这个问题其实很好解决(solution),因为fossil DNA和modern DNA肯定有很大不同,如果发现跟现有的不一样,那就说明是进化以前的那种DNA。
1、高亮部分的other scientists认为那个leaves上的DNA很可能被contaminated了是cite了什么证据
我选的是fossil DNA和modern DNA没差别
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:52

2.1.10  beetle 甲虫
第一段上来就将人们越来越多的使用beetle化石fossil(fossilized beetle)来了解古代的温度,作为climate的indicator。
我选的好像是 xxx(是一个动词,忘了) 一个科学方法which科学家们喜欢用,其他好像都不对。
原文中有contaminated by long-distant wind-啥的 pollen,应该是选花粉被污染那个选项
[rapidly respond---quickly adapt]
[应该是Scientists 具体如何用beetle来测climate change]
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:53

2.1.11 热带雨林植物多样性
阅读还有一个是讲热带雨林植物的多样性,分析tropical plants为什么会生长得这么好,貌似说的是植物生存过程中的竞争性。有一段,三个理论,第一个是说在食草动物识破了plants的各种诡计后大量地吃它们,plants为了存活,遵循适者生存,开发出其他可以避免被吃掉的特征[植物为防动物吃也在进化](这里考了一个逻辑题,类比关系,我选的butterfly跟花的那个选项)。第二个理论是关于冰河ice age合并的,冰河那个理解先是冰河分割了雨林,形成不同的带,接着才合并。第三个理论说是地震地址运动,火山等导致。最后作者指出对于第一和第二种理论,都有相应的证据或原因给出反对,而第三种理论由于暂时没有反对的证据出现,而被植物学家所接受。
[我选的是不同的refuge plant是不同的]
是介绍不同的理论about ecosystem phenomena, 不是理论in dealing with ecosystem situation
4、问的第一种theory说产生plant diversity的原因。(Natural Selection)
因为animal eaters were evolved to counter the self-protecting mechanism of plant, 所以plant也得进化。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:53

In 1975 Chinese survey teams remeasured Mount Everest, the highest of the Himalayan mountains. Like the British in 1852, they used the age-old technique of “carrying in” sea level: survey or smarched inland from the coast for thousands of miles, stopping at increments of as little as a few feet to measure their elevation, and marking each increment with two poles. To measure the difference in elevation between poles, surveyors used an optical level—a telescope on a level base—placed halfway between the poles. They sighted each pole, reading off measurements that were then used to calculate the change in elevation over each increment. In sight of the peaks the used theodolites telescopes for measuring vertical and horizontal angles—to determine the elevation of the summit.
The Chinese, however, made efforts to correct for the errors that had plagued the British. One source of error is refraction(折射), the bending of light beams as they pass through air layers of different temperature and pressure. Because light traveling down from a summit passes through many such layers, a surveyor could sight a mirage rather than the peak itself. To reduce refraction errors, the Chinese team carried in sea level to within five to twelve miles of Everest’s summit, decreasing the amount of air that light passed through on its way to their theodolites(经纬仪). The Chinese also launched weather balloons near their theodolites to measure atmospheric temperature and pressure changes to better estimate refraction errors. Another hurdle is the peak’s shape. When surveyors sight the summit, there is a risk they might not all measure the same point. In 1975 the Chinese installed the first survey beacon(灯塔,信号塔) on Everest, a red reflector visible through a theodolite for ten miles, as a reference point. One more source of error is the unevenness(不均匀,参差不齐) of sea level. The British assumed that carrying in sea level would extend an imaginary line from the shore along Earth’s curve to a point beneath the Himalaya. In reality, sea level varies according to the irregular interior of the planet. The Chinese used a gravity meter to correct for local deviations(偏差) in sea level.

Q32:  It can be inferred from the passage that refraction would be most likely to cause errors in measurements of a mountain’s elevation under which of the following conditions?
A.    When there are local variations in sea level
B.    When light passes through humid air
C.    When theodolites are used relatively far from the mountain peak.(由旧版答案D改为新版答案C)
D.    When weather balloons indicate low air temperature and pressure.
E.    When sea level has been carried in to within five to twelve miles of the summit.

Q33: Which of the following best describes the purpose of the sentence in lines 23-25 (“The Chinese…the British”)?
A.    Introduce a definition
B.    Signal a transition in focus
C.    Summarize the p‘,receding paragraph
D.    Draw a contrast between two different theories.
E.    Present information that contradicts the preceding paragraph.

Q34: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a possible source of error in surveying mountain elevation?
A.    Mirages
B.    Refraction
C.    Inaccurate instruments
D.    Variations in sea level
E.    Uncertainty about the exact point to be measured

Q35: The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. provide details about improvements to a process
B. challenge the assumptions underlying a new method
C. criticize the way in which a failed project was carried out
D. call for new methods to solve an existing problem
E. explain the theory behind a new technique

作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:53

2.2.2 地震
第二段,Yet其实有很多地震都是深层的,400mile以下的。然后提出两个理论mechanism解释深层地震。第一个理论提到热力和压力下石头结构变化会让物质crystalized成分变成固体,最后引起crystal structure的崩裂。但是有人说,物质A变成物质A'的过程太慢,不足以形成地震的必须条件。第二个理论,对此进行补充,所以应该是物质B的结构变化,变成B',这个快,不仅仅限于low pressure,可以一下子稿定它的crystal structure。(问题:大意是物质A'和B'的共同点?自然就是他们的结构都改变过)
我选的是提供exception of the theory mentioned in the first passage。
就是都摧残了一个晶体结构 crystal structure。
[应该是解释了一个scientific puzzle]
[explain a scientific puzzle]
有个选项有点迷惑说他们都在400km以内 lz犹豫了一哈字还是选了结构改变那个
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:53

2.2.3 测量误差measurement error
第一段:先定义了系统测量误差是神马吧 然后说它很不好检测出来 比如有一个climate里的就刚被一个专家Thomas和他的团队检验出来。
第二段:说为啥他们发现了这个误差呢?就是因为资料显示at sea 比过去有0.5度的温度的drop,但是陆地上这个drop就没有了(这里有一道题,问说出现这个问题之后,which of the following initially suggested。。。就是说Thomas这个人立马想到了啥,文中说这个人立马想到了management error,答案里我选的是:有个different location结尾的选项。)。这专家就想可能是系统测量误差啦。
第三段:说这个误差是咋来的呢,就是英国人和美国人用的测海洋温度的方法不同。多年前数据主要是美国人采集的,美国人测量海洋温度都是通过一个高压温室的coolant pipe抽海水来量,导致温度升高;英国人则用桶装水测量。
第四段:说因为1939-1945年,二战时期都用美国的数据(美国的data占了80%),二战后都用了英国的数据,所以就误差啦。不过气候专家说即使是有这个误差climate(temperature) trend还是没变的 。
1、有道题问说,如果1945年,科学家们做了which of the following,Thomas和他的同事就不会发现数据有这么多问题。
我选的是,accurate record啥啥啥,包括是美国还是英国人记录的数据。
[有两个选项不易区分,一个好像是climate researchers already note the different method used by British and America,另一个是climate researchers let US and Britain在同一海域探测。我选的后者,因为前者仅仅说note the difference,但并没有说用在modeling中。(提供人770分)]
我选了一个特具体的什么an instance of 误差神马的
(我选的是一个XXX persistent error)
4、如果下面发生则会weaken DT的解释
5、Dr. Thompson怎么会觉得measurement有问题而推荐researchers take into account the bias
我选的是因为发现不同的地方(海洋和陆地)在同一个时间的温度变化不同,好像是海洋里的温度变化更大还是更小,因为一般来说,如果是global warming 的话,全球的气温变化应该是一样的。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:54

近似原文:(已确定哦!!激动哈!感谢vivian0311 MM)
60-Year-Old Bias in Data on Sea Temperatures
Every scientist knows about measurement bias, the systematic errors that can creep into data. A simplistic example would be a metal ruler that gives inaccurate readings when it expands in warmer temperatures.
Avoiding measurement bias can be impossible. Nobody’s perfect, after all, and neither is equipment. What’s important is recognizing bias and taking it into account when working with the data.
But it is not always easy to detect bias. A case in point is being reported in Nature, where researchers have uncovered measurement bias in six-decades-old data on global surface temperatures. The problem arises from how British and American ships measured the temperature of surface water.
David W. J. Thompson of Colorado State University and colleagues analyzed global mean surface temperatures from the 1880s to the present, tweaking(拧,扭,作调整) the data to remove the effects of El Niño and other “weather noise,” as Dr. Thompson described it. They discovered a sudden drop of 0.5 degree Fahrenheit in 1945, but just in data collected at sea, not on land — a hint that the drop might have something to do with the measurements.
At that time, British and American ships did much of the logging of sea temperatures worldwide. On British ships, crews measured the temperature of seawater collected in a bucket(水桶). But since about 1939, most American ships had switched to measuring the temperature of seawater as it was drawn through an intake pipe for use as an engine coolant(冷冻剂,冷却液,散热剂). Because of heat from the engine room, American measurements were generally higher.
After looking more closely at the data, Dr. Thompson said, they realized what had happened. Most of the wartime(战时) data came from American ships, with just 20 percent of the readings from British ones. But starting in August 1945, there was an abrupt switch. Nearly half the readings came from British ships. Because those readings are generally colder, Dr. Thompson said, that accounts for the sudden temperature drop.
Now that the bias has been recognized, climate researchers will need to take it into account in their models and simulations. But Dr. Thompson said the long-term trend, toward higher temperatures, would not be affected.
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 11:54

[3.4 宇宙的dark matter分析
第二篇是一个巨长的讲宇宙的,暂且叫做dark matter。说宇宙那么大,人眼能看到的各种射线啊,光啊什么的(visible particles)其实只占了5%,那剩下的是什么呢?剩下的物质(invisible particle)就被作者叫做“dark matter”,特征是Stars, loose gas,..........5% visual(有考题,我的答案就是把这句话同意改写,答案用词invisual)。
第二段说宇宙一开始应该怎么滴,说了一堆粒子啊什么的名称,有人说剩下的可能是p和n,(高亮开始)一个实验表明这种物质的速度比光速还要快blabla~~~ (高亮结束),但是目前观察到的没法证明,有说原因,这个时候作者提出了说一个理论还是标准的(词是一个standard)说这个可以用来推测。
第四段 主要讲neutronilo的,这里提到它不被electromagnetic怎么着(在比较俩个N不同的选项里出现),特性是(有题)mass,stability,电中性。说n假如存在的话,它是最轻的,而且很stable的,如果不stable的话,就会分裂成两个什么东西。。。
2、Neutrino 和 neutranilo的描述哪个正确(以下简称n1,n2)



记得的选项是:(1)回答段首的问题。(2)支持前面那句话"nor more than"。(3)为了第三段什么的。我选了第二个       
As a heavy, stable particle, the lightest neutralino is an excellent candidate to comprise the universe's cold dark matter. In many models the lightest neutralino can be produced thermally in the hot early universe and leave approximately the right relic abundance to account for the observed dark matter. A lightest neutralino of roughly 10–10000 GeV is the leading weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter candidate.
Neutralino dark matter could be observed experimentally in nature either indirectly or directly. In the former case, gamma ray and neutrino telescopes look for evidence of neutralino annihilation in regions of high dark matter density such as the galactic or solar center. In the latter case, special purpose experiments such as the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) seek to detect the rare impacts of WIMPs in terrestrial detectors. These experiments have begun to probe interesting supersymmetric parameter space, excluding some models for neutralino dark matter, and upgraded experiments with greater sensitivity are under development.]
第一段说,天文学家们最近开始观察某东西MACHO(massive compact halo objects),然后介绍它一堆特性。密度跟行星差不多,但是是太阳的1/10 占宇宙重量的90% 。
第三段说,天文学家发现说,MACHO物质在galaxy之内的数量比想象中多[观测到的A明显比预计的要多],但是没有更多的更深入的研究,天文学家不会冒昧的猜测它的数量之类的,他们的方法还待改进,而且在改进之前他们不会公开他们的研究成果。[看到过暗黑物质,但不如设想能看到的多。而且其实它们主要在我们的星系,而不在outer space, where orginally expected to have more黑物质(此处有题)]
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:41

In the 1980's, astronomer Bohdan Paczynski proposed a way of determining whether the enormous dark halo constituting the outermost part of the Milky Way galaxy is composed of MACHO's(massive compact halo objects), which are astronomical objects too dim(昏暗的,模糊的) to be visible.  Paczynski reasoned that if MACHO's make up this halo, a MACHO would occasionally drift(漂流,漂移) in front of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a bright galaxy near the Milky Way.  The gravity of a MACHO that had so drifted, astronomers agree, would cause the star's light rays, which would otherwise diverge, to bend together so that, as observed from Earth, the star would temporarily appear to brighten, a process known as micro lensing.  Because many individual stars are of intrinsically(本质地,内在地,固有地) variable brightness, some astronomers have contended that the brightening of intrinsically variable stars can be mistaken for micro lensing.  However, whereas the different colors of light emitted by an intrinsically variable star are affected differently when the star brightens, all of a star's colors are equally affected by micro lensing.  Thus, if a MACHO magnifies a star's red light tenfold, it will do the same to the star's blue light and yellow light.  Moreover, it is highly unlikely that a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud will undergo micro lensing more than once, because the chance that a second MACHO would pass in front of exactly the same star is minuscule(极小的).

Question #55.  639-01  (23881-!-item-!-188;#058&000639-01)
It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following would constitute the strongest evidence of the micro lensing of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud?

(A) The brightness of such a star is observed to vary at irregular intervals.
(B) The brightening of such a star is observed to be of shorter duration than the brightening of neighboring stars.
(C) The red light of such a star is observed to be brighter than its yellow light and its blue light.
(D) The red light, yellow light, and blue light of such a star are observed to be magnified temporarily by the same factor.
(E) The red light of such a star is observed to have increased tenfold.

Question #56.  639-04  (23927-!-item-!-188;#058&000639-04)
According to the passage, Paczynski's theory presumes that if MACHO's constituted the Milky Way's dark halo, occasionally a MACHO would

(A) drift so as to lie in a direct line between two stars in the outer Milky Way
(B) affect the light rays of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud with the result that the star would seem for a time to brighten
(C) become obscured as a result of the micro lensing of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud
(D) temporarily increase the apparent brightness of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud by increasing the gravity of the star
(E) magnify each color in the spectrum of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud by a different amount

Question #57.  639-06  (23973-!-item-!-188;#058&000639-06)
The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) outlining reasons why a particular theory is no longer credited by some astronomers
(B) presenting data collected by a researcher in response to some astronomers' criticism of a particular line of reasoning
(C) explaining why a researcher proposed a particular theory and illustrating how influential that theory has been
(D) showing how a researcher's theory has been used to settle a dispute between the researcher and some astronomers
(E) describing a line of reasoning put forth by a researcher and addressing a contention concerning that line of reasoning
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:41

[3.5 土星(Saturn)的一个E卫星
第一段,土星(Saturn)的有一个卫星E和其他卫星都不同,它上面有固体冰,plains of craters(细节题),科学家认为这是heat T作用的结果(我理解为加热作用。。。),但是E卫星的质量太小,本不应该产生heat T作用。
于是派出了人造卫星去观察(本观察的是plains of craters),发现它不仅有固体snow,南半球外层还有水蒸气和生物化合物(细节题,compounds和organism替换),这些按理说都应该是heat T产生的,于是科学家开始分析为什么这么小的卫星会产生heat T作用。人造卫星先飞近了去看,发现有水蒸气和生物化合物,然后又飞了第二次,发现E有而其他卫星没有一种什么东西,从而证明这种特殊现象不是望远镜GLITCH的原因,是确实存在的(本段有题,问的是人造卫星去照卫星E的作用)
第三段:前面有讲了这个现象可能是由于ROCK什么的。这里关于ROCK的一两句是没有考题 的,大家可以略读,直接关注本段后半段即可第一个提出的猜想是由于潮汐作用,受土星另一个卫星的影响,E卫星的运行轨道不是正圆形,在土星和另一卫星牵引力 下,可能是潮汐导致产生了加热作用。
第四段:但是这并不能完全解释为什么南半球表层的水蒸气etc,作者提出除潮汐外,南半球固体冰面下方应该有大量水存在,南半球在照片中是凹陷下去的,这是由于水密度比冰大,总之,作者认为是这两方面原因导致E卫星的的heat T作用。
Mercury的气温因太阳日照影响高达340度C,但通过雷达显示Mercury pole北极有冰的光罩,第一段讲这整个现象。
第二段自问自答,温度高但为什么有冰可以存在 (有题问此句function)。原因为:(1)说它的旋转轴由于和轨道成直角,mercury axis vertical,所以太阳光不能直射南北极点。(2)两边的poles的冰层上面还有一些ice caps存在,ice caps上有debris覆盖,可以prevent them(冰块)from融化。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:42

2.3.3  clock一种异常准确的机械钟
第一段:说这种钟可以说是世界上最后的机械钟了,而且有两个,一个在爱丁堡,一个在某observing station(记不清了,但此处无题)。这种钟就两个钟摆(pendulum), the first 在一个真空(vacuum)的容器中(此处对真空有题),另一个来管钟的各指针(大概是这个意思)。第一个钟摆会适时第第二个钟摆信号,来进行适度调整。这个钟就是靠这个运行的
第三段:讲在1984年做的一个试验,将这种机械种与automatic clock做比较,结果发现(一堆数字比较)。后又说日月引力,不但能影响海潮,还能影响陆地。而这种引力会使机械种有一定的误差。
我选的seasonal rotation的改写的那个
[我选发现地球地面(ground)和ocean一样会有tide的变化(具体记不清了。。。反正有关键词 ground,tide,change甚么的)。是文中一句话的改写,那句话后面还说了是如何变化的。
迷惑选项:发现地球rotation yearly change,文中说的是seasonal,不是from year to year。(或者相反,反正大家考的时候留心!)]
6、primary pendulum(钟摆)哪个true
答案我选:它是被firmly sealed(密封)的,因为文中说是真空。
千万记得不是土地的tidal movement,而应该选地转速度一年里的速度不一样(seasonal对应答案的one time in the year from another)
8、Which of the following can NOT be experimented in 1984?
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:42


  The Shortt clock had two pendulums. The first, known as the master, swung freely in an evacuated case. Its only job was to synchronize(协调,使同步发生) the swing of the second pendulum, called the slave, which was housed in a neighboring cabinet. Every 30 seconds the slave sent an electrical signal to give a nudge(轻推) to the master. In return, via an elaborate(复杂的) electromechanical(机电的) link, the master ensured that the slave never got out of step.
  Shortt clocks were standard provision in astronomical observatories of the 1920s and 1930s, and are credited with keeping time to better than 2 milliseconds a day. Many were on record as losing or gaining no more than 1 second a year – a stability of one part in 30 million. The first indications of seasonal variations in the Earth’s rotation were gleaned(收集) by the use of Shortt clocks.
  In 1984 Pierre Boucheron carried out a study of a Shortt clock which had survived in the basement of the US Naval Observatory since 1932. Using the modern optical(视力的,光学的) sensing equipment instead of the electromechanical coupling, he measured its rate against the observatory’s atomic clocks for a month. He found that it was stable to 200 microseconds a day over this period, equivalent to two to three parts in a billion. What is more, the data also reveal that the clock was sensing the distortion of the Earth due to tides from the Moon and the Sun.
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:42

第二段说这三种都不对,如果是分裂,成份应该跟地球相似,应该月球和地球整个系统转速更快;如果是捕获,那么月亮这个独立的星速度应该更慢,以至于能落入地球的系统中[应该整个系统速度更快,因为不可能让月球减速到可以捕获的程度];如果是共生,月球缺少某些足够的星球形成具备的元素。并且,如果是抛出去的,月球应该具备和地球类似的一些物质Volatile mental,如锌zinc。如果是同期形成的,月球的铁内核应该跟地球相似,所以应该比现在的更大,可是现在月球的铁核太小。
第三段提出新假说,撞击说collision,说月球是地球根行星级天体碰撞产生的,这个假说可以解释月球成分铁核和运行速度。说以前有一个星体和地球撞了一下,撞出去的地球的物质就那个星体一起形成了月亮,易挥发金属少是因为擦肩而过时的温度使得这些金属灰发了,同时还强调是成一定角度的撞击不是直接的对撞(not head to head),所以形体的速度变慢了[core小了]。
我选了好像是spin faster 还是slower 大家做的时候自己关注
5、一下哪个点成立可以削弱the objection to the 3者之一的一个理论
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:43

celestial body (e.g. planet, satellite, etc.)。在吸积过程中,地球比月球相应要快一点,成为“哥哥”。这一假设也受到了客观存在的挑战。通过对“阿波罗12号”飞船从月球上带回来的岩石样本进行化验分析,人们发现月球要比地球古老得多。有人认为,月球年龄至少应在70亿年左右。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:43

2.3.5 小行星撞击
第二段说科学家的猜想和计算机模拟结果不谋而合。大致是说计算机模拟还解决了行星什么和什么transition 的原因。体积较大的行星被撞后,那些碎片的旋状速度慢于他自己的速度,和它自己转的速度不一致,而过了几个小时之后,这些行星会resemble, 只有那些转的速度快的才能resemble。 那些直径大于200米的行星无一例外都经历了这些过程。 Contrary,体积小的行星是monolithical, 会怎么怎么样..这里我也没看懂了,那些转的很快就飞出去了。 下面两句没怎么懂,就不误导大家了。最后提到那些体积小的(小于200米)的行星自身的引力很弱(feeble gravity)
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:43

4、还有一个,绕了一大圈,问那些旋转的速度快得足以让行星fly apart的小行星一定是以下哪一种(囧,表达不能)。LZ的思路是这样的:If nearly all asteroids are rubble piles, however, this tail would be missing, because any rubble pile spinning faster than once every two or three hours (depending on its bulk density) would fly apart.因为行星们都不能旋转太快,否则他们会fly apart,又Alan Harris of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., Petr Pravec of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague and their colleagues have discovered that all but five observed asteroids obey a strict rotation limit。 The exceptions are all smaller than about 150 meters in diameter, with an abrupt cutoff for asteroids larger than about 200 meters.
所以,那些旋转得那么快,又不会fly apart的,就是那些BUT FIVE,既那些exceptions了,所以选smaller than about 150 meters in diameter
[smaller than 200(有选项是more than 200)]
5、小行星撞击第二段, 高亮escape velocity(速率,周转率)问用处
我好像选了一个比较抽象得选项, 为了说明行星得某种变化状态
6、高亮了一大段“all exceptions are small stars with diameter smaller than 200”,问什么不记得了,sorry…
7、问对于那些会fly appart的行星下面哪个是对的
这个要把文章逻辑搞清楚再选就行了 文章逻辑是这样的
monolithic   钟型分布(无limit)  <200的(考试的文章中好像不是150,直接搞了个200)
rubble pies  有limit    转速不能超过once every two or three hours   >200
关键是红字的地方 然后选违背这个逻辑的就行了
原文是transition at the diameter, 看到diameter, 所以我选了C, Size。
选项有(1)都是monolithic[选这个](2) 转的既不过快也不过慢 (3)引力很小什么的
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:43

Yet the rubble-pile hypothesis is conceptually troublesome. The material strength of an asteroid is nearly zero, and gravity is so low you are tempted to neglect that, too. What’s left? The truth is that neither strength nor gravity can be ignored. Paltry though it may be, gravity binds a rubble pile together. And anyone who builds sand castles knows that even loose debris can cohere. Oft-ignored details of motion begin to matter: sliding friction, chemical bonding, damping of kinetic energy, electrostatic attraction and so on. (In fact, charged particles from the sun can cause dust at the surface to levitate.) We are just beginning to fathom the subtle interplay
of these minuscule forces.

The size of an asteroid should determine which force dominates. One indication is the observed pattern of asteroidal rotation rates. Some collisions cause an asteroid to spin faster; others slow it down. If asteroids are monolithic rocks undergoing random collisions, a graph of their rotation rates should show a bell-shaped distribution with a statistical “tail” of very fast rotators. If nearly all asteroids are rubble piles, however, this tail would be missing, because any rubble pile spinning faster than once every two or three hours (depending on its bulk density) would fly apart. Alan Harris of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., Petr
Pravec of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague and their colleagues have discovered that all but five observed asteroids obey a strict rotation limit [see illustration on page 48]. The exceptions are all smaller than about 150 meters in diameter, with an abrupt cutoff for asteroids larger than about 200 meters.

The evident conclusion—that asteroids larger than 200 meters across are multicomponent structures or rubble piles—agrees with recent computer
modeling of collisions, which also finds a transition at that diameter. A collision can blast a large asteroid to bits, but those bits will usually be moving slower than their mutual escape velocity (which, as a rule of thumb, is about one meter per second, per kilometer of radius). Over several hours, gravity will reassemble all but the fastest pieces into a rubble pile [see illustration above]. Because collisions among asteroids are relatively frequent, most large bodies have already
suffered this fate. Conversely, most small asteroids should be monolithic, because impact fragments easily escape their feeble gravity.

2.3.6 Moon-earth 生命体
[因为缺少观察到的数据,所以一个generation 的可能性几乎没有]
A. 因为地球上有水
B. 因为月亮的shape
C. 。。。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:44

2.3.7 星系
第二段:新的观点和证据表明上述的观点half right,也就是disk状的和椭圆状的的确都是由spinning形成的(有考题,说两个观点都会同意以下哪个选项),而与老观点不同的是,椭圆的那个星系并不是spinning直接一次形成的,而是通过碰撞形成的。
第二,有图有真相,就是有一个人拍到了什么照片能证明,某人在某杂志(art of ...)上发表的一组照片,里面有什么tail啊什么的,说距离近了以后什么的就distorted了---(有一题,把这一段整个highlight了,吓到我了)
我选了D tides什么的,E选项也是tide开头的
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:44

2.3.8 CQBIS009
有个什么大概是什么形体名字叫CQBIS009 开始有个S打头的人研究了什么理论,后来有另外一个人叫D什么的 question 这个conclusion。
最后However,作者对S的开头的研究提出了一些问题,说no evidence 标明该研究的哪个方面来着。

2.3.10 元素与光照
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:44

2.3.11 太阳粒子与大气变化(云的形成)
太阳的辐射会减少cosmic ray 的产生,会提升cloud会warming
太阳运动上升,solar wind就强,ray就变弱,云就少,global warming就少
太阳活动增强,solar wind增强,宇宙射线ray减弱,地球云层减小,全球变暖增强
太阳活动,solar wind增强,cosmic rays减少,cloud减少,global warming增加
有篇写宇宙中一种粒子(solar particle?)与地球大气变化的关系。[讲两个人研究宇宙射线(cosmic ray)与天空中云的形成关系]
第一段先讲了两个人一起做的研究,他们提了一个solar wind与cloud formation的proposal(高亮,有考题,问这句话的作用)。cosmic  ray(宇宙射线)和云的形成有关,他们发现云层增多和太阳粒子数量成正比(高亮,有题,问这句话的作用,我看过之前的寂静,觉得答案不对,我选的是“说明了他们得出的结论”),这两者之间有 positive correlation(有题)。然后讲太阳风(solar wind), 当太阳风比较强烈时,会在地球的外面形成一个electronic sphere, 这样的话,cosmic ray就不能来到地球(因为被挡在了外面)。这样就没有cloud, 好像温度就要下降。
然后,说宇宙射线到底怎样影响云的形成还不是很清楚。有一种观点好像是, 这些射线particle起到核的作用,也就是,水汽会聚集在这些particle上[charged particle,electrical,电流导致云的形成]。[solar wind 里含有带电的particle ,这些particle 阻止cosmic rays形成cloud cover,导致earth-warming] 另外一种观点是说这些射线好像加速使得rain drop容易形成核,再慢慢聚集[高空温度极冷造成水凝结形成云]。(我看两种观点的最大区别是,一个是particle 作为核,另一个是rain drop 作为核。有一道题)但是,这个说法还是有点问题,就是高处的云会阻止热量散发(导致global warming?)(这里有题)。
1、对比了下这两个人的研究,disagree in what part问区别是什么
[我选的是在cloud形成的 mechanism方面不一样]
2、关于positive correlation所指的关系,下面那个是对的。
我选的是,还没有fully explain之间的原理,感觉文中讲的都是猜测。
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:44

2.3.11龙卷风  tornado
第一段开头就说在某一年的几月的时候,气象就预报了要刮龙卷风, 但是还是有很多人伤亡,这是为什么呢?[但人们仍然反应说对tornado的warning表示满意]
第二段讲那些伤亡的人里面(1)大多数部分是因为说他们想到了要逃,但是他们一般要等到确认了有龙卷风也就是看见龙卷风来了的时候才会寻找庇护的地方, 无法在附近找到可以避难的场所[找不到shelter](有题,好像是i.e之后的那句话是什么作用)。(2)还有一部分人是不相信他们所在的地方有龙卷风[有的说因为不相信龙卷风会在这个月份有][有些人收到消息后不停的打听确认消息的可靠性,没来得及避难]。(3)还有的人抱着积极侥幸的态度觉得自己没有那么倒霉就会遇上龙卷风,觉得台风不会刮到他们所在的地区,反而嘲笑那些受害的人说他们太倒霉。[总的来说就是大部分人觉得自己没有那么衰,龙卷风会到自己所在的地方。]
作者: Riff    时间: 2010-11-16 13:45

2.3.6  black hole
讲galaxy和black hole的,说最近的新技术发现galaxy中有大量的black hole存在,这是被天文学家广泛接受的,然后提出了两个理论,一个是“inside-out”理论,一个是“outside-in”理论,两者区别在于,前者认为现有star产生,然后又black hole 产生,后者正好相反,一个T学者更支持后者,因为他认为galaxy怎么样怎么样balabala(此处有题说问下面紧接着的一句话的作用,答案就是in order to证明他自己的关于galaxy的假设是正确的)

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