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标题: 2010年6月13日托福口语回忆及参考答案 [打印本页]

作者: serein    时间: 2010-6-28 17:30     标题: 2010年6月13日托福口语回忆及参考答案

  一、口语: 1. 如果让你做一件改善社区的事情, 你打算做什么?
  Well, if I have to do something for the community, i will sponsor a spoken English seminar on a regular basis. i wanna do this for the following reasons. first, because more and more people want to improve their English level, so what i will do is to provide an opportunity for them to communicate with each other in English. i am sure they will like it a lot. second, i know there are a lot of kids in our community, and i think it is pretty important for them to get on the right track on English on an early stage. so some activities of this seminar like pronunciation enhancement program and one-minute speech in Engislh will help them. finally, as far as i know, there are some volunteers for the Olympics in our community, i really do something for them, like practice English with them, and even provide a chance via this seminar for them to get to know each other. that's cool
作者: serein    时间: 2010-6-28 17:31

  2. 有人喜欢平时就复习课堂笔记, 有人喜欢考试前才看, 你喜欢哪种?
  personally speaking, i like to review my notes on a regular basis instead of looking through these notes shortly before tests. Well, i have several reasons for this. first because my personal experience shows that the first option is much better than the second one. last year, before the final exam, since i didn't really review my notes, i had to look through them 2 days before the tests, you know what happened to me, i failed 2 of them. second, because of the test schedule on our campus, i have to choose the first one. you know, usually we have, like, 10 exams each semester and we have tests to take almost you can imagine if i don't review my notes constantly, how can I manage 10 exams within such a short time. so that's why i like the first option instead of the second one.~
作者: serein    时间: 2010-6-28 17:31

  二、 1、 The famous people you admire.
  当我看到这道题时,我心中真是为我的学生感到高兴,因为这道题是我们在课上练的一道原题。好好听课和做作业的同学应该可以“偷着乐”了。Ok,这是我在上课时所说的bill gates的例子:
  If I have a chance to meet someone famous, I’ll choose Bill Gates. First, because he is one of the billionaires in the world, I like to ask him how he can earn so much money. I like money, really.
  Another reason is that I’d like to tell him he’s got an excellent name. You know, bill means “dollar” and Gates means a lot of entrances. The combination simply means a lot of dollars going to him by going though a lot of entrances. Finally, he set up Microsoft successfully. I really want to know how he could do this. Because I also wanted to set up my own business. I am sure he can help me one way or another. By the way, my company is called Microhard,co.
作者: serein    时间: 2010-6-28 17:32

  2、 univercity should spend money on acdemic activities or on building musical or camera center?
  Personally speaking, I think universities should spend money on building musical or camera center. I hold this opinion for the following reasons. first, as far as universities students usually work under great pressure. So I think it is a good idea for them relax themselves by getting involved in some activities like listening to music or other artistic activities. They are very excellent stress reducers. Second, universities can greatly enrich their hobbies in these artistic activities. For example, students can have a large variety of choices right in the art centers, like they can choose to listen to some musical concert or watch movies or even some photo exhibition. Then they can pick up what they favor and go so far as to develop it into their personal interests.
  第三题:文章是说 final task" about students should be finish a task with a assigned partner, then do presentation on class. 这样做有两个好处,一是提高与人 合作完成项目的能力,二是在课堂上分享,同学们都可以了解别人的想法。
  discussion中,主讲有一些看法,一,partner 可能不responsible,说她以前的roomate的partner就not show up, so her roommate do all the research and task. 二,this is the end of the term, students are focus on exams, no one would interest in the task. 另外,during the presentation, students are preoccupied by other exams and would not pay attention to the presentation. So the final task would make participater frustrated.
作者: serein    时间: 2010-6-28 17:32

  3、 In this set of materials, the reading passage is a proposal to cooperate with other students and the listening passage is a disscussion by 2 students on this proposal
  In the reading passage, there are 2 reasons for this cooperation. First , students can improve their abilities to cooperate with others and another reasons is to share their ideas with others
  In the listening passage, the woman is not for this proposal. She holds her opinion for the following reasons. frist, she told something about her roommate. Her research partner didn’t show up on that presentation day and finally her roommate did everything. Second, since it is the end of semester, few students would be interested in this presentation because they have to focus on final exams. And even during presentations, students will be too much caught up in final exams and can’t really focus on the oral presentation itself. And she says at the end, professors will be disappointed at the students’s persformance and the students will frustrated, too.
作者: serein    时间: 2010-6-28 17:33

  4、 讲primary memory(好像是这两个词,不确定)。阅读里给了定义,就是说,人们通常根据第一映像来判断事务,很少根据第一映像以后了解到的东西。听力里,教授给了两个例子。第一个是他自己。以前帮教授作assistant的时候,第一次给出了了比较好的建议。教授从此以后就一直对他评价很高,即使他犯了一些大家都会犯的小错,教授仍然认为他是一个 star。第二个例子,是另一个和他一起的assistant。第一次犯了小错,造成了损失,虽然后来大家挽救回来了,但是教授从此以后都认为他是一个unreliable and incompetent的人。即使他很努力、犯的是和说话人一样的人们常犯的小错,还是被教授认为 unreliable。
  第四题:文章讲Primacy theory, 就是first impression. People judge other person by first impression, people would not change first impression. During the later 往来,people pay attention to detail that would support first impression.
  Lecture里,teacher以前在 speaker做assistant researcher, 在实验室第一周的时候提了一个非常成功的suggestion,因此呢,老板就觉得他很好,虽然他之后表现平平。老板总是向别人介绍说他很好。 另一个例子是他不幸的同事, 第一周犯了一个错误——损坏了实验仪器, 造成实验室的巨大金钱时间损失,结果BOSS 一直对其印象不好, 即使她后来一直表现很好。
  In this set of materials, the reading passage is about primary memory and the listening passage is a lecture by a professor on the same topic.
  In the reading passage, the first impression usually dominates people’s judgement and this is what primary memory is all about.
  In the lecture, the professor gives us two examples to illustrate it. The first is that he used to be an assistant for his professor and in the first week of research session, he proposed an excellent suggestion and later his professor always regards him as an excellent assistant despite his common performance and some minor mistakes. And the second example is about his colleague. Still in the first week, he broke some kind of equipment and this costed the lab some money and some time. And consequently, the professor always has bad impression on him despite her subsequent good performance.
作者: serein    时间: 2010-6-28 17:33

  5、第五题是woman need to so some research during school break,but school dorm closed during the break, so need to find somewhere to live。 MAN 给她两个建议,第一个找那些住在学校附近的朋友得apartment 住,friend would not charge her. But WOMAN 担心 friend will not work during the break, there may many parties,but woman need to work, so their time schedule is different。第二个建议是get special permission from school to live in the dorm, but school only allow one school dorm open during the break.
  In this conversation, the woman has got a problem. She needed to live in the dorm since she got some research work to do but the dorm will be closed due to the summer break. The man gives her two suggestions. The first one is to live in one of her friends’ apartment since it will be very close to the campus and besides she can live there for free. But she is concerned that her friend will have parties because they don’t have to study. The second one is to try to get special permission from the school and live on the campus. But she has to pay some extra fees for this. As far as I am concerned, I think the second is better. First because she and her friends really have different schedule and she has to work. So I think it is a bad idea to live in her friend’s apartment. Second, I think the school will give her permission to live on campus if she explains her problem to the school. Well, she can give it a try.
作者: serein    时间: 2010-6-28 17:33

  6、 第六题是 lecture 讲play的好处, 一般认为play is for fun , this is true, but it still used to as emotional development for children , 是从下面两个方面讲得 s. 1. child obtain the sense of control, 因为小孩子平常什么事都是大人控制,吃饭睡觉什么的,但是玩得过程中他们可以自己决定怎么玩.2, to express urge to destruct sth. 小孩子通过坡坏东西来表达他们的anxious,所以我们可以看到小孩建成一个玩具房,然后把它smash。通过play破坏东西不会受到父母惩罚。
  In this lecture , the professor explain how play can promote children’s emotional development. And the professor illustrates this with two examples. First, he says that through playing ,children can develop the sense of control. Since usually their parents decide everything, like what to eat and when to bed. But when they are playing ,they have to make every decision by themselves. Second, he says when children are playing , they can express their wish to destruct something. And actually , they express their anxiety through destroying things. So that’s why we often see kids building a toy house and then smashing it. So that serves as one of the ways to let some negative feeling out. Besides, children will not be punished by their parents when they destroy thing while they are playing.

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