40 猴子的反应
(V1 Avatar800 M51V34(710))逻辑记者一个超长的,就是说一蜥蜴L和另一个动物T都吃树猴,T是树生的但发现L在扑食方面更成功。于是科学家做了个试验:给这个树猴听L和T的声音记录并给他们看L和S的模型,发现猴们对T的声音还是模型发出的叫声差不多但对L的模型和声音发出的叫声有很大差别,问解释:我选了个说陆地捕食者威胁更大,得用不同的叫声发警报(但没记得题目说L是陆生的,但我做题养成的习惯是排除绝对错的和无关的,最后发现就这个还靠谱)
(V2 simiko 730 (Q51 V38)) 碰到了一篇让我很纠结的逻辑题,我起码花了5分钟琢磨到底应该选哪个选项,最后还是没有相通... sigh, 就应该随便选一个然后move on,最后也不会没有时间做。leopard和eagle捕捉一种猴子的方式不一样,他们是悄悄的偷袭的。为了研究,scientists做了两个实验。(1)给一群猴子播放leopard或者eagle的声音,观察猴子的反应;(2)放leopard或者eagle的模型,观察猴子的反应。结果对于eagle,不管是声音还是模型,猴子的反应度和数量都差不多,但是对于leopard, 猴子看到模型的时候比听到声音的时候反应度和数量都强烈很多。
问哪一项if true, can most explain the difference between leopard and eagle.
(B)猴子可以通过爬树躲避leopard, 但是不能躲过eagle
(D)猴子的声音可以alert leopard that it is noticed by the its pray - 我最后选了这个,不过怎么想怎么想还是觉得错了
V3 from vvvjy8868 700 巨长的一道,而且出现在前十题,很多生词,我当时那个纠结啊~~~~~说L,T都吃猴子,科学家做了个实验,具体什么记不清了,反正就是猴子好像对L反应更大, 问解释,我学的是C,具体什么既不清了,反正是两个FOR,并列平行的一个句子作者: uruk 时间: 2010-7-13 23:03
50 考到这个了:20( FROM lynalice1987 (ID: 133360))Hunter:Hunters alone are blamed for the decline in Greenrock National Forest’ deer population over the past ten years.Yet clearly, black bears have also played an important role in this decline.In the past ten years, the forest’s protected black bear population has risen sharply, and examination of black bears found dead in the forest during the deer hunting season showed that a number of them had recently fed on deer.
In the hunter's argument, the boldface portion plays which of the following roles?A
A.It is the main conclusion of the argument.
B.It is an objection that has been raised against the main conclusion of the argument.
C.It is a judgment that the argument opposes.
D.It is a finding that the argument seeks to explain.
E.It provides evidence in support of the main conclusion of the argument.
不过我的是变体,非常确信!第一句话就是Bold face,我的选择是:第一个是全文的Conclusion,第二个是Sub-conclusion!作者: uruk 时间: 2010-7-13 23:07
51. 風能發電和火電發電
V2 from davidwu27深刻记得某一题说风能发电厂比火电厂更占用土地面积破坏植被。我选的是,火电所需的煤是来自大大破坏植被的煤矿厂的••••作者: uruk 时间: 2010-7-13 23:07