1.1.1. 利益相关者Stakeholder与股东Shareholder的区别(Done)
通常人们都认为stakeholder model(拼写不大记得了,反正大意是Shareholding Structure)有利于公司的长效管理与经营,使公司实体经济得到提升,很多经济学家也宣称通过stakeholder model可以使公司注重社会贡献,是非常好的一种形式,但是,该文作者认为,stakeholder model并不利于公司的长期经营。他举出了以下几点,
第二,有了stakeholder model, 有很多的机构投资者(investors who hold the block of stocks)以其持有的股价作为业绩评测方式,高端管理者可能会被许以股份,使他们对与市值唯命是从,为了短期利益牺牲长期利益,甚至裁员。
总之,作者得出结论,其实所谓的stock model并不能让公司获得长效利益,反而被短期financial benefit所困。(主旨题)
Q1: 问shareholder会怎样
Shareholder有的时候希望他们持有的公司股票涨,然后又的时候会产生一些不利于另外一些 stakeholder的事情。
Q2: Primary Purpose:
作者得出结论,其实所谓的stock model并不能让公司获得长效利益,反而被短期financial benefit所困。
Q3: management采取了什么方式来compensate the management inefficiency:
Q4: 作者最有可能同意以下那个观点:
为了shareholder的利益所做的事情有时会和stakeholder利益相冲突。management为了shareholder的利益最大化,仍然较少考虑social equity这一issue。
Q9:后面有题问which of the following is true about the model
反正就是说这个model有个不好的地方就是没有考虑到social equality,因为这种model下企业怎么做都是要裁员嘛
Q10有道题问,以下那种可能使respond to the demand of its shareholders的结果
我选的是股票会狂涨,然后狂跌。作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 20:52
1.1.2. 家庭角色和工作的关系(Done)
第一 段:对家庭角色下了定义,说一个人在家庭里承担的角色主要有2种,一种是spousal(大意就是出于非主导地位),还有一种是相对主导的地位,具体用词我忘记了吗好像是patriarchal。然后说研究表明,在家里角色是patriarchal的人工作满意度和工作表现也更好,然后给了一个解释,说他们更关心家庭,更不self-focused而且更other-oriented,同时更负责任和成熟。然后在这一段的结尾说有人反对这个解释,说这些人被上司认为更成熟和负责,因此工作更容易出成绩。----说明很关心家庭 的人往往工作满意度和成就感比较高。先给出了这么一个finding,然后one explanation:他们关心家庭,更加不self-focused,更加responsible,更加mature,然后工作更好。有一个对于这个 explanation的objection,说这些人只是被上司认为更mature,更responsible,从而工作上比较成功。
第二段another explanation:这些人由于关心家庭,所以非常重视是他们收入来源的工作,所以认真工作,工作比较突出。
V1:这个文章的观点比较客观,没有标明作者自己的观点,有两个选项:try to account for 某个finding;verify various explanations for 某个finding。我选的后者。
V2: 我选的好像是对为什么家庭角色是patriarchal的人工作表现更好提出解释
Q2细节题, 说明哪种人在management的表现上会更好
选项有 1. job and work satisfaction 2. self-focused and matured 3. XXX and responsible 4. YYY 5. ZZZ and financial resource
V1选E: responsibility and financial resource
V2我选的是empathy和sense of responsibility. 原文中有提到financial resource.看看狗,有了financial resource正好weaken了第二段的概念。
我选的提出一个explanation,这个explanation不会被第一段中的那个 objection所削弱作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 20:53
(2)in order to 题
(3)except细节 (参考:有可能是近似原文里的第三四两段的小列举)
选employee considers company as his/her community’s big part 可参考第5段首句
A. the job is required to travel a lot
B. employee joins company’s soccer team
C. employee considers company as his/her community’s big part (JJ作者选)(可参考5段首句)
D. employee feels comfortable working for company, blabla
E. <can’t remember>
According to Mitchell et al. (2001), job embeddedness represents a broad cluster of ideas that influence an employee's choice to remain in a job, operating like a net or a web in which an individual becomes enmeshed. A person who is highly embedded has many connections within a perceptual life space (Lewin, 1951). Moreover, a person can become enmeshed or embedded in a variety of ways (both on and off the job). The critical aspects of job embeddedness are the extent to which the job is similar to or fits with the other aspects in their life space, the extent to which the person has links to other people or activities, and the ease with which links can be broken--what they would give up if they left. These dimensions are called fit, links and sacrifice. Less concerned with the influence of any one specific connection, job embeddedness focuses on the overall level of connectedness (Mitchell et al., 2001).
(介绍工作嵌入度的三个方面:fit (适合), links(联系) and sacrifice(损失)
According to the theory of job embeddedness (Mitchell, Holtom and Lee, 2001), an employee's personal values, career goals and plans for the future must fit with the larger corporate culture and the demands of his or her immediate job (e.g., job knowledge, skills and abilities). In addition, a person will consider how well he or she fits the community and surrounding environment. Job embeddedness assumes that the better the fit, the higher the likelihood that an employee will feel professionally and personally tied to the organization.
Job embeddedness theory suggests that a number of threads link an employee and his or her family in a social, psychological, and financial web that includes work and non-work friends, groups, the community, and the physical environment where they are located. The greater the number of links between the person and the web, the more likely an employee will stay in a job (Mitchell et al., 2001).
The concept of sacrifice represents the perceived cost of material or psychological benefits that are forfeited by organizational departure. For example, leaving an organization may induce personal losses (e.g., losing contact with friends, personally relevant projects, or perks). The more an employee will have to give up when leaving, the more difficult it will be to sever employment with the organization (Shaw et al., 1998). Examples include non-portable benefits, like stock options or defined benefit pensions, as well as potential sacrifices incurred through leaving an organization like job stability and opportunities for advancement (Shaw et al., 1998). Similarly, leaving a community where they are highly involved in local organizations can be difficult for employees.
One key area where job embeddedness complements traditional approaches to voluntary turnover is community attachment. The model explicitly considers the impact of both organizational and community influences on the three job embeddedness dimensions. Put differently, each of the three dimensions--fit, links and sacrifice--has organizational and community components, which are summarized in Table 2. In two reported tests, Mitchell, Lee and colleagues (Mitchell et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2004) have demonstrated that job embeddedness predicts variance in voluntary turnover over and above job satisfaction.
(讲job embeddedness(工作嵌入度)对理解主动跳槽有一个重要的补充,这就是归属感。Jobembeddness模型认为组织(偏公)和社团(偏私)对job embeddedness的三个方面------fit, links and sacrifice都有影响。模型作者认为:在预测员工“主动跳槽”方面,job embeddedness比job satisfaction更有优势。)
To date, job embeddedness has been tested in the hospital, grocery and banking industries. To extend the generalizability of the model, we propose to test it across multiple, diverse industries. Thus, the following hypotheses replicate Mitchell et al.'s findings:
Hypothesis 1: Job embeddedness is negatively correlated with voluntary turnover (主动跳槽).
(工作嵌入度越高,员工越不愿跳槽. Job embeddedness 和 turnover是 反比关系)
Hypothesis 2: Job embeddedness improves the prediction of voluntary turnover above and beyond that accounted for by job satisfaction(工作满意度).
(job embeddedness工作嵌入度的大小,对员工跳槽的影响要超过job satisfaction工作满意度大小对员工跳槽的影响。)作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 20:55
To understand the inventory behaviors of manufacturers, production smoothing is one of the most discussed theoretical models from the perspective of macroeconomics or an individual firm. The basic motive of production smoothing is that companies can increase or decrease their finished goods inventories to allow production that is smoother than sales [1]. Hence, the production-smoothing model (PSM) of inventories depends on a convex short-run cost function and adjustment costs that induce firms to maintain inventories for dampening the effects of demand fluctuations [2]. In other words, production has to be less volatile than sales in PSM. The above hypothesis is reasonable because it’s a common scene in manufacturing. Meanwhile, inventories will most usually serve as production smoother if adjusting production is costly in comparison with the costs of keeping inventories [3]. Based on the above framework, researchers have developed various formulations of PSM, which have been empirically implemented to different manufacturing sectors. However, the applications of PSM remain debatable despite the intuitive appeal of PSM. Previous empirical studies have shown mixed results regarding the validation of PSM, and Ghali [4] has shown that we should expect to see production smoothing for only a subset of manufacturing industries. He also claims that unless one confines the analysis solely to data on industries for which the PSM should a priori be applicable, the percentage of cases where smoothing is observed is irrelevant. Hence, it is important to verify different formations of PSM and to extend the empirical study of PSM to other key industries.作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 20:56
1.1.17. GWD公司选址(2010-8-14)
Q24~Q25: GWD32-Q13-Q14
Manufacturing site location is an important consideration in determining the optimal deployment of a firm’s production resources, but one that is usually given only limited attention. Decisions about location are often based purely on quantitative analyses that trade off transportation costs, economies of scale, and other cost-based variables. This practice, however, can lead to suboptimal results, as decision-makers tend to focus only on easily quantifiable factors. A further disadvantage of strictly cost-based methods is that they tend to focus on cost advantage factors, which are often transitory Government regulations, tax systems, and exchange rates can quickly change. Strategies based on such parameters may eventually be rendered obsolete by the very factors that first created an advantage.
In contrast, qualitative issues, which are frequently neglected in choosing manufacturing site locations, are often central to creating and supporting a competitive advantage. For example, the level of skill possessed by the local workforce varies with location; consequently, location can affect the ability of firms to implement skill-based process technologies. When formulating a site location strategy, companies should therefore emphasize qualitative factors to ensure that the chosen strategy supports the company’s overall business strategy. Only after establishing a set of desirable location options should companies refine choices using cost-based factors.
The passage suggests which of the following concerning qualitative methods used in choosing manufacturing sites?
A. They are more likely than are quantitative methods to identify issues crucial to maintaining a competitive advantage
B. They are least useful to companies with relatively low levels of manufacturing technology
C. They have little value when applied to decisions other than choice of site
D. They are more risky for decision makers than are quantitative methods
E. They are used more frequently by multinational corporations than by companies with strictly domestic operations. (A)
Q14. According to the passage, analysis of quantitative factors is best used for which of the following?
A. Determining strategies for offsetting qualitative disadvantages in manufacturing site locations
B. Evaluating manufacturing site-location parameters affecting long-term competitive advantage
C. Choosing manufacturing site locations that have access to optimal workforce populations
D. Narrowing manufacturing site-location options arrived it through qualitative analysis
E. Making decisions about business considerations other than location of manufacturing sites (C)
30. GWD21-Q30:
In the past, most children who went sledding in the winter snow in Verland used wooden sleds with runners and steering bars. Ten years ago, smooth plastic sleds became popular; they go faster than wooden sleds but are harder to steer and slow. The concern that plastic sleds are more dangerous is clearly borne out by the fact that the number of children injured while sledding was much higher last winter than it was ten years ago.
Which of the following, if true in Verland, most seriously undermines the force of the evidence cited?
A. A few children still use traditional wooden sleds.
B. Very few children wear any kind of protective gear, such as helmets, while sledding.
C. Plastic sleds can be used in a much wider variety of snow conditions than wooden sleds can.
D. Most sledding injuries occur when a sled collides with a tree, a rock, or, another sled.
E. Because the traditional wooden sled can carry more than one rider, an accident involving a wooden sled can result in several children being injured. (C)
考題把(C)選項改寫,我記得答案變成Plastic sleds比較便宜,許多人願意購買使用。作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 20:57
1.1.18. 品牌认知度(2010-8-15)
第一段,讲说很多公司都很重视品牌的建设,因为他们认为brand recognition很重要,所以会投钱做广告,搞marketing之类的。但是recent的调查表明,很多在去年接受调查时很brand loyal的受访消费者今年已经不再brand loyal了(half of surveyed people said they were loyal to a brand are no longer more this year)(有考题)
第二段,说是现在信息爆炸、因特网什么的,所以消费者可以分清很多产品的好坏,不用迷信品牌。他们也很欢迎针对产品质量的试验,people are more likely to experiment the product,降低他们的“chance risk”(好像是这个词,后面还考了这个词的意思,我选的是购买不了解的产品的风险)
第三段,说这种现象对很多行业都有影响,举例到贴牌加工的,所以消费者不会愿意pay high price for 本质上一样的商品(有个一infer的题)。说现在的科技进步,有些高科技产品的区别消费者也分不清,同时,产品越来越趋同。所以虽然厂商可以通过广告强调自己的产品的质量优、与其他产品有区别,但意义不大。
第一段:讲电流传输过程有很大损耗,所以electronic power industry现在都在improve他们的技术,提出优化供电的plan,优化供电可以减少那些停电带来的损失。因为怕断电之类的会影响到顾客的duration.一大段,全是废话,最后来了个问句,“那customer是不是愿意为这些improvement付出呢?”(出题了,问第二段是什么作用)
第二段:讲一个study的结论.没明确说出结论,但举了很多什么half,百分比,说,顾客一般都不是很关心这些东西,也很duration,群众宁愿每个月固定停几个钟头的电(也不愿意多付钱)。而且其实把停电时间缩短也对消费者满意度产生不了影响,因为他么现在一年就停电70分钟,但他们称完全可以接受一年停电 120分钟。证明了用户并不是很看重这些,或者说没有很敏锐的对于reliability的知觉。
第三段:说the amount of investment 和用户满意度之间并没有正相关关系。其实这些改进对企业没什么benifts.三个原因。(出题了,问哪个不是原因。有点小小搞)
第四段:企业应该更注意其他方面,因为顾客更关心accurate billing,waiting time等等,那样花钱又少,又立杆见影地提高了消费者满意度云云。(出题了,说根据文章suggets,企业应该怎么做,5个答案全是术语,不是直接说出来的,算是这段的一个难题。)
选的企业such like hospital更注重由断电引致的costs
选的people are only willing to pay for resources they depend on
我记得有说什么医院如果有这样的电力优化,可以减少突然停电带来的cost。作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 20:58
1.2. History
1.2.1. 法国革命(2010-8-11)
P2:第二段解释作者的观点,如何政治动荡。开头句说economic ...fade importance, politic(或者是social) system come into...重要的意思,接着继续说支持B的观点,有个例子关于Tax的,说Monarch入不敷出,乱征税,结果得罪了一群Powerful的人(有个专有名词,关于议会的?不确定),又说道,这个专有名词这帮人火了,宣布tax illegal,最终18几几年导致了大革命。(还是说因为政治体制造成的)
Q1 主旨
我选 discuss the causes of French Revolution
Q2 几个原因中作者同意了哪项
我选 人口成长
Q3 infer题--文章infer那些说tax illegal的人怎样
我选 他们的power某程度优于贵族还是什么的
文中说是因为 farmer ..not market grain...因为政治原因,但选项中没有直接说政治原因的,我选了个说farmer retain 他们并不急需的grains
一些历史学家根据政府什么资料来研究美国的中国早期移民。但作者认为家书比任何资料都有价值。因为那些官方的资料总让人觉得当时的中国移民是被逼得,但通过他们给家人的书信我们得知在当时的经济和政治背景下,大部分移民是自己做决定来到美国的,他们有CONTROL。还有一些研究是基于移民写的的回忆录(有考题, 问:作者认为回忆录有什么缺点? 答案:写回忆录的人在回忆很多年前的事情时,会忘记很多细节和当时的感受。 )相比家书,回忆录中的感受也许不是当事人当时的确切感受。
Q1有一题是问文章的primary purpose
应该就是suggest another approach.
Q2原文加粗:“回忆录不能明确反应现实” 暗示作者认为回忆录有什么缺点?
Q3原文有一段话加粗打亮 说American historian 认为Chinese hapless 问这句表达什么
我选的 是美国史学家认为这些American Chinese are subject to force beyond their control
Q4 问以前的historian怎么样
我选过分注重经济社会因素。作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 20:59
Married women's property rights and their social status.
Saying in the 18 and early 19 century, common laws dictated that when a woman is married, her husband takes over all her properties. The man had control the right to use the woman's properties while she lived and became the owner of the properties upon the woman's death. Only one thing can prevent this from happening, something like "pre-marriage settlement"
Then..some law about women's right of property was finally established!! then blah blah blah, how good the law was and things like that. Then, a scholar named Sammas? said this law substantially changed women's status.
BUT, another scholar named Beard? disagreed with Sammas and said the effects of this new law was overstated because before this new law was established, there always existed "equity court" that serve the same purpose.
BUT, a third scholar named Salmon came out to challenge Beard. Salmon said equitty court can't do much because most states were very hostile against equity court and in the cases where the court gave women the right of properties, some were attempts made by men to transfer all properties to their women to avoid consequences of bankruptcy.
第三段:讲了不同学者间的评价。忘了讲了2个人还?个。但是考了两个人,第一个人认为法律的转变起到了积极作用。第二个人认为并没有起到什么作用,举了好多例子:很多州,像康涅狄可州,和很多传统保守实力,反对这种社会、法律发展的趋势。(后面有道题考这些法律你能infer出什么,我选了not universal in all states,我觉得universal这个改写还so-so。反正请大家读的时候,注意这种法律变化有什么社会影响,该怎么评价)最后一句话,讲了有些人愿意接受这种法律,也是为了破产的丈夫把财产转移给妻子,赖债权人的钱。除了上述出题点,还有主旨题:我认为应该选提到了“讲述社会变化,对比学者观点”的那个选项,事实上,文章的重心是在第二个学者的言论,应该属于present观点的文章,一定要突出这个。里面还有一题,是说N的实施并不普遍,并且对它的接受不大好。
1. purpose of the passage
to chronicle laws regarding women's right of properties and examine the implication to women's status.
2. inferred from the passage, what would Beard mostly likely think of equity court
it substantially improve women's status?
5.作者举出 first states passed the special laws in order to respond ??
6.文章是用property act和什么做对比的
选什么有Equity system的那个选项,定位第三段
not universal in all states
我认为应该选提到了“讲述社会变化,对比学者观点”的那个选项,作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 20:59
1.3.2. 古爱尔兰女权(2010-8-14)
第一段:作者说爱尔兰历史学家跟别的国家的历史学家一样,研究女人们活动的学者都是跟从外国学者的研究,研究女权运动的时候都是从女性的投票权入手的。因为爱尔兰女权运动的高峰期是1920年左右,而这一时期刚好是爱尔兰从英联邦里面闹独立的时候。所以学者们往往把这两件事情一起讨论,认为女人的活动都是受独立运动的影响(Historians trying to establish the importance of women in old times studied some woman's suffrage movement in relation to a particular revolution in Ireland)。北爱尔兰新的独立政府成立以后,新的政策对女性的投票权限制很大。
第二段:作者提出了几个理由批评这个方法,说这第一段中的专家可能exaggerate了妇女的活跃程度,也夸大了新政府对女权的压制。说学者们利用了别国的研究方法导致结论上有偏差(主题题,100%),因为实际上妇女的运动特征不能仅仅用别国所谓的妇女选举权运动为标准来看的,还应该考虑其他的比如说运动的阶级构成和它的经济背景。提出了几个理由批评这个方法,说什么参加这个女权活动的女人都是少数中产阶层啥啥的,并不清楚这个运动对全体女人的影响(but this gave a distorted view because they do not know how many women actually participated and stuff like that.)。然后说了为什么有这些shortcomings的一些原因,不太记得了。然后列举了一些本来在独立革命之前就已经存在的一些限制女性权益的原因,指出这些老原因造成的权益限制被当成是新政府的政策导致的了。
1. 主题题
2.primary purpose of the passage
V1:point out a shortcoming in historical research approach
V2:我选的是evaluate 一个traditional研究方法的potential shortcomings
4.第二题highlight新政府的政策(原文是political factors)了,问作者同意哪个观点?
5. 针对列出那些原因的一句话,返回原文应该容易找到答案,是一个跟女性的economic status有关的问题
我选的答案是女性找wage labors有限制,
7. 有道题问一个词形容作者态度的
答案:可以说是发现了一个文献什么的,里面记载了,这些运动的主体是广大的妇女劳动人民(they dunno how many women actually participated and stuff like that)(由于现有的对爱尔兰妇女主权运动的account并不是很全,所以不容易得到XX的结论)。作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 20:59
第二段:讨论忽视的原因。主要提了两个:Equality and Frictional
1)What is the theme of the passage?
基金作者选:为了解释为什么M不受重视 Explain why M’s theory failed to be recognized. 主旨就是大家发现了黑人的作用,可是M的作品没有得到重视。
2)According to the passage, modern historians think which of the following statement is truth?
基金主人选:认为fiction不能反映真实(cannot reflect reality/truth)。
3)According to the first paragraph, what do modern historians think?
基金主人选:挑战欧州白人,认为美国黑人也有重要作用。作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 21:01
1.3.6. 黑人革命著作(2010-8-14)
第一段:一个历史学家,叫W. E. B. Du Bois,写了一本书Black Reconstruction,是关于战后大家对黑人奴隶看法的。然后一点介绍:说的是黑人解放的事情,想证明黑人在工人革命的浪潮中的一份力量。
第二段:但是这本书招来很多议论,因为他标新立异,和流行的观点prevailing opinion都不同,最controversial 的是作者后来的思想越来越教条主义,他把自己的观点放在马克思学术的背景下,说黑人工人运动是反对资本主义重要的组成部分……这些直接导致那年代的人们都不敢看他的书。直到现在,人们才重新重视起来。总的来说,这本书对后来学者的影响很大,让人重新思考黑人地位问题
1 主旨题:
2 细节题问马克思的那几句function/作用/in order to
3 写这本书之后作者怎么样
作者越来越ideological inflexible (教条主义)作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 21:01
1.4. Art
1.4.1. 古代艺术(2010-8-11, updated 2010-8-14)
第一段:a kind of carving on the cliff in northwestern US regions where a Indian group lived is called vertical something.有个考古学家S argues vertical series rock art is sole affiliated with Lakota and other Oyate communities。先说这种古代艺术很mysterious,intriguing之类的,接着提到一个学者认为这种艺术源于某一部落,并且认为这种art内容是表达communications,不仅表达声音和语言,这个考古MM还说,这种岩石画艺术只属于O部落,给出了几个理由。依据是发现的2个地方都是o部落统治,而且岩石画有similarity.
第二段:However, evidence suggests though rock art is closely related to Oyate societies it is not true that all rock art originates from them. Other cultures have also displayed similar rock art but with unique styles and designs. (说这个假设有一些证据支持,不能完全否认,但是说这个艺术仅起源于这个部落太绝对了,给了大概四点理由(有一个是说类似的符号也在别的地方出现过),其中furthermore这个词之后有考点。)给出理由:因为有一个O部落领域之外的从没呆过的地方也有这种风格相同的岩石画,后来果然,这是另一个部落画的。后来就说,又发现了很多部落有这种类似风格岩石艺术,什么H部落啦,C部落啦.
第一段:开头就提到一个假设。第一段先给了一个定义,解释了Microsaccade这个东西。大概是说什么眨眼之类的眼睛自己的运动,然后说researchers have been unsure about the function of Microsaccade,甚至曾经有的researcher have gone so far居然说这种眼睛自己的活动可能会因为blurring什么的对眼睛造成伤害。(后注:这种假设是错误的)。(这里有题,问文章提到这种对于Microsaccade功能的解释是为什么)接着第一段后面说了又有另外一种解释,说是这个M吧,可以让人们的眼睛看清楚静止的物体。
视觉方面的神经元的运作方式之类的。比如什么neuron会 generate more electro...(有着“电”的词根的某单词)with response to moving objects than to stationary objects(有题)。讲vision evolution之类的就是人们容易看到动的东西,visual system就退化了。然后还有一个类比是说人的眼睛很像青蛙的眼睛。就说青蛙就完全看不见静止的物体,但是对于移动的物体反应就会很快。但是人类的眼睛就因为有了这种Microsaccade,看静止的物体也没问题。
第三段:继续提一些反对这种假设的证据。说了一个实验,就说科学家找来一群人,让他们一直对着电脑频幕的一个central dot看,然后问他们对于电脑屏幕上的peripheral dot的视觉反应。接下来这段...我不是很明白他们之间的因果关系...反正大概意思是说,那些人看着看着,觉得那些peripheral dot在慢慢消失fading,而他们的Microsaccade也在逐渐变缓(sparser数量减少and slower),然后又恢复normal when the peripheral reappear。
补充:首先提出一个概念Microsaccede,下简称m,中文是微动眼,指眼睛自然的细微运动。研究人员提出假设微动眼的作用可以使我们看得清静止的东西。在进化的过程中,视觉在看动态事物方面进化较快,之后讲了一些原因,有一个是因为动物可以见到猎物逃走。人的眼进化出微动眼帮助人不仅看到motion还能够看到静止事物。之后对比了人和青蛙。最后视觉神经是如何发生作用。神经一般是在看motion时才firing,而微动眼帮助人类即使在看静止的事物神经都可以keep firing。
1)What is the theme of the passage?
2)What is the function of the substance of Microsaccade?
3)视觉方面的神经元的运作方式之类的。比如什么neuron会 generate more electro...(有着“电”的词根的某单词)with response to moving objects than to stationary objects(有题)
(这题要对experiment的结果要求看仔细点,关系有点复杂。)记得其中2个选项是M开头,3个选项是visual neutron开头。
5)第二段有一个in additional,问作用
6) 推断视觉神经在青蛙的作用
是关于REM和动物对所处环境危险程度的敏感程度的……作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 21:02
2.1.2. 鸟预知地震(2010-8-12)
1p 在一个地方2月一直是气候stable的夏天,但是某日发生的一件事,误导了当地对天气很了解的当地人。这件事就是seabird鸟群突然一窝蜂的从 coast往内陆飞(这个很重要,我会讲清楚)。 结果一个多小时后发生地震揭示了这个现象。举了两个其它历史上发生的果的类似事件:鸟类异常行为地震
2p 那么就假设(有两种猜测),要么鸟群是感知到了微震(人感知不到),要么是鸟感受到了地震带来的海啸的电磁波,所以往陆地飞。但如果是鸟群感知道了微震,就会知道有地震危险,不会向内陆 飞,而是远离危险,应该向海上飞.那么这是为什么呢?解释说可是这样的,鸟群错误的把感知到的什么什么当成了indicator of storm,他们以为暴风雨来了,所以远离大海,往内路飞。(这段要看清楚,我说得已经八九不离十了)
3p 举了3-4个动物预测地震的例子,中国发现鸭子不下水,哪发现鸡不回笼等等。最后一句话总结,说这么多动物都能感知,可能还是大气中电子什么阐释了微妙的变化。
1. 有一题是问作者举这么多地方的例子都提到什么共通的东西?
A wildlife E birds 我选的鸟
2. 按照那些“对天气很了解的人”一直以来的认识,应该怎样
3. 主旨题
A - an argument of ……over a phenomena; E - a research report about a phenomena (题目是不是report忘了,反正有research) 其他选项都不对,应该就这两个里选,我选了E
4. 第一段中提到的这种天气通常被人认为的是什么?
V1: 天气不好了的时候鸟会成群飞掉
V2: 第一段里面说2月份的时候智利的天气是steady的,但是1835年2月的这天鸟成群飞向内陆,使weather-wise的人很disoriented.这样说起来应该选天气不稳定。不过后面答案里面和天气稳定相关的只有一个“稳定的天数比平时长”。。。囧~然后还有个是说因为鸟儿感知到了坏天气要来。我选的是这个。作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 21:02
2.1.3. 海豚的声音(Done)
P1海豚利用click和emission来航海,并且能够区分船只的噪音,海底其他动物的声音,同伴的声音。比如一种虾,发出的声音很像是海豚发出的,人类一般不能区别出。[此处有题,答案是海豚对各种声音的辨别力比人类强。] use acoustical method in a noisy environment.
P2第二段开始讲述海豚具体的辨别声音的过程,比较复杂,大概是收到声音后再自己发出声音,然后通过回音等等来分辨。此处讲到海豚的emission是有规律的频率变化。[有题,问 emission的性质。答案是频率改变,但是有规律可循,可以预测。] talk about why they can avoid the noise. Basically only focus on how the acoustics works. Detect clicks by repeat rate, change of frequency is not in a fixed pattern. Whistle frequency change in a consistent pattern
D, E is close in the words used. But E is correct.
D: present information about a problematic issue in environment of particular animal.
E: explain the method used for a problematic issue in particular environment.
Q2. what is correct about whistle and clicks.
第一段:starling(欧掠鸟)这种鸟可以模仿和vocalize。但是因为它们flock and vocalize too much, too frequently, too.... 所以science studies很少(此处有考题问为什么鸟的习性不好研究)。 最近刚做了一个实验, 说明starling不仅模仿自然界的声音,还模仿人的声音。
第二段:说这个实验。把幼鸟分成组,只跟人关在一起。发现那组人说话的多,那一组的鸟vocalize就多。 (然后实验发现:鸟儿们很厉害啊,能模仿人讲话不说,还能模仿不同的语调。而且,和人们有更多接触的鸟儿们更爱显摆inference就是鸟儿们对于周围的环境很有interest)说明幼鸟是通过人的话来学习发音的。而且幼鸟还都模仿discourse和phrase, 不是单个的word。并且surprisingly的是它可以模仿的声音可以发出不同的tone的音调。又说自然界,幼鸟是通过学习neighbor的鸟,比如自己的parents and sibling。所以得出一个结论,八哥小时候就开始接受家庭的音乐熏陶了(有题)。
describe an experiment researching a phenomenon(我选的, 还有一个选项比较模糊,建议大家再看看)
Q2如果下面哪个成立,说明这个实验没道理? (感觉像逻辑)
学习他们的parents and sibling
(1)因为flock and vocalize too much, too frequently
(2)因为需要大范围,长时间的研究,而这通常做不到。然后说现在通过实验可以做到作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 21:03
Cardinals, along with other songbirds, are among the few kinds of animals that learn the vocalizations they make. Among the others, two groups are also birds—hummingbirds and parrots—and the rest are mammals: bats, cetaceans, elephants and humans. All other creatures, from dogs and tigers to swans, owls and pigeons, produce sounds that, according to current research, are programmed by the species’ genes. According to Jarvis and other scientists, baby songbirds learn to sing much like human infants learn to speak. Both begin by listening to their parents or other adults and memorizing the sounds. The next step is to mimic the mentors, slowly perfecting their “language” over time through practice. A young songbird raised by a different species of adult, or with recordings of a different species, will end up learning the “wrong” song—and will produce only an odd, improvised tune if it is raised in isolation. A vocal nonlearner such as a phoebe or a dove, on the other hand, will sing its species’ correct song even if it’s brought up by another kind of bird, or by none at all.
A few years ago, Jarvis and his colleagues made the surprising discovery that when a songbird, parrot or hummingbird is producing its learned vocalization, a set of seven similar structures in the birds’ brains become active. The finding was unexpected because the three avian groups are only distantly related to one another. At the same time, they are closely related to other birds that are not vocal learners. Flycatchers, for example, belong to the same order as songbirds—Passeriformes—yet no flycatcher species tested so far displays the trait. One possible explanation, says Jarvis, is that the three groups of vocal learning birds had a common ancestor that possessed the skill. “But this means there would have been multiple losses of the ability over time, a sort of mass extinction of vocal learning,” he says. Another hypothesis is that vocal learners evolved similar brain structures independently over the last 65 million years, much the same way that birds and bats separately evolved wings that turned out to be so much alike.
Discoveries about the human brain support this latter hypothesis. Scientists conducting imaging studies have found that when people speak, parts of their brains’ cerebrums that are similar to those of vocalizing songbirds, parrots and hummingbirds become active. They’ve also found that the same neural pathways are damaged in people who have lost the ability to speak due to injury or stroke. Jarvis now believes that vocal learning most likely developed independently in humans and the three bird groups (as well as in other learners whose brains have not been studied)—yet it arose from a preexisting brain system, probably shared by all vertebrates, that controls learning to move.
Q2 ……所以有两个假说:一是他们有共同的祖先。“但是这不太可能,因为这意味着……存在大批的灭绝” 问高亮部分表明实验者认为什么/前面高亮推断出什么?
Q3这些动物虽然有similar brain structure, 但是都是单独进化的;就像“蝙蝠啊,鸟啊,单独进化完,翅膀都差不多”一样 问高亮部分有什么作用?
to illustrate the brain structure … ; analogy to ...vocal...... 两个里面有一个是对的
Q4最后一句谈到学习发声也是movement learning,结果有一道细节题就考这最后两个单词。
Q5 问最后一段在文中的作用是什么,也就是问相关的更多研究的结论跟上面的学术论述有什么作用。
Q6 which one is J(是个人名)questioned?
我选的是鸟类和baby学习发声什么一致,因为文章最后一段有讲到finally J believed鸟类和baby学习发声什么是一致的,不确定对不对作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 21:04
Para1: 最近有一个debate讨论是否应该develop a vaccine来应对a disease caused by a kind of bacteria. 但是由于这个disease的symptom主要是caused by the immune system, 所以since the risk of provoking reactions is not fully understood, 不建议用这个vaccine。 而且,由于这个病的危害程度不大,人们对于这个vaccine会引起的harmful reaction的tolerance(容忍度)就会小。 Moreover,有另外一种病危害程度比这个病的危害程度更大,而且还是由同一种bacteria引起的,但是针对这个病的vaccine已经逐渐out of market (总之这一段就在反对develop the vaccine)
Para 2: However, in the infested area, among the people who have the highest risk to affected with the bacteria, 生了这种病以后会残疾的可能性很高,而且经过很长一段时间的治疗还是不能恢复。yet,是否是由于这种病而导致的残疾确实不确定的。 but,由于这个残疾的严重性,所以我们应该在这些高危人群中使用 the vaccine
1 如果这个疾病是fatal的话会怎么样
2 主旨题
list factors for and against of (是否开发疫苗)
3 这个VACCINE会引起某些人怎么样
两个答案比较混淆:让他们的免疫系统出现问题 or 会让那些过敏的人产生某种symptom作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 21:05
有个说confirmed the reports of acoustic defensive phenomenon 。还有个说give evidence that defensive phenomenon could be acoustic 。纠结很久选了第二个,因为怎么都没看到文章中提到reports啊
Background文档有背景,非原文。作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 21:06
2.2. Geography & Geology
2.2.1. 火山熔岩的来由(2010-8-13)
第一段,讲火山爆发来源于Mantle中的Lava,而Lava来源于Melt,说是由地下升起来的,Melt在向地表上升的过程中会与Mantle中的Rock反应(exchange of atoms between the melt and the minerals that makeup the solid rock it passes through)并不断变化结构,即溶解Orthopyroxene 并在背后沉淀出Olivine(The experiments revealed that as melt rises, it dissolves one kind of mineral, orthopyroxene, and precipitates, or leaves behind, another mineral, olivine.)。如果Melt如研究人员所想的那样在空洞中缓慢移动的话,那么所有的Melt都应该反映出距离地面最近的Mantle中的Rock的成分,至少距离地面10km。
第二段,讲在地下45千米突然发现Melt的结构不变了,这是怎么回事呢?若是不变它如何上来的呢?提出一种假设说是Melt沿着裂缝(open cracks)上来的,速度太快来不及反应(Open cracks would allow the melt to rise so rapidly that it would not have time to interact with the surrounding rock, nor would melt in the core of the crack ever touch the sides.),但第一,这种dikes在地幔形成,而不是45km以下(The problem with this interpretation was that the dikes are filled with rock that crystallized from a melt that formed in the uppermost reaches of the mantle, not below 45 kilometers, where most mid-ocean ridge lavas originate.);第二,10km以下,地幔就是流动的了,而不会有裂缝(In addition, the icebreaker scenario may not work well for the melting region under mid-ocean ridges: below about 10 kilometers, the hot mantle tends to flow like caramel left too long in the sun, rather than cracking easily.),所以这种假设立即被否定了。另一种假设是Melt在之前的上升过程中已经吸收了足够的Orthopyroxene,在岩壁上只剩下不能溶解的Olivine, 无法再反应了,而只能记录下Melt最后一次遇到Orthopyroxene的深度。一个推论是:只有在边缘的Melt才能溶解岩壁上的Orthopyroxene,而中间的的Melt则可以在上升中保持纯净(Over time, however, so much melt passes through the channels that all the soluble orthopyroxene crystals dissolve away, leaving only crystals of olivine and other minerals that the melt is unable to dissolve. As a result, the composition of the melt within such channels can no longer adjust to decreasing pressure and instead records the depth at which it last “saw” an orthopyroxene crystal. One of the most important implications of this process, called focused porous flow, is that only the melt at the edges of channels dissolves orthopyroxene from the surrounding rock; melt within the inner part of the conduit can rise unadulterated.)
V1 lab experiment
V2 Using specialized equipment to heat and squeeze crystals from mantle rocks in the laboratory
科学家发现最近40million years,地球不再是原来那么warm和wet了(此处有题),先给出了一个流派的若干解释:随着二氧化碳的增多,大气的降水中融解了二氧化碳,这些水降到海面,被各种过程吸收,然后沉积到海底(二氧化碳到了海里面,然后被海洋生物还是什么吸收,然后又被排出,留在seabed上面),虽然到海底这些CO2最终还是要回到大气中,但是这个过程需要hundreds of millions of years(隐含40百万年对它来说是相对短的过程,此处有题),另外陆面也对二氧化碳的吸收起到一定作用,而且随着内海的面积逐渐减少,陆面的面积越来越大因而吸收CO2也越多。第一段的末尾说这个解释不错,但作为唯一的解释未免不让人信服。
下一段是讲好像叫M R的人提出一种观点,对第一段的解释起到支持作用,他说地质演变抬高了陆地某些位置,高了之后会有更多的fresh岩石吸收CO2,而且因为抬高了后这些位置比较陡,降水可以更好的冲走这些吸收了c的岩石。提出的新观点觉得有二个重要原因:一是weathering的过程 (即对第一段的解释起到支持作用); 一是岩石陆地的上升strengthen了weathering的过程
选择较Warm, Wet(此题也许是取非题,问现在的环境怎么样,那以前的来取非)
2. 第二段,CO2溶解沉入海底再回到大气这个过程需要hundreds of millions of years(隐含40百万年对它来说是相对短的过程,此处有题)
3. 有一个Except题
定位于二段后半部分. 注意R的观点有两个部分 a.weathering的过程 (即对第一段的解释起到支持作用); b.岩石陆地的上升strengthen了weathering的过程.这题要削弱的应该是第二个观点
6.第二段全划线,机理题作者: 又见炊烟 时间: 2010-8-16 22:11
注:在OG11和OG12中都有一篇阅读是关于Milankovitch理论的,但是并非此月的阅读原文,大家可以当背景资料阅读,我提供文章的开头关键句供大家查找:Milankovitch proposed in the early twentieth century that the ice ages were caused by variations in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. 另外,看看下面的背景资料会对阅读有所帮助。
地球轨道根数变化与第四纪冰期 Changes of the Earth's Orbital Elements and the Quaternary Glacial Epoch
米兰柯维奇(Milankovitch)天文气候学理论和第四纪地质时期以来冰期的研究进展.研究结果表明,地球上的冰体积具有近10万yr的变化周期,并伴有近4万yr和2万yr的变化周期,它们是由于地球的轨道根数变化导致的气候变迁所致;不同的地球物理资料中均存在上述类似的变化周期,表明气候变迁所导致的变化是全球性效应,证实米兰柯维奇天文理论是基本正确的。他认为,北半球高纬夏季太阳辐射变化是驱动第四纪冰期旋回的主因。这个理论的核心是单一敏感区的触发驱动机制,即北半球高纬气候变化信号被放大、传输进而影响全球。最近,由于大量高分辨率及精确定年的气候变化记录的获得,从以下4个方面构成了对米氏理论的挑战:1)一些低纬地区并没有明显的10万年冰量周 期,而是以2万年岁差周期为主,表明北半球冰盖的扩张、收缩变化并没有完全控制低纬区的气候变化;2)在最近几次冰消期时,南半球和低纬区的温度增高,要 早于北半球冰盖的融化,表明冰消期的触发机制并非是北半球高纬夏季太阳辐射;3)大气CO2浓度在第2冰消期的增加同南极升温相一致,表明该时大气CO2 浓度增加亦有可能早于北半球冰盖消融;4)南半球的末次冰盛期有可能早于北半球。这就说明单一敏感区触发驱动机制已难以圆满解释所有观察事实,天文因素控 制下轨道尺度气候变化机制研究正面临理论突破的新需求和新机遇
At the recent American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, the 25th anniversary of one of the great papers in paleoclimatology was celebrated. The paper, entitled “Variations in the Earth’s orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages,” presented important new evidence supporting the orbital theory of glaciation. Orbital theory goes back over a century but is most closely associated with Milankovitch, who calculated the effects of gravitational perturbations on the seasonal cycle of Earth’s insolation (the radiation incident at the top of the atmosphere). Insolation varies on several time scales, including ~20,000 years (termed precession), ~40,000.
第三段,新观点,也不能说这个假设完全不对,说不考虑那么不对的,气候变化导致的灭绝也不是完全不可能,但是不是直接影响,是因为陆地上的植物都死了。因此以之为食的食草动物死了,影响了整条食物链,通过影响食物链而使恐龙灭绝的。这种假设又遭到了反对,因为在化石标本中发现某个地区的植物是最后才灭绝。但是这个发现并没有完全否定这个假设,因为陨石撞击产生了大量灰尘在(某个地方?),而在freshwater中的生物比terrestrial的生物收影响小(此处有题),还有size 比较small的生物不如恐龙受到的影响大(此处也有题),因此灭绝有先后的顺序。
问题1: Small animals和dinosaur的区别
我选的是更不依赖植物。因为温度变化已经被fossil证据证明不对,也就是说温度变化并不是导致恐龙灭绝的原因,因此对温度不敏感也就不是small animals活下来了而恐龙没有活下来的区别所在。/ small animals are less dependent on ..(好像是食物吧)
就是jj里说 水生植物比动物受温度影响小那提 我觉得jj答案有问题 因为温度是之前一段得毁灭轮的论调 已经被否了 这段说是食物链出了问题 plant kingdom很受影响 答案应该和这个有关。
V1答案我选 it offer(or discuss)difficulties in explaining the 恐龙灭绝的原因(总之是关于大灾难理论的缺陷的)
V2第一段提到了C提论,但质疑;第二段是说C理论has some difficulties in explaining the dinosaur extinction at the end of C世纪。这个就是答案,我觉得
作者是说C理论have some difficulties in explaining,但注意,作者在最后一段提到了impact hypotheses,说C理论虽然有弊端,但还是能说明了the survival of reptile animals,即selective survival. 所以选答案时,注意不是对C理论的全盘否定,要结合开头第一段和最后一段作答。
问题9:好像有2个题都是关于谁更受食物链或气候的影响,有terrestrial plant, terrestrial animal, freshwater plant and animal
第一段 为什么金星上面那么干呀?由于离太阳近,造成大气层的Hydrogen脱离其地心引力往外逃逸。但是呢这个gas里面有Deuterium(H的同位素D),Deuterium的密度妨碍他一起蒸发出大气层的,所以如果大气层里面有没有残留Deuterium对Hydrogen的比例很高,则说明hydrogen蒸发掉了
第二段 很短,地球火星和金星虽然都是由太阳幸运演变而来,但是同位素测定表明三者的大气成分和太阳不一样,说明都发生过氢元素逃逸
第三段 我这里全highlight……非常长,说因为金星里太阳太近了,太阳辐射太大,Hydrogen的活动和地球不大一样的,(此处问为什么要说和地球不一样),然后就分析因为太阳辐射对他Hydrogen的影响,太阳辐射通量(solar flux)很大的话,水就会被蒸发到大气层,并在大气层被分解,然后蒸发出去。而如果金星曾经有像现在这样厚重的二氧化碳大气层的话,就能保持住大部分的水分。因为第一:遗失的水量取决于有多少水可以被蒸发到足够的高度以分解成氢氧,而如果有厚重的二氧化碳大气层的话,遗失的水量就会小很多(The amount of water that is lost depends on how much of it can rise high enough to be decomposed—which is less for a planet with a thick atmosphere);第二:云层可以反射并阻挡一部分太阳光,抑制“runaway greenhouse”效应。如果太阳辐射通量略小于“关键通量(critical value)”,金星可以在短期内维持一个像地球一样稳定的机制,但稀薄的大气层难以阻止水分向高处扩散,6亿年之后还是会蒸发掉相当于地球全部海洋那么多的水分(In short, Venus possessed climate-stabilizing mechanisms similar to those on Earth today. But the atmosphere’s lower density could not prevent water from diffusing to high altitudes. Over 600 million years, an ocean’s worth of water vanished. Any plate tectonics shut down, leaving volcanism and heat conduction as the interior’s ways to cool. Thereafter carbon dioxide accumulated in the air)。