标题: [面试经验] ZZ Yale MBA on-campus Interview with second year MBA student [打印本页] 作者: stream 时间: 2010-10-27 16:48 标题: ZZ Yale MBA on-campus Interview with second year MBA student
先是自我介绍, 然后:
1、Go through your resume。在这个过程中我详尽的介绍了background以及专业和职业的选择, 所以他没再问why major? why undergraduate school之类的Yale传统话题。
3、 What course and activity you plan to take? 当时五雷轰顶,因为我详细准备了club的信息, 没有具体看yale开设了哪些elective。好在早先on campus visit的时候sit in过两门感兴趣的课,赶紧搬出来解了燃眉之急。然后赶紧把话题转到想参加的club以及一些society的events,然后不失时机询问他的看法,把皮球踢了回去,结果对方挺来劲,兴趣盎然的讲起了他参加的纯粹for fun的art和movie shooting。
4、Besides the clubs you mentioned, what else you plan to attend for fun? 这似乎是yale on campus的程式化问题,我早有准备,上个问题时故意保留了两个,现在砸出来。果然interviewer很满意,还不忘介绍了一些别的club。
5、Briefly tell me about your hobbies and feel free to ask me any questions.