13. (ID: zf13646348, v32)
Responding to the public’s fascination with-and sometimesundue alarm over-possible threats from asteroids, a scaledeveloped by astronomers rates the likelihood that a particular asteroid or comet may collide with Earth.
A.a scale developed by astronomers rates the likelihoodthat a particular asteroid or comet may
B.a scale that astronomers have developed rates howlikely it is for a particular asteroid or comet to
C.astronomers have developed a scale to rate how likelya particular asteroid or comet will be to
D.astronomers have developed a scale for rating thelikelihood that a particular asteroid or comet will
E.astronomers have developed a scale that rates thelikelihood of a particular asteroid or comet that may作者: 布丁奶茶 时间: 2010-9-27 11:30
19. (ID: onlyshid, v74)
until when while等的用法作者: 布丁奶茶 时间: 2010-9-27 11:32
20. (ID: sueyangyang, 710, v36 & ID: luke0305, NA)
More than fifty years after the Second World War, a number of African American soldiers were awarded ― some of them posthumously ― with the Congressional Medal of Honor, which was the nation’s highest military award, and which was long overdue in recognition of their outstanding bravery.
A. with the Congressional Medal of Honor, which was the nation’s highest military award, and which was long overdue in
B. with the Congressional Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award for long-overdue
C. the Congressional Medal of Honor, which was the nation’s highest military award, long-overdue in
D. the Congressional Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award for long-overdue
E. the Congressional Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award, in long-overdue作者: 布丁奶茶 时间: 2010-9-27 11:32
21. (ID: loveumyangel, NA) LZ记忆是GWD原题
[GWD-18-Q41] At the turn of the twentieth century, forest covering as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodating as many as 300,000 elephants, a third of them domesticated and performing various essential tasks.
A.covering as much as 90 percent of Thailand
and accommodating as many as 300,000 elephants, a third of them
B.covering as much as 90 percent of Thailand
accommodated as much as 300,000 elephants, and a third of them were
C.covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand
and accommodated as much as 300,000 elephants, with a third
D.covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand
and accommodated as many as 300,000 elephants, a third of them
E.covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand
and accommodating as many as 300,000 elephants, with a third of them作者: 布丁奶茶 时间: 2010-9-27 11:33
3. (ID: Dechu, V19)
In old olympic games, not only did women were prevented from attending compitition (细节不记得了)... , even they ....(至句尾) 选项模糊只记得有一个 C) not allowed to..., even if,这是V的第一题,上来先挺肯定的选了B,随后突然发现逗号后面没有连词,再看有连词的选项后半句却也不成一个整句,于是就开始纠结,最后时间实在不行了随便选了一个。
6. (ID: luke0305, NA)
有考到....are rewarded ______of their bravery in ...war.
选项里有 National Honor Medal for the long due recognition, 有 National Honor Medal in the long due recognition, 有 with National H. Medal for the long due recognition, 有 with National Medal for the longdue recognition作者: 布丁奶茶 时间: 2010-9-27 11:33
Heirloom tomatoes, grown from seeds saved from the previous year, only look less appetizing than their round and red supermarket cousins, often green and striped, or have plenty of bumps and bruises, but are more flavorful.
A. cousins, often green and striped, or have plenty of bumps and bruises, but are
B. cousins, often green and striped, or with plenty of bumps and bruises, although
C. cousins, often green and striped, or they have plenty of bumps and bruises, although they are
D. cousins; they are often green and striped, or with plenty of bumps and bruises, although
E. cousins; they are often green and striped, or have plenty of bumps and bruises, but they are作者: 布丁奶茶 时间: 2010-9-27 11:34
8. (ID: billzhangheng, 710 V36)
只记得一个invoke 的用法,invoke to 吧……似乎是……
11. (ID: estellesha, V33)
最后一题,恶长无比,是个倒装,我选了when blahblah, combined with blah blah, is it efficient in lowering xxx and reducing xxx
12. (ID: estellesha, V33)
有个很短的,选了…intriguing to的
13. (ID: zf13646348, v32)
Responding to the public’s fascination with-and sometimesundue alarm over-possible threats from asteroids, a scaledeveloped by astronomers rates the likelihood that a particular asteroid or comet may collide with Earth.
A.a scale developed by astronomers rates the likelihoodthat a particular asteroid or comet may
B.a scale that astronomers have developed rates howlikely it is for a particular asteroid or comet to
C.astronomers have developed a scale to rate how likelya particular asteroid or comet will be to
D.astronomers have developed a scale for rating thelikelihood that a particular asteroid or comet will
E.astronomers have developed a scale that rates thelikelihood of a particular asteroid or comet that may作者: 布丁奶茶 时间: 2010-9-27 11:35