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标题: LSAT专刊 [打印本页]

作者: Kilroy    时间: 2002-10-17 00:20

其实这个版大多数人都在练LSAT的题目,而且LSAT相对比GMAT难,更需要大家之间COMPARE NOTES。
作者: 范进    时间: 2002-10-17 00:20

作者: VICTOR_JZG    时间: 2002-10-17 19:43

作者: z_weining    时间: 2002-10-19 15:18

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-19 20:13

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-19 20:27

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-19 20:59


test1-section IV-25,用什么方法对付,好像用图示法(即用集合表示)有点困难?

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-19 21:29

test1-section IV-25
25. All of the best comedians have had unhappy childhoods. Yet, many people who have had happy childhoods are good comedians, and some good comedians who have had miserably unhappy childhoods are happy adults.

If the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following CANNOT be true?(A)

(A) The proportion of good comedians who had unhappy childhoods is greater than the proportion of the best comedians who did.
(B) Some good comedians have had unhappy childhoods and are unhappy adults.
(C) Most of the best comedians are happy adults.
(D) More good comedians have had unhappy childhoods than have had happy childhoods.
(E) The proportion of comedians who are happy adults is higher than the proportion who are unhappy adults.
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-19 21:50


我选A是这样理解的:根据题干,100%的best comedians had unhappy childhoods,但是it is stated that some people who had miserably unhappy childhood ....,所以得出some good comedians have unhappy childhood. 即the proportion must < 100%

so A cannot be true.

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-19 21:53

作者: z_weining    时间: 2002-10-19 22:26

作者: z_weining    时间: 2002-10-19 22:41




作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-19 22:55

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-20 11:55


我觉得C如果改成否定,结论同样不成立: focus on increasing actual flying time=>crash will increase,  so the airline need not to rethink the training program,

到底应该怎样判断阿??? zyh79和各位高手能否帮忙看看!!谢谢

另外 第11题我觉得没有正确答案! A is consistent with both biologist and politician, B is consistent with neither of them
作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-20 22:36

   How do the airlines expect to prevent commercial plane crashes? Studies have shown that pilot error contributes to two-thirds of all such crashes. To address this problem, the airlines have upgraded their training programs by increasing the hours of classroom instruction and emphasizing communication skills in the cockpit. But it is unrealistic to expect such measures to compensate for pilots’lack of actual flying time. Therefore, the airlines should rethink their training approach to reducing commercial crashes.

Which one of the following is an assumption upon which the argument depends?
(A) Training programs can eliminate pilot errors.
(B) Commercial pilots routinely undergo additional training throughout their careers.
(C) The number of airline crashes will decrease if pilot training programs focus on increasing actual flying time.
(D) Lack of actual flying time is an important contributor to pilot error in commercial plane crashes.
(E) Communication skills are not important to pilot training programs.
作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-21 00:44

“If the forest continues to disappear at its present pace, the koala will approach extinction,” said the biologist.
“So all that is needed to save the koala is to stop deforestation,” said the politician.
Which one of the following statements is consistent with the biologist’s claim but not with the politician’s claim?

(A) Deforestation continues and the koala becomes extinct.
(B) Deforestation is stopped and the koala becomes extinct.
(C) Reforestation begins and the koala survives.
(D) Deforestation is slowed and the koala survives.
(E) Deforestation is slowed and the koala approaches extinction.

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-21 09:40

zyh79:  谢谢! 我下次一定贴原题!

第19题,我凭理解C、D、E的意思,觉得应该选D,但是如果用我题的那种“取非则结论不成立”就有点确定不了,不过想想也对,如果原来是strengthen的,取非后就有可能影响结论的成立,但我觉得这题的直接结论应该是such measures do not compensate for pilots’lack of actual flying time,而therefore 后的内容是间接结论。

作者: cook    时间: 2002-10-21 10:31

Join this discussion:
19. Need a bridge: But it is unrealistic to expect such measures to compensate for pilots’lack of actual flying time.-->  Therefore, the airlines should rethink their training approach to reducing commercial crashes . That is :

pilots’lack of actual flying time is one of the reasons of commercial crash.
==> D  correct?
11: zhy79 's explaination is good.
biologist:如果森林继续恶化,koala将消失 ( D--> E)
politivian:所以我们只需阻止森林恶化,就能防止koala消失( ~D --> ~E)
according to logical structure, we know there are different.
Question: Which one of the following statements is (consistent with the biologist’s claim but not with the politician’s claim?)
So: B:如果森林(delete继续)恶化stop ,koala(delete将)消失.Not comsistent with Politivian's claim.
作者: 决战金秋    时间: 2002-10-22 11:27

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-22 23:25

Certain items—those with that hard-to-define quality called exclusivity—have the odd property, when they become available for sale, of selling rapidly even though they are extremely expensive. In fact, trying to sell such an item fast by asking too low a price is a serious error, since it calls into question the very thing---exclusivity---that is supposed to be the item’s chief appeal. Therefore, given that a price that will prove to be right is virtually impossible for the seller to gauge in advance, the seller should make sure that any error in the initial asking price is in the direction of setting the price too high.
The argument recommends a certain pricing strategy on the grounds that
(A) this strategy lacks a counterproductive feature of the rejected alternative
(B) this strategy has all of advantages of the rejected alternative, but fewer of its disadvantages
(C) experience has proven this strategy to be superior, even though the reasons for this superiority elude analysis
(D) this strategy does not rely on prospective buyers estimates of value
(E) the error associated with this strategy, unlike the error associated with the rejected alternative, is likely to go unnoticed
作者: cook    时间: 2002-10-23 00:55

Let us try:

Conclusion: Therefore, given that a price that will prove to be right is virtually impossible for the seller to gauge in advance, the seller should make sure that any error in the initial asking price is in the direction of setting the price too high.

Question: The argument recommends (a certain pricing strategy ) (on the grounds that)

R: A certain pricing strategy which the argument recommends is high pricing because of trying to sell such an item fast by asking too low a price is a serious error, since it calls into question the very thing---exclusivity---that is supposed to be the item’s chief appeal.

==> A : this strategy lacks a counterproductive feature of the rejected alternative.  We can see, anwer A summarize the premise,that is the reason.
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-23 16:45

to zyh79,


the strategy recommended by the author is:The seller should make sure that any error in the initial asking price is in the direction of setting the price too high. (也就是说,既然这种商品的价值不可能预先估算,那么卖主必须肯定他的要价是向着尽量高估这种商品的方向去的,虽然这样的策略有可能最终是个error)

A:这种策略的根据是 它不存在那个被rejected alternative的缺陷(counterproductive feature).  这里所谓的counterproductive feature 就是采取低价策略会使人们怀疑这种商品的与众不同( the low pricing calls into question the very thing---exclusivity---that is supposed to be the item’s chief appeal.)  

归根到底就是一句话: 采取高价销售的策略至少可以消除买主对该商品的与众不同性的怀疑.
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-23 16:59

另外,不只能否帮我看看这道题, 3-IV-7

7.A certain retailer promotes merchandise by using the following policy: At all times there is either a “manger’s sale” or a “holiday sale” or both going on. All sales are run for exactly one calendar month. In any given month, if a manager wishes to clear out particular Line of merchandise, then a managers’ sale is declared, If a holiday falls within the calendar month And there is excess merchandise in the warehouse never contains excess merchandise

Which one of the following can be concluded from the passage?

(A) If a holiday falls within a given month and there is no extra merchandise in the warehouse that month, then a holiday sale is declared

(B) If a holiday sale is not being run, then it is the month of August.

(C) If a manger’s sale is being run in some month, and then there is no excess merchandise in the warehouse in that month.

(D) If there is not a manger’s sale being run some month. Then there is holiday sale being run in that month.

(E) If there is no excess merchandise in the warehouse, then it is the month of August.



13. Physician: The patient is suffering either from disease X or else from disease Y. but there is no available test for distinguishing X from Y. Therefore, since there is an effective treatment for Y but no treatment for X, we must act on the assumption that the patient has a case of Y.

The physician’s reasoning could be based on which one of the following principles?

(A) In treating a patient who has one or the other of two diseases, it is more important to treat the diseases than to determine which of the two diseases the patient has.

(B) If circumstances beyond a decision maker’s control will affect the outcome of the decision maker’s actions, the decision maker must assume that circumstances are unfavorable

(C) When the soundness of a strategy depends on the truth of a certain assumption, and the first step in putting the strategy into effect must be to test the truth of this assumption.

(D) When success is possible only if a circumstance beyond one’s control is favorable, and then one’s strategy must be based on the assumption that this circumstance is in fact favorable

(E) When only one strategy carries the possibility of success. Circumstances must as much as possible be changed to fit this strategy.

我选的A,答案是D, 看过答案之后,我觉得D和A都可以的, 很难从中做出选择,请高手帮忙!
作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-23 18:29

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-23 23:27

  二段最后一句,then a holiday sale is declared
  还有三段,However,there is no holiday that falls within the month of August and ,in that month, the warehouse never contains excess merchandise.
作者: cook    时间: 2002-10-24 01:21

[U]7. D

13. Conclusion: Therefore, since there is [U]an effective treatment for Y[/U] but no treatment for X,) we must act on the assumption that the patient has a case of Y.

Asking: The physician’s reasoning could be based on which one of the following ([U]principles?)[/U]


D) When success is possible only if a circumstance beyond one’s control is favorable,( means: when effective treatment for Y is possible only if a condition is favorable that patient Y is suffering Y) is  and then one’s strategy must be (based on the assumption that this circumstance is in fact favorable) -> (act on the assumption that the patient has a case of Y)

(A) In treating a patient who has one or the other of two diseases, it is more important to( treat) the diseases than to (determine )which of the two diseases the patient has.  

Comparing the purpose of doctor is not the principle , actually not the doctor's meaning. You know , we often act this way to treat patient under such condition , the way having an effect that if fail, we could know the patient probably suffering X , that we call: " 治疗性诊断".
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-24 11:48


T5-S2-4,4. A work of architecture, if it is to be both inviting and functional for public use, must be unobtrusive, taking second place to the total environment. Modern architects, plagued by egoism, have violated this precept. They have let their strong personalities take over their work, producing buildings that are not functional for public use.

Which one of the statements below follows logically from the statements in the passage?

(A) Unobtrusive architecture is both inviting and functional.

(B) Modern architects who let their strong personalities take over their work produce buildings that are not unobtrusive.

(C) An architect with a strong personality cannot produce buildings that functional well for the public.

(D) A work of architecture that takes second place to the environment functions well for public use.

(E) A work of architecture cannot simultaneously express its architect’s personality and be functional for public use.

第一句话到底是表示成: Inviting+Functional ==> Unobtrusive, 还是: Unobtrusive ==> Inviting + Functional ,如果是第一种的话, 那就得不出 not Functional ==> not Unobtrusive 也就得不出答案B,

12. Photovoltaic power plants produce electricity from sunlight. As a result of astonishing recent technological advances, the cost of producing electric power at photovoltaic power plants, allowing for both construction and operating costs, is one-tenth of what it was 20 years ago, whereas the corresponding cost for traditional plants, which burn fossil fuels, has increased. Thus, photovoltaic power plants offer a less expensive approach to meeting demand for electricity than do traditional power plants.

The conclusion of the argument is properly drawn if which one of the following is assumed?

(A) The cost of producing electric power at traditional plants has increased over the past 20 years.

(B) Twenty years ago, traditional power plants were producing 10 times more electric power than were photovoltaic plants.

(C) None of the recent technological advances in producing electric power at photovoltaic plants can be applied to producing power at traditional plants.

(D) Twenty years ago, the cost of producing electric power at photovoltaic plants was less than 20 times the cost of producing power at traditional plants.

(E) The cost of producing electric power at photovoltaic plants is expected to decrease further, while the cost of producing power at traditional plants is not expected to decrease.

D是不是写错了, 应该是 less than 10 times the cost of 吧?


17. A society’s infant mortality rate is an accepted indicator of that society’s general health status. Even though in some localities in the United States the rate is higher than in many developing countries, in the United States overall the rate has been steadily declining. This decline does not necessarily indicate, however, that babies in the United States are now, on the average, healthier at birth than they were in the past.

Which one of the following reasons, if true, most strongly supports the claim made above about the implications of the decline?

(A) The figure for infant mortality is compiled as an overall rate and thus masks deficiencies in particular localities.

(B) Low birth weight is a contributing factor in more than half of the infant deaths in the United States.

(C) The United States has been developing and has achieved extremely sophisticated technology for saving premature and low-birth-weight babies, most of whom require extended hospital stays.

(D) In eleven states of The United States, the infant mortality rate declined last year.

(E) Babies who do not receive adequate attention from a caregiver fail to thrive and so they gain weight slowly.

我选的是A, 可能我没有真正理解问题的意思, 问题是不是问:下列那个最支持关于上述出身死亡率下降的暗示?

不好意思,这个Section我有好几题需要帮助!! 谢谢
作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-24 20:38

1。T5-S2-4,must表示必要条件,故Unobtrusive ==> Inviting + Functional
2。D是写错了, 是 less than 10 times the cost of
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-25 11:38

to zyh79,

我理解了后两个,但对must 表示必要条件我还是有点疑惑: 既然must 表示必要条件,那么应该是 I + F ==> Unobtrusive 才对啊?  就好比 A=>B 则B才是必要条件.

这道题的问题是: Which one of the statements below follows logically from the statements in the passage?

好像是"完成逻辑推理题", 因为题干有这么一句话: Modern architects, plagued by egoism, have violated this precept 越搞越混了!!!!

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-25 11:50

BTW, T5-S2-22
22. Public reports by national commissions, governors’ conference, and leadership groups have stressed the great need for better understanding of international affairs by the citizenry. If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness, the need is Undesirable. If there is such a need for the citizenry to have a better understanding of international affairs, then all of our new teachers must be prepared to teach their subject matter with an international orientation.

If all of the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following must also be true?

(A) If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness, then new teachers must be prepared to teach their subject matter with an international orientation.

(B) If new teachers are prepared to teach their subject matter with an international orientation, then the country will remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness.

(C) If there is better understanding of international affairs by the citizenry, then the country will remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness.

(D) If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness, then there is no need for the citizenry to have a better understanding of international affairs.

(E) Public reports from various groups and commissions have stressed the need for a more international orientation in the education of teachers.

题干中的 Undesirable 是不是应该改成 desirable , 否则就得不到: ramain leading => better understanding => must be prepared ( 另外,你有没有发现这里的must 表示必要条件)

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-25 15:48


对于if a,then must b,我上次说错了,b肯定是必要条件。
     musy by b,in order to a,b肯定是必要条件
对于上次那题,我也觉得怪。正如你说,问题出在follows logically from 上,是不是与infer logically from不一样?
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-27 09:28

你有原文,那printable ELSAT 岂非还不是正版, 不知那里有的下载原文?

如果是"undeniable",then everything is OK!

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-27 09:38

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-27 10:05

谢谢,我不准备买这本书了,Elsat 上的错误也不是很多,如果我有疑问,还请zyh79和其他高手帮帮我!

T5-S6-24,24. It has been claimed that an action is morally good only if it benefits another person and was performed with that intention; whereas an action that harms another person is morally bad either if such harm was intended or if reasonable forethought would have shown that the action was likely to cause harm.

Which one of the following judgments most closely confirms to the principle cited above?

(A) Pamela wrote a letter attempting to cause trouble between Edward and his friends; this action of Pamela’s was morally bad, even though the letter, in fact, had an effect directly opposite from the one intended.

(B) In order to secure a promotion, Jeffery devoted his own time to resolving a backlog of medical benefits claims; Jeffrey’s action was morally good since it alone enabled Sara’s claim to be processed in time for her to receive much-needed treatment.

(C) Intending to help her elderly neighbor by clearing his walkway after a snowstorm, Teresa inadvertently left ice on his steps; because of this exposed ice, her neighbor had a bad fall, thus showing that morally good actions can have bad consequences.

(D) Marilees, asked by a homeless man for food, gave the man her own sandwich; however, because the man tried to talk while he was eating the sandwich, it caused him to choke, and thus Marilees unintentionally performed a morally bad action.

(E) Jonathan agreed to watch his three-year-old niece while she played but, becoming engrossed in conversion, did not see her run into the street where she was hit by a bicycle; even though he intended no harm, Jonathan’s action was morally bad.

这题我选A,答案是E,我看不出E比A closely 到哪儿去?
作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-27 16:53

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-27 17:05

principle: good => benefit + good intention
           bad intention OR likely cause harm => bad

A: intention( attempt to cause trouble) => bad
   benefit + bad intention => not good (bad) 这是应用第一个原则的等价原则(逆否命题)
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-27 17:29


23. Defendants who can afford expensive private defense lawyers have a lower conviction rate than those who rely on court-appointed public defenders. This explains why criminals who commit lucrative crimes like embezzlement or insider trading are more successful at avoiding conviction than are street criminals.

The explanation offered above would be more persuasive if which one of the following were true?

(A) Many street crimes, such as drug dealing, are extremely lucrative and those committing them can afford expensive private lawyers.

(B) Most prosecutors are not competent to handle cases involving highly technical financial evidence and have more success in prosecuting cases of robbery or simple assault.

(C) The number of criminals convicted of street crimes is far greater than the number of criminals convicted of embezzlement or insider trading.

(D) The percentage of defendants who actually committed the crimes of which they are accused is no greater fro publicly defended than for privately defended defendants.

(E) Juries, out of sympathy for the victims of crimes, are much more likely to convict defendants accused of violent crimes than they are to convict defendants accused of “victimless” crimes or crimes against property.

选项D的意思是不是说 那些用public lawyer的被告中真实的犯罪比率不比那些使用private lawyer的比率高,

也就是排除了 "那些花得起高律师费请private lawyer的被告中实际的犯罪比率就比使用public lawyer 的被告低" 这一导致lower conviction in defendants who can afford expensive private defense lawyers 的可能原因?

14 Marine biologists had hypothesized that lobsters kept together in lobster traps eat one another in response to hunger. Periodic checking of lobster traps, however, has revealed instances of lobsters sharing traps together for weeks. Eight lobsters even shared one trap together for two months without eating one another. The marine biologists’ hypothesis, therefore, is clearly wrong.

The argument against the marine biologists’ hypothesis is based on which one of the following assumptions?

(A) Lobsters not caught in lobster traps have been observed eating one another.

(B) Two months is the longest known period during which eight or more lobsters have been trapped together.

(C) It is unusual to find as many as eight lobsters caught together in one single trap.

(D) Members of other marine species sometimes eat their own kind when no other food sources are available.

(E) Any food that the eight lobsters in the trap might have obtained was not enough to ward off hunger.

如果B改成 two months is long enough to observe the lobsters in the lobster trap in response to hunger. 可不可以算是assumption, 我现在对assumption题最没有把握!
作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-27 17:45

我对这里bad 的理解:an action that harms another person is moraly bad
这里的anction 必须是造成伤害。没造成伤害的行为不属于讨论范畴,故A错!
作者: zephyr1977    时间: 2002-10-28 15:33

7. Marine biologists have long thought that variation in the shell color of aquatic snails evolved as a protective camouflage against birds and other predators. Brown shells seem to be more frequent when the underlying seafloor is dark-colored and white shells more frequent when the underlying seafloor is light-colored. A new theory has been advanced, however, that claims that shell color is related to physiological stress associated with heat absorption. According to this theory, brown shells will be more prevalent in areas where the wave action of the sea is great and thus heat absorption from the Sun is minimized, whereas white shells will be more numerous in calmer waters where the snails will absorb more heat from the Sun’s rays.

Evidence that would strongly favor the new theory over the traditional theory would be the discovery of a large majority of

(A) dark-shelled snails in a calm inlet with a dark, rocky bottom and many predators

(B) dark-shelled snails in a calm inlet with a white, sandy bottom

(C) light-shelled snails in an inlet with much wave action and a dark, rocky bottom

(D) light-shelled snails in a calm inlet with a dark, rocky bottom and many predators

(E) light-shelled snails in a calm inlet with a white, sandy bottom and many predators

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-28 20:45

to zephyr1977,

old theory: dark-shell with dark bottom in order to prevent predator, light-shell with light bottom in order to prevent predator;

new theory: dark-shell with much wave, light-shell with calm waters;

sopport new theory: find evidence where dark-shell, light bottom, much waves and predator exist, or where light-shell, dark bottom, calm waters and predator exist.
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-28 20:56

to zyh79,

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-28 21:00

to zyh79,

作者: harbourxie    时间: 2002-10-28 22:37


Because the CR of LSAT is too hard to me to deal with: I often correct only several out of 25 every section. If possible, please give us explanations of every problems. Thanks.
作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-28 23:40

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-29 09:41

to bessette,
       举个例子:100个用public lawyer,真实的犯罪99个
                 100个用private lawyer,真实犯罪1个
       前者的胜诉自然低了,但不能多说public lawyer就没用。
    假如洞里有很多吃的,两个月虽说是足够观察了,但有什么用呢, lobsters 也许可以撑一年。
    24. Until recently it was thought that ink used before the sixteenth century did not contain titanium. However, a new type of analysis detected titanium in the ink of the famous Bible printed by Johannes Gutenberg and in that of another fifteenth-century Bible known as B-36, though not in the ink of any of numerous other fifteenth-century books analyzed. This finding is of great significance, since it not only strongly supports the hypothesis that B-36 was printed by Gutenberg but also shows that the presence of titanium in the ink of the purportedly fifteenth century Vinland Map can no longer be regarded as a reason for doubting the map’s authenticity.

The reasoning in the passage is vulnerable to criticism on the ground that

(A) the results of the analysis are interpreted as indicating that the use of titanium as an ingredient in fifteenth-century ink both was, and was not, extremely restricted

(B) if the technology that makes it possible to detect titanium in printing ink has only recently become available, it is unlikely that printers ore artists in the fifteenth century would know whether their ink contained titanium or not

(C) it is unreasonable to suppose that determination of the date and location of a document’s printing or drawing can be made solely on the basis of the presence or absence of a single element in the ink used in the document.

(D) both the B-36 Bible and the Binland Map are objects that can be appreciated on their own merits whether or not the precise date of their creation or the identity of the person who made them is known.

(E) the discovery of titanium in the ink of the Vinland Map must have occurred before titanium was discovered in the ink of the Gutenberg Bible and the B-36 Bible .

The answer is A, why not C?

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-29 17:47

to zyh79,


A的意思说,the reasoning in the passage is vulnerable because 研究人员对分析结果的解释表明 十五世纪时使用titanium的墨水仅仅限于the printing of Bible,但又不仅仅限于the printing of Bible,因为后面又提到Vinland Map 中也有titanium.

也就是说,如果研究结果仅仅是发现the printing of the two Bible,那么说This finding strongly supports the hypothesis that B-36 was printed by Gutenberg完全可以,但作者又画蛇添足地说the finding also shows that the presence of titanium in the ink of the purportedly fifteenth century Vinland Map can no longer be regarded as a reason for doubting the map’s authenticity, 那么读者就会提出疑问,即why not the B-36 was not printed by the printer of Vinland Map?

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-30 12:47

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-30 16:44

今天做了test8,其中19,20两题我的思路怎么也理不清,求助!Questions 19-20

Oxygen.18 is a heavier-than-normal isotope of oxygen. In a rain cloud, water molecules containing oxygen-18 are rarer than water molecules containing normal oxygen. But in rainfall, a higher proportion of all water molecules containing oxygen-18 than of all water molecules containing ordinary oxygen descends to earth. Consequently, scientists were surprised when measurements along the entire route of rain clouds' passage from above the Atlantic Ocean, the site of their original formation, across the Amazon forests, where it rains almost daily, showed that the oxygen-18 content of each of the clouds remained fairly constant.

19. Which one of the following statements, if true, best helps to resolve the conflict between scientists' expectations, based on the known behavior of oxygen-18, and the result of their measurements of the rain clouds' oxygen-IS content?

(A) Rain clouds above tropical forests are poorer in oxygen-18 than rain clouds above unforested regions.

(B) Like the oceans, tropical rain forests can create or replenish rain clouds in the atmosphere above them.

(C) The amount of rainfall over the Amazon rain forests is exactly the same as the amount of rain originally collected in the clouds formed above the Atlantic Ocean.

(D) The amount of rain recycled back into the atmosphere from the leaves of forest vegetation is exactly the same as the amount of ram in river runoffs that is not recycled into the atmosphere.

(E) Oxygen-18 is not a good indicator of the effect of tropical rain forests on the atmosphere above them.

20. Which one of the following inferences about an individual rain cloud is supported by the passage?

(A) Once it is formed Over the Atlantic, the rain cloud contains more ordinary oxygen than oxygen-18.

(B) Once it has passed over the Amazon, the rain cloud contains a greater-than-normal percentage of oxygen-18.

(C) The clouds rainfall contains more oxygen-18 than ordinary oxygen.

(D) During a rainfall, the cloud must surrender the same percentage of its ordinary oxygen as of its oxygen-18.

(E) During a rainfall, the cloud must surrender more of its oxygen-l8 than it retains.

10. Most people are indignant at the suggestion that they are not reliable authorities about their real wants. Such self-knowledge, however, is not the easiest kind of knowledge to acquire. Indeed, acquiring it often requires hard and even potentially risky work. To avoid such effort, people unconsciously convince themselves that they want what society says they should want.

The main point of the argument is that

(A) Acquiring self-knowledge can be risky

(B) Knowledge of what one really wants is not as desirable as it is usually thought to be

(C) People cannot really want what they should want

(D) People usually avoid making difficult decisions

(E) People are not necessarily reliable authorities about What they really want

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-30 16:57

我没有注意短信,to zyh79:我会参与讨论的, to tongxun:你10月6日发给我的短信我也没注意,道歉!下次改进
作者: andrewcan    时间: 2002-10-30 22:36

My comment:
In the original passage,there is no any "quantity" concept, only sth vs sth,
so in A, that the conclusion of some must be larger than some cannot be true. thus, it's the key.
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-31 10:46

to andrewcan,

which question do you mean? NO.20?
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-10-31 16:31


LSAT t8-s4-21
Jane: Professor Harper's ideas for modifying the design of guitars are of no value because there is no general agreement among musicians as to what a guitar should sound like and. Consequently, no widely accepted basis for evaluating the merits of a guitar's sound.

Mark: What's more, Harper's ideas have had enough time to be adopted if they really resulted in superior sound. It took only ten years for the Torres design for guitars to be almost universally adopted because of the improvement it makes in tonal quality.

Which one of the following most accurately describes the relationship between Jane's argument and Mark's argument?

(A) Mark's argument shows how a weakness in Jane's argument can be overcome.

(B) Mark's argument has a premise in common with Jane's argument

(C) Mark and Jane use similar techniques to argue for different conclusions.

(D) Mark's argument restates Jane's argument in other terms.

(E) Mark's argument and Jane's argument are based on conflicting suppositions.

我不知道conflicting suppositions在题中具体指那两个suppositions?

8. In Malsenia sales of classical records are soaring. The buyers responsible for this boom are quite new to classical music and were drawn to it either by classical scores from television commercials or by theme tunes introducing major sports events on television. Audiences at classical concerts, however, are continually shrinking in Malsenia. It can be concluded from this that the new Malsenian converts to classical music, having initially experienced this music as recorded music, are most comfortable with classical music as recorded music and really have no desire to hear live performances.

The argument assumes which one of the following?

(A) To sell well in Malsenia, a classical record must include at least one piece familiar from television.

(B) At least some of the new Malsenian buyers of classical records have available to them the opinion of attending classical concerts.

(C) The number of classical concerts performed in Malsenia has not decreased in response to smaller audiences.

(D) The classical records available in Malsenia are, for the most part, not recordings of actual public concerts.

(E) Classical concerts in Malsenia are not limited to music that is readily available on recordings.

我感觉答案应该在D和E中,但却是C,  ???

9. Brain scans of people exposed to certain neurotoxins reveal brain damage identical to that found in people suffering from Parkinson's disease. This fact shows not only that these neurotoxins cause this type of brain damage, but also that the brain damage itself causes Parkinson's disease. Thus brain scans can be used to determine who is likely to develop Parkinson's disease.

The argument contains which one of the following reasoning errors?

(A) It fails to establish that other methods that can be used to diagnose Parkinson's disease are less accurate than brain scans.

(B) It overestimates the importance of early diagnosis in determining appropriate treatments for people suffering from Parkinson's disease.

(C) It mistakes a correlation between the type of brain damage described and Parkinson's disease for a causal relation between the two.

(D) It assumes that people would want to know as early as possible whether they were likely to develop Parkinson's disease.

{E} It neglects to specify how the information provided by brain scans could be used either in treating Parkinson's disease or in monitoring the progression of the disease.

我选的C, 答案是B,但B和原文好像没有什么关系啊?

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-31 20:56

to bessette:
8-1-19,20: 雨云O18含量少,但落下雨水O18含量高,所以科学认为O18重。但又发现Amazon forests上空雨云的O18含量不变。
1。18含量不变,是针对Amazon forests上空的云而言

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-10-31 21:37

to bessette:


  B答案中提到的treatments for people suffering from Parkinson's disease文中只字未提
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-11-1 10:20

to zyh79,


t8-s4-9, 我也觉得答案有问题,也选的C;
t8-s1-19, "动态平衡"一语中的!! 但我觉得"但又发现Amazon forests上空雨云的O18含量不变" 如果改成" 在Atlantic Ocean上形成的雨云中O18的含量和Amazon Forest上的雨云的含量保持不便" 更确切.

再次感谢zyh79的精炼题解!! 我的逻辑还有很多地方要你指导.
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-11-1 18:15

to zyh79, t9-15

Economist: Some policymakers believe that our country’s continued economic growth requires a higher level of personal savings than we currently have. A recent legislative proposal would allow individuals to set up savings accounts in which interest earned would be exempt from taxes until money is withdrawn from the account. Backers of this proposal claim that its implementation would increase the amount of money available for banks to loan at a relatively small cost to the government in lost tax revenues. Yet, when similar tax-incentive programs were tried in the past, virtually all of the money invested through them was diverted from other personal savings, and the overall level of personal savings was unchanged.

14. The passage as a whole provides the most support for which one of the following conclusions?

15. The author criticizes the proposed tax-incentive program by

(A) challenging a premise on which the proposal is based

(B) pointing out a disagreement among policymakers

(C) demonstrating that the proposal’s implementation is not feasible

(D) questioning the judgment of the proposal’s backers by citing past cases in which they had advocated programs that have proved ineffective

(E) disputing the assumption that a program to encourage personal savings is needed

答案是A,但我不知道这里的premise到底作何解释? 假设?前提条件? 如果是假设,具体指什么? 谢谢!
作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-1 23:41

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-11-2 09:22

to zyh79,

那么"Backers of this proposal claim that its implementation would increase the amount of money available for banks to loan at a relatively small cost to the government in lost tax revenues."只不过指出了减税计划的另一个好处:使得政府能以较低的成本获得银行贷款来弥补税收的流失"?
作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-2 10:00

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-11-3 12:07

8. The director of a secondary school where many students were having severe academic problems impaneled a committee to study the matter. The committee reported that these students were having academic problems because they spent large amounts of time on school sports and too little time studying. The director then prohibited all students who were having academic problems from taking part in sports in which they were active. He stated that this would ensure that such students would do well academically.

The reasoning on which the director bases his statement is not sound because he fails to establish that

(A) some students who spend time on sports do not have academic problems

(B) all students who do well academically do so because of time saved by not participating in sports

(C) at least some of the time the students will save by not participating in sports will be spent on solving their academic problems

(D) no students who do well academically spend time on sports

(E) the quality of the school’s sports program would not suffer as a result of the ban

我觉得B比C好,理由如下:因为"He stated that this would ensure that such students would do well academically.",既然是要."ensure",那如果主任给出"所有的好学生都是因为放弃了参加体育运动才学习好的",也就是not participate =>do well academically, so if the director establishes the evidence above, then "prohibit=not participate => do well academically"。 而C光说“由于不参加体育运动节省下来的时间,至少有一部分是用于解决学习问题的”,那我完全有理由反驳说,即使有一部分时间用于解决学习问题,那也不能ensure that such students will do well academically,可能他们本来脑子就有问题、笨呢。

So-called environmentalists have argued that the proposed Golden Lake Development would interfere with bird-migration patterns. However, the fact that these same people have raised environmental objections to virtually every development proposal brought before the council in recent years indicates that their expressed concern for bird-migration patterns is nothing but a mask for their antidevelopment, antiprogress agenda. Their claim, therefore, should be dismissed without further consideration.

21. For the claim that the concern expressed by the so-called environmentalists is not their real concern to be properly drawn on the basis of the evidence cited, which one of the following must be assumed?

(A) Not every development proposal opposed in recent years by these so-called environmentalists was opposed because they believed it to pose a threat to the environment

(B) People whose real agenda is to block development wherever it is proposed always try to disguise their true motives.

(C) Anyone who opposes unrestricted development is an opponent of progress.

(D) The council has no reason to object to the proposed Golden Lake Development other than concern about the development’s effect on bird-migration patterns.

(E) When people say that they oppose a development project solely on environmental grounds, their real concern almost always lies elsewhere.

这题我选D,答案A,刚开始我就是在A、D间徘徊,我总觉得A的表达怪怪的,但如果作者不assume的话,the claim that the concern expressed by the so-called environmentalists is not their real concern 就不一定能得出吗?我疑惑!

23. Sabina: The words used in expressing facts affect neither the facts nor the conclusions those facts will support. Moreover, if the words are clearly defined and consistently used, the actual words chosen make no difference to an argument’s soundness. Thus, how an argument is expressed can have no bearing on whether it is a good argument.

Emile: Badly chosen words can make even the soundest argument a poor one. After all, many words have social and political connotations that influence people’s response to claims expressed in those words, regardless of how carefully and explicitly those words are defined. Since whether people will acknowledge a fact is affected by how the fact is expressed, the conclusions they actually draw are also affected.

The point at issue between Emile and Sabina is whether

(A) defining words in one way rather than another can alter either the facts or the conclusions the facts will justify

(B) a word can be defined without taking into account its social and political connotations

(C) a sound argument in support of a given conclusion is a better argument than any unsound argument for that same conclusion

(D) it would be a good policy to avoid using words that are likely to lead people either to misunderstand the claims being made or to reason badly about those claims

(E) a factor that affects neither the truth of an argument’s premises nor the logical relation between its premises and its conclusion can cause an argument to be a bad one

这题的答案E比较特别,因为答案没有直接说the factor是什么,而是用排除其他factors的方法来间接表达,我不确定我的判断,E是不是说,他们争论的焦点就是“用词问题是否会影响论证的有效性”?

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-4 01:40

1)文中的because其实暗含着only because,学习不好就是因为时间分配,无它因
2)fail to establish并没说establish了,就一定能保证结论推出。我倾向2
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-11-4 08:41

to zyh79,

8.1)文中的because其实暗含着only because,学习不好就是因为时间分配,无它因
  2)fail to establish并没说establish了,就一定能保证结论推出。

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-4 10:04


[此贴子已经被zyh79于2002-11-4 10:04:51编辑过]

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-4 10:13

25. All actors are exuberant people and all exuberant people are extroverts, but nevertheless it is true that some shy people are actors.

If the statements above are true, each of the following must also be true EXCEPT:

(A) Some shy people are extroverts.

(B) Some shy extroverts are not actors.

(C) Some exuberant people who are actors are shy.

(D) All people who are not extroverts are not actors.

(E) Some extroverts are shy.

The answer is B, why not D?

26. Science Academy study: It has been demonstrated that with natural methods, some well-managed farms are able to reduce the amounts of synthetic fertilizer and pesticide and also of antibiotics they use without necessarily decreasing yields; in some cases yields can be increased.

Critics: Not so. The farms the academy selected to study were the ones that seemed most likely to be successful in using natural methods. What about the farmers who have tried such methods and failed?

Which one of the following is the most adequate evaluation of the logical force of the critics’


(A) Success and failure in farming are rarely due only to luck, because farming is the management of chance occurrences.

(B) The critics show the result of the study would have been different if twice as many farms had been studied.

(C) The critics assume without justification that the failures were not due to soil quality.

(D) The critics demonstrate that natural methods are not suitable for the majority of framers.

(E) The issue is only to show that something is possible, so it is not relevant whether the instances studied were representative

The answer is E, why not B?
25。从条件可知,All actors are extroverts
问:哪一项must be true而不是can be true?
b不一定,可以是all extroverts are actors

14. Some of the world's most beautiful cats are Persian cats. However, it must be acknowledged that all Persian cats are pompous, and pompous cats are invariably irritating.

If the statements above are true, each of the following must also be true on the basis of them EXCEPT:

(A) Some of the world's most beautiful cats are irritating

(B) Some irritating cats are among the world's most beautiful cats

(C) Any cat that is not irritating is not a Persian cat

(D) Some pompous cats are among the world's most beautiful cats

(E) Some irritating and beautiful cats are not Persian cats

why E not C?这种题目有无妙法可解?
所以:Some irritating are not Persian 错!

13. "addiction" has been defined as "dependence on and abuse of a psychoactive substance" Dependence and abuse do not always go hand in hand, however. For example, cancer patients can become dependent on morphine to relieve their pain, but this is not abusing the drug. Correspondingly, a person can abuse a drug without being dependent on it. Therefore, the definition of "addiction" is incorrect.

The relevance of the example of cancer patients to the argument depends on the assumption that

(A) cancer patients never abuse morphine

(B) cancer patients often become dependent on morphine

(C) cancer patients who are dependent on morphine are addicted to it

(D) cancer patients who abuse a drug are dependent on it

(E) cancer patients cannot depend on morphine without abusing it

why C not A?
反驳的证据:cancer patients 有dependence,但没有abuse。
证据要与结论相关,要这样的假设:cancer patients 有dependence的为addiction

3. Balance is particularly important when reporting the background of civil wars and conflicts. Facts must not be deliberately manipulated to show one party in a favorable light, and the views of each side should be fairly represented. This concept of balance, however, does not justify concealing or glossing over basic injustices in an effort to be even-handled. If all the media were to adopt such a perverse interpretation of balanced reporting, the public would be given a picture of a world where each party in every conflict had an equal measure of justice on its side, contrary to our experience of life and, indeed, our common sense.

Which one of the following best expresses the main point of the argument?

(A) Balanced reporting presents the public with a picture of the world in which all sides to a conflict have equal justification.

(B) Balanced reporting requires impartially revealing injustices where they occur no less than fairly presenting the views of each party in a conflict.

(C) Our experience of life shows that there are indeed cases in which conflicts arise because of an injustice, with one party clearly in the wrong.

(D) Common sense tells us that balance is especially needed when reporting the background of civil wars and conflicts.

(E) Balanced reporting is an ideal that cannot be realized, because judgments of balance are necessarily subjective.
作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-4 10:59

to bessette:
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-11-4 11:59

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-4 15:33

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-4 15:59

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-11-5 11:03

to zyh79,


作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-5 14:44

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-5 16:16     标题: LSAT专刊

test1-section IV-25   
test2-section2-19  test2-section2-11
3-IV-7 3-IV-13  
T5-S2-4  T5-S2-12  T5-S2-17  T5-S2-22  T5-S6-24
t7-s1-23, 14
test8-1-19,20,10, t8-s4-21,8,9
t9-1-15  t9-s4-8,21,23

[此贴子已经被zyh79于2002-11-4 10:26:30编辑过]

[此贴子已经被zyh79于2002-11-5 16:16:04编辑过]

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-5 16:18

lsat 14-4-18
Orthodox medicine is ineffective at both ends of the spectrum of ailments. At the more trivial end, orthodox medicine is largely ineffective in treating aches, pains and allergies, and, at the other extreme, it has yet to produce a cure for serious, life-threatening diseases such as advanced cancer and lupus. People turn to alternative medicine when orthodox medicine fails to help them and when it produces side effects that are unacceptable to them. One of the reasons alternative medicines is free of such side effects is that it does not have any effects at all.

18. if the statements above are true, which one of the following can be properly inferred from them?

(A) Practitioners of alternative medicine are acting in bad faith

(B) There are some medical conditions for which no orthodox or alternative treatment is effective

(C) There are some trivial illnesses that can be treated effectively by the methods of alternative medicine

(D) There are no effective medical treatments that are free from unacceptable side effects

(E) Orthodox medicine will eventually produce a solution for the diseases that are currently incurable

文章先说Orthodox medicine is ineffective ,因为人们turn to alternative medicine ,然后列举原因
最后又说,其实alternative medicine没有副作用,是因为它没有用

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-11-5 16:23

to zyh79,

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-5 16:45

Orthodox medicine is ineffective at both ends of the spectrum of ailments. At the more trivial end, orthodox medicine is largely ineffective in treating aches, pains and allergies, and, at the other extreme, it has yet to produce a cure for serious, life-threatening diseases such as advanced cancer and lupus. People turn to alternative medicine when orthodox medicine fails to help them and when it produces side effects that are unacceptable to them. One of the reasons alternative medicines is free of such side effects is that it does not have any effects at all.

19. The charge made above against alternative medicine is most seriously weakened if it is true that

(A) predictions based on orthodox medicine have sometimes failed, as when a patient has recovered despite the judgment of doctors that an illness is fatal

(B) alternative medicine relies on concepts of the body and of the nature of healing that differ from those on which orthodox medicine is based

(C) alternative medicine provides hope to those for whom orthodox medicine offers no cure

(D) a patient's belief in the medical treatment the patient is receiving can release the body's own chemical painkillers, diminish allergic reactions, and promote healing

(E) many treatments used for a time by orthodox medicine have later been found to be totally ineffective
19 D

D是削弱, a patient's belief in the medical treatment the patient is receiving can release the body's own chemical painkillers, diminish allergic reactions, and promote healing

D用的是一种很平常的削弱方式,他就是在说alternative 有用,而不是题干中的所谓 One of the reasons alternative medicines is free of such side effects is that it does not have any effects at all
作者: jwzdfd    时间: 2002-11-6 16:47

5. The government has proposed a plan requiring young people to perform services to correct various current social ills, especially those in education and housing. Government service, however, should be compelled only in response to a direct threat to the nation's existence. For that reason, the proposed program should not be implemented.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the government depends?

(A) Government-required service by young people cannot correct all social ills.

(B) The nation’s existence is directly threatened only in times of foreign attack.

(C) Crises in education and housing constitute a threat to the nation's existence.

(D) The nation's young people believe that current social ills pose no direct threat to the nation's existence.

(E) Some of the social ills that currently afflict the nation do not pose a direct threat to the nation's existence.

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-11-6 17:18

没错,正是因为some of the social not pose a direct threat to the nation's existence. 所以这个计划不应该被实施,因为这个计划不能避免those direct threats.
作者: jwzdfd    时间: 2002-11-6 19:29

to besstte:

这个计划不应该被实施,因为不能避免those direct threats. 但为什么会成为政府提议此计划的基础呢?an assumption on which the government depends?
作者: 阿狼    时间: 2002-11-6 21:01

5. Adults who work outside the home spend, on average, 100 minutes less time each week in preparing dinner than adults who do not work outside the home. But, contrary to expectation, comparison show that the dinners eaten at home by the two groups of adults do not differ significantly with respect to nutritional value, variety of menus, or number of courses.

Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy in the information above?

(A) The fat content of the dinners eaten at home by adults who do not work outside the home is 25 percent higher than national guidelines recommend.

(B) Adults who do not work the home tend to prepare breakfast more often than adults who work outside the home.

(C) Adults who work outside the home spend 2 hours less time per day on all household responsibilities, including dinner preparation than do adults who do not work outside the home.

(D) Adults who work outside the home eat dinner at home 20 percent less often than do adults who do not work outside the home.

(E) Adults who work outside the home are less likely to plan dinner menus well in advance than are adults who do not work outside the home.

作者: jwzdfd    时间: 2002-11-6 22:54


E 不能说明两者的伙食一样好。
作者: 阿狼    时间: 2002-11-7 00:15

作者: 阿狼    时间: 2002-11-7 00:25

   另外,我发现一个问题。ELSAT上面TEST25部分的CRITICAL REASONING1 实际上是TEST24部分的CRITICAL REASONING1。大家从后往前做的时候,不要被TEST25的答案吓趴了。
我做完TEST25部分的CRITICAL REASONING1后,一对答案,发现错了一半,受了很大打击。结果后来才发现是TEST24的题目跑到TEST25来了。呵呵~~~~~
作者: bessette    时间: 2002-11-7 08:41

to jwzdfd,



作者: jwzdfd    时间: 2002-11-7 09:33

to bessette:

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-11-7 10:50

The reasoning has nothing to do with the author of the paragraph. So you should not make the author involved in your settlement of the queston.
作者: 阿狼    时间: 2002-11-7 23:02

15. Because of the lucrative but illegal trade in rhinoceros horns, a certain rhinoceros species has been hunted mealy to extinction. Therefore an effective way to ensure the survival of that species would be to periodically trim off the horns of all rhinoceroses thereby eliminating the motivation for poaching.

Which one of the following is an assumption required by the argument?

(A) Most poachers who are discouraged from hunting rhinoceroses are not likely to hunt other animals for their horns.

(B) At lease some rhinoceroses whose horns are periodically trimmed off will be able to attract mates.

(C) Poachers hunt at lease some immature rhinoceroses whose horns have not yet started to develop

(D) The demand for rhinoceros horns will remain constant even if the supply decreases after the periodical trimming-off of the rhinoceros horns has begun.

(E) Rhinoceroses whose horns have been trimmed off are unable to defend themselves against predators.
作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-8 09:28

作者: quncc    时间: 2002-11-8 10:08

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-8 10:35

作者: 阿狼    时间: 2002-11-8 22:13

作者: jeannette    时间: 2002-11-9 00:34

原来GMAT还要做LSAT的,我过两个星期考,不知道现在开始做还来的及吗?有很多问题要请教哎!TEST1-SECTION IV-6
Patient: Doctor, I read an article that claimed that the first few hours after birth are very important to establishing a mother-infant bond, which is the first step in building a healthy relationship. Can you assure me that my relationship with my baby has not been permanently harmed by our separation for several days after his birth?
Physician: Your relationship with your child has not been harmed by the separation. Mother-infant bonding is not like an “instant glue” that cements your relationship forever. Having your infant with you during the period immediately after birth does give your relationship a head start, but many factors are involved in building a strong and lasting relationship between a mother and her child.
The doctor does which one of the following in her reply to her patient?
A She rejects an analogy in an attempt to reduce the patient’s concern.
B She cites evidence to show that the patient’s worry is unfounded.
C She misinterprets the patient’s explanation of her concern.
D She establishes that the article that the patient read was in error.
E She names other factors that are more important in creating a mother-infant bond.

So, which is correct? I choose B, but the answer is A. Can anyone explain it for me? And what is the analogy mentioned in A?
作者: jeannette    时间: 2002-11-9 22:31

除了上面的TEST1-SECTION IV-6,还有以下几题,有谁能告诉我吗?
A low-pressure weather system is approaching P; rainfall results from about 70% of such systems in the P area. Moreover, the current season, spring, is the time of year in which thundershowers, which sometimes result from low-pressure systems, are most likely to occur in P.
Knowing which one of the following, in addition to the information above, would be most useful for determining the probability that P will have a thundershower soon?
B the percentage of spring rainfalls in P that are thundershowers
C the percentage of thundershowers in P that result from low-pressure systems

It is illogical to infer a second and different effect from a cause which is known only by one particular effect. This is incorrect because the inferred effect must necessarily be produced by some different characteristic of the cause than is the observed effect, which already serves entirely to describe the cause.
Which one of the following arguments makes the same logical error as the one described by the author in the passage?
A An anonymous donor gave a thousand dollars to our historical society. I would guess that that individual also volunteers at the children’s hospital.
作者: jeannette    时间: 2002-11-10 05:03

Even if a crime that has been committed by computer is discovered and reported, the odds of being both arrested and convicted greatly favor the criminal.
Each of the following, if true, supports the claim above EXCEPT:
A The preparation of computer-fraud cases takes much more time than is required for average fraud cases, and the productivity of prosecutors is evaluated by the number of good cases made.

A: H admits that he has influence with high government officials. He further admits that he sold that influence to an environmental interest group. There can be no justification for this kind of unethical behavior.
M: I disagree that he was unethical. The group that retained H’s services is dedicated to the cause of preventing water pollution. So, in using his influence to benefit this group, H also benefited the public.
A and M disagree on whether
B the consequences of H’s behavior can ethically justify that behavior
D the meaning of ethical behavior is the same in a public situation as in a private one
应该是B对,但是我觉得D也可以吧? D:A是从H的个人行为来看,M是从公众利益的角度来看。
作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-10 11:13

医生劝病人别把Mother-infant bonding比作instant glue。
instant glue不好翻译,但从医生的这句话中可看出病人在作类比。

作者: jeannette    时间: 2002-11-10 11:27

那B She cites evidence to show that the patient’s worry is unfounded有什么错呢?
作者: jeannette    时间: 2002-11-10 12:04

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-10 12:08

to jeannette:

C答案,要注意到原文“which sometimes result from low-pressure systems”
即某些雷阵雨不是由low-pressure systems导致,所以就算知道 the percentage of thundershowers that result from low-pressure systems,要确定probability还不够。
作者: jeannette    时间: 2002-11-10 12:13

如果选B,那就是说A,M在ethical behavior 是否有相同意思分歧,违背原文意思。
可是这提答案是B哎! 是不是你也觉得D好?
作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-10 12:16

A的后半句指公诉人的办案成果由它所办的good case决定。
如果选D,那就是说A,M在ethical behavior 是否有相同意思分歧,文中并没提到啊。

[此贴子已经被zyh79于2002-11-10 12:16:06编辑过]

作者: zyh79    时间: 2002-11-10 12:22

应该是“如果选D,那就是说A,M在ethical behavior 是否有相同意思上产生分歧,这不符合原文意思啊。”

[此贴子已经被zyh79于2002-11-10 12:22:08编辑过]

作者: bessette    时间: 2002-11-10 17:12

to zyh79,

前几天把LZM看了一遍,现在继续做eLSAT, 又有几道题请教!

7. Waste management companies, which collect waste for disposal in landfills and incineration plants, report that disposable plastics make up an ever-increasing percentage of the waste they handle. It is clear that attempts to decrease the amount of plastic that people throw away in the garbage are failing.

Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

(A) Because plastics create harmful pollutants when burned, an increasing percentage of the plastics handled by waste management companies are being disposed of in landfills.

(B) Although many plastics are recyclable, most of the plastics disposed of by waste management companies are not.

(C) People are more likely to save and reuse plastic containers than containers made of heavier materials like glass or metal.

(D) An increasing proportion of the paper, glass, and metal cans that waste management companies used to handle is now being recycled.

(E) While the percentage of products using plastic packaging is increasing, the total amount of plastic being manufactured has remained unchanged.

答案D,我觉得好像没有一个对,题干说disposable plastics的比例增长了,所以减少人们抛弃plastics的努力失败了" D在说以前废物处理公司处理的paper,glass等可以循环利用了,不相关嘛,难道是因为这些paper,glass能循环再利用了,人们就不再把它们]扔掉,自己在家里循环利用吗,glass在家里可以这样,paper在家了怎么recycle啊?

Lucien: Public-housing advocates claim that the many homeless people in this city are proof that there is insufficient housing available to them and therefore that more low-income apartment are needed. But that conclusion is absurd. Many apartments in my own building remain unrented and my professional colleagues report similar vacancies where they live. Since apartments clearly are available, homelessness is not a housing problem. Homelessness can, therefore, only be caused by people’s inability or unwillingness to work to pay the rent.

Maria: On the contrary, all recent studies show that a significant percentage of this city’s homeless people hold regular jobs. These are people who lack neither will nor ability.

15. Maria responds to Lucien’s argument by

(A) challenging the accuracy of the personal experiences he offers in support of his position

(B) showing that a presupposition of his argument is false

(C) presenting evidence that calls into question his motives for adopting the view he holds

(D) demonstrating that the evidence he offers supports a conclusion other than the conclusion he draws from it

(E) offering an alternative explanation for the facts he cites us evidence supporting his conclusion

B是答案,presupposition是不是指people’s inability or unwillingness to work to pay the rent.但是presupposition好像是指"前提条件"等类似意思,而这句话似乎说成是an explanation of homelessness更合适,要不就是我对presupposition理解不全面

16. Some people take their moral cues from governmental codes of law; for them, it is inconceivable that something that is legally permissible could be immoral.

Those whose view is described above hold inconsistent beliefs if they also believe that

(A) law does not cover all circumstances in which one person morally wrongs another

(B) a legally impermissible action is never morally excusable

(C) governmental officials sometimes behave illegally

(D) the moral consensus of a society is expressed in its laws

(E) some governmental regulations are so detailed that they are burdensome to the economy



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