8 誹謗
.( V1 from scratte)在A国家,有一种违法行为,叫做xxx,xxx的定义就是某人通过书面形式传播另一人的defamatory rumors,同时又宣称这些rumors是false的。但是,受损害一方的利益(the injured the party's interest)并不能通过提起诉讼来得到改善,诉讼只不过是一纸空文罢了,这只会把事情越闹越大。问:based on which assumption?
( V2 from yizhutou)还有一道怪怪的题说某城市立了一个法,规定散步谣言然后又澄清谣言的人是有罪的。作者: uruk 时间: 2010-7-6 22:03
(from yizhutou)说一个公司大部分head 退休了。而公司里qualified的能当head的employee只有1半。这个公司不打算招人,不打算减少department.于是大部分的department都会without head, since the company will NOT________________________________作者: uruk 时间: 2010-7-6 22:04
(from holacra)现在科学家发现honeybee的死亡率增加,并且认为这是因为现在养蜂人减少,导致a larger number of honeybees be kept and trucked together,从而导致某种疾病传播更容易(还是更泛滥),问to know which of the following can best evaluate the argument。我选了:在honeybee没有被kept和trucked together的时候,这种疾病在honeybee中传播的频率(frequency)。作者: uruk 时间: 2010-7-6 22:05
15 動物園員工染病
(from 444727)说一个动物园员工感染某种疾病经测出是30%,其实远远不止30%,问原因:
选 员工得了重病的都会马上换其它工作.
People who have spent a lot of time in contact with animals ofen develop animal-induced allergies, some of them quite serious. In a survey of current employees in major zoos, about 30 percent had animal-induced allergies. Based on this sample, experts conclude that among the menbers of the general population who have spent a similarly large amout of time in close contact with animals, the percentage with animal-induced allergies is not 30 percent but substantially more.
Which of the folllowing, if true, provides the strongest ground for the experts' conclusion? A
A. A zoo employee who develops a serious animal-induced allergy is very likely to switch to some other occupation
B. A zoo employee is more likely than a person in the general population to keep one or more animal pets at home
C. The percentage of the general population whose level of exposure to animals matches that of a zoo employee is quite small
D. Exposure to domestic pets is, on the whole, less likely to cause animal-induced allergy than exposure to many of the animal keep in zoos
E. Zoo employees seldom wear protective gear when they handle animals in their care作者: uruk 时间: 2010-7-6 22:06
16. 過敏和學校政策
( V1 from 444727)碰到NUTS 会过敏,为了保护学生,所以学校下了一个命令,不准有任何关于NUTS的东西在学校里,但是这个命令达不到它想达到的结果是因为:从来没有接触过NUTS的人,对NUTS过敏的概率增加
(V2 from holacra)有些young children对peanut过敏,学校为了reduce过敏导致的life-threatening risk,决定制定一个禁令,问下面哪项可能会起不到以上效果,我选了最后一个,limited exposure to peanuts可能会导致孩子在接触peanuts是产生更严重的risk。作者: uruk 时间: 2010-7-6 22:06
from 240721)说什么有个地方的人生活质量提高了,吃肉的人多了,但是需要wheat去produce肉,所以很快这个地方就要进口wheat了,之类的
(V2 FROMzhouchaozorro)某国消费肉和Grain,本来是刚够。花很多磅grain可以生产1磅的肉,预计国民对于肉的消费会大幅增长,所以不久该国需要进口肉类。
BASE on assumption?选项记不清了
V1 (From richardmzq 720)
V 2 from bearwenie 680有一题关于meat 和grain的变体,(就是某国的meat 和grain一直很难自给自足,(还有一句什么话),然后一定数量的grain可以产生一定数量的meat,最后说该国的grain将要继续需要进口), 问evaluate..作者: uruk 时间: 2010-7-6 22:07
19 歐洲容器
( from 240721)还有一个说有一个神秘的中世纪欧洲容器,被认为是用来分水的,上面有些不知所谓的arabic和greek... 问削弱作者: uruk 时间: 2010-7-6 22:07
20 ( FROM lynalice1987 (ID: 133360)) Hunter:Hunters alone are blamed for the decline in Greenrock National Forest’ deer population over the past ten years.Yet clearly, black bears have also played an important role in this decline.In the past ten years, the forest’s protected black bear population has risen sharply, and examination of black bears found dead in the forest during the deer hunting season showed that a number of them had recently fed on deer.
In the hunter's argument, the boldface portion plays which of the following roles? A
A.It is the main conclusion of the argument.
B.It is an objection that has been raised against the main conclusion of the argument.
C.It is a judgment that the argument opposes.
D.It is a finding that the argument seeks to explain.
E.It provides evidence in support of the main conclusion of the argument.作者: uruk 时间: 2010-7-6 22:08
22.哲學 谎言的是与非
(from yezi870514)还有个很纠结的题目,很哲学,看半天脑子都转不过来。为了不让别人以你不喜欢的方式对待你,你就不能骗人。因此,骗人导致xxx,不大记得了。问assumption。 推理中有个gap,所以假设的就是这个gap.
考古(待确认)from nowwsy
V1 from MiaoTata
作者认为己所不欲,勿施于人。所以Lie绝对是错的,因为没有人想被deceived into doing something that they do not want to do. 问根据作者的逻辑, 哪一个削弱:如果你不知道被欺骗了就不算是谎言;人们会无意识的欺骗自己以感觉好一点;有时候人们情愿被欺骗也不愿意被真相所伤害。
V2 from nirvana118
哲学系的学生说:如果你接受“己所不欲勿施于人”的说法,那么撒谎几乎就是罪大恶极的,因为人们都不希望被人欺骗。问题是,以下哪个选项poses the most serious dificulty to the student's argument?
V3 from pulsumvobis
作者认为己所不欲,勿施于人。所以Lie绝对是错的,因为没有人想被deceived into doing something that they do not want to do. 问根据作者的逻辑,下面哪一个削弱。选项有:如果你不知道被欺骗了就不算是谎言;人们会无意识的欺骗自己以感觉好一点;有时候人们情愿被欺骗也不愿意被真相所伤害。我选了人们情愿被欺骗。
V4 from anglevil_jun
逻辑的,有一道讨论题。己不所欲勿施于人那个。 原文大概是,可能记得不对。 其实我感觉,原体的直翻是这样的。哲学家(假设是)说:假如你不希望别人怎么对你,你就不要这样对别人。 所以说谎是不好的(绝对原文),because nobody want to be manipulated by others. 问削弱:选项有,1有的人情愿被欺骗也不愿意hurt feeling. 2 人是在意识(cognitive)上有时愿意接受些谎言。3 不知道被欺骗就没事。还有就记不得了。 我感觉关键还是找到 逻辑链: 就是哲学家认为,人们对于谎言的态度都是不情愿的,这种操纵,是被谎言而强加的。 所以关键在于,被骗的人到底愿不愿意。我在12间徘徊。最后选的1,大家要仔细看看到时候。很可能我对1的理解不正确,假如正确,我觉得1比2好。因为,1明确说愿意。2总让人感觉是潜意识的原因,并不是主观的很强意愿。
V5 from apple0629
作者认为己所不欲,勿施于人。所以Lie绝对是错的,因为没有人想被deceived into doing something that they do not want to do. 问根据作者的逻辑,下面哪一个削弱。选项有:如果你不知道被欺骗了就不算是谎言;人们会无意识的欺骗自己以感觉好一点;有时候人们情愿被欺骗也不愿意被真相所伤害。我选了人们情愿被欺骗。我选的是情愿被欺骗也不愿被伤害。因为原因是没人想被欺骗做他本来不想做的事情,所以消弱的角度可能是,他虽然被欺骗了但是却没有被唆使做哪些他本不想做的事情。而这个答案好像比教和这个角度一致。
PS:个人倾向V5的答案,跟GMAC的逻辑比较接近。。。作者: uruk 时间: 2010-7-6 22:09