308.一个长方体边长是 12 16 20问题有点绕。注意看清。问的是 the area of one of the 最大两个面 (原文可能不这么说 但是问句很长 容易看错。) 我选的是320。
最大的两面,就找最大的两个边长组成的面,16*20=320作者: s 时间: 2010-6-13 11:39
309.24 brands of some products, each has four properties, say A, B, C, D. Each property is rated as one of the following three categories: excellent, good, un(pleasant)?. How many brands have at least two good ratings out of the four properties?
1) exactly 10 brands have at least 2 excellent ratings.
2) exactly 12 brands have at least 3 good ratings.
I picked E, but I could be wrong. There is no way I could knock out this one in two minutes.
337.貌似是一个人每周干嘛挣的是$6 per hour~干了另一件事(貌似是看孩子)挣得是$4 per hour~之后给了一共挣了XX钱~这周一共工作了(就是干这两件事)共用了26小时~问这周看孩子挣了多少钱? 很简单,就是联立一个二元一次方程就OK~我记得每件事用的都是13个小时~其他具体数是真记不住了~
设工作时间分别为x 和 y
X+y=26 6x+4y=XX
338. 还有一题是新题~就是直角坐标系当中一象限有一正方形~边长是4,四个顶点分别是(0,0)(0,4)(4,0)(4,4)~中间画了一个三角形(一个边在X轴一个点貌似在(3,4),抱歉我不会用电脑画图),问正方形中随便取一点也在三角形中的概率是多少?
概率用面积来算作者: s 时间: 2010-6-13 11:48