V1 from sylviesai (740 V41)
答案是A 正式员工不会由于身边的人被替换成临时工而降低对企业的忠诚度(这个显然不可能么~)
V1 说虽然雇佣临时工比雇佣全职的员工更加省钱,但是临时工的忠诚度没有全职员工的忠诚度高,但是有证据表明临时工的忠诚度是很高的,所以企业不会在解雇掉一部分正式工,雇佣临时工的同时面临着大规模的人员辞职。问assumption
V2 有个公司准备用临时工来替换部分全职员工以降低成本。公司认为因为临时工的工作状态不比被替换的那些员工差,因此推断出换人后公司的总体工作状态并不会下降。问在evaluate这个论点时以下哪个选项必须被考虑。我只记得我选的那项了,即需要确认替换临时工是否会给公司里没被替换的全职员工的工作状态造成影响。
V3 企业打算把部分regular employees换成临时工,因为临时工和regular employees的效率没有差别,但是又担心会影响员工的loyalty。有人提出这种担心是多余的。问题是,以下哪项assumption是这个观点base的。我选的是:没有被replace的这部分regular employees不会由于部分regular employees被替换掉而失去忠心。
V4 有一家公司打算用temporary employees来取代部分permanent employees。有人质疑说temporary employees的loyalty比不上permanent employees,但是事实显示,new temporary employees are as loyal as these permanent employees they have replaced.结论是使用temporary employees不会使公司员工整体的loyalty下降。问增强。我选的是,被替换掉的这部分permanent employees的loyalty不比留下来的那部分permanent employees的loyalty差。作者: Bala 时间: 2010-11-1 16:32
V1 from sylviesai (740 V41)
GWD28-Q19原题 感谢chinamerica提供
Plankton generally thrive in areas of the ocean with sufficient concentrations of certain nitrogen compounds near the surface, where plankton live. Nevertheless, some areas, though rich in these nitrogen compounds, have few plankton. These areas have particularly low concentrations of iron, and oceanographers hypothesize that this shortage of iron prevents plankton from thriving. However, an experimental release of iron compounds into one such area failed to produce a thriving plankton population, even though local iron concentrations increased immediately.
Which of the following, if true, argues most strongly against concluding, on the basis of the information above, that the oceanographers’ hypothesis is false?
A. Not all of the nitrogen compounds that are sometimes found in relatively high concentrations in the oceans are nutrients for plankton.
B. Certain areas of the ocean support an abundance of plankton despite having particularly low concentrations of iron.
C. The release of the iron compounds did not increase the supply of nitrogen compounds in the area.
D. A few days after the iron compounds were released, ocean currents displaced the iron-rich water from the surface. (Answer)
E. The iron compounds released into the area occur naturally in areas of the ocean where plankton thrive.作者: Bala 时间: 2010-11-1 16:33
V1 from sylviesai (740 V41)
逻辑 医药公司在做药物试验的时候基本上只做成年人的测试,但是小孩和成年人的区别还是很大的,所以政府希望医药公司也同样要在小孩身上做测试,然后提出了一个政策,就是延长他们的patent,因为医药公司的大部分收入都来自于patent时期,问削弱
选A 由于大部分旧的药物在还没有expire的时候,就被新的药物替代了
V2 from leilei22 (700)
药物的test一般都只在adult身上做,即使是儿童药物,很少用儿童来作实验。政府为了鼓励儿童药物在儿童身上测,提出新政策,凡是这样做的公司,就给与专利权(还是延长专利?不记得了),因为医药公司都希望有专利权的保护。问评价。题意理解肯定没错,但是选的很纠结,就不误导大家了。作者: Bala 时间: 2010-11-1 16:33
V1 from meredith821
说药一般不能持续使用因为细菌会产生抗药性 但是科学家研制了一种新的 说如果能在绵羊身上起效,那么人也有作用 我一直在纠结跟人嘛关系
V1(710) 说是如果一种药品用的时间长了病毒就会有免疫性,药效就减弱了。某地牧民给羊群吃一个药治疗某个病毒,结论是这种药人用了药效会减弱。问支持。选了一个是至少有某种途径使得人类直接或间接摄取这种药成分
V2 一个抗生素的题目,不过和JJ上的不一样. 说抗生素如果用多了, 身体就有抗药性了. 有一种抗生素刚刚推广出来给人用,但是已经在羊身上用了很久了. 所以the time before the bacteria develop resistance to the antibiotics on humans is reduced.
不记得是问什么了.. 不过当时选的很纠结.. 不知道为什么这个antibiotics用在羊身上会对人有影响…
V3 好象是说抗生素用时间长了就不好使了,因为有抗药性,最近新研制出一抗生素,用在了农民的flock上对付一种病毒,然后就说时间一长用在人的身上效果就不行了。问假设条件作者: Bala 时间: 2010-11-1 16:38
V1 from 快乐的跳跳兔 (710)
V2 from grogr (770)
遗迹被埋了,所以现在找不到作者: Bala 时间: 2010-11-1 16:39