V1 from 花子落落
其他选项不太记得了。这题我好像做错了,本来是想选E吧,不知道咋的按了C....狂无语.....然后我不记得我说的那个选项是E还是C了。应该是有比这个更好地选项吧。作者: Bala 时间: 2010-10-25 13:32
V1 from 花子落落
还有一题,说投票人可以怎么样投给那些新的提议还是什么让它变成law。business 的公司还是什么组织就想通过广告影响选票人吧,让他们支持一个什么有利于business的提议吧。但是有人说不可能,因为之前这个公司还是什么组织花大钱做广告,也没有用。问反对后面的反对意见的。选项有1.越来越多滴人投票(ms是这个意思)2.business的这个公司或是组织现在能更有效率滴花钱去打击那些不利于business的提议吧。3.只记得有exacerbate这个单词。
V2 from BlueheartTseng
By 整理者:为什么我也找不到,麻烦有线索的筒子贡献一下,谢谢。作者: Bala 时间: 2010-10-25 13:32
V1 from 花子落落
V1 说抗生素如果用多了, 身体就有抗药性了. 有一种抗生素刚刚推广出来给人用,但是已经在羊身上用了很久了. 所以the time before the bacteria develop resistance to the antibiotics on humans is reduced.
不记得是问什么了.. 不过当时选的很纠结.. 不知道为什么这个antibiotics用在羊身上会对人有影响…
V2 (710) 说是如果一种药品用的时间长了病毒就会有免疫性,药效就减弱了。某地牧民给羊群吃一个药治疗某个病毒,结论是这种药人用了药效会减弱。问支持。选了一个是至少有某种途径使得人类直接或间接摄取这种药成分 (注意变体)作者: Bala 时间: 2010-10-25 13:33
V1 from lamandel
背景:说有一个regualtion说飞机上面不能使用手机,因为手机和飞机使用的频率(frequency)是一样的,用的手机是compromise飞机的safety,然后乘客反驳说:这是不对的,因为过去没有飞机失事的情况中,没有说因为使用手机导致的。 问的是weaken顾客的说法:其他选项不太记得,自己选的是因为不一定因为手机使用而失事这个原因能够被detect出来
V1 from lamandel
新PREP 1 84. (24641-!-item-!-188;#058&001146) 感谢zmy19880908提供,待确认
In Borania many people who want to quit smoking wear nicotine skin patches, which deliver small doses of nicotine through the skin. Beginning next month, these patches can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. Although nonprescription patches will be no more effective than those obtained by prescription and will be equally expensive, patch manufacturers are nevertheless predicting that the patches' new nonprescription status will boost sales, which have slowed considerably in recent years.
Which of the following, if true in Borania, most strongly supports the manufacturers' prediction?
A. Most people who wanted to quit smoking and who found the nicotine skin patch helpful in quitting have quit.
B. Nicotine skin patches generally cost more to use than do other types of aids that help people to quit smoking.
C. Several nonprescription aids aimed at helping people to quit smoking have been widely available for a number of years.
D. Many smokers who want to quit smoking feel that they cannot afford to visit a doctor for a prescription. (Answer)
E. People who use nicotine skin patches have approximately the same rate of success in quitting smoking as do people who use other aids aimed at helping people to quit smoking.
lamandel: gmac把题给改了 只有前两句是一样的 后面就具体讲了两个patch的品牌作者: Bala 时间: 2010-10-25 13:37
V1 戒烟人士用尼古丁PATCH去戒烟。现在的尼古丁PATCH是处方药。将来某一个品牌将推出非处方的尼古丁,价钱便宜很多。结论是这个品牌的尼古丁PATCH会leading the market.
问削弱。我选了insurance company only pay the cost of the prescription medication.
V2 讲有种戒烟药,叫nicodiban之类的,是非处方药。这药刚推出市场,目前市场上的类似戒烟药的leading brand是一个处方药。由于前面那个非处方药比处方药便宜,所以厂家估计很快他们的药就会成为这个市场上的leading brand
V3 两种戒烟药,一种原来是处方药A,现在开放出来飞初方版本,另一种B,是目前销售的最好的牌子,现在非处方版本开发出来,并第一次把价格卖的比B还低,因此会抢去B更多的销售额,问support,
V4 逻辑有一题是关于戒烟药。一公司宣称很有用,说是20%的人用了此药后戒烟。但是事实表明20%吸烟的人会戒烟,问weaken 研究的选项。我选的选项是:那些用了此药后戒烟的人都是试图戒过好几次的人,好像是A。作者: Bala 时间: 2010-10-25 13:37
V1 from luoiszhong
问weaken项。 我选的是因为这种农药可以达到植物根部,所以能够发现这种农药。(不知道对不对)
V1 from fansail
逻辑有一道GWD BF原题变体,讲酒商坚持用某种酒瓶,宁愿贵也要用。
V1(710) 一道BF是关于wine外包装的,我在GWD上看到,但考得是变体。主要是说,原来的外包装成本上升,因此厂商若要提高竞争力就只有将外包装换成plastic的。但后面又说由于现在并没有看到用plastic的厂商数增加,结论是厂商并非完全根据利益行动。后面一句划线部分具体内容不记得了,总之是排除了一个除利润之外的他因导致厂商不用plastic外包装。答案我选的E,也就是第一个是结论,第二个排除了一个他因以支持结论。
Many winemakers use cork stoppers; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or becomemoldy, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of their inventory of bottled wine. Bottlemaster plastic stoppers, which cannot leak, crumble,or mold, have long been available to winemakers, at a price slightly higher than that of traditional cork stoppers. Cork prices, however, are expected to rise dramatically inthe near future. Clearly, therefore, winemakers who still use cork but wish to keep production costs from rising will be forced to reconsider plastic stoppers. And since the wine-buying public’s association of plastic stoppers with poor-quality wine is weakening, there is an excellent chance that the Bottlemaster plastic stopper will gain an increased share of the marked for wine-bottle stoppers.
In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
A. The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that theargument opposes; the second is the main conclusion of the argument.
B. The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that theargument opposes; the second is a conclusion drawn in order to support themain conclusion of the argument.
C. The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidencein support of that main conclusion
D. The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second is a restatementof that main conclusion.
E. The first is a conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of theargument; the second is that main conclusion. (Answer)作者: Bala 时间: 2010-10-25 13:38
V1 from tiancai8888
政府官员:应为财政危机,所以政府应该shut down一切公共设施的运营,从而减少经费。
V2 from calvin1983
络机有一题讲到了两个人对话,关于解决市政资金不足的解决方案,问题是问第二人的回答的针对性,我选补充替代解决方案。作者: Bala 时间: 2010-10-25 13:39
V1 from lewisray820
又是讲农民的,某国要remove他的regulation on importation of 农作物,评价出这的坏处就是会使得城市人的利益受损,农民的利益提高,选个weaken的,我貌似选的是农民都不卖农作物了,都搞的是别的产业。