1.two hotels in two towns, average costumers are more in one than in another. The latter one has a hotel greater in number of costumer than any other hotels in another town. Ask which one of following is false. Answer, S hotel is the only one in that town.
Two boldface, the fist one with only one sentence being boldfaced that is the position the author intends to refute.
2.The second is from GWD:about the reason for the gradual decline of creativity among scientists. Some thought scientist will lose creativity as they age because….. however, a finding that creative scientists enter the field in a later age, indicates that…. ( just a general idea)
4.有一道题说一个托儿所,是在each end of the workweek按照托儿所照看孩子的实际小时数向家长收费的,收入不错就是不稳定,因为每年冬天有些孩子生病就不来了,而这种absence是unpredictable。问以下哪种办法能使收入stable?答案是改为提前按照照看孩子的expected hours事先收费,这样不论孩子缺不缺席,钱都已经赚到手了。
fish,问原因。我选因为mature fish can pray more fish that has stayed in certain
water area longer than those fish that prayed by inmature fish does。
27.政府决定升高烟业的税收, 虽然已经被提高过了. 为的是两个目的,一是减少吸烟的人口,二是增加教育经费. 问归纳.(很奇怪的归纳题)
参考答案: A
A. 两个目的的实现受限制于还能降低多少吸烟的人口 (还是还有多少吸烟的人口? 忘了)
B. 两个目的此消彼长.
C. 两个都不可能实现.
D, 两个目标都可以实现.
E. 忘了