2, 2^2-1/2^2= ? (this is the first question on my test)
3, (tianshan #4, Question12. (今天大概有3道题目出自天山#4)
If x >o.9, which of the following could be the value of X?
Answer: B, genhao o.9
4,DS, There are some houses together,2 bedrooms are X, 3 bedrooms are Y,the rent for is 500, the rent for y is 700. (the number may not correct), ask how many room they have?
1), forgot
2), the number of 2 bedroom has 1/3 more than 3 bedroom.
5, One question which I met on my test is similar to the question from 03/2004 JJ, please check question #122. but the question asked me the height rather than the time. ( Sorry, I don’t remember it clearly, it is not hard) Answer: 34
3) Scientist investigated men and women exercised speech...... Women were given the opportunities to do lamentation presentation. During the lamentation, sometimes women did \\"idle\\" talk。。。。。
D2 进一步阐述这个学者的观点。讲在1890接下来的40年中。大量的tree lodging,deforestration caused large amounts of CO2 to realese to atmosphere. But since 1920, this phonemenon decreased. 大量的树木成长从而吸收了CO2。这就解释了为什么CO2相对少的原因。
GWD GWD4( industralization and urbanization contribute to the growth of participatory demorazy....) some questions have been changed