320.40% of the employers are temporary and 15% of the employers are temporary employers who are also professors, which is the percentage of the temporary employees who are not the professors?(40%-15%)/40%=62.5%作者: 布丁奶茶 时间: 2010-7-16 16:59
355. 有一个,in a line, 4 is in the half way of X and Y , and X is to the left of zero. what is the number of X?
1) zero is in the half way between X and Y/2.
2) 忘了。。。。作者: 布丁奶茶 时间: 2010-7-16 17:01
356、说M 和N 是两个数集,他们各自的数的个数为m and n 个。求n=?
2)M and N 的intersection 为 0.4m
357、说一个长方形,他的一个corner到its opposite corner 的距离equals to 130,(我在opposite side上纠结了很久。。。后来看到了一个across the rectangle ,猜想这个distance应该说的是长方形的对角线)。然后问长和宽。
Subscribe to A newspaper中有1/5也subscribe to B. Subscribe to B的有1/4 subscribe to A. What’s the fraction of those who subscribe to both to those subscribe to B?
(我确定一定以及肯定我做的题目里头没有这个to,我看得眼都花了就是没看到这里该有的to, 就一直没搞明白,当时想做SC的心都有了,大家理解的,做题做成惯性了……)
392. 同数学狗狗中的93题,即: 480个人,其中35%的人参加了昨晚的音乐会,25%的人是音乐家,15%的人是音乐家且出席了昨晚的音乐会,问你有多少音乐家没参加音乐会。原文大概是Of all the 480 people, 35% of the people attended the concert, 25% of the people are musicians, 15% of the people are musicians who attended the concert.
393. 一道打电话的题,比较恶心,记不太清楚了,大家参考。大概是说某人自行计算自己的每月电话费时采用了如下算法:each telephone charge is rounded to the nearest unit digit, so the estimated telephone bill per month is equal to the sum of those rounded numbers in that month,然后问此人在某个月份的estimated bill与真实的bill之间是否within 8 dollars? (感觉就是问两者之差是否小于等于8)
(2)此人当月共有14个telephone charge。
396 N is a perfect square, which one of the following is the least perfect square greater than N?
有两个选项,N+2√N+1和N^2。还是选择N+2√N+1,因为若N>=4,则N^2大于N+2√N+1;若N<4,则N只能等于1,N^2=N,不符合题中要求的greater than N