列举题属于老题型,在之前的老托福考试中就存在,而且数量比较多。它主要考察考生能否抓住文章主要信息,排除一些与文章内容无关信息的能力。所以,ETS也这类题型称之为“否定事实信息题”(negative factual information question)。其常用的出题形式为:
Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passages?
The author mentions all of the followings xxx, except xx?
1. 集中列举
They used the pots they made for cooking, storing food, and carrying things from place to place.
Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a way that ancient people used pottery?
(A) To hold food.
(B) To wash clothes.
(C) To cook.
(D) To transport objects.
这里,我们先看题干,问的是古代人是怎么使用罐子的。看完这个题目之后我们回到原文:They used the pots they made for cooking, storing food, and carrying things from place to place. 答案B自然就出来了。A,C答案可以直接在原文中找到,D答案是对原文内容的改写。
2. 分散列举
分散列举,顾名思义,就是说各项出现的位置比较的分散,可能出现于同一段落之中,或分布于全文各段。对于分散列举,我们同样需要根据题干或选项定位原文,将各个选项与所对应的原文逐个进行比较,采用排除法,在原文未提到或与原文相矛盾的选项为正确答案。解答这类题目需要注意文章每个段落的首尾句。作者: tianya 时间: 2010-11-1 17:05