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标题: 请教OG10 105 [打印本页]

作者: dontwannalos    时间: 2010-6-12 07:09     标题: 请教OG10 105

105.  Treatment for hypertension forestalls certain medical expenses by preventing strokes and heart disease.Yet any money so saved amounts to only one—fourth of the expenditures required to treat the hypertensive population.Therefore,there is no economic 1ustification for preventive treatment for hypertension.

Which of the following,if true,is most damaging to the conclusion above?

(A)  The many fatal strokes and heart attacks resulting from untreated hypertension cause insignificant medical expenditures but large economic losses of other sorts.

(B)  The cost,per patient,of preventive treatment for hypertension would remain constant   even if such treatment were instituted on a large scale.

(C)  In matters of health care.Economic considerations should ideally not be dominant.

(D)  Effective prevention presupposes early diagnosis,and programs to ensure early diagnosis are costly.

(E)  The net savings in medical resources achieved by some preventive health measures are smaller than the net losses attributable to certain other measures of this kind.

作者: greates    时间: 2010-6-12 22:16

A,说明了得fatal strokes and heart attacks, 虽然治疗费用不高,但是因此造成得其他经济损失很大,题干讲经济方面得(economic)省不了多少钱,这个答案刚好就击中问题得中心,题干只从treatment的费用考虑,a考虑了其他损失,damaging to the conclusion above


C,讲在health care里面,不能光考虑经济利益,这个是对的,但是和题干没关系


E也是讲经济上的,说是早期预防所省得钱(net saving)并不比其他方式(比如说发现以后再治疗)产生的损失(net loss)多,总体来说还是支持题干的

作者: dontwannalos    时间: 2010-6-13 06:47

作者: dontwannalos    时间: 2010-6-13 06:48

作者: sunny9653    时间: 2010-6-13 22:25

作者: lengling    时间: 2010-6-17 06:47


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