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标题: 语法题185!!!! [打印本页]

作者: Nickyl90    时间: 2010-9-24 08:47     标题: 语法题185!!!!

Because the budget package in Congress promises a combination of higher taxes and reduced spending that may slow economic growth, many in the credit markets wonder whether the Federal Reserve will compensate and help the economy by keeping interest rates low, or perhaps even if they push them lower.

A. by keeping interest rates low, or perhaps even if they push

B. by its keeping interest rates low, or perhaps even by their pushing

C. by keeping interest rates low, or perhaps even by pushing

D. through their keeping interest rates low, or perhaps even push

E. through their keeping interest rates low, or perhaps it will even push


作者: Nickyl90    时间: 2010-9-24 08:49

晕死了~~这道题Share with you的版本中的答案应该最后是写错,应该选B,因为它句子结构的分析都是按照B中写的一样~~~
作者: sunniers    时间: 2010-9-24 19:42

作者: Nickyl90    时间: 2010-9-25 06:36


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