3. 明星做广告 CR:明星做广告,见原来逻辑狗31 by 760 stan_yu
明星做广告V1 from Cissi61有个调查讲,很多消费者不相信明星做的广告是因为不相信明星会用这些产品,问weaken. 当时我选了个明星为一种产品做广告时往往会拒绝用其它产品。有遇到这题的筒子帮忙更正一下。
V2 from amyyan (750)
此题题干较长,我尽量回忆一下: 先是背景说随着广告的什么发展,消费者现在越来越世俗啊,越来越不相信广告的内容啊,越来越对广告持怀疑态度。所以明星的广告越来越不被消费者所信赖(题目更长。。我中间可能漏了一句话),weaken的
考古 版本答案不一,请大家谨慎判断!
V1 某学者认为用明星代言广告没效果,因为调查显示人们都不相信明星真会用这些滥产品。问weaken,我选“人们对明星比较能记住”,这题没把握,感觉这也weaken不了,但其他选项更不相关
V2 现在人们都不信电视里的广告了,举例说,最近的调查显示观众很少相信明星做广告,明星就用这个产品。问,下列哪个能 weak 这个举出的例子。我选的是,现在人,对于报纸,广播,电视都不信。(前人有选,名人广告,能吸引观众。)
V3 某学者认为用明星代言广告没效果,因为调查显示人们都不相信明星真会用这些滥产品。这个证据显示现在的人们比过去对广告更suspicious。(这题我不知道自己遇到的是变体还是前人没写全)问weaken
3) 过去广告设计的形式就是意在让观众相信明星使用这个产品,而现在广告设计的形式根本就不是要让观众相信这一点。
确定应该选择选项3)- 题设里面是现在和过去的对比,所以weaken的时候也必出现过去和现在对比,另:现在广告设计并不为了让观众相信,能推导出现在人们不相信并不是因为他们更suspicious
V4 (760) 一個人: people became more skeptical, if not cynical, about whether advertisement. Evidence that people do not believe advertisement on television.. proves that people are skeptical about whether these celebrities really use these product.
選項A, 以前的廣告都是design to make people believe 明星真的用這些product, 但是現在廣告已經沒有這樣design了.
B, C, D 忘了, 不過應該不重要因為我不是糾結在這些上
E, 應該是有人做過什麼調查還是什麼的說明星使用這些產品會attract people’s attention.
我選了E. 因為這題不是問廣告的內容, 而是要推翻那個人的 conclusion, that people become more skeptical about advertisement. 雖然題目沒題到人們會因此不買不過可以推測, 如果人不相信明星會用, 明星的效應就不在.
但是E, 有明星的廣告依舊會attract their attentions, 所以廣告還是會有用的.
Cissi61:V4更准确,那两个选项好像都有,但我选的那个好像不是C就是D,意思是一个明星给某产品做了广告后,会拒绝使用其它的。作者: 蜂鸣 时间: 2010-8-24 15:33
4.SUV车保险 CR:这道CR很牛叉,我碰到两次…… by 760 stan_yu & girlwithwings & Q51 V38 740 likesunny by amanda621
说两种车SUV,普通车,上保险,有人说SUV发生车祸时候损伤严重,保险索赔更高,因此应该要charge更高的insurance fee,所以从现在的投保费用来看,SUV车主其实是占了普通车车主的便宜。
Which of the following most logically completes the editorial below? By venus2elva
Editorial in Golbindian Newspaper:
For almost three months, opposition parties have been mounting daily street demonstrations in the capital in an effort to pressure the ruling party into calling an election. Though the demonstrations were well attended at first, attendance has declined steadily in recent weeks. However, the decline in attendance does not indicate that popular support for the opposition’s demands is dropping, since
A.the opposition’s demands have not changed during the period when thestreet demonstrations have been mounted.
B.No foreign governments have expressed any support for the opposition’sdemands.
C.The state-controlled media have ceased any mention of the demonstrations,leaving many citizens outside the capital with no way of knowing that demonstrations continue.
D.There have not recently been any antigovernment demonstrations in cities other than the capital.
E.A recent sharp decrease in unemployment has led to increased popular support for the government.作者: 蜂鸣 时间: 2010-8-24 15:45
9.卡通艺术 Cartoon 虽然很popular,但是因为一直以娱乐大众为目的,一直没有被定义为art。但是Jazz,开始和cartoon处境差不多,但是却被认定为art。所以卡通也应该被认定为art。
一个选项说cartoon and Jazz 有相同的differences and similarities by venus2elva作者: 蜂鸣 时间: 2010-8-24 15:45
10.开车打手机 Tracy说:应该ban汽车司机边开车边打电话,因为会distraction。
问Tracy respond S most effective by…
有一个选项说手拿着电话打会free of driving (选了这个,看来错了)by venus2elva作者: 蜂鸣 时间: 2010-8-24 15:46
12秋天积雪 说秋天比冬天积雪少,但是有个report说秋天什么的(有trim修建 削减这词) 破坏car and building 比 冬天多 ,问解释 by girlwithwings
选项有 a 秋天的trim上的snow没有冬天的trim上的snow停留得久
b 冬天Trim上snow 砸了(貌似没那么严重)cars 的但cars没受损坏的 没有被reported。作者: 蜂鸣 时间: 2010-8-24 15:46
13 motorcycle广告V1:有个motorcycle 公司(M) 有new invention 是light weight motorcycle, 准备登广告在儿童杂志上。但有人反对说儿童不会骑,即使他们要求大人购买,他们也illegal to ride.
选项有a M predispose the children 让他们买bicycle.
b 貌似广告商promotion,而且什么盈利 ,所以M 要登
c M 的新产品其实是要给younger adult 的
d 有个人说 。。。
问反对的论述哪个是vulnerable to criticism 没太明白这句的意思
V2:一个Motorcycle公司现在在children magazine上做广告。但是有人说了,在children magazine上做广告没用。。。因为children不仅买不起还是不会买motorcycle,而且法律规定children不准开motorcycle.但是,其实这个公司这样做是会带来好处的。问支持。我选的是在children magazine上做广告会增加children买公司的Non-motor vehicles。(答案记不那么准确了,但是就是这个意思,关键词都写出来了,而且这题我很确定)by girlwithwings & M49 V38 710 joey19880204作者: 蜂鸣 时间: 2010-8-24 15:47
In the late 1980’s, the population of sea otters in the North Pacific Ocean began to decline. Of the two plausible explanations for the decline—increased predation by killer whales or disease—disease is the more likely. After all, a concurrent sharp decline in the populations of seals and sea lions was almost certainly caused by a pollution-related disease, which could have spread to sea otters, whereas the population of killer whales did not change noticeably.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the reasoning? Q50 V34 690 sasazan