4. 恐龙为什么这么大
第一段说恐龙体积大的原因可能是什么,然后作者说whatever the reason(这里出了一题,问作者提到whatever the reason 目的是为了?我选小结开头的引句转移至另一个topic),大体积恐龙的出现必须有三个前题:a冷血、b. range大、c. 没有competitor for foods or compete with each other。
最后一段反驳说没有competetor,说原来似乎还有两种恐龙,一个吃陆地上的食物一个在海面上觅食,后来sea level下降了,吃海上的那个似乎灭绝了,然后陆地什么的被隔开,然后只剩下一种在陆上的(有题问末段最后一句话的作用,我选证明了末段首句)。
1)问海水下降说明了什么,我选的“使生存环境扩大” 730
2)文章提到一种恐龙fishing而另一种恐龙hunting on the land,问作者举这个例子说明什么,说明“两者之间没有竞争for food” 730
3)有题问这些专家must likely not to agree,我选A.这些恐龙会出来晒太阳作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:24
5. polynesian people came to americas earlier than Comlubia.(鸡骨头)
第二段讲这个小组测试了鸡骨头的DNA以证明自己的观点。此时引入第二个小组,说二组在测试DNA时,发现了一些问题。问题特别乱,涉及很多地名比来比去的。总之意思是说发现的鸡骨头的DNA和欧洲的鸡DNA非常像,而欧洲人此时又没来到美洲。所以推翻了一组的观点。既这个鸡不是有P带来的,P不是比哥伦比亚更早到美洲。最后一句话是 如果能证明波西尼亚人是早于哥伦布来到美洲的 then the remain question would be how they bring the chicken to the continent。作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:24
1) chicken is not native to America(有出题,问这话说明了什么,我也不知道,我选的是“它摒弃了一种可能性,这种可能性在文章中也没有明确提出”) 730
the chicken bones is not native to America(这句话highlight~然后问他的作用,当时我选了 impicate chickbone the age~`但是后来觉得好像不太对~比较像C: imply polynicia people does not (忘记是否定还是肯定了)bring the domestice chick to the america~~不过都不是很确定啊~大家自己确定啊)
2)有一个问题是问到第二段的,第二段提到ASIAN 是为了说明在美洲的鸡骨头不像ASIAN的,而更像european,所以是应该是欧洲人先到美洲的 750
4)other study views are used to (question the strengthen of story's theory)注意 这些观点只是削弱story观点的力度 而非否定
5)1. 主题(两个选项比较纠集)A.argue 波斯尼亚人比欧洲人先到美洲(作者是否同意这个观点呢?不同意的话就不应该用argue,没有选);B. 提到鸡骨头(感觉靠谱,选了)
2. JJ中Hight light的作用。Hight light前面讲了鸡骨头date是1300BC,而欧洲人到这里是1200BC(反正欧洲人到的时间晚),然后就出现这high light的话。我选的是,作者暗示地否定了一个解释。选项里面有 explictly state, implictly, explanation 等词。 750
6)最后有题问recent研究为了什么 答案好几个都是反对story不同的观点作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:25
1) chicken is not native to America(有出题,问这话说明了什么,我也不知道,我选的是“它摒弃了一种可能性,这种可能性在文章中也没有明确提出”) 730
the chicken bones is not native to America(这句话highlight~然后问他的作用,当时我选了 impicate chickbone the age~`但是后来觉得好像不太对~比较像C: imply polynicia people does not (忘记是否定还是肯定了)bring the domestice chick to the america~~不过都不是很确定啊~大家自己确定啊)
2)有一个问题是问到第二段的,第二段提到ASIAN 是为了说明在美洲的鸡骨头不像ASIAN的,而更像european,所以是应该是欧洲人先到美洲的 750
4)other study views are used to (question the strengthen of story's theory)注意 这些观点只是削弱story观点的力度 而非否定
5)1. 主题(两个选项比较纠集)A.argue 波斯尼亚人比欧洲人先到美洲(作者是否同意这个观点呢?不同意的话就不应该用argue,没有选);B. 提到鸡骨头(感觉靠谱,选了)
2. JJ中Hight light的作用。Hight light前面讲了鸡骨头date是1300BC,而欧洲人到这里是1200BC(反正欧洲人到的时间晚),然后就出现这high light的话。我选的是,作者暗示地否定了一个解释。选项里面有 explictly state, implictly, explanation 等词。 750
6)最后有题问recent研究为了什么 答案好几个都是反对story不同的观点作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:25
7. GWD corporate board 存在的问题
GWD 26-Q14 to Q16 (已确认)感谢afei0128
Although recent censure of corporate boards of directors as “passive” and “supine” may be excessive, those who criticize board performance have plenty of substantive ammunition. Too many corporate boards fail in their two crucial responsibilities of overseeing long-term company strategy and of selecting, evaluating, and determining appropriate compensation of top management. At times, despite disappointing corporate performance, compensation of chief executive officers reaches indefensibly high levels, nevertheless, suggestions that the government should legislate board reform are premature. There are ample opportunities for boards themselves to improve corporate performance.
Most corporate boards’ compensation committees focus primarily on peer-group comparisons. They are content if the pay of top executives approximates that of the executives of competing firms with comparable short-term earnings or even that of executives of competing firms of comparable size. However, mimicking the compensation policy of competitors for the sake of parity means neglecting the value of compensation as a means of stressing long-term performance. By tacitly detaching executive compensation policy from long-term performance, committees harm their companies and the economy as a whole. The committees must develop incentive compensation policies to emphasize long-term performance. For example a board’s compensation committee can, by carefully proportioning straight salary and such short-term and long-term incentives as stock options, encourage top management to pursue a responsible strategy.作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:26
According to the passage, the majority of compensation committees put the greatest emphasis on which of the following when determining compensation for their executives? C
A. Long-term corporate performance
B. The threat of government regulation
C. !Salaries paid to executives of comparable corporations
D. The probable effect the determination will have on competitors
E. The probable effect the economic climate will have on the company
The passage suggests which of the following about government legislation requiring that corporate boards undergo reform? E
A. Such legislation is likely to discourage candidates from joining corporate boards.
B. Such legislation is likely to lead to reduced competition among companies.
C. The performance of individual companies would be affected by such legislation to a greater extent than would the economy as a whole.
D. Such legislation would duplicate initiatives already being made by corporate boards to improve their own performance.
E. !Corporate boards themselves could act to make such legislation unnecessary.
Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage? A
A. !A problem is acknowledged, the causes are explored, and a solution is offered.
B. A question is raised, opposing points of view are evaluated, and several alternative answers are discussed.
C. A means of dealing with a problem is proposed, and the manner in which a solution was reached is explained.
D. A plan of action is advanced, and the probable outcomes of that plan are discussed.
E. Two competing theories are described and then reconciled.作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:26
8. 摆钟pendulum clock。
第一段:说这种钟可以说是世界上最后的机械钟了,而且有两个,一个在爱丁堡,一个在某observing station.(记不清了,但此处无题)。这种钟就两个钟摆(pendulum), the first 在一个真空(vacuum)的容器中(此处对真空有题),另一个来管钟的各指针(大概是这个意思)。第一个钟摆会适时第二个钟摆信号,来进行适度调整。这个钟就是靠这个运行的
第三段:讲在1984年做的一个试验,将这种机械种与automatic clock做比较,结果发现(一堆数字比较)。后又说日月引对,不但能影响海潮,还能影响陆地。而这种引力会使机械种有一定的误差。
第四段:主要讲日月引力怎么样对陆地也造成影响(好像没什么题)。作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:26
8. 摆钟pendulum clock。
第一段:说这种钟可以说是世界上最后的机械钟了,而且有两个,一个在爱丁堡,一个在某observing station.(记不清了,但此处无题)。这种钟就两个钟摆(pendulum), the first 在一个真空(vacuum)的容器中(此处对真空有题),另一个来管钟的各指针(大概是这个意思)。第一个钟摆会适时第二个钟摆信号,来进行适度调整。这个钟就是靠这个运行的
第三段:讲在1984年做的一个试验,将这种机械种与automatic clock做比较,结果发现(一堆数字比较)。后又说日月引对,不但能影响海潮,还能影响陆地。而这种引力会使机械种有一定的误差。
第四段:主要讲日月引力怎么样对陆地也造成影响(好像没什么题)。作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:27
9. snowshoe hare foraging behavior
第二段讲专家研究觅食行为和prediction of predators的关系。好像从两方面考虑,如果多会怎样,如果少会怎样,具体也忘了。。也有提到population density。不过好像都是他们的猜测。
2)有主旨题作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:27
11. 低能耗投资 by sapan (710)
第一段上来说传统意义上这个低能耗这个投资都被认为对企业收益没有增长作用。后面就一段一段的批驳,说怎么怎么有。有一道题问第一段什么用,答给出传统观点,这个传统观点作者要用新观点给替换掉作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:29
12. 企业 innovation
1P现在很多公司都主张生产innovative的产品。 Innovation有以下优势,能为公司带来superior profits, prolonged growth,并增强公司的竞争力。(注意,这里有题,他问innovation带来的好处,五个选项之中3个在这里找到,最后一个隔了好几句话,但还在第一段,找下去!)后来用了几句话讲了最后一个优势,大多数公司现有的measure performance的system用来measure由innovation带来的好处,而measure其它的试图提高公司的performance的方式比较起来都没有那么容易measure了。(有一题的选项和这里有关系,题目问的是以下哪个statement是对的,其它3个都一看就是胡闹的,有一个statement说的是:假如除了innovation带来的成果好measure外,其它的几种方式带的成果也同等样的好measure, managers就都会更多地采用别的方法。另外一个选项说的是绝大多数由innovation带来的好处都只能体现在短期,在长期还会坏事。)某人的意见,选了如果其它的好measure得话,这些公司就….因为第二段没有说短命;说的是before the innovator can make profit from the innovation, competitor will如何如何,所以我认为在短期也是没有benefit,因为说的是before嘛!作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:30
provide a reason to support why new product invention is not always the best way to help company achieve its competition among the market
文章最后一句话是:所以其实一个公司综合的素质的提高,比如distribution system,可以作为一个有效的barrier,屏蔽别的公司的竞争而使自己获益。所以一个公司的综合素质而不是新产品开发的实力,其实是最重要的。文章最后一句话起什么作用:provide a reason to support why new product invention is not always the best way to help company achieve its competition among the market.).、为了说明其它因素的重要性、选提供证据证明为什么
我选择的是 “企业只奖励那些开发新产品的部分部门反映了企业文化的一个缺点” 因为其他选项都挺不沾边……
答案:superior profits、prolonged growth、增强公司的竞争力、measurement system衡量新产品的开发指数就容易很多,
8、because measurement system 更加难以衡量很多其它方面的指针,而衡量新产品的开发指数就容易很多,问的是以下哪个statement是对的(段一)。推论题
答案1:除了innovation带来的成果好measure外,其它的几种方式带的成果也同等样的好measure, managers就都会更多地采用别的方法
答案2:如果measurement system 可以更加容易和准确的衡量其它方面的指数,那么很多公司可能不会花这么多气力在开发新产品上
10)企业惰性(有题),中层管理人员怕创新危害自己的企业地位作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:30
2)一题问沾上compound的orchid bee有什么特别之处?当时选的是更容易seek out swarms。 740
4) 问下列哪个是对的。我选的那个好像是和这个信息有关的:那里的orchid不只是吸引一种bee,而是several species of bee in that forest什么什么的。
这里有道题 就是说这种东东虽然不是仅仅限于一种bee 但是只是一个small range of the different species
问下列哪个是对的。有个选项不太拿得准。原文说orchid bee is an important pollinator for orchid;选项里说most orchid is pollinated by orchid bee。其他几个也有些模糊,大家到时仔细看一下吧。我最后选的是orchid会secrete 两种化学成分(第一段中有提及)。
18. GWD- 毛毛虫的生命长度
By williams(680 50,31)T-9-Q20-Q23:GWD-13-34~37
43. GWD-13-Q34 -Q37是谁控制着毛毛虫的生命长度
A small number of the forest
species of lepidoptera (moths and
butterflies, which exist as caterpillars
Line during most of their life cycle) exhibit
(5) regularly recurring patterns of popu-
lation growth and decline—such
fluctuations in population are known
as population cycles. Although many
different variables influence popula-
(10) tion levels, a regular pattern such as
a population cycle seems to imply a
dominant, driving force. Identification
of that driving force, however, has
proved surprisingly elusive despite
(15) considerable research. The com-
mon approach of studying causes of
population cycles by measuring the
mortality caused by different agents,
such as predatory birds or parasites,
(20) has been unproductive in the case of
lepidoptera. Moreover, population
ecologists’ attempts to alter cycles
by changing the caterpillars’ habitat
and by reducing caterpillar popula-
(25) tions have not succeeded. In short,
the evidence implies that these insect
populations, if not self-regulating, may
at least be regulated by an agent more
intimately connected with the insect than
(30) are predatory birds or parasites.老观点及其方法
Recent work suggests that this
agent may be a virus. For many
years, viral disease had been
reported in declining populations
(35) of caterpillars, but population ecolo-
gists had usually considered viral
disease to have contributed to the
decline once it was underway rather
than to have initiated it. The recent
(40) work has been made possible by
new techniques of molecular biology
that allow viral DNA to be detected
at low concentrations in the environ-
ment. Nuclear polyhedrosis viruses
(45) are hypothesized to be the driving
force behind population cycles in
lepidoptera in part because the
viruses themselves follow an infec-
tious cycle in which, if protected from
(50) direct sun light, they may remain
virulent for many years in the envi-
ronment, embedded in durable
crystals of polyhedrin protein.
Once ingested by a caterpillar,
(55) the crystals dissolve, releasing
the virus to infect the insect’s cells.
Late in the course of the infection,
millions of new virus particles are
formed and enclosed in polyhedrin
(60) crystals. These crystals reenter the
environment after the insect dies and
decomposes, thus becoming avail-
able to infect other caterpillars.新观点及其论据
One of the attractions of this
(65) hypothesis is its broad applicability.
Remarkably, despite significant differ-
ences in habitat and behavior, many
species of lepidoptera have population
cycles of similar length, between eight
(70) and eleven years. Nuclear polyhe-
drosis viral infection is one factor these
disparate species share.作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:46
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the author’s conclusion in lines 25-30?
A. New research reveals that the number of species of birds and parasites that prey on lepidoptera has dropped significantly in recent years.
B. New experiments in which the habitats of lepidoptera are altered in previously untried ways result in the shortening of lepidoptera population cycles.
C. Recent experiments have revealed that the nuclear polyhedrosis virus is present in a number of predators and parasites of lepidoptera.
D. Differences among the habitats of lepidoptera species make it difficult to assess the effects of weather on lepidoptera population cycles.
E. Viral disease is typically observed in a large proportion of the lepidoptera population.
It can be inferred from the passage that the mortality caused by agents such as predatory birds or parasites was measured in an attempt to
A. develop an explanation for the existence of lepidoptera population cycles
B. identify behavioral factors in lepidoptera that affect survival rates
C. identify possible methods for controlling lepidoptera population growth
D. provide evidence that lepidoptera populations are self-regulating
E. determine the life stages of lepidoptera at which mortality rates are highest
The primary purpose of the passage is to
A. describe the development of new techniques that may help to determine the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera
B. present evidence that refutes a particular theory about the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera
C. present a hypothesis about the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera
D. describe the fluctuating patterns of population cycles in Lepidoptera
E. question the idea that a single driving force is behind population cycles in Lepidoptera
According to the passage, before the discovery of new techniques for detecting viral DNA, population ecologists believed that viral diseases
A. were not widely prevalent among insect populations generally
B. affected only the caterpillar life stage of lepidoptera
C. were the driving force behind lepidoptera population cycles
D. attacked already declining caterpillar populations
E. infected birds and parasites that prey on various species of Lepidoptera作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:47
20. 公司贷款抵押
第一段讲假设公司分两种:low cost公司和 high cost,显然high cost偿还银行贷款的能力更弱,银行因此更不愿意把钱贷给他们,所以银行发贷款前要审查;
第二段讲审查是要成本的,因此呢,那些low cost公司等于就在补贴 high cost公司了(因为low cost其实是不需要审查的);
第三段讲鉴于此,low cost公司就为贷款提供担保,好让银行把他们从 high cost公司里挑出了,而不用审查,避免补贴 high cost公司(这句话有题);
第四段讲这个手段为什么有效呢,因为 high cost公司模仿的成本很高——如果他们提供抵押担保的话,他们是很容易还不了债而出去抵押物的。后面的题目不难,找准定位即可。
21. 超市价格战略
By 大个钊(710)一个关于超市价格战略的,说有两种,一种是 每天降价, 一种是偶尔降价,然后消费者有两种,一种是一次买一揽子的,一种是经常去但每次买的少的(类似于退休的老头老太太没事天天逛超市专买特价的)然后讲这两种策略对这两种人的影响,题不难作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:48
22. 老鼠实验证明新西兰人的出现时间
第一段说普遍认为XX人是13世纪到的某某地方。但是有一项研究,通过对老鼠什么什么的碳元素定位(这些老鼠是XX人出现才带去的),结果说XX人应该在200 B.C. 就出现了。然后说因为没有任何其他证据可以表明XX人arrive so early, 所以这个数据的得出一定是实验中出了问题。
第一段:新西兰有被确定说过是13世纪才发现的,但是有carbon dating说有老鼠, which are brought by human beins,的骨头是200.B.C.的,这个结论是1996年得到的,不过人们普遍说这个结论是因为errors added in the lab导致的。
第二段:某team用更好carbon dating的技术去研究the rat bone found in the same site of 1996 (同一地点,但不是同一个sample,此处有选项),证实了是1280年左右的,和之前的research相符(说明不是一个surprise的发现,
有选项)。In addition, 他们还发现了the oldest site有一些种子是4000年前的,但是那些有一些有老鼠咬痕的咬痕都是1280年的。
第三段:这个结果devastate在新西兰人类对环境的影响,deforesting…并没有那么早开始…作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:48
1) 有一题目是说最后一段的作用,我选的是这个研究结果对其他领域研究的影响
2) 还有题说怎样能使某team的说法不成立
3) 还有题问哪个是正确的
A 某team research 很surprise地发现是1280年的(错,因为和之前research 相符)
B 某team 的sample和96年的是一致的
C 96年的research 没看到4000年的种子作为证据…(有可能是另外题里的…)
4) 有一题考的是第三段中的research说明一下哪个是对的
5) 有一道主旨题,应该选说明了一个研究,并且用这个研究去反对前面研究的结果.题目不难
6) 就是有一题我纠结了一下,好像是说第一段里面说这个实验有问题的人持什么观点。有一个选项说他的结论是基于O科学家的研究结果。因为O的研究是recently的,而那个观点好像之前就出现了所以我没选。这题每个选项都很陷阱,要推敲一下。作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:49
23. 公司环保
by coffeebeanmm(710 M51 V35)还有一篇是说盒传统的观念不同, 注重投资环保其实可以给公司带来两个方面的好处,很多公司觉得环保没什么用,但其实不是这样的,第一呢,环保不只是会增加cost,而且也会导致生产过程的转变,更有效率之类的.
第二呢,环保能够给公司带来advantage, blabla具体不是很清楚了,不过文章不难.
By peter425(730)文章大意是:传统观念认为使用有益环保的新技术会损害公司的利益。作者认为传统观念是错误的,因为第一,使用这种新技术会带来更多的收益;第二,这种新技术不会立刻被别的公司学会,因此是公司的独特优势。最后作者举了个例子证明他的观点。
选项也很傻,记得当时基本没什么想就知道选什么了,因此碰到应该都能选对。(文章才半屏多一些)作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:49
24. 不是奴隶的黑人
by coffeebeanmm(710 M51 V35)还有一篇是说什么黑人的,他们不是奴隶,但是却被关起来了之类的作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:50
25. argument 和 emotion两种类型的广告对消费者的影响 By why不why
by zzzlll012345(670)是说argument-advertisement 和 motivation-advertisement 使用的时候,因为其针对顾客群的information about products 不同,效果也不同。 第二段开始说argument-advertisement适用于新兴产业,因为当顾客对其产品了解不多的时候他们会主动吸收并思考广告提供的信息,使得argument-advertisement的效果更好。 第三段说motivation类型的advertisement适用于比较成熟的产业,因为顾客对这些产业的商品比较熟悉,motivation-advertisement类型的广告能够使顾客回想起对这些产品的信息。大概意思就是这样了。。作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:50
26. 女权运动
by fydaydayup (700,Q51,V32)20世纪初的女权运动,有些女人是anti-xx,单词不记得,之前大部分学者都把这些女人的论点认为是“女人就该留在家里”,当做伊丽莎白时代的坚守者,但是根据这些女人发表观点的报纸内容来研究,她们其实鼓励女人走出家庭,更多参与到社会工作中。但是女人不应该接触政治,因为她们在这方面应该天然中立,否则会影响她们对社会工作的贡献作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:50
30. 信用卡的乱消费
By damei12关于信用卡的乱消费问题
第二段 一激动给忘类 但是没什么考点
还一题 说用现金买单的人more likly than 拿信用卡的人怎么样,回第一段中间定位就好了 不难作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:52
31. sanctioning system的利弊
by ephemeral00关于sanctioning system对于一个公司来说的利弊的。文章不长,3段。说有学者觉得sanctioning system对公司有利。但有两位哥们T和M什么的,觉得这个制度不好,然后就在下面两段展开说了如何不好:一是该制度会影响员工的cooperative什么的,一是会影响员工的decision making frame(然后又和ethics什么的扯到一起了)。
1.2)问作者同意哪种说法:我选的是:some workers in companies without sanctioning system will be cooperative什么什么的。
1.3)问关于对decision making frame什么的说法,作者最同意哪一个。作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:53
1- 如果以下何种发生加州的success in child-care (第二段) 会被改变结果? 我选的是 if the child-care funding was not so large.之类的
2- 有个高亮在第三段, 忘了wording 但是我记得选了 it's contradicting child's view that the new concept is from working mother's point of view.
3- 有一题问加州的育儿组织和其他州比,好处在哪?- 还有一题说下列关于加州育儿组织的说法哪个是对的。应该 选如果二战时加州育儿组织不庞大的话,战后加州的育儿组织就不会有优势。
这里有题,战时加州被看护的孩子有啥特点相比其他 州,答案:数量多作者: 鱼儿游 时间: 2010-6-7 22:54