具体的面试过程是这样的,12月提交的申请,很快收到学校的Interview Invitation,说可以选telephone, vedio面试,我倾向于face to face的,在网上也查到James几乎每年会来,就和对方商量看是否可以安排到下一轮等招生委员会的人来的时候面试,对方很快回复说可以,约到2月9日。因为我大多数学校都是第一轮申请,其实2月9日已经拿到了其他的offer,所以面试的时候不是太紧张,比较放松。
Why MBA now?我说可以给你花张图吗?他一怔,说为什么,我于是只能开始blabla说自己的长短期目标。。。感觉说的好费劲,因为头绪比较多。
Why Kelley? 我说之前公司有一个KELLEY毕业的同事,blabla,我很惊奇的发现我现在的公司居然在Kelley的recruiter list上,因为目前公司比较偏科技,很专业,比较小,后来又讨论了很久Kelley的天气。。。
Tell me about the tough person you handled, 这个我觉得回答的一般,还不是太深入。
What is the part you like most about you current job...我就把leadership那个例子又深入讲了一下,着重讲对行业的innovative Impact。
Your contribution. 这个和Essay几乎一样。
Your favorite travel destination? 我说我喜欢日本,因为非常崇尚自然,规范,有秩序,他也表示赞同,其实我没去过太多国家,大多数在亚洲。。。
Any Question?我很直接的问了在目前的经济环境下Kelley的location对找工作的影响大不大,还问国际学生找工作的情况如何?我后来觉得可能有些太DIRECT,心想虽然 我很想知道,但是估计有些offensive.
其他的记得不多了。面试共持续了45分钟左右,后来他也没有告诉我什么时候出结果,我当时感觉很一般,觉得可能没戏了,后来太忙也忘记写thanks letter,没想到能拿到录取,确实没想到。
个人感觉,top 20的学校我觉得Kelley可能是最不看重GMAT分数的。
In @ Kelley and Johns Hopkins
Will receive mail including information regarding scholarship offer within two weeks…
应版主大人要求, 我把Kelley的面经提供如下, 只是我是在一月中James亚洲行时面的, 时间有些久了大概都忘了…真的不好意思, 我用力回忆了一下, 整个面试过程真的不像在面试像在闲聊, 气氛真的很轻松, 我还开了James小玩笑, 说他本人比网上那张照片年轻多了应该换张照片….那张照片选得不好….因为我是航空业, 他就聊到说他从首尔搭机到台北时在机上的奇遇, 一个醉汉怎么怎么了….然后面到一半一对新郎新娘从他背后出现, 我们又扯开了话题, 我们还跟那对新人挥手, 我说我们会被那摄录机拍进去耶…..他说我们等下去跟那个录像的要带子…..我们就这样哈哈笑了好几回, 真的我服了James先生,不知他是否故意营造easy环境, 这样才容易看出一个人的不设防本性, 至少有些心理学理论是这样认为的…..面试的目的不就是要看穿,要透彻一个人吗?James温和有礼亲切真诚的态度很容易让人在不紧张的状态下说出自己内心的想法….好了….不废话了,下面是一点点面经:
Why MBA?
Why now?
Why Kelley?
What do you expect to learn from Kelley School of Business?
What’s the most challenging thing in your work?
How do you solve it? What makes the best teamwork environment?
Any questions about Kelley program?
<Johns Hopkins> …不知是怎的,我没面试就直接录取了….
Interview @ Kelley's Campus
首先,告訴大家問了什麼問題. 否則,我會忘記. 我花了很多時間準備這次interview. 我知道我做得很好!! Interview了40 分鐘. 通常的時間為30分鐘. The assistant director of admission interviewed 我. The Campus is 非常大. 學校有車去機場, 機場也有車直接去學校 - 很方便. 學校裡面有小規模hotel, 我在那裡一晚. 下一站 UNC and Georgetown!!
1) Tell me something about yourself.
2) Why MBA
3) Why Kelley
4) Example of leadership at work and some challenges you faced
5) What motivates you (She asked "What makes you tick")
6) What is your boss going to say about you?
7) What do your friends say about you?
8) What bothers you?
9) Any question for Kelley?
Forgot one more -> What is your great achievement in your career?
720/103, 6WE /industrial real estate SOE (3 finacial analysis, 3internal auditing /leadership experience)
实在意外,因为面试实在太曲折了。先是网络视频,看到一美国2年级同学,不是adcom的,心凉了一半,网速卡得厉害,只好作罢,要求改电话。没想到竟然碰到了一印度哥们,那口音啊真叫我绝望啊,他还喜欢讲一堆过渡性的话,我的听力水平让我怀疑是不是英文,有的问题我p了三遍都不确定, 面完就开始一顿诅咒。最后竟然让我过了。。。看来这位印度仁兄没有因为这些而影响对我评价
Why MBA?
Why Kelley?
Tough thing in your job?
pround achievement?
what are two aspects you need to improve?
How to persuade your teamworker?
post-graduation goal?
我也面了,问题差不多, 好像还有个failed leadership example的问题
另外要和我面试的是Brad Rosenwinkel (Associate Director of Admissions – MBA Program),关于他和面试的问题,大家有什么建议吗?
I was interviewed by phone in early Feb, still waiting for the decision now. (What a torture!) About phone interview, it really lasted in a very short time(in my case: 25min.) But the questions were quite typical, such as Why Kelley? Career goal? Leadership?..... Normally, the phone interviewer will be the second-year student, not the admissions commitee. My interviewer was an Indian male I guessed, so be aware that sometimes the interviewer might have accent. Just be prepared, keep the confidence! 加油!
[原创]IU Kelley面经
上午10:25, 希尔顿二楼沙发,一共25分钟。
算算已经是第三次见到亲切的James了,依然很nice. 运气比较好James问的基本都是传统的问题。谢谢前面贡献面经的CDer.
1) Why MBA?
2) Why Kelley?
3) Tell me about your job in xxx
4) Greatest achievement in career
5) How does your colleague say about you?
6) What kind of team do you like to work with?
7) What do you do in spare time?
8) Anything that you would like to know about Kelley?
b)要提前点到。通常我们的思维是面试的点可能会比计划晚些。但实际是约的时间10:30,10:20James就下来了,10:25分正式开始。他说自己习惯严格控制时间,这样计划不会被搞得面目全非。顺便恭维了下James, 呵呵。
9) How do your friends think about your decison for MBA?
我应该是第一个,八点十五,我七点三刻就到了。等了好久。James确实是提早五分钟下来的。太早了,我都不是很清醒,感觉james也不是很在状态。到最后他要我问问题的时候,我本来准备了两个问题,问了一个,第二个怎么也想不起来了,就跟他说,我还有一个问题,但是我现在想不起来了,我回去给你发email问你吧。 -_- 汗啊
另外,最后问问题的时候,我跟500cc一样,只问了两个关于学校的问题,然后james觉得这人怎么什么学费、financial aid啥也不问呀,只好跟我说:i believe u will have much more questions later, u can write email to me in future.
我今天去面了一下,On campus的,说不上面试的好不好。把面经发上来攒个rp吧。
自己准备过的问题严格说只用上一个,就是why kelley
然后就问我why kelley了
在下来就是leadership style
还有就是,如果要你组织一个team,作为team leader,你选什么样的人,为什么。作为team member,你能为team做什么。
面试时间控制的还比较严格。我也问了几个问题,得到的一个坏消息就是,今年kelley打断把international students的比例控制在35%,也就是说比往年要减少了一些。
2.21 Kelley (iu) Shanghai 积攒RP
上海是INTERVIEW TRIP的最后一站,但是还是有北美的同志们可能没有面过,所以分享一下我面试的题目~~~
By the way, interviewer Jame Holmen is so nice and kind.
1. Why MBA?
2. Why Kelley?
3. Team work (group work) experience?
4. Long Term Career goal and Short Term Career goal.
5. motivation?(I also didn't have a good answer about this one )
6.your contribution to kelley
7. your questions about kelley
small tips:to prepare more questions, 我面了好像时间还多挺多的,我问了5个问题,好像面试官还问有没有什么问题,然后我觉得好像没什么问题了就说NO了~~~,也不知道结果怎么样
Kelley面经 OF Feb. 21 2008
1. why MBA(结合了我的背景问我为什么会来读MBA)
2. why Kelley
3. contribute to MBA classmates?
4. What is the good thing about working in a team?
5. Your hobby?
6. what do you want to gain from your classmates
7. short-term and long-term goal?
8. team work experiences?
9. what's the best part of your work?
10. what motivates you?
11. question to kelley?
kelley IU 面经
11:15 上海希尔顿
interviewer是著名的james 老爷爷,非常可爱
q1: why mba
q2: why kelley
q3: working experience
q4: how to build a successful team
q5: what can you contribute to kelley
q6: what will you learn from your kelley classmates
q7: most significant achievement
q8: what do you do for fun
q9: question for kelley
q1: what are your strengths?
q2: There's much teamwork in MBA. How can you work well with your teammates? What do you expect to learn from your teammates?
q3: How did your Chinese New Year?
q4: Have you ever worked or travelled outside China?
这么短的时间里,居然还和他讨论了一会昨天espn转播的IU vs Purdue的NCAA比赛,sigh...
did the interview in the afternoon, my questions:
1. What you are interested in? Why?
2. Short term career goal
3. Long term career goal
4. Why Kelley?
5. What you felt most proud for?
6. How your colleagues evaluate you?
7. What’s your motivation to work hard?
8. What do you think your teammates in Kelley will learn from you?
9. What do you learn from Kelley?
10. Any questions?
Timothy Smith面的,人非常nice。有2个感觉没有回答太好,他也觉得不算太满意的也礼貌性地说good。
why MBA
why Kelley
what is the good thing about working in a team?
What is my understanding about leadership?
what is the toughest thing in job?
My short term career goal?
Why did I end up in my current master's program?
what did I learn in my undergraduate study?
what do you like to do in your spare time?
Tell him something about communitity experience(the one I wrote in the resume)
What do I think I can contribute to the program?
Is my characteristic affected by my family? (because I memtioned a little bit about my family and my characteristic built in early life)
Questions about kelley.
我Notre Dame当初也是问人家能否给我免学费,结果后来人家也就没有回复我了。最后只给了我2万的奖学金,555。
Kelley 热腾腾的冒着气的面经
早到了二十分钟,八点五十的时候看到一个带着眼睛的高大老外手拿一本很明显的Indiana University的红色文件夹出现在前台。过去打招呼,寒暄。
Why MBA?
Why Kelley
Contribute to MBA(哥们这个问题发挥多了,准备了三点,前两点说的太多,最后一点没来得及说)
What will your collegues describe you?
Your leadership style?
What is the good thing about working in a team?
Your hobby?(J说IU的football不是很好,basketball还可以)
Any other things admissions committe should know?
What's your questions about kelley?
Kelley interview sharing
phone interview, 30 minutes
1. Why MBA
2. Why School
3. The most tough thing in job
4. Work in a team, what will others describe you
5. What personality is most difficult to handle in a group
6. Recommend a person to our program
Kelley 面试归来,面试题目如下:大部分都是借前人经验,少部分是没遇到过的。
1. Why MBA?(只说了一半就被温和地打断)
2. Why Kelley?
3. Short-term and long-term goal?
4. What is your quality bringing to the team?
5. Team work experience?
6. How did you resolve conflicts in your team?
7. What do you think the ideal working environment if you are a team leader?
8. When you are facing projects with same priority, what will you do?
9. What if you have to make a decision but without enough information?
10. Your leadership style?
11. What is the good thing about working in a team?
What would your boss say about your strength and describe it in two words.
13. What's your concern on pursuing an MBA program?(you weakness in your application )
14. What are your questions about kelley?
15. Any other things admissions committee should know?
亲自到Indiana University看过后,感觉这是个很漂亮的学校,学生很多,充满活力和青春气息,商学院很气派,一看就知道是最有钱的。只是去学校之路,让我深深领会了美国中部大农村的风采,我甚至觉得不象是去面试,而是要去打猎,呵呵~~喜欢大城市精彩生活的朋友可能要失望了,但我相信因为现在是冬天,所以景致稍差,其他季节风景一定是很优美的,这个安静美丽的地方还是很适合学生生活的。
[分享]Just back from Kelley interview in Beijing
I guess I am the first one to be interviewed today because my time is 8:00 a.m! So early.
That's probably because I replied their interview invitation letter too quickly
Because I arrived early, my interview started ten minutes earlier and lasted for about 40
minutes. James Holmen is a nice person, so the atmosphere was good.
Questions I can remember:
1.why mba?
2.why kelley?
3.your contribution to kelley?
4.what's the best part of your work?
5.If you can make a change to your work, what is it?
6.what will your collegues describe you? more examples for your strengh?
7.what's your hobbies?
8.do you have any concerns about going back to school to pursue mba?
9.any other things admissions committe should know?
10.what's your questions about kelley?
My advices:
1. be familiar with what you talk. You may be asked some details.
2. try to communicate with interviewer, not just answer questions.
3. prepare more examples for every point because interviewer may want to listen more than one examples.
4. prepare more questions to ask interviewer. I just prepared two and because I had many time left, I have to think of more questions on the spot.
Good luck to everyone.
I submitted it on Jan. 12.
I know Kelley admitted some Chinese students without interview before, but I don't know what's their policy this year. Anyway, since they didn't say interview is a must, you have chance to be admitted directly Good luck!
I think you may write a letter to them to check your status of completeness. In the letter, you'd better also talk about your strengh and show your interest to Kelley. If you have any recent progress(work or life), tell them too.
R2. Got invitation on Jan. 23.
"We have three options available. I will be traveling to Shanghai (February 13), Beijing (February 15), Taipei (February 17), Seoul (February 20-21) and Tokyo (February 23-24) to conduct interviews. If you are not able to meet with me during my trip to Asia, we invite you to schedule a phone interview with a member of the admissions committee. Of course you are also welcome to make a trip to Bloomington for an on-campus interview."
[原创]kelley and smith interview experience
kelley的james非常亲切,问的题目也都很老套。why mba ,why kelley, decrible yourself, your value, etc.15分钟不到就开始让我提问。我没有准备那么多问题,他居然非要和我聊聊天,说时间还早。我只好硬着头皮继续找词。这是我所没有预料到的内容。问我怎么过年,问我是否去过美国,觉得美国怎么样,平时都去那里玩耍,等等。
smith的面试就比较formal了,sabrina一直在challenge,虽然表情温和。而且题目比较随意。除了典型的any other schools, why smith, what is your challenge when u graduate from smith,还有很多具体的个人问题。尤其针对了简历。比如你如何管理自己的资产,比如身为女性,你有什么concern,甚至还有当场的模拟presentation。不过由于我问了大量的问题,把时间盖过去了。大概45分钟结束的。
面试经历—IU Kelley School of Business
等了将近4个小时以后(我已然快疯了),终于看到教授给我写了一email,说电话打不通,于是我赶紧回了一个,又给他写了一遍我的telephone number。终于,将近6点的时候,电话响了。
Prof. (P) Me (M)
P: What are your research interests currently?
M: 因为准备好了,就照着念~~结果速度没掌握好,说的太快了……
P: What makes you believe that you are interested in this area? Have you learnt any courses related with it?
M: I told them I chose a marketing related course during my master’s
study and my working experience was related with the topic…
P: Have you read the attached file in my email containing the research
interests of all the faulty members? Do you have any idea about which
one you want to be your supervisor?
M: …..
P: Do you have any deadline limits?
M: You mean the results from other uni?
P: yes.
M: (told them my status…)
P: Okay, do you have any question?
M: I am interested in your minor system, would you please briefly introduce it to me?
P: Sure. blah blah ….
M: I would like to choose psychology as my minor if I was admitted… The minor system in IU is very attractive to me.
P: (change to the German accent prof): Then tell me why you think you
wanna study psychology as your minor. I thought you want to be a
modeler based on econometrics models. Is there any connection between
psychology and modeling?
M: (Faint a million times, never prep a question like this) Em, I am
currently doing is that…. And I believe it is important to know the …
from psychological point of view…
P: (still the German prof): Then tell me which area of psychology are you interested in? A or B or C or D?
M: (I have no idea about the ABCD he mentioned, so I have to repeat
what I just said in the last question, sigh…totally failed at this
M: When could I complete my PhD study if I was admitted?
P: Our structure is designed for 4 years, however, normally 5 years. Do
not worry about scholarship, we will offer 5 year scholarships for
every PhD student…
M: I C. Another question, When can I get the formal result?
P: mid next week. We will give out offers before spring vacation. 3 positions for this year.
M: Thank you very much.
P: Please email me if you have any document to add or question you want
to ask me. Let’s keep the connection channel between us open.
M: Sure. I contacted with … and they would like to be reference for me as well, so can I let them email you…
P: Sure, please let them do so! Any we also want to read your working
paper as well, please send it as a attachment file to me and I will
hand it into the committee.
M: No problem for that. Thank you!
P: Great to talk with you. Thanks for your time!
M: Thanks for calling me! 88
That’s all…
To dullpen and other Kelley applicants:
I had an interview with Mr. James Holmen today. He's a very nice guy and he tried hard to creat a friendly atmosphere of conversation. So just relax and try your best, gangs.
Here's the questions he asked:
1.Why MBA
2.Why Kelley
3.What value can you add to the program
4.What makes you pursue a career in your industry
5.What's your biggest achievement
6.What motivates you
7.What would your boss say about your strength
8.What's your leadership style
9.What's your concern on pursuing an MBA
10.How did you learn English
11.What do you do in your spare time
To maerge:
When asked if I was the type of person who would fit into Kelley, Mr. James Holmen said he thought I would be a good fit. And he asked me to contact him if I had further questions. Do you think that was a positive signal? Do you think I have a fair chance to get in? Thanks!
今天早上到早了,一位GG正在那里和james比划,我枯坐在那里等,忽然一位金发美女MM上前与我搭话,开始还以为是james的助手,聊起来发现是希尔顿饭店的大堂经理。这位MM和我探讨了在国内外读MBA的利弊,并且诚挚地推荐我去读中欧,而且对它的排名变迁比我都清楚--算是面试前的warm up吧。
然后和jame holmen 作了面试,他问了大概6-7个问题,基本上是iris2005提到过的。真是感谢iris2005!我连比划带说的,讲了20多分钟,讲到口吐白沫。因为回答比较长,所以他问的问题比较少。自我感觉还可以,有一定的互动。IU的申友好好准备吧!
1.Why MBA?
2.Why Kelley?
3.Short-term and long-term goal?
4.What is your quality bringing to the team?
5.Team work experience?
6.What do you think the ideal working environment is?
7.When you are facing projects with same priority, what will you do?
8.What if you have to make a decision but without enough information?
9.Your leadership style?
10.What will be the most challenging part when working in a team?
11.What is the good thing about working in a team?
12.If you encounter problems in a team, what will you do?
13.What will your boss describe you? Give me two words
1. 大概何時會收到decision? 就是三月了嗎?
2. 問了他一個consulting management academy 的課程,請他解釋一下,因為網上沒怎麼看到...
interview的人是个committee的成员,话题很轻松,没说几句就和我说I assure you that you will be admitted了。
唯一的一个相关问题就是问我为什么要选择他们这所学校,事实上我还没答完,他就把我掐断了。其他的话都在聊天,对了,他还问我上没上过英语课,我说当然,从初中到大学上了十年了。最后问我自己觉得是否需要先上语言班,我说:frankly, I don't think so (主要还是怕花钱),然后他就跟上一句:I don't think so either...
E-mail Address: Anonymous
Age: 25-29
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: Asian-American
Intended Area of Study: Finance
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 3/2009
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type: Full Time
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes - Was given options - was told to suggest a date/time.
Could you choose the interview's location?: Yes - It was a telephone interview.
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1 - I was interviewed by James Holmen (Director of MBA Admissions)
How long were the interviews?: 24 minutes
Who were the interviewers?: Administrative or admissions staff
What was the most difficult question?:
What was the most interesting question?: What will your colleagues miss about you the most?
Any other questions you remember?: Why MBA?
Why Kelley?
What do you have to offer Kelley students?
What would you want to learn from other students?
Professional accomplishments most proud of?
Reservations about going to b-school?
Anything else they should know about you?
Did you feel prepared?: Yes - Pretty straight forward interview. Jim was pretty quiet during the interview and let me do most of the talking.
How did you prepare?: Reading this website, spoke with current students, reading other forums.
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: No - Did not ask.
What was your opinion of the Faculty?:
What was your opinion of the Alumni?:
What was your opinion of the Students?: Very responsive. Seemed to be happy to be part of Kelley.
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?:
Did you receive a tour?: No - Telephone interview only.
What was most impressive?:
What was least impressive?:
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : No
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: No
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?:
E-mail Address: Anonymous
Age: 25-29
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: White
Intended Area of Study: Marketing
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 1/2009
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type: FullTime
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes - Indiana was extremely accomodating to my travel schedule. Out of the 6 schools to which I applied, I'd say that Kelley was the easiest to work with.
Could you choose the interview's location?: No - The interview took place in one of the MBA offices.
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1 - One of the 2nd year students interviewed me. At first I was a little dismayed, thinking I wanted the dean himself to come see how great I was. However, I quickly learned that Kelley had teamed me up with an interviewer that had a very similar background to mine and very similar career goals. I asked him questions for a full 30 minutes after the interview officially ended. It was wonderful.
How long were the interviews?: 30 min (officially)
Who were the interviewers?: Students
What was the most difficult question?:
What was the most interesting question?:
Any other questions you remember?: I was surprised by how basic they were (i.e. Walk me through your resume; Why do you want an MBA; Why Kelley; etc.)
Did you feel prepared?: Yes - Prior to my interview I found a Kelley alum locally who went to lunch with me. I asked him a lot of questions about the process, and that really helped me feel more prepared.
How did you prepare?: See above
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: No - Just a handshake
What was your opinion of the Faculty?: Superb. I was able to meet with Jonlee Andrews who heads up the consumer marketing academy. I also attended a macro economics class. The time really flew by. I was impressed.
What was your opinion of the Alumni?: I didn't meet any alumni as part of my official visit, but the few I've had an opportunity to meet with before and since then have been great.
What was your opinion of the Students?: This was where I was most impressed. At other schools I visited, the students seem to be there as a requirement for their assistantship. Very nice, but just there. The Kelley students were totally different. All were in professional atire and seemed truly eager to show off the school. We had three students escort the two of us around the building. Then we had four different students take us to lunch. Finally, one of the students found out some of my interests and hooked me up with another student for dinner (who had identical interests to mine). This is where I got sold on Kelley.
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?: Very professional and courteous. They included my wife's name on the TV screen welcoming interviewees to the office that day. Small things like that go a long way.
Did you receive a tour?: Yes - The building is extremely new and very well "wired." While the whole building is mostly dedicated to just MBAs (which is nice), the lowest level has lockers, dressing rooms, and study areas that are truly exclusive to the MBAs.
What was most impressive?: The "locker room" (it's immensely nicer than whatever your high school fears may be) was a nice touch.
What was least impressive?: I didn't see quite as many private study rooms as I would've liked, but I didn't ask to see any in particular, either.
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : Yes - As I said, the professionalism and passion of the students was unsurpassed.
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: No
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?:
E-mail Address: Anonymous
Age: Under 25
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: White
Intended Area of Study: General Management
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 4/2008
Type of Program: MBA/JD
Part Time Program Type: Full Time
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes
Could you choose the interview's location?: Yes - Yes, over the phone
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1
How long were the interviews?: 45 minutes
Who were the interviewers?: Students
What was the most difficult question?: Describe your ideal team; describe a time when you failed
What was the most interesting question?:
Any other questions you remember?: Why Kelley? Describe a good leader from personal experience. Describe a bad leader. Strengths and weaknesses.
Did you feel prepared?: Yes
How did you prepare?: Accepted.com; spoke with current students
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: No
What was your opinion of the Faculty?:
What was your opinion of the Alumni?:
What was your opinion of the Students?:
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?:
Did you receive a tour?: No
What was most impressive?:
What was least impressive?:
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : No
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: Yes - I would liked to know that I was interviewing with a current student.
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?:
E-mail Address: Anonymous
Age: Under 25
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: Other
Intended Area of Study: High-Tech
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 1/2008
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type: Full Time
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes
Could you choose the interview's location?: Yes
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1
How long were the interviews?: 25 minutes
Who were the interviewers?: Administrative or admissions staff
What was the most difficult question?:
What was the most interesting question?: 1. What will your teammates/colleagues miss the most when you leave?
Any other questions you remember?: 1. Why MBA?
2. Why Kelley?
3. What motivates you?
Did you feel prepared?: Yes
How did you prepare?:
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: No
What was your opinion of the Faculty?:
What was your opinion of the Alumni?:
What was your opinion of the Students?:
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?: My interviewer was the Director of Admissions. He is a humble and honorable man. He was very receptive and assisting during the interview.
Did you receive a tour?: No
What was most impressive?:
What was least impressive?:
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : No
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: Yes
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?:
E-mail Address: bomisale@msu.edu
Age: Under 25
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: White
Intended Area of Study: Marketing
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 1/2007
Type of Program: MBA/JD
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: No - I needed to email the admissions staff, I decided to include my availability.
Could you choose the interview's location?: Yes - I could either arrive on campus or I could schedule a telephone interview. I'm currently enrolled in classes, so I interviewed by telephone
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1
How long were the interviews?: 40 minutes (scheduled for 20)
Who were the interviewers?: Students, Administrative or admissions staff
What was the most difficult question?: Describe your TWO biggest strengths/weaknesses
What was the most interesting question?: Have you traveled abroad at all?
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: Yes - I may have FELT prepared, but I could hear myself stammer on a couple Qs.
How did you prepare?: Research the usual websites (Business Week, Princeton Review, IU, etc)
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: No
What was your opinion of the Faculty?:
What was your opinion of the Alumni?:
What was your opinion of the Students?: Friendly and knowledgable enough, they have their school down pat.
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?:
Did you receive a tour?: No
What was most impressive?:
What was least impressive?:
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : Yes - Slightly improved, had a good feeling about it going in.
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: Yes
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?: Give your career and self a REAL solid once over.
E-mail Address: Anonymous
Age: 25-29
Gender: Female
Ethnic Background: Other
Intended Area of Study: General Management
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 10/2006
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes - I could choose the date of the interview since I called well ahead of the deadline
Could you choose the interview's location?: Yes - I am a local student so I could go to the campus. But, the school also does telephone and video conferences for interviews
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1 - I was very impressed with the school, the ambience and the staff. The interview was about 45 minutes and I think I had the oppurtunity to present my case. Some of the questions were very standard. The interviewer had gone through my resume and the some of the questions were directed towards my exp.
How many interviewed you?: 1 - I was interviewed my the Admissions staff
How long were the interviews?: 45 min
Who were the interviewers?: Administrative or admissions staff
What was the most difficult question?:
What was the most interesting question?:
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: Yes
How did you prepare?: accepted.com, businessweek.com and the school website
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: Yes
What was your opinion of the Faculty?: I attended a class and was very impressed with the interactive nature of the class
What was your opinion of the Alumni?:
What was your opinion of the Students?: very friendly. They answered all my concerns and questions
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?:
Did you receive a tour?: Yes - impresive facilities
What was most impressive?: The approachability of the school. They were very helpful.
What was least impressive?:
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : No
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: No
Suggestions for travel to the school?: No idea. I am a Indiana local
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?: Just be yourself and tell your story. Dont give the standard answers try to talk about you exp.
E-mail Address: Anonymous
Age: Under 25
Gender: Female
Ethnic Background: White
Intended Area of Study: Marketing
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 10/2006
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: No - It was cool.
Could you choose the interview's location?: Yes - He had a wonderful interview with me.
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1 - We could on meet once because of his time constraints, but I wish we could have met more.
How many interviewed you?: 1 -
How long were the interviews?: 1.5 hours
Who were the interviewers?: Faculty
What was the most difficult question?: I don't remember
What was the most interesting question?: I don't remember
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: Yes - Simple.
How did you prepare?: Practice. Practice. Practice.
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: Yes
What was your opinion of the Faculty?:
What was your opinion of the Alumni?:
What was your opinion of the Students?:
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?:
Did you receive a tour?: Yes
What was most impressive?:
What was least impressive?:
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : Yes
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: Yes
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?:
Age: 25-29
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: Other
Intended Area of Study: General Management
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 2/2006
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes - I had requested for an interview request. I was given a date and time for the interview. I accepted them. I had to call at the phone number given by them.
Could you choose the interview's location?: No - I am an international student. Hence we had a telephonic interview.
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1 - I was interviewed by a 2nd year MBA student.
How long were the interviews?: 20-30 minutes.
Who were the interviewers?: Students
What was the most difficult question?: Related to work. How did I set a benchmark for myself in my professional career? How did I judge myself against this benchmark everyday.
What was the most interesting question?: Most of the questions pertained to my work experience. Questions asked were
1. Tell me about your experience.
2. How did you choose your first job and why did you choose that company?
3. Have you ever faced any conflict or difference of opinion in your professional life?
4. How do you think an MBA would help you?
5. What do you plan to specialize in, and why?
6. How did you lead your team? How did you assign work?
7. How did you get into a leadership position at work?
8. What do you do for fun?
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: Yes - Yes, sort of. But I could have done better.
How did you prepare?: Visited accepted.com. Visited businessweek.com. Previous interviews helped.
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: Yes - No direct feedback, but my interviewer told me that he was impressed with my honest answers.
What was your opinion of the Faculty?: NA
What was your opinion of the Alumni?: NA
What was your opinion of the Students?: Great. Very candid. Asked tough questions on my work experience. Very warm and cordial. Answered all my questions.
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?: NA
Did you receive a tour?: No - NA
What was most impressive?: NA
What was least impressive?: NA
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : Yes - The responses to my school-specific questions from my interviewer.
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: No - Not sure.
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?: Be prepared. Be clear about the specific about your prior work experience. Be honest with your answers. Dont lie because you might not be able to defent it later. Finally, relax. Its just an interview. Its not the end of the world.
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background:
Intended Area of Study: Entrepreneurship
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 2/2006
Type of Program:
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes - I had to call and setup my own interview
Could you choose the interview's location?: No - International student, hence telephonic.
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1
How long were the interviews?: 30 minutes
Who were the interviewers?: Students
What was the most difficult question?: Q. What will you like to change if you were made the CEO of your company
My Ans - Elaborate answers detailing 2 items A and B
Q. How will you do B
What was the most interesting question?: I guess the most difficult was also the most interesting!
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: No - I actually underestimated the interview. Had prepared only standard questions (Why MBA, Why Kelley, Why now); unfortunately most of the questions that I was asked were out of that list!
How did you prepare?:
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: No
What was your opinion of the Faculty?: Top Notch. Not many people would know that the author of the very famous book "McKinsey Minds" is a professor at Kelley - Prof. Paul Friga.
What was your opinion of the Alumni?:
What was your opinion of the Students?: Helpful. Talked to 3 different students in 3 different academies. They answered all my questions that they could, and put me in touch with other students wherever they weren't sure.
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?: No interaction!
Did you receive a tour?: No
What was most impressive?:
What was least impressive?:
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : No
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: No
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?: Some questions that I was asked - Pretty standard ones, but I guess there is no harm re-iterating.
1. Take me through your resume highlighting and key items that you will like me to take a note off
2. Some questions on my specific role in some college extra-curricular activites.
3. Why did you choose your present job
4. Why did you move to your next job
5. How did your skill set in present job improve over the previous job
6. (I mentioned some skills): Give me an example of this
7. What is your leadership style. Give me an example
8. Why MBA now? Why not 2-3 years down the line
9. Why Kelley
Be prepared to be cross questioned on anything you say!
Age: 25-29
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: Other
Intended Area of Study: General Management
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 2/2006
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes - But the slots get filled up fast and I called up a bit late. So options were limited.
Could you choose the interview's location?: Yes - It was a telephonic interview
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1
How long were the interviews?: 20 mins
Who were the interviewers?: Administrative or admissions staff
What was the most difficult question?: If you were the CEO of your current organisation, what (top two) changes would you try to implement?
What was the most interesting question?: what does team mean to you?
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: No - I was down with fever and thought the medications would get me ready in time. But though the fever was gone, I was in a horrible condition to take the interview.
How did you prepare?: accepted.com and businessweek.com
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: No - Didn't ask for any feedback
What was your opinion of the Faculty?:
What was your opinion of the Alumni?:
What was your opinion of the Students?:
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?:
Did you receive a tour?: No
What was most impressive?:
What was least impressive?:
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : Yes
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: Yes
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?: Be well prepared and have enough to talk about. Practice your answers for each question unfailingly. I found that trying to frame answers in a telephonic interview much much tougher than in an in-person interview.
Age: 25-29
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: Other
Intended Area of Study: General Management
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 2/2006
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes - I was given the option to choose what time I would like to be interviewed. The Admissions Office was very very cooperative about this
Could you choose the interview's location?: No - It was a telephonic Interview
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1 - It was a second year student
How long were the interviews?: 25 Minutes on the dot
Who were the interviewers?: Students
What was the most difficult question?:
What was the most interesting question?: When in a team, what role do you usually play?
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: Yes - I invested significant time every day for four days in the run up to the interview.
How did you prepare?: Read a lot on the website, spoke to an alumni, current student and attended an MBA fair
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: No - Did not request for one. I like keeling the climax alive
What was your opinion of the Faculty?:
What was your opinion of the Alumni?: They are proud to have studied at Kelley. Excellent networking.
What was your opinion of the Students?: Extremely responsive. Its engraved in the students.
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?: Very very friendly. I almost thought I am already studying there
Did you receive a tour?: No - Not Applicable
What was most impressive?: The way the interview was conducted. I felt very very relaxed.
What was least impressive?: NA
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : Yes - I am more interested in going to Kelley
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: No - NA
Suggestions for travel to the school?: NA
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?: Be yourself. Dont think what they want to hear. Concentrate on what you want to do.
Age: 25-29
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: Other
Intended Area of Study: General Management
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 2/2006
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes - No set date. It was pretty much my call when I could schedule it.
Could you choose the interview's location?: Yes - I was given a choice for a campus visit or telephonic interview.
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1 - Second Year Marketing major
How long were the interviews?: 40 mins
Who were the interviewers?: Students
What was the most difficult question?: None actually... pretty much standard. Most questions were tailored on the application package (essays especialy).
What was the most interesting question?: Since I work with a client - if I was given the option of becoming a CEO of my parent company or CEO of the client I consulted - which one would I pick and why?
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: Yes
How did you prepare?: - Spoke to alumni
- Went through my essays and application materials
- Kelley Website
- Kelley Information package
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: No
What was your opinion of the Faculty?: I did attend a class - Faculty teaching it was great... engaged the class really well and for someone like me - I immediately felt as being part of that class and could relate to the material easily.
What was your opinion of the Alumni?: The alumni I spoke to was from my undergrad school and he was pretty gung-ho about Kelley.
What was your opinion of the Students?: Very friendly and cordial. They took me to lunch and we had a good discussion about Kelley and life in Bloomington.
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?: Very cordial.
Did you receive a tour?: Yes - Thought I reached late - I was given a quick tour of the Bschool building.
What was most impressive?: The new building, student interaction, the facilities available for students, Career Center, and the students themselves.
What was least impressive?: Unfortunately - I met all Marketing majors including the student who interviewed me. My interests are in Strategy and Operations and there was no one I could ask more detailed questions - I guess I have the option to follow up with the people I met today to develop that network going forward.
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : Yes
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: Yes - The students I am supposed to meet - their background, majors etc.
Suggestions for travel to the school?: Drive safely :-)
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?: Research the school well - talk to alumni, have enough points to explain why Kelley and why an MBA. Know your essays like the back of your hand - they are really handy when it comes to answering the standard stuff. And most importantly - be yourself. Be calm and confident - the whole process was very conversational
Age: Under 25
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background:
Intended Area of Study: High-Tech
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 2/2006
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes - I was sent an email and I was asked to let them know range of dates when I could get interviewed
Could you choose the interview's location?: No - Since I am an International Student..so, it had to be telephonic
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1 - Just one...
How many interviewed you?: 1 - A Second Year Student
How long were the interviews?: 23 Minutes
Who were the interviewers?: Students
What was the most difficult question?: The interview was very well structured and the interviewer had a list of questions with him, I guess....but the most difficult one was " Suppose you have a manufacturing capability for golf balls and suddenly government puts a ban on golf....you are left with millions of balls....What would you do?"...Not that the question was difficult, It was more of a shocker..I gave couple of alternatives...No Reactions..Don't know how did I do?
What was the most interesting question?: Leading by love vs leading by fear..which is better..and why? where can the better one cause problems?
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: Yes
How did you prepare?:
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: Yes - The interview was very well conducted..some standard questions..some bouncers..
1)How do you solve a complex problem
2)Why US for MBA? Why MBA? Why Kelley?
3)If I ask your supervisor what are my weaknesses, what would he say?
4)What strengths do you have?
5) Difficult interaction with anyone in the team?
6) Ethical Dilemma
8) What do you do in free time..I told reading bokks..Which Book did you last read? How did you find it and why?
9) What is your ideal working environment
10) where do you see yourself immediately after MBA? Which company?
Overall, I was just making answers as I went along..but the key is to have absolute clarity with your self. I found the interview very structured...even though I didn't prepare answers beforehand..I was lead to the answers..may be there was a link from the previous question...
What was your opinion of the Faculty?: NA
What was your opinion of the Alumni?: NA
What was your opinion of the Students?: The interviewer was very good...So, I presume others will be good as well :-)
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?:
Did you receive a tour?: No - International...so, NA
What was most impressive?: NA
What was least impressive?: NA
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : Yes
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: Yes
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?: Think about your job profile and daily work...Have some examples ready in your mind...
[quote]Age: Under 25
Gender: Female
Ethnic Background: White
Intended Area of Study: Marketing
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 11/2005
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes
Could you choose the interview's location?: Yes - I am sure I had an option, but since I live so close I drove down to bloomington
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1
How long were the interviews?: 30 minutes
Who were the interviewers?: Students
What was the most difficult question?: What unique contributions will you make to the MBA Class?
What was the most interesting question?: I don't recall.
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: Yes - I should have prepared more though. The most difficult question the asked me should have had a better response.
How did you prepare?: Looked at this database, reviewed my resume/application, etc
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: No - At the end we mostly chatted about how great it was that IU is just right there for me, and that my family has a long history with IU and the school of business.
What was your opinion of the Faculty?: Although I didn't speak with faculty during this interview, I made contact with a faculty member prior to this. She was extremely polite, helpful and encouraging!
What was your opinion of the Alumni?: I know many MBAs from IU and they've all been wonderful. Both of my recommenders are Kelley MBA Alums
What was your opinion of the Students?: All have been extroadinarily nice and encouraging throughout my research of the Kelley MBA. It seems like a great group of people to have as peers.
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?: Helpful and friendly. They've answered many questions about the application and the process...
Did you receive a tour?: No - Unfortunately I didn't have time to do a tour, but I am already familiar with the campus and buildings...
What was most impressive?: Biz building is wonderful!
What was least impressive?: nothing at all.
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : No - I've always known that it was a great school
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: No
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?: Everyone is pretty laid back. Be yourself, relax and you'll do fine.
Age: 30-34
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: White
Intended Area of Study: Entrepreneurship
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 10/2005
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: No - It was available before an MBA Fair.
Could you choose the interview's location?: No - I met the interviewer in the lobby of the hotel before the fair.
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1
How long were the interviews?: 35 minutes
Who were the interviewers?: Administrative or admissions staff
What was the most difficult question?: All pretty standard, Why MBA, Why now, stuff like that, maybe a bit difficult when she asked what type of teams I prefer working in, small, medium, large.
What was the most interesting question?:
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: Yes - It was more informal, nothing much to really prepare for. I was just myself and had a conversation.
How did you prepare?: I simply went over my essays and wrote out answers to a few of the basic questions.
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: No
What was your opinion of the Faculty?:
What was your opinion of the Alumni?:
What was your opinion of the Students?:
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?:
Did you receive a tour?: Yes
What was most impressive?:
What was least impressive?:
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : Yes
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: Yes
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?:
Age: 25-29
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: Other
Intended Area of Study: High-Tech
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 3/2005
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes
Could you choose the interview's location?: No - being an international I had to go in for telephonic
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1 - associate director admissions
How long were the interviews?: 30 min
Who were the interviewers?: Administrative or admissions staff
What was the most difficult question?:
What was the most interesting question?: if you are given an unlimited vaccation with unlimited money apart from your regular benefits what would u do and why ?
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: Yes
How did you prepare?: website, application, this site
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: Yes - +ve, quick in thinking off the feet
What was your opinion of the Faculty?:
What was your opinion of the Alumni?:
What was your opinion of the Students?:
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?:
Did you receive a tour?: No - did not visit
What was most impressive?:
What was least impressive?:
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : No
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: Yes
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?: - be prepared for some non routine questions
- try to develop a cordial connection with the interviewer
Gender: N/A
Ethnic Background:
Intended Area of Study: Entrepreneurship
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 2/2005
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes
Could you choose the interview's location?: Yes - The policy was flexible.
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1 - The interviewer was really nice. He tried hard to creat and maintain a friendly atmosphere. That's probably the best indicator of Kelley's culture.
How long were the interviews?: around 30 minutes
Who were the interviewers?: Administrative or admissions staff
What was the most difficult question?: What changes have taken place in China?
What was the most interesting question?: How did you learn English?
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: Yes - I have thought over the main aspects of my career as well as my personal life.
How did you prepare?: Do school research, browse internet for interview tips, think the questions over and over until each question has a complete and mature answer,mock interview
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: Yes - He said I would be a good fit of the school
What was your opinion of the Faculty?:
What was your opinion of the Alumni?:
What was your opinion of the Students?:
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?: Friendly, accomodating, positive, enthusiastic, above all, a real good communicator
Did you receive a tour?: No
What was most impressive?:
What was least impressive?:
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : No - It fortifed my opinion on the friendly culture of the school.
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: Yes
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?: Be prepared, stay positive and relaxed.
Gender: N/A
Ethnic Background: Other
Intended Area of Study: Finance
Name of School: Indiana University
Interview Date: 1/2005
Type of Program: MBA
Part Time Program Type:
Were you given options as to the date of the interview?: Yes - I asked if I could set up an interview on Friday and they did schedule my interview on Friday. Truly thoughtful.
Could you choose the interview's location?: No - They just gave me the telephone interview but it just matched my need since I did not plan to have an interview on campus.
How many interviews were scheduled?: 1
How many interviewed you?: 1
How long were the interviews?: 25 min
Who were the interviewers?: Students
What was the most difficult question?: My experience working in a collaborative environment. Very typical question but my answer was awful.
What was the most interesting question?: none
Any other questions you remember?:
Did you feel prepared?: Yes - The interviewer clearly expressed himself so I had no problems in realizing the questions.
How did you prepare?: Browsing its website.
Did you receive any feedback at the end?: No - A very short interview.
What was your opinion of the Faculty?:
What was your opinion of the Alumni?:
What was your opinion of the Students?: Quite friendly.
What was your opinion of the Office Personnel?:
Did you receive a tour?: No
What was most impressive?:
What was least impressive?:
Did anything change your opinion of the school? : Yes - I did not expect the student there to be so friendly. Now I believe I would like its culture.
Was there something you wish you had known ahead of time?: Yes
Suggestions for travel to the school?:
What other advice can you offer future interviewees?:
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