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标题: 美国商学院Profiles —— The Pennsylvania State University [打印本页]

作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:08     标题: 美国商学院Profiles —— The Pennsylvania State University

Smeal College of Business

Penn State University
210 Business Building
University Park , Pennsylvania 16802

Web site

Program e-mail address:

Program telephone number:
(814) 863-1947

Public Institution

  AACSB accredited:

Year in which the undergraduate business program was founded:

Four Year

  Business program:
Four Year

Degrees offered:

Degree/Program Name:
BS Accounting
BS Actuarial Science
BS Finance
BS Management
BS Management Information Systems
BS Marketing
BS Supply Chain & Information Systems
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:09

Annual Tuition (Resident):
$  15,580

Annual Tuition (Non-Resident)
$  27,434

Cost per academic credit (resident)
$  649

Cost per academic credit (non-resident)
$  1,143

Required fees
$  812

Room and board:
$  8,500

$  2,000
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:09

Total college enrollment for 2009-10:

Full-time undergraduate business student enrollment:

Part-time undergraduate business student enrollment:

Distance undergraduate business student enrollment:
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:09

ADMISSIONS - Getting Into the Institution

Required standardized tests for entire college:


  Interviews for entire college:
Not required

Additional application requirements for entire college:
TOEFL required for international non-English speaking students. Official post-secondary transcript for students who have already completed some college level work.

Upcoming application deadlines for entire college:

Semester: Summer 2010
Deadline: 11-30-2009
Semester: Fall 2010
Deadline: 11-30-2009
Semester: Spring 2011
Deadline: 11-30-2009
Semester: Summer 2011
Deadline: 11-30-2011

Selectivity -- applicants admitted, entire college, 2009-10:
51  %

Yield -- accepted applicants enrolled, entire college, 2009-10:
34  %

Total number of full-time applications for entire college:

International applicants, entire college, 2009-10:
9  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:10

Female applicants, entire college, 2009-10:
48  %

Relative Importance of Application Elements:

  Secondary School Record:
Very Important

  Class Rank:


Not Considered

  Extracurricular Activities:

  Volunteer Work:
Not Considered

  Character/Personal Abilities:

  Application Essay:

  Work Experience:
Not Considered

  SAT/ACT Scores:
Very Important


  High School GPA:
Very Important
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:10

ADMISSIONS - Getting Into the B-School

Undergrad business program admissions managed by:

The university admissions office

Total undergraduate business program applicants, 2009-10:

Applicants admitted to undergraduate business program, 2009-10:
45  %

Admitted applicants enrolled in undergrad business program, 2009-10:
51  %

Minimum requirements for business program:

  Entrance exam requirement other than SAT/ACT for business program:

  Interview to enter business program:
Not required

  Freshmen admitted into business program:

Percentage of business students admitted as freshmen:
40  %

  Are the freshman admits to the business program required to complete pre-business courses before beginning upper-level courses in the junior year?
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:11

Freshmen admitted by:
Indicate interest on university application

Additional application requirements for freshman admits:
Three Carnegie units of Mathematics up to Trigonometry. Two Carnegie units of the same foreign language. Four Carnegie units of English

Minimum college GPA for internal business program transfers:

Additional requirements for internal transfers:
Maintain competitive Grade Point Average of 3.00 for all majors except Finance which requires a 3.50 GPA.
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:11

Class Profile:

Female: 38  %
International : 15  %

Entering students by age:

Mean: 18
Median: 18

Percent of Students Who Were In:
      Top 10% of high school class:
52  %

      Top 25% of high school class:
89  %

HS GPA of 3.75 or higher:
65  %

HS GPA of 3.5 to 3.74:
25  %

SAT scores for full-time entering business students on 1600 scale:

        Mean:  1,228
        Median:  1,240

SAT middle 50% range on 1600 scale:

        From:  1,160
        To:  1,310
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:12

ACT scores for full-time entering business students:

        Mean:  27
        Median:  27

ACT middle 50% range:

        From:  25
        To:  29

Citizenship of entering students

U.S.: 85  %
Canada: 0  %
Other countries: 15  %

Percentage of US citizens in entering class who are:

African American: 3  %
Asian American: 4  %
Hispanic or Latino American: 6  %
Multiethnic/Multiracial : 2  %
Native American: 0  %
White (Non-Hispanic): 67  %
Chose not to report: 3  %
Other: 15  %

Entering students are from the following regions:

Northeast: 32  %
Mid-Atlantic: 63  %
South: 2  %
Southwest: 1  %
Midwest : 1  %
West: 1  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:12

  Financial aid handled by:
Central financial aid office at the university

Financial aid web site

Institutional scholarship money distributed to undergraduate business students in previous academic year:
$  8,217,925

Institutional scholarship money to be distributed to undergraduate business students in current academic year:
$  8,628,821

Scholarships awarded to students in the business program based on:
A combination of need and merit

Other scholarship considerations:
All students are consider for scholarships. In addition, students can file for college and department specific scholarships through a college application process.

Undergraduate business students receiving institutional scholarships for 2009-10 academic year:
24  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:12

Undergraduate business students with full-tuition scholarships 2009-10:
2  %

Percentage of institutional scholarship money distributed to business students based on merit, 2009-10 year:
25  %

Percentage of institutional scholarship money distributed to business students based on need, 2009-10:
75  %

  Scholarship consideration process:
All candidates are considered for scholarships

  School offers guaranteed loans:
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:13

Institutional freshman retention rate:
93  %

Business students who graduate within four years:
85  %

Business students who graduate within 6 years:
96  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:13

Credit hours required for graduation:

Degree: BS
Hours: 120

Other degree requirements:
Foreign language and international culture requirements. Discipline specific writing intensive course, business law, business ethics, and capstone business analysis requirements.
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:13

Average class size in required business courses:

Average class size in business electives:

Average class size in non-business electives required for admission to business program:

Class size:

Classes with fewer than 20 students: 17  %
Classes with 21 to 50 students: 61  %
Classes with more than 50 students: 22  %

Required business courses that reached maximum enrollment by the first day of class, previous academic year:
30  %

0  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:13

Number of elective courses available in business program:

Electives added in current academic year:

Advanced Financial Analysis
Knowledge Management in Consulting Firms
Sports Marketing
Economics of Biotechnology Pharmaceuticals and Health Insurance
International Business in Emerging Nations

Year of the last major change to the business program's core curriculum:

Leading areas of study:



General Management


Supply Chain Management

Special programs for business students:
Minors in Business Law, International Business, Information Systems Management, and Supply Chain & Information Technology

  Business program offers work study or co-op opportunities:
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:14

Work study opportunities description:
Several opportunities exist for Smeal College students from the college's central co-op program to several specialized programs with academic departments. In addition the University offers co-op opportunities for all students at the University.

  Business program offers study abroad opportunities:

Study abroad program description:
Annually over 400 business students study abroad in approximately 60 programs located in 30 countries. The programs are co-sponsored by the Smeal College and the University's Office of Education Abroad. Students can study abroad for a full semester or participate in a six week summer program.

  Volunteer work and community service opportunities:
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:14

Volunteer opportunities description:
Smeal College business fraternities and student organizations participate in a broad range of local community service activities and organize their own service activities to assist local, national and international charities. The centerpiece of student volunteerism is the annual Penn State Dance Marathon (THON), which is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world raising over 6 million annually for the fight against pediatric cancer.

Business clubs and extracurricular activities:

Over 30 Business Clubs Fraternal Business Groups and Honorary Scholastic Organizations
Annual CEO simulation competition co-sponsored with the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington DC
Annual Case Competitions at Johnson & Johnson University of Southern California and Ohio State University
On-campus Business and Society Interest House (BASH)
Annual Smeal College Diversity Awareness Conference sponsored by Smeal College students
Nittany Lion Fund - Live Trading Room experience
Sapphire Leadership Development Program
Executive Speaker Series and Alumni Job Placement Networking System entitled Smeal Connect
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:14


Largest on-campus organizations for business students:

Penn State Marketing Association
Women in Business
Penn State Investment Association
Financial Management Association
Supply Chain Management Association

  Freshmen are required to live on campus:

  Business students are grouped in learning communities:
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:15


Full-time faculty : 140
Adjuncts and visiting faculty: 16
Permanent/tenured professors: 80
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are women: 23
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are underrepresented minorities: 3

Prominent faculty:

Jennifer Chang Coupland
Mark Dirsmith
Robert Novack
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:15

Total number of undergraduate business program graduates since inception:

Total living alumni:

Percent of alumni who gave, 2008-09 academic year:
18  %

Mean alumni gift 2008-09:
$  772

Median alumni gift, 2008-09:
$  100

  Single donation in excess of $10 million in 2008-09?

Prominent alumni:

Name: John P. Surma
Title: Chairman, President and CEO, United States Steel Corp.
Name: Patricia A. Woertz
Title: Chairman, President and CEO, Archer Daniels Midland Co.
Name: William Schreyer
Title: Chairman Emeritus, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:15

Percent of 2009 graduates who provided employment information:
33  %

Seeking full-time employment in business: 94  %
Not seeking full-time employment in business: 6  %

Number of companies recruiting undergraduate students on campus in previous academic year:

Companies posting full-time job offers on school job boards, previous academic year:

Career services provided for business majors:
Career Counseling/Coaching, Resume and Cover Letter Critiques, Mock Interviews and Training, Job Search and Negotiation Coaching, Alumni Networking Program, Employer Directories, Annual Career Fairs, On-line Job Posting, On-Campus Interviews, Professional Development Workshops for Internship and Co-Op Programs
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:15

Job offer results, 2009 graduates:

Received first job offer by graduation: 79  %
Received first job offer in three months following graduation: 16  %
Received first job offer more than 3 months after graduation: 5  %
Accepted first job offer by graduation: 63  %
Accepted first job offer in three months following graduation: 30  %
Accepted first job offer more than 3 months after graduation: 7  %

Top hiring firms:


Ernst & Young
Boeing Company
Exxon Mobil Corp.
International Bus. Machines
Merrill Lynch
Sears Holdings
Johnson & Johnson
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:16

Booz Allen Hamilton
Deloitte Touche Tomatsu
Procter & Gamble

Other Hiring Firms:

Dick's Sporting Goods
PNC Bank
Towers Perrin
Grant Thorton
Wells Fargo
General Electric

Graduate compensation:

Mean base salary: $  51,900
Median base salary: $  52,000
Mean signing bonus: $  4,100
Median signing bonus: $  4,050
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:16

Grads accepted jobs in following functional areas:

Consulting: 15  %
Finance/Accounting: 39  %
General Management: 5  %
Human Resources: 1  %
Management Information Systems: 2  %
Marketing/Sales: 17  %
Operations/Production: 12  %
Logistics/Transportation: 4  %
Other: 5  %

Grads accepted jobs in following industries:

Accounting: 17  %
Consumer Products/Retail: 16  %
Consulting Services: 9  %
Financial Services: 18  %
Government/Education: 6  %
Pharma/Biotech/Health: 1  %
Manufacturing: 3  %
Petroleum/Energy: 3  %
Real Estate: 2  %
Sports/Leisure: 1  %
Technology/Science: 4  %
Transportation: 3  %
Utilities: 1  %
Other: 16  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:16

Percentage of job acceptances, US and Canada:

US: 100  %

Grads accepted jobs in the following US regions:

Northeast: 18  %
Mid-Atlantic: 68  %
Midwest: 4  %
South: 3  %
Southwest: 2  %
West: 5  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:17

Number of companies recruiting interns on-campus, 2008-09 academic year:

Companies posting internships on job boards, previous academic year:

Top internship recruiters, 2008-09:

Johnson & Johnson

Merrill Lynch
Ernst & Young
Goldman Sachs Group
Target Corp.
General Electric
Morgan Stanley
Deloitte Touche Tomatsu
Boeing Company
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:17

Other Internship Recruiters:
Penn State University 29 Kohl's 15 PNC Bank 14 Dick's Sporting Goods 13 Tyco 12 Bristol-Meyers 12 Altria 11 University of Pittsburgh Medical Center 11 Giant Eagle 10 Smith Barney 9

Percentage of internships that were paid, previous academic year
93  %

Mean internship compensation per week:
$  700

Median internship compensation per week:
$  685

Average internship, in weeks:
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:17

Although Penn State is a university with over 40,000 students and has a very large business program, it makes it seem as if you are at a small university within the business program. You can always find someone with whom you can talk, who will help you.

As a marketing major, I have had the opportunity to gain plenty of experience with real life examples and simulations. I have worked on at least three serious group projects per semester every semester since sophomore year. I feel very comfortable speaking in front of groups and doing presentations. During my internship, I worked with students who go to great schools, such as University of Pennsylvania, Notre Dame, and NYU, and I felt as though I could not only compete but excel.
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:18

As a supply chain major, the business school is amazing in terms of our endless opportunities. They have a career fair specifically for companies recruiting this major and sponsor all sorts of sessions on professional development or case competitions that are specific to us. I can not imagine a program with better opportunities.

Being at such a large school, the business program is small and prestigious. Most students know the majority of their classmates in their major specific courses and you always seem to find a friendly face. The Business Building is state of the art and every student and faculty member takes pride in what Smeal has to offer. Smeal is a strong business program that provides the opportunity for every student to succeed.
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:18

Great teachers and new, up-to-date facilities make classes interesting and comfortable. Penn State offers many services to prepare students for the work force, such as career fairs, resume reviews, etc. The student body also has a lot of pride in the school.

I believe our business program is unique because we have outstanding professors and an alumni network that is second to none. Everywhere you go in this world, you will find someone who has a link to Penn State. This kind of connection is extremely valuable, and as I noticed with my J&J co-op, creates a bond between business professionals and myself.
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:19

I feel like the alumni make Penn State's business program unique. With such a large alumni base, there are always professionals coming to campus who are willing to help prepare students for the business world.

I feel that requiring the mix of courses in each subject area adequately prepared me for work in a company. Though official titles often relate to just one subject, my business program realizes that actual day-to-day duties require an understanding of all aspects of a business. The mix of coursework early on gives a really great foundation for the future, as well as serves as a tool to help students decide what major to pursue.
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:19

I felt very accepted as part of the Smeal community. Spending time in the business building was enjoyable in and out of class. The business facility is top notch and has extensive resources available to undergraduates. I have made many life-long friends from business classes, which is very important to me.

I received seven full-time job offers in total. I attribute a great amount of my success to Penn State's outstanding alumni network. In addition, I feel Penn State has developed me in all facets of life, from my business acumen to my character. I strongly believe this is what gave me an edge over many Ivy League candidates. Anyone who feels the Smeal College of Business offers a second tier business program needs to look beyond academics and reputation and consider the full experience offered here that is arguably unmatched throughout the country.
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:19

I think my school's program is unique because the Penn State name and reputation is very well known and loved. Penn State graduates are loyal. They are always cheering for other fellow graduates. It doesn't matter where I go, I always find a fellow Penn Stater. Having this love and loyalty to Penn State in common with many others leads to great conversations and possible connections.

I think the biggest difference between our business program and others is the fact that we offer such an extensive classroom experience with a great mix of real world material. Each business class I have been in is not just about memorizing classroom concepts and ideas, but it involves working in groups to present projects on real world applications. The size of our school and networking opportunities also make us a unique and successful program. It's almost like you cannot travel from Maine to California without running into someone from Penn State.
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:20

I think the size and scope of the Investment Association compliments the finance program very well. The professors are very good, and they usually have significant experience in the private sector, which they share with their students.

In my opinion, a few things make Penn State's Smeal College of Business unique. The first thing is its commitment to ethical behavior. Smeal College of Business has an honor code, which calls for ethical behavior both inside and outside of the classroom. Every professor stresses the importance of academic integrity as well as having a strong sense of integrity once we enter the business world. I believe that Smeal's dedication to this initiative makes it a unique program. The other unique aspect of Smeal is the Penn State Alumni connection. Past graduates have established long-lasting relationships with the business program, which is great for current students to experience. Through these partnerships, internships, and full-time jobs are offered to students. This is how I found the company with which I will be working upon graduation. I think the alumni network really makes Smeal unique.
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:20

It's a large program, yet the dean is still very much accessible if you would like to speak with him. Because of our size and quality, we bring many recruiters and they are constantly looking to hire Smeal students for their companies. Also, because the university is so large, there are many opportunities to freely explore other areas of academia. I personally took advantage of this by taking many philosophy classes in addition to my business requirements.

It's hard to really place a finger on what I felt was Smeal's most unique offering. I do know that I learned how to be incredibly business savvy without sacrificing my ethics. I also developed my teamwork skills in the business school's courses more than I have in any of my other courses
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:21

It's been everything that I expected. I really wanted to attend an Ivy League college but unfortunately did not have the money to do so. I believe that the education and experience that I received from Smeal is definitely comparable and provides students with amazing value.

To succeed at Smeal, Penn State's business school, you must reach out to professors, advisors, and join extracurricular activities. With over 40,000 undergraduates, the school can not help everyone. Meeting with professors and advisors helps your face get known in the school. By joining clubs (I am in a professional business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi) you will be exposed to upperclassmen who have the best advice - anything from which professors to take to professional advice before an interview. Penn State is also in the process of restructuring its class schedule. Unfortunately, this did not affect me, but it will be great for incoming freshmen. Students complained about the schedule in which we take classes, and the faculty responded (even if it did take them some time).
作者: s    时间: 2010-9-26 22:21

The major problem I have with my business school was the lack of attention and opportunities some students get because they don't want to work on Wall Street. It seems like that is all the faculty wants their students to do when, in reality, I would say most students do not want that kind of job.

My school's business program emphasizes job placement and career development more than I could have ever imagined when applying. Since day one in the Smeal College of Business, I knew that I had the full support of my university and its vast alumni network to ensure that I found a top quality job in the industry of my choice. I was successful in finding a job in my chosen industry, consulting, and I was successful because my employer believed in the Penn State brand.

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