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标题: 欧洲的顶级商学院/MBA [打印本页]

作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:03     标题: 欧洲的顶级商学院/MBA

几个月前申请欧洲版的斑竹时, 许诺要写这么一篇文章. 这么晚才交上作业, 实在是不好意思啊. 少说废话, 转入正题.

[[[首先声明一下, 这个帖子我并不打算自己来写. 既然是public forum, 那么我们一定要集合大家的智慧与经验, 才是最好的方式, 我相信. 所以, 强烈的号召大家踊跃提供信息, 尤其是各个b-school的校友, 一定多多支持, 我会负责更新到主贴上, 并注明作者和更新时间. 谢谢大家]]]

传统上, 一般认为MBA教育的正统是美国, 欧洲对MBA的重视远远不够. 10年前或许如此, 10年后的今天, 已经完全不同. 不论是历史悠久, 享有盛誉的法国INSEAD商学院, 或者深藏于新晋世界金融第一城, 却“全面美国化”的伦敦商学院, 还是崇尚精英教育, 奉Leadership为第一信条的瑞士IMD, 均能当之无愧的跻身世界顶级商学院之林. 放在美国这个遍地商学院的国家, 他们也能毫无困难的进入前5名或前10名. 在业界, 它们是欧洲的Harvard, Wharton and Tuck. 不仅如此, 老牌的西班牙商学院IESE历久弥坚, 同样在西班牙, 新晋的IE 迎头赶上. 在牛津剑桥的超级影响力下, 短短十几年的Said和Judge商学院的发展势头迅猛无比. 曼彻斯特商学院和巴黎HEC同样不甘人后. 等等等等

在这里, 我们将它们分成3个级别, 一一介绍. 同一级别里分出谁第一, 谁第二是没有意义的, 因为对不同的人, 答案或许完全不同. It’s all about fitness.
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:03

Tier-1 欧洲三巨头

-- INSEAD, 欧洲工商管理学院 (枫丹白露, 法国)
-- LBS, London Business School, 伦敦商学院
-- IMD, 瑞士洛桑国际管理学院

Tier-2 第一流的Player

(排名不分先后, 欢迎补充/修改)

Oxford Said
Cambridge Judge
HEC Paris

Tier-3 奋起直追者

(排名不分先后, 欢迎补充/修改)

作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:04

Tier-1 欧洲三巨头

-- INSEAD, 欧洲工商管理学院 (枫丹白露, 法国)


毫无疑问, INSEAD是世界上最为国际化的商学院. “The Business School for the World”是INSEAD一贯坚持的口号. 在这里, 没有真正的Local students, 因为它从不将自己当成一所法国学校, 更加不是新加坡的. 每年约880个MBA学生, 来自世界上70多个国家, 而没有任何一个国家的学生超过总人数的12%, 包括英, 法, 美在内. 你要牢记, 在这里, 没有所谓的主流. 这与美国商学院完全不同.

成立于1957年的INSEAD商学院, 是one-year MBA的先驱者: 实际上, 真正的学习时间只有10个月. Super Intensive是毫不夸张的说法, 这一点上, 我们跟IMD并驾齐驱, 或者可以比拼一下谁的平均睡眠时间更短些. 来之前, 请做好迎接压力的准备, 因为时间短并不意味着内容减少或者质量下降, 事实上, 你需要完成15门必修和至少7门选修课, 而INSEAD的Faculty和教学质量一直享有盛誉. Enjoy *_*

INSEAD有两个校园, 主校园位于巴黎近郊的枫丹白露, 并在新加坡于2000年左右建立分校园. 请注意, 是两个分校园, 而不是分校. 他们在录取, 师资, 就业等等各个方面完全是一样的. 学生可以在学期(period)间选择更换校园. 唯一的不同, 在于你的目标: 如果想在亚洲找工作, 那么P4, P5最好在新加坡度过, 反之在欧洲度过.

同时, INSEAD与美国沃顿商学院建立了战略联盟, 双方学生可以选择两个月的交换. 双方共享资源, 包括Career Service/database在内. 但个人的意见是, 除非你想在美国工作, 否则就要慎重考虑这一选择, 因为它往往和你找工作的时间冲突, 也就是第四和第五个period.

INSEAD有两个Intake, 每年的9月和1月, 分别于7月和12月毕业. 两个Intake唯一的区别在于, January Intake可以选择在7,8月份做8周的Internship(一般两年的MBA是12周), 这对于目标是投资银行的同学非常重要, 所以我个人也不建议目标瞄准IB的同学申请September Intake. 当然, 只是建议, 我可没说选这个Intake就找不到IB的工作. 实际上所有的大投行都会每年两次在INSEAD校园有function.

毫无疑问, INSEAD在Management Consulting领域独领风骚, 被益为MC的黄埔军校. 每年进入McKinsey的毕业生多时达百人(其中20%~30%为前雇员), 少时也有70多人. 加上BCG和Bain, 超过150人, 这个数字或许只有哈佛可堪比拟.

但同时, INSEAD在Finance(尤其是IB/PE/VC)和Marketing领域也不落人后, 绝非单一的MC Powerhouse.不论是GS/MS/ML等顶级投行, 还是LVMH这样的顶级奢侈品集团, 都能找到很多校友. 每年进入MC, Finance和Industry的毕业生比率约为40%, 30%, 30%.
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:04

Job Placement (Data from BusinessWeek 2006 MBA Profile)

Top 15 Recruiters (这里列出的已经是266个placement, 而不是offer)

Names of the top 15 recruiting firms (i.e., hired the most number of graduates in past 12 months) and the number of full-time MBAs hired:

McKinsey & Company hired 74

The Boston Consulting Group hired 40

Bain & Company hired 30

Deutsche Bank hired 18

Booz Allen Hamilton hired 13

Roland Berger hired 12

Barclays Capital hired 11

Google hired 11

Credit Suisse hired 10

BT Group hired 9

LEK Consulting hired 9

Eli Lilly hired 8

Lehman Brothers hired 7

Jonhson & Jonhson hired 7

Samsung hired 7
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:07

本帖最后由 waffle 于 2010-10-22 20:08 编辑

Application tips

附件是我收集的写INSEAD essays的tips


Facts and Highlights

Facts and Highlights

Facts and Highlights

Other Resources


BusinessWeek Forum, Ask INSEAD Alumni about INSEAD ... hools&tid=72373
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:08

-- LBS, London Business School, 伦敦商学院




-- IMD, 瑞士洛桑国际管理学院

[[by shalomtang , from official IMD press kit]]

一、 概要:  
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:09

本帖最后由 waffle 于 2010-10-22 20:11 编辑

[[nnm: download this "Ranking of the rankings" from here]]
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:11

二、 核心活动:  
IMD有20多个针对不同层次管理人员的公开招考课程。这些课程以IMD的研究力量为坚实的依托,富有启迪性和挑战性,注重领导能力和新素质的培养。  为公司量身设计的管理发展—合作课程 IMD合作课程是与学习网络的会员公司合作,针对各公司的实际学习目的来设计并讲授的。这些量身设计的课程帮助他们培养新的能力并解决企业面临的最重大的挑战。  
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:12

三、 研究中心:
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:12

Tier-2 第一流的Player

(排名不分先后, 欢迎补充/修改)

Instituto De Empresa--IE

[[by Dannywhw, 27-06-2007]]


IE提供了包括International MBA, Spanish MBA,Executive MBA以及其他的Master项目。其中Financial Time 排名11的International MBA今年一共有240名学生,来自66个国家和地区。项目历时13个月,包含24门必修课程和6-8门选修课程,同学们除了在必修课上要学习4门和创业有关的课程之外,选修课程中还有Venture Lab和Entrepreneurship V。学生们自组团队编写商业计划,教授给予指导,并且筛选部分创业计划和投资人接洽。事实上,部分教授自己就是VC或者PE的partner.

IE在西班牙和拉丁美洲享有盛誉,而且在研究Family Business方面也有独到之处,所以学生当中有很多来自家族企业。我曾经不经意地从某个同学的姓氏上,猜出来他来自于欧洲某个著名的电动工具家族企业。这样的惊奇,IE有不少。

IE也有缺点,那就是马德里丰富多彩的夜生活,也给了众多兄弟姐妹享受生活的便利。而且,很多就读于IE的学生,不少人相信working for living,所以很多学生都是打算从IB或者MC撤退,自行创业的。所以,咬牙拼命拿高分,抢TOP10的style在IE不流行,这也算IE一大特色。不过,这并不说明竞争不激烈。因为那些具有丰富工作经验的同学,在某门课程上的知识深度,不是读5-6个case可以迎头赶上的。这该归功于IE的diversification了吧。


作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:13


by lazyratcn, 1st Sep 2007


西班牙IESE商学院1958年初建于巴塞罗那,是Navarra大学的商学院,学校目前有2个校区,分别在巴塞罗那和马德里,FULL TIME MBA在巴塞罗那校区,离巴萨的主场不远,坐车15分钟吧。IESE MBA在ECONOMIST INTELLIGENCE UNIT 的排名中05,06年连续排名全球第一,在FT的综合排名中(综合各媒体的MBA排名)排全球第10。

IESE MBA是欧洲第一个2年的MBA课程,目前课程历时19个月,第一学年从10月到次年6月分为3个term,主要为必修课;第二学年分为2个term,为交换和选修,近1/3的学生有机会交换到WHARTON,COLUMBIA,CHICAGO,LBS,TUCK等学校。

IESE MBA 为双语课程,每年9月-10月,没有任何西语基础或有部分基础的人将被分为不同小组进行高强度西语学习,同时在正式的MBA课程中也将安排西语课,课程结束后将获得由IESE和巴塞罗那工商协会授予的证书。






作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:13





就业,Career Forum这周刚结束,IB除了GS基本都来了,大摩,雷曼,美林,CITI,德意志算是比较积极的,一堆一堆的人来,不少校友,早餐,晚餐啥的活动不断;Consulting 三巨头也都来了,不过活动比较少,只有Booz安排了dinner;Industry可能西班牙的企业比例要高一些,但国际企业也不少;总的来说,招的基本是欧洲office,亚洲的比较少。(去年中国人的实习情况,我了解的:一个大陆的去了雷曼;5个台湾的,一个去了美林,一个德意志,一个去了咨询,一个是家乐福,还有一个忘了)


娱乐,IESE最著名的就是BOW了,每周四晚都会有一个BAR PARTY,NETWORKING的好机会哦。另外,上周刚举行了个BAR CRAWL,基本上全部在校的MBA都参加了,想象一下:整个晚上,街上一群群装扮成警察,医生,护士的IESE MBA在各个BAR乱窜,CRAZY PARTY....其他各种俱乐部活动,小范围聚餐,PARTY就不说了,太多。。。

作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:13

Instituto De Empresa--IE,位于西班牙的首都,马德里。


IE提供了包括International MBA, Spanish MBA,Executive MBA以及其他的Master项目。其中Financial Time 排名11的International MBA今年一共有240名学生,来自66个国家和地区。项目历时13个月,包含24门必修课程和6-8门选修课程,同学们除了在必修课上要学习4门和创业有关的课程之外,选修课程中还有Venture Lab和Entrepreneurship V。学生们自组团队编写商业计划,教授给予指导,并且筛选部分创业计划和投资人接洽。事实上,部分教授自己就是VC或者PE的partner.

IE在西班牙和拉丁美洲享有盛誉,而且在研究Family Business方面也有独到之处,所以学生当中有很多来自家族企业。我曾经不经意地从某个同学的姓氏上,猜出来他来自于欧洲某个著名的电动工具家族企业。这样的惊奇,IE有不少。
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:14

IE也有缺点,那就是马德里丰富多彩的夜生活,也给了众多兄弟姐妹享受生活的便利。而且,很多就读于IE的学生,不少人相信working for living,所以很多学生都是打算从IB或者MC撤退,自行创业的。所以,咬牙拼命拿高分,抢TOP10的style在IE不流行,这也算IE一大特色。不过,这并不说明竞争不激烈。因为那些具有丰富工作经验的同学,在某门课程上的知识深度,不是读5-6个case可以迎头赶上的。这该归功于IE的diversification了吧。


作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:15


西班牙IESE商学院1958年初建于巴塞罗那,是Navarra大学的商学院,学校目前有2个校区,分别在巴塞罗那和马德里,FULL TIME MBA在巴塞罗那校区,离巴萨的主场不远,坐车15分钟吧。IESE MBA在ECONOMIST INTELLIGENCE UNIT 的排名中05,06年连续排名全球第一,在FT的综合排名中(综合各媒体的MBA排名)排全球第10。

IESE MBA是欧洲第一个2年的MBA课程,目前课程历时19个月,第一学年从10月到次年6月分为3个term,主要为必修课;第二学年分为2个term,为交换和选修,近1/3的学生有机会交换到WHARTON,COLUMBIA,CHICAGO,LBS,TUCK等学校。

IESE MBA 为双语课程,每年9月-10月,没有任何西语基础或有部分基础的人将被分为不同小组进行高强度西语学习,同时在正式的MBA课程中也将安排西语课,课程结束后将获得由IESE和巴塞罗那工商协会授予的证书。







作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:15

Manchester Business School improves in Forbes ranking
Manchester Business School is celebrating a strong performance in the new Forbes guide to the world’s best business schools, published this week. The School was rated third among non-US schools and second in the UK for its full-time programme.

The Forbes ranking looks at the “bang for your buck” of an MBA programme - how long it takes students to recoup their fees and the earnings lost while they study, and the scale of the increase in their salary.

Professor Michael Luger, Director of Manchester Business School commented:

“I’m pleased to see that we are getting this kind of recognition in such a highly regarded business publication. North America is an important market for MBAs and this kind of success helps to raise our profile. Our MBA offers students a truly global experience. We have students and lecturers from all over the world, and unrivalled international content in our programme - and it clearly delivers results for our alumni, as this survey shows.”

Forbes Magazine conducts its ranking of business schools every two years, and divides its findings into US and non-US schools so Manchester Business School is represented in the non-US table of schools running two year programmes.  (Its MBA programme is actually 18 months.)  The survey is based primarily on the response of the School’s alumni from five years ago.

This year’s position is an improvement on 2005, when the School was rated sixth among non-US business schools offering two-year programmes.
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:18

History and Heritage

Founded in 1965, Manchester Business School quickly established itself as one of Europe's leading centres for management teaching and research. This reputation spread particularly quickly amongst employers, who preferred Manchester's practical approach to the more theoretical methods used by many universities.

The School's MBA programme reflected its philosophy of learning through the practical application of theoretical knowledge. This was as a result of excellent links with industry, and the consequent balance of classroom teaching with real consultancy in a business situation. This unique approach has become known as the Manchester Method', and it clearly distinguishes Manchester] Business School from other business schools - in terms of both curriculum and results.

The Manchester MBA is highly valued both by companies who recruit our graduates and by formal accrediting bodies. Indeed, in 1996, the Association of MBAs (AMBA) extended its accreditation of the Manchester MBA for a further seven years, the longest period allowed under its rule,' Two years earlier, the government funding body HEFCF, assessed the School's quality of teaching and learning and placed it in its highest category: excellent.
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:24

The Manchester Method -a unique approach to learning

The 'Manchester Method' is an approach to learning, unique to Manchester Business School). It is based on the proven educational principle that the most effective way to learn and remember is through practical application. The 'Manchester Method' includes a wide range of developmental and experiential activities, giving participants the chance to learn through the practical application of the theoretical knowledge they have absorbed.

Manchester Business School also supports the principle that individuals can achieve far more by working co-operatively in groups rather than in isolation. For these reasons, the Manchester Method' is grounded in group project work which mirrors the way in which modern managers work. This comprises three distinct stages:

building the necessary portfolio of knowledge and skills through lectures, tutorials, case studies and mini-projects.

On the full-time MBA programme, this includes an appreciation of national and cultural differences and how these

can impact on effective group work

undertaking internal group projects within a controlled environment. These give the participants the opportunity to

practise project work with maximum support anti minimum risk

group consultancy projects with a client organisation. Under the supervision of a faculty member, groups undertake

a major piece of consultancy work on behalf of Sponsoring organisations. Examples of these consultancy projects are described here by former participants
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:25

The 'Manchester Method' is an approach to learning, unique to Manchester Business School). It is based on the proven educational principle that the most effective way to learn and remember is through practical application. The 'Manchester Method' includes a wide range of developmental and experiential activities, giving participants the chance to learn through the practical application of the theoretical knowledge they have absorbed.

Manchester Business School also supports the principle that individuals can achieve far more by working co-operatively in groups rather than in isolation. For these reasons, the Manchester Method' is grounded in group project work which mirrors the way in which modern managers work. This comprises three distinct stages:

building the necessary portfolio of knowledge and skills through lectures, tutorials, case studies and mini-projects.

On the full-time MBA programme, this includes an appreciation of national and cultural differences and how these

can impact on effective group work

undertaking internal group projects within a controlled environment. These give the participants the opportunity to

practise project work with maximum support anti minimum risk

group consultancy projects with a client organisation. Under the supervision of a faculty member, groups undertake

a major piece of consultancy work on behalf of Sponsoring organisations. Examples of these consultancy projects are described here by former participants
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:32

The Manchester Method -a unique approach to learning

The 'Manchester Method' is an approach to learning, unique to Manchester Business School). It is based on the proven educational principle that the most effective way to learn and remember is through practical application. The 'Manchester Method' includes a wide range of developmental and experiential activities, giving participants the chance to learn through the practical application of the theoretical knowledge they have absorbed.

Manchester Business School also supports the principle that individuals can achieve far more by working co-operatively in groups rather than in isolation. For these reasons, the Manchester Method' is grounded in group project work which mirrors the way in which modern managers work. This comprises three distinct stages:

building the necessary portfolio of knowledge and skills through lectures, tutorials, case studies and mini-projects.

On the full-time MBA programme, this includes an appreciation of national and cultural differences and how these

can impact on effective group work

undertaking internal group projects within a controlled environment. These give the participants the opportunity to

practise project work with maximum support anti minimum risk

group consultancy projects with a client organisation. Under the supervision of a faculty member, groups undertake

a major piece of consultancy work on behalf of Sponsoring organisations. Examples of these consultancy projects are described here by former participants

building the necessary portfolio of knowledge and skills through lectures, tutorials, case studies and mini-projects.

On the full-time MBA programme, this includes an appreciation of national and cultural differences and how these

can impact on effective group work

undertaking internal group projects within a controlled environment. These give the participants the opportunity to

practise project work with maximum support anti minimum risk

group consultancy projects with a client organisation. Under the supervision of a faculty member, groups undertake

a major piece of consultancy work on behalf of Sponsoring organisations. Examples of these consultancy projects are described here by former participants
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:36




就业,Career Forum这周刚结束,IB除了GS基本都来了,大摩,雷曼,美林,CITI,德意志算是比较积极的,一堆一堆的人来,不少校友,早餐,晚餐啥的活动不断;Consulting 三巨头也都来了,不过活动比较少,只有Booz安排了dinner;Industry可能西班牙的企业比例要高一些,但国际企业也不少;总的来说,招的基本是欧洲office,亚洲的比较少。(去年中国人的实习情况,我了解的:一个大陆的去了雷曼;5个台湾的,一个去了美林,一个德意志,一个去了咨询,一个是家乐福,还有一个忘了)


娱乐,IESE最著名的就是BOW了,每周四晚都会有一个BAR PARTY,NETWORKING的好机会哦。另外,上周刚举行了个BAR CRAWL,基本上全部在校的MBA都参加了,想象一下:整个晚上,街上一群群装扮成警察,医生,护士的IESE MBA在各个BAR乱窜,CRAZY PARTY....其他各种俱乐部活动,小范围聚餐,PARTY就不说了,太多。。。

作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:36

The Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University (or RSM Erasmus University) is an international business school located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The business school of the renowned Erasmus University Rotterdam, RSM offers a wide array of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes taught mostly in English including a top-ranked MBA programme that is not associated with the rest of the university, senior management seminars, and a PhD programme. RSM utilises its location in the commercial heart of Europe and its core Dutch values of openness, tolerance and flexibility, as a platform for its primary focus – the development of leaders in global business.

The university has been ranked among the top 20 best business schools in the world by The Wall Street Journal international rankings. The Financial Times has ranked RSM as one op the top 10 European Business Schools. RSM has achieved Triple Crown Accreditation from AMBA, EQUIS and AACSB, and is part of the respected consortium of Europe's leading school's and corporate partners - Community of European Management Schools (CEMS). RSM is also a member of the Partnership in International Management (PIM) network. The school is also highly international - in some programmes, non-Dutch students represent 96% of the total number
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:37

History and Background of the RSM

History at a Glance

1913 Foundation of Netherlands School of Commerce
1938 Netherlands School of Economics
1969 Foundation of Graduate School of Management
1969 Nobel Prize awarded to Erasmus Professor Jan Tinbergen
1973 Foundation of Erasmus University
1985 Start of the Master of Business Administration Program
1988 Start of the MBA/MBI Program
1989 Start of RSM Executive Education
1996 Start of weekend part-time Executive MBA
2000 RSM enters new century in brand-new building
2001 Start of Master in HR Leadership and Master in Financial Management
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:37


The roots of the Rotterdam School of Management lead back to 1966, where a perceived lack of appropriate training for managers in The Netherlands induced Royal Dutch Shell, together with other companies including Philips, to set up the Foundation for Business Administration (Stichting Bedrijfskunde) to provide post-experience management education.

In 1969, the foundation established a "Graduate School of Management" alongside the Foundation, which was now a joint venture between Technische Universiteit Delft and the Netherlands School of Economics at Rotterdam (now Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam). The Inter-university Institute Bedrijfskunde offered a two-year program to students holding a "candidaats" degree (bachelors equivalent) leading to a doctorandus degree (masters level) in business administration. The program delivered about 1,800 graduates. When the "candidaats" degree was abolished by new legislation in 1981, the "post-candidaats" program was terminated too. Instead, a regular first tier program in business administration and a post-graduate (and progressively post-experience) MBA program was initiated.

the full-time MBA was launched in the fall of 1985. Strategically, the MBA had multiple goals. It was to act as a continuation of the Interfaculteit Bedrijfskunde program developed by Erasmus Universititeit Rotterdam (EUR) and Technische Universiteit Delft in the 70s, round out the course offering, generate income, and develop international prestige. One year later, in 1986, the Foundation Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), was set up as the School's separate vehicle for postgraduate programs. Since its founding, RSM has become a leading graduate business school in Europe and built a reputation of being among the top business schools in the world.

In 1989, several non-degree programs and tailor-made executive and in-company programs were started for organizations in both the profit and the non-profit sector. In 1988, the post-graduate International MBI Program in Business Informatics was launched and since 1991, the MBI has been fully integrated with the full-time MBA program as a parallel track, dual degree MBA/MBI program.
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:37

+31 (0)10-408 22 22

Mailing Address:
Rotterdam School of Management
PO Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam
The Netherlands

RSM Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8.00 - 22.00 hrs (GMT +01)
Saturday: 8.00 - 17.00 hrs (GMT +01) Fax:
+31 (0)10-452 95 09

Visiting/Courier Address:
Rotterdam School of Management
J Building
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam The Netherlands

RSM Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9.00 - 17.00 hrs (GMT +01)
作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:38


第二学期开学快一个月了,开学前两天基本是投行和咨询的实习面试,把目前的情况给大家通报一下吧,CLASS 09共2个大陆的,6个台湾的,目前offer情况:一个德意志Hongkong office,一个Citi London office, 两个American Express 英国(一个在London,一个忘了),一个小咨询公司shanghai office,当然这不是最后确定的情况,大家都还在继续面试,争取更多的机会。今年投行的比较少,两个原因,一个是市场不太好,另一个8个人里面基本上有一半不想干投行,也没认真准备面试。

作者: waffle    时间: 2010-10-22 20:38

我是米兰理工大学(Politecnico di Milano)MIP商学院的校友。我在该校读MBA的。学校的MBA分两个班,一个国际班,还有个意大利语班。国际班的学生来自世界各地,当时我们班30来个人,来自18个国家和地区。国际班用英语授课,但是经常也会有些课和意大利班一起上。

学校课程设置现在是1年,还有三个月的实习。这一年里分四个学期,前三个学期都是大家一起上的基础课程,基本上就是那些商学院的课程,比如经济学,金融,会计,市场营销,供应链管理,组织行为学等等,但是比较有特色的有创新管理,(Innovation Management).第三个学期是最忙的,课程比较重,而且还有做Organization Checkup。就是学校把学生分成4/5人小组,去各大公司做一个咨询项目。项目课题一般在分组的时候就定下来,每个组有个指导教授。除了这个项目比较重要,还有就是那段晚上学校经常有公司做宣讲,宣讲主要针对三个月实习和今后可能的工作机会。所以项目也要做好,因为如果项目做的好,公司也会提供实习机会,以及今后的工作。宣讲会也要好好参加,因为可能看到自己喜欢的公司。比如我那届法拉利公司来的时候,大部分同学都穿得西装笔挺的来参加。还有gucci公司来的时候,教室里也是坐满了人。宣讲会从9月开始,一般先来的都是咨询公司,从 Mckinsey, BCG, 罗兰贝格,Bain,Accenture 等等到欧洲一些本土的咨询公司如porsche保时捷咨询公司。但是咨询公司对语言要求比较高一点,比如在意大利语,而像porsche保时捷咨询公司也还要求会德语。所以中国学生如果语言能力好的话,机会还是蛮多的。



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