A11. The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a newspaper:
“Last year when Washington County received a special appropriation for improving highway
safety, it spent all those funds to straighten sections of certain county roads.
Unfortunately, the number of traffic accidents in the county was actually higher than in the
previous year. Although Adams County received a smaller appropriation for improving highway
safety, it hired more police officers and enforced traffic laws more strictly. Last year
Adams County reported 15% fewer traffic accidents than during the previous year. Since money
for improving highway safety throughout the state is limited, we can achieve greater success
with less expenditure by using all such funds for stricter enforcement of speed limits.”
AI 25
“The best strategy for managing a business, or any enterprise, is to find the most capable
people and give them as much authority as possible.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support
your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
19 If the average mean of the assessed values of x houses is $212,000.an the average of he
assessed value of y other houses is $194,000.what is the average of the assessed values of
the x+y houses.
20 f(x)=x-1/x,f(1/x)=?
21 At a fruit stand yesterday, the price of each apple was $0.10 more than the price of each
orange. What was the total revenue from the sale of oranges at the fruit stand yesterday.
(1)The number of oranges sold at the fruit stang yesterday was 5 more than the number of
(2)The total revenue from the sale of appples at the fruit stangd yesterday was $15.00