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标题: Topway原创——老詹GMAT句子改错宝典 句子结构下篇 [打印本页]

作者: myice    时间: 2010-8-2 09:15     标题: Topway原创——老詹GMAT句子改错宝典 句子结构下篇

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Sample Questions:

SC2.1.         Quasars, at billions of light-years from Earth the most distant observable objects in the universe, believed to be the cores of galaxies in an early stage of development.

A.       believed to be

B.        are believed to be

C.        some believe them to be

D.       some believe they are

E.        it is believed that they are



A 句子结构:名词,插入语,-ed分词短语。缺少谓语动词,句子结构不完整。

CDE 句子结构:名词,插入语,句子。垂悬的句首名词Quasars与主句相分离,功能不明确,句子结构不合理。

believe的习惯搭配:believe + that; believe sth. to be; believe sth.

错误用法:believe sth. sth; believe sth. that.


SC2.2.         Computers are becoming faster, more powerful, and more reliable, and so too are modems, they are the devices to allow two or more computers to share information over regular telephone lines.

A.       so too are modems, they are the devices to allow

B.        so too are modems, the devices that allow

C.        so too modems, the devices allowing

D.       also modems, they are the devices that allow

E.        also modems, which are the devices to allow



A 句子1, and句子2,句子3.三个句子并列,应该在最后一个句子前面加上连词.

C 句子, and so too modems. so too modems句子结构不完整。so too后面必须加句子(使用倒装结构)。

D 句子1,and also modems, 句子2。名词短语不能和句子1、句子2结构构成平行结构,并且句子1和句子2之间缺少连接词。

E 句子,and also modems. 句子和名词短语形式不对称,不能构成平行结构。


SC2.3.         At ground level, ozone is a harmful pollutant, but in the stratosphere it shields the Earth from the most biologically harmful radiation emitted by the Sun, radiation in the ultraviolet band of the spectrum.

A.       in the stratosphere

B.        in the stratosphere, in which

C.        it is in the stratosphere in which

D.       in the stratosphere where

E.        it is in the stratosphere and



BD but后面是一个介词短语,“句子,but + 介词短语 + 定语从句”,句子结构不合理,这里的but后应加完整主谓结构。


CE in the stratosphere原来充当从属性成分,CE把in the stratosphere变为主句的内容,改变原句的重心。
作者: myice    时间: 2010-8-2 09:16

SC2.5.         The demand for airplane mechanics is expected to grow about ten percent a year in the next decade, largely because new federal rules calling for major modifications to older planes and because the air-lines are adding hundreds of new jets.

A.       new federal rules calling for major modifications to older planes

B.        new federal rules, which call for major modifications to older planes

C.        new federal rules call for major modifications to older planes

D.       major modifications to older planes called for by new federal rules

E.        major modifications to older planes are called for according to new federal rules




ABD because后面都是名词短语,错。


在同等情况下(主被动语态都可以接受),优先使用主动语态。并且E选项中被动语态的动作执行者应该用by表示,而不用according to 表示。


SC2.6.         The filibuster, a parliamentary device that slows the snail’s pace that prevails even in the best of times in congressional sessions and tests the endurance of everyone associated with it, seems more and more an anachronism in the age of telecommunications.

A.       sessions and tests the endurance of everyone associated with it, seems

B.        sessions and tests the endurance of everyone who is associated with it, seeming to be

C.        sessions, tests the endurance of everyone associated with it, seems

D.       sessions, that tests the endurance of everyone associated with it and seems

E.        sessions, testing the endurance of everyone associated with it and seeming



B The filibuster,同位语,seeming to be…,句子缺谓语动词。

D The filibuster, a device that slows…, that tests…and seems…, 句子缺谓语动词。

D The filibuster, a device that slows…, testing…and seeming…, 句子缺谓语动词。



C the filibuster, a device that slows…, tests…, seems…, 定语从句中谓语动词slows和tests并列,缺少连词and。


SC2.7.         The energy source on Voyager 2 is not a nuclear reactor, in which atoms are actively broken apart; rather a kind of nuclear battery that uses natural radioactive decay to produce power.

A.       apart; rather

B.        apart, but rather

C.        apart, but rather that of

D.       apart, but that of

E.        apart; it is that of




A 分号后是一个名词短语a kind of…,句子结构不完整。


CDE 代词that没有指代对象。

sth. is not a nuclear reactor, but rather a kind of nuclear battery…

名词的否定形式:not A, but B; not A, but rather B; A, rather than B; A, not B. not…but rather…比 not…but…语气强烈。


SC2.8.         Like many others of his generation of Native American leaders, Joseph Brant lived in two worlds; born into an Iroquois community and instructed in traditional Iroquois ways, he also received an education from English-speaking teachers.

A.       Like many others of his generation of Native American leaders, Joseph Brant lived in two worlds;

B.        Like many others of his generation of Native American leaders, living in two worlds, Joseph Brant was

C.        Like many another of his generation of Native American leaders, Joseph Brant, living in two worlds, was

D.       As with many others of his generation of Native American leaders, living in two worlds, Joseph Brant was

E.        As with many another of his generation of Native American leaders, Joseph Brant lived in two worlds;




BC Like sb. , JB was born into… and instructed in …(句子1),he also received…(句子2).“句子1,句子2”永远错。

D As with sb. , JB was born into … and instructed in… (句子1),he also received…(句子2).“句子1,句子2”永远错。


习惯搭配:one…another; each…the other; each other; some…others

E many another不符合习惯搭配
作者: myice    时间: 2010-8-2 09:16

SC2.9.         A representative of the Women’s Bureau of the United States Department of Labor contends that employers who offer benefits which permit that employees can balance home and work responsibilities better, realizing gains in attendance, recruiting, and retention.

A.       which permit that employees can balance home and work responsibilities better, realizing

B.        which permit employees balancing home and work responsibilities better will realize

C.        that permit employees to balance the responsibilities of home and work better will realize

D.       that permit employees a better balance between the responsibilities of home and work, thus realizing

E.        such that employees are permitted a balance between home and work responsibilities, and they will realize



A contend的宾语从句缺少谓语动词:主语是employers, who定语从句修饰employers, which定语从句修饰benefits, that引导permit的宾语从句,realizing为非谓语动词。

D contend 的宾语从句缺少谓语动词:主语是employers,who定语从句修饰employers,that定语从句修饰benefits,realizing为非谓语动词。

E and连接一个句子they will realize…和名词短语employers who…, 永远错。


permit sb. to do sth.

A permit + that从句,永远错。

B permit sb. doing 永远错。

E sb. be permitted sth. 永远错


SC2.10.     El Niflo, the periodic abnormal warming of the sea surface of Peru, a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine allowing the warm water that has accumulated in the western Pacific to flow back to the east.

A.       a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine allowing the warm water that has accumulated

B.        a phenomenon where changes in the ocean and atmosphere are combining to allow the warm water that is accumulating

C.        a phenomenon in which ocean and atmosphere changes combine and which allows the warm water that is accumulated

D.       is a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine to allow the warm water that has accumulated

E.        is a phenomenon where ocean and atmosphere changes are combing and allow the warm water accumulating



ABC 句子“EI Niflo, 插入语,a phenomenon + 定语从句”缺少谓语动词,句子结构不完整。


修饰phenomenon的定语从句的关联词只能使用in which。

E where引导定语从句修饰phenomenon,不符合习惯用法,并且allow…doing也不符合习惯搭配,正确用法为allow…to do。


SC2.11.     The rising of costs of data-processing operations at many financial institutions has crated a growing opportunity for independent companies to provide these services more efficiently and at lower cost.

A.       The rising of costs

B.        Rising costs

C.        The rising cost

D.       Because the rising cost

E.        Because of rising costs



D 整个句子成为because状语从句的内容,缺少主句。

E because of + 句子,结构混乱。


谓语动词has created 决定了主语必须是单数名词或者单数名词短语。



动词rise(v.)有名词形式rise(n.),就不倾向使用the rising代替动作性名词rise。

A the rising of costs不符合习惯表达。


SC2.12.     In 1973 mortgage payments represented twenty-one percent of an average thirty-year-old male’s income; and forty-four percent in 1984.

A.       income; and forty-four percent in 1984

B.        income; in 1984 the figure was forty-four percent

C.        income, and in 1984 forty-four percent

D.       income, forty-four percent in 1984 was the figure

E.        income that rose to forty-four percent in 1984




A 分号后句子结构不完整,错。

D 逗号连接两个完整的主谓结构,错。



C and前的并列分句使用实义动词represent,在第二个分句中省略实义动词,不符合并列句的省略原则。


E that定语从句就近修饰income,income rose to forty-four percent逻辑意思不合理。

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