Passage 3
Federal efforts to aid minority businesses began in the
1960’s when the Small Business Administration (SBA)
began making federally guaranteed loans and govern-
ment-sponsored management and technical assistance
(5) available to minority business enterprises. While this
program enabled many minority entrepreneurs to
form new businesses, the results were disappointing ,
since managerial inexperience, unfavorable locations,
and capital shortages led to high failure rates. Even 15
(10) years after the program was implemented, minority
business receipts were not quite two percent of the national
economy’s total receipts.15、16题
Recently federal policymakers have adopted an
approach intended to accelerate development of the
(15) minority business sector by moving away from directly
aiding small minority enterprises and toward supporting
larger, growth-oriented minority firms through interme-
diary companies. In this approach , large corporations
participate in the development of successful and stable
(20) minority businesses by making use of government-
sponsored venture capital.14题 The capital is used by a
participating company to establish a Minority Enterprise
Small Business Investment Company or MESBIC . The
MESBIC then provides capital and guidance to minority
(25) businesses that have potential to become future suppliers
or customers of the sponsoring company.
MESBIC’s are the result of the belief that providing
established firms with easier access to relevant manage-
ment techniques and more job-specific experience, as
(30) well as substantial amounts of capital, gives those firms
a greater opportunity to develop sound business founda-
tions than does simply making general management
experience and small amounts of capital available.
Further, since potential markets for the minority busi-
(35) nesses already exist through the sponsoring companies,
the minority businesses face considerably less risk in
terms of location and market fluctuation. Following
early financial and operating problems, sponsoring
corporations began to capitalize MESBIC’s far above
(40) the legal minimum of $500,000 in order to generate
sufficient income and to sustain the quality of manage-
ment needed. MESBIC’c are now emerging as increas-
ingly important financing sources for minority enter-
近来,政府采用一种新方法资助少数民族企业,新方法从资助少数民族企业转向通过中间企业支持大的、增长为导向的企业。这种方法要求大企业参加。大企业用政府资助资金建立MESBIC. M为将来能成为大企业供应商或顾客的少数民族企业提供资金或管理支持。M帮助少数民族企业获得更好的管理能力,更多的资金等。进一步,由于市场已经存在,选址问题的危险更少。大企业提供的资金远高于政府规定的限额,M已成为少数民族企业的一项重要资金来源。
(45) Ironically , MESBIC staffs, which usually consist of
Hispanic and Black professionals, tend to approach
investments in minority firms more pragmatically than
do many MESBIC directors, who are usually senior
managers from sponsoring corporations. The latter
(50) often still think mainly in terms of the “social responsi-
bility approach” and thus seem to prefer deals that are
riskier and less attractive than normal investment criteria
would warrant. Such differences in viewpoint have pro-
duced uneasiness among many minority staff members,
(55) who feel that minority entrepreneurs and businesses
should be judged by established business considerations.
These staff members believe their point of view is closer
to the original philosophy of MESBIC’s and they are
concerned that, unless a more prudent course is fol-
lowed, MESBIC directors may revert to policies likely
to re-create the disappointing results of the original SBA
pragmatic [præɡ'mætik] adj. 实用主义的;实际的;国事的
prudent ['pru:dənt] adj. 谨慎的;节俭的;精明的
intermediate [,intə'mi:djət, -dieit] vi. 起媒介作用adj. 中间的,中级的n. 中间物;媒介
主题题13. Which of the following best states the central idea of the passage?
(A) The use of MESBIC’s for aiding minority entrepreneurs seems to have greater potential for success than does the original SBA approach.(新方法比老方法好)
(B) There is a crucial difference in point of view between the staff and directors of some MESBIC’s.(第三段内容)
(C) After initial problems with management and marketing, minority businesses have begun to expand at a steady rate.没提及
(D) Minority entrepreneurs wishing to form new businesses now have several equally successful federal programs on which to rely. 没提及
(E) For the first time since 1960, large corporations are making significant contributions to the development of minority businesses.(1960没有大公司)
信息题:注意M方法large company的重要性反复提及考点
14. According to the passage, the MESBIC approach differs from the SBA approach in that MESBIC’s
(A) seek federal contracts to provide markets for minority businesses
(B) encourage minority businesses to provide markets for other minority businesses
(C) attempt to maintain a specified rate of growth in the minority business sector
(D) rely on the participation of large corporations to finance minority businesses
(E) select minority businesses on the basis of their location
15. Which of the following does the author cite to support the conclusion that the results of the SBA program were disappointing? 定位第一段
(A) The small number of new minority enterprises formed as a result of the program
(B) The small number of minority enterprises that took advantage of the management and technical assistance offiered under the program
(C) The small percentage of the nation’s business receipts earned by minority enterprises following the programs, implementation.
(D) The small percentage of recipient minority enterprises that were able to repay federally guaranteed loans made under the program
(E) The small number of minority enterprises that chose to participate in the program
16. Which of the following statements about the SBA program can be inferred from the passage? 定位第一段
(A) The maximum term for loans made to recipient businesses was 15 years.
(B) Business loans were considered to be more useful to recipient businesses than was management and technical assistance.
(C) The anticipated failure rate for recipient businesses was significantly lower than the rate that actually resulted.
(D) Recipient businesses were encouraged to relocate to areas more favorable for business development.
(E) The capitalization needs of recipient businesses were assessed and then provided for adequately.
in order to题:原文有in order to,答案与问题在一句话
17. The author refers to the “financial and operating problems”(line 38 ) encountered by MESBIC’s primarily in order to
(A) broaden the scope of the discussion to include the legal considerations of funding MESBIC’S through sponsoring companies
(B) call attention to the fact that MESBIC’s must receive adequate funding in order to function effectively(=原文generate sufficient income and to sustain the quality of management needed)
(C) show that sponsoring companies were willing to invest only $500,000 of government-sponsored venture capital in the original MESBIC’s
(D) compare SBA and MESBIC limits on minimum funding
(E) refute suggestions that MESBIC’s have been only marginally successful
18. The author’s primary objective in the passage is to
(A) disprove the view that federal efforts to aid minority businesses have been ineffective
(B) explain how federal efforts to aid minority businesses have changed since the 1960’s
(C) establish a direct link between the federal efforts to aid minority businesses made before the 1960’s and those made in the 1980’s
(D) analyze the basis for the belief that job-specific experience is more useful to minority businesses than is general management experience 细节词
(E) argue that the “social responsibility approach” to aiding minority businesses is superior to any other approach细节词作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:16
Passage 12
All of the cells in a particular plant start out with the
same complement of genes. How then can these cells
differentiate and form structures as different as roots,
stems, leaves, and fruits? The answer is that only a
(5) small subset of the genes in a particular kind of cell are
expressed, or turned on, at a given time. This is accom-
plished by a complex system of chemical messengers
that in plants include hormones and other regulatory
molecules. 71题Five major hormones have been identified:
(10) auxin, abscisic acid, cytokinin, ethylene, and gibberel-
lin. Studies of plants have now identified a new class of
regulatory molecules called oligosaccharins.
Unlike the oligosaccharins , the five well-known plant
hormones are pleiotropic rather than specific, that is,
(15) each has more than one effect on the growth and devel-
opment of plants 69题、70题. The five has so many simultaneous
effects that they are not very useful in artificially
controlling the growth of crops67题、72题. Auxin, for instance ,
stimulates the rate of cell elongation, causes shoots to
(20) grow up and roots to grow down, and inhibits the
growth of lateral shoots. Auxin also causes the plant to
develop a vascular system, to form lateral roots, and to
produce ethylene.
The pleiotropy of the five well-studied plant
(25) hormones is somewhat analogous to that of certain
hormones in animal. For example , hormones from the
hypothalamus in the brain stimulate the anterior lobe
of the pituitary gland to synthesize and release many
different hormones68题, one of which stimulates the release
(30) of hormones from the adrenal cortex. These hormones
have specific effects on target organs all over the body.
One hormone stimulates the thyroid gland, for
example , another the ovarian follicle cells, and so forth.
In other words , there is a hierarchy of hormones.
(35) Such a hierarchy may also exist in plants . Oligosac-
charins are fragments of the cell wall released by
enzymes: different enzymes release different oligosac-
charins. There are indications that pleiotropic plant
hormones may actually function by activating the
(40) enzymes that release these other, more specific chemical
messengers from the cell wall. 68题
细节题:考so that 句型,various 与so many 的同义转换
67. According to the passage, the five well-known plant hormones are not useful in controlling the growth of crops because
(A) it is not known exactly what functions the hormones perform
(B) each hormone has various effects on plants
(C) none of the hormones can function without the others
(D) each hormone has different effects on different kinds of plants
(E) each hormone works on only a small subset of a cell’s genes at any particular time
68. The passage suggests that the place of hypothalamic hormones in the hormonal hierarchies of animals is similar to the place of which of the following in plants?
(A) Plant cell walls
(B) The complement of genes in each plant cell
(C) A subset of a plant cell’s gene complement
(D) The five major hormones
(E) The oligosaccharins
强对比取非题:unlike 题眼;particular与specific同义转换
69. The passage suggests that which of the following is a function likely to be performed by an oligosaccharin?
(A) To stimulate a particular plant cell to become part of a plant’s root system
(B) To stimulate the walls of a particular cell to produce other oligosaccharins
(C) To activate enzymes that release specific chemical messengers from plant cell walls
(D) To duplicate the gene complement in a particular plant cell
(E) To produce multiple effects on a particular subsystem of plant cells
In order to 题:例子,出现专有名词pleitropy对其的解释
70. The author mentions specific effects that auxin has on plant development in order to illustrate the
(A) point that some of the effects of plant hormones can be harmful
(B) way in which hormones are produced by plants
(C) hierarchical nature of the functioning of plant hormones
(D) differences among the best-known plant hormones
(E) concept of pleiotropy as it is exhibited by plant hormones
71. According to the passage, which of the following best describes a function performed by oligosaccharins?
(A) Regulating the daily functioning of a plant’s cells
(B) Interacting with one another to produce different chemicals
(C) Releasing specific chemical messengers from a plant’s cell walls
(D) Producing the hormones that cause plant cells to differentiate to perform different functions
(E) Influencing the development of a plant’s cells by controlling the expression of the cells’ genes
72. The passage suggests that, unlike the pleiotropic hormones, oligosaccharins could be used effectively to
(A) trace the passage of chemicals through the walls of cells
(B) pinpoint functions of other plant hormones
(C) artificially control specific aspects of the development of crops
(D) alter the complement of genes in the cells of plants
(E) alter the effects of the five major hormones on plant development作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:17
Passage 17
Australian researchers have discovered electroreceptors
(sensory organs designed to respond to electrical fields)
clustered at the tip of the spiny anteater’s snout102题. The
researchers made this discovery by exposing small areas of
(5) the snout to extremely weak electrical fields and recording
the transmission of resulting nervous activity to the brain.
While it is true that tactile receptors, another kind of
sensory organ on the anteater’s snout, can also respond to
electrical stimuli, such receptors do so only in response to
( 10) electrical field strengths about 1,000 times greater than
those known to excite electroreceptors.101题
Having discovered the electroreceptors, researchers are
now investigating how anteaters utilize such a sophisticated
sensory system. In one behavioral experiment , researchers
(15) successfully trained an anteater to distinguish between
two troughs of water, one with a weak electrical field
and the other with none. Such evidence is consistent with
researchers’ hypothesis that anteaters use electroreceptors
to detect electrical signals given off by prey; however ,
( 20) researchers as yet have been unable to detect electrical
signals emanating from termite mounds, where the favorite
food of anteaters live. Still, researchers have observed
anteaters breaking into a nest of ants at an oblique angle
and quickly locating nesting chambers. This ability quickly
(25)to locate unseen prey suggests, according to the researchers, that the anteaters were using their electroreceptors to locate the nesting chambers.105题
细节题:定位tactile receptors
101. According to the passage, which of the following is a
characteristic that distinguishes electroreceptors from
tactile receptors?
(A) The manner in which electroreceptors respond to
electrical stimuli
(B) The tendency of electroreceptors to be found in
(C) The unusual locations in which electroreceptors are
found in most species.
(D) The amount of electrical stimulation required to
excite electroreceptors
(E) The amount of nervous activity transmitted to the
brain by electroreceptors when they are excited
102. Which of the following can be inferred about the
experiment described in the first paragraph?
(A) Researchers had difficulty verifying the existence of
electroreceptors in the anteater because
electroreceptors respond to such a narrow range of
electrical field strengths.
(B) Researchers found that the level of nervous activity
in the anteater’s brain increased dramatically as the
strength of the electrical stimulus was increased.(电流增加,神经活动增加错,电子接受器只对微弱电流有反应)
(C) Researchers found that some areas of the anteater’s
snout were not sensitive to a weak electrical
(D) Researchers found that the anteater’s tactile
receptors were more easily excited by a strong
electrical stimulus than were the electro receptors..(电子接收器仅对微弱电流有反应)
(E) Researchers tested small areas of the anteater’s snout
in order to ensure that only electroreceptors were
responding to the stimulus.(电子接收器只在鼻子尖端)
in order to 题:实验严谨性,排除另一种可能性:while it is ture,…. only…
103. The author of the passage most probably discusses the
function of tactile receptors (lines 7-11) in order to
(A) eliminate and alternative explanation of anteaters’
response to electrical stimuli
(B) highlight a type of sensory organ that has a function
identical to that of electroreceptors
(C) point out a serious complication in the research on
electroreceptors in anteaters.
(D) suggest that tactile receptors assist electroreceptors
in the detection of electrical signals.
(E) introduce a factor that was not addressed in the
research on electroreceptors in anteaters.
细节题:定位behavioral experiment;distinguish与recogonize同义转换
10 4. Which of the following can be inferred about anteaters
from the behavioral experiment mentioned in the
second paragraph?
(A) They are unable to distinguish between stimuli
detected by their electroreceptors and stimuli
detected by their tactile receptors.(第一段内容,错)
(B) They are unable to distinguish between the electrical
signals emanating from termite mounds and those
emanating from ant nests.
(C) They can be trained to recognize consistently the
presence of a particular stimulus.
(D) They react more readily to strong than to weak
(E) They are more efficient at detecting stimuli in a
controlled environment than in a natural environment.(新元素错)
选项包含绝对化的词不要选:conclusive evidence, 而原文是suggests
105. The passage suggests that the researchers mentioned in
the second paragraph who observed anteaters break into
a nest of ants would most likely agree with which of the
following statements?
(A) The event they observed provides conclusive
evidence that anteaters use their electroreceptors to
locate unseen prey.
(B) The event they observed was atypical and may not
reflect the usual hunting practices of anteaters.
(C) It is likely that the anteaters located the ants’ nesting
chambers without the assistance of electroreceptors.
(D) Anteaters possess a very simple sensory system for
use in locating prey.(新元素)
(E) The speed with which the anteaters located their
prey is greater than what might be expected on the
basis of chance alone. (The last sentence in the passage implies that the researchers believed that the
anteaters’ locating of their unseen prey was too prompt and too deliberate to be accidental.)
106. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen
the hypothesis mentioned in lines 17-19?
(A) Researchers are able to train anteaters to break into
an underground chamber that is emitting a strong
electrical signal.(注意细节:应该是weak)
(B) Researchers are able to detect a weak electrical
signal emanating from the nesting chamber of an ant
(C) Anteaters are observed taking increasingly longer
amounts of time to locate the nesting chambers of
(D) Anteaters are observed using various angles to break
into nests of ants.(无关)
(E) Anteaters are observed using the same angle used
with nests of ants to break into the nests of other types
of prey. (无关)作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:17
Passage 46
(This passage was written in 1984.)
It is now possible to hear a recording of Caruso’s singing that is far superior to any made during
his lifetime. A decades-old way-cylinder recording of this great operatic tenor has been digitized,
and the digitized signal has been processed by computer to remove the extraneous sound, or
“noise,” introduced by the now “ancient” wax-cylinder recording process.
Although this digital technique needs improvements, it represents a new and superior way of
recording and processing sound which overcomes many of the limitations of analog recording. In
analog recording systems , the original sound is represented as a continuous waveform273题 created by
variations in the sound’s amplitude over time. When analog playback systems reproduce this
waveform, however , they invariably introduce distortions. First, the waveform produced during
playback differs somewhat from the original waveform. Second, the medium that stores the analog
recording creates noise during playback which gets added to the recorded sounds.
Digital recordings , by contrast , reduce the original sound to a series of discrete numbers that
represent the sound’s waveform273题. Because the digital playback system “reads” only numbers, any noise and distortion that may accumulate during storage and manipulation of the digitized signal
will have little effect274题: as long as the numbers remain recognizable, the original waveform will be reconstructed with little loss in quality. However, because the waveform is continuous, while its
digital representation is composed of discrete numbers, it is impossible for digital systems to avoid
some distortion275题. One kind of distortion , called “sampling error,” occurs if the sound is sample (i.e., its amplitude is measured) too infrequently, so that the amplitude changes more than one quantum(the smallest change in amplitude measured by the digital system) between samplings. In effect,the sound is changing too quickly for the system to record it accurately. A second form of
distortion is “quantizing error,” which arises when the amplitude being measured is not a whole
number of quanta, forcing the digital recorder to round off. Over the long term, these errors are
random, and the noise produced (a background buzzing) is similar to analog noise except that it
only occurs when recorded sounds are being reproduced.
analog ['ænəlɔɡ] n. 类似物;模拟 adj. 有长短针的;模拟的
distortion [dis'tɔ:ʃən] n. 变形;扭曲;曲解;失真
extraneous [ek'streinjəs] adj. 外来的;没有关联的;来自体外的
272. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the first paragraph to the passage as
a whole?
(A) The first paragraph introduces a general thesis that is elaborated on in detail elsewhere in
the passage.
(B) The first paragraph presents a concrete instance of a problem that is discussed elsewhere
in the passage.
(C) The first paragraph describes a traditional process that is contrasted unfavorably with a
newer process described elsewhere in the passage.
(D) The first paragraph presents a dramatic example of the potential of a process that is
described elsewhere in the passage.
(E) The first paragraph describes a historic incident that served as the catalyst for
developments described elsewhere in the passage.
273. According the passage, one of the ways in which analog recording systems differ from digital
recording systems is that analog systems
(A) can be used to reduce background noise in old recordings(digital)
(B) record the original sound as a continuous waveform
(C) distort the original sound somewhat(两者都有)
(D) can avoid introducing extraneous and nonmusical sounds(digital)
(E) can reconstruct the original waveform with little loss inquality(digital)
信息题:not readily altered与have little effect
274. Which of the following statements about the numbers by which sound is represented in a
digital system can be inferred from the passage?
(A) They describe the time interval between successive sounds in a passage of music. 没提及
(B) They model large changes in the amplitude of the initial sound with relatively poor
precision. (the smallest change)
(C) They are slightly altered each time they are read by the playback apparaturs.没提及
(D) They are not readily altered by distortion and noise accumulated as the digital signal is
stored and manipulated.
(E) They are stored in the recording medium in small groups that can be read simultaneously
by the playback apparatus.没提及
275. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the digital approach to the
processing of sound?
(A) It was developed in competition with wax-cyclinder recording technology.( Choice
A is not correct because the wax-cylinder process is characterized as “ancient” (line 7), while
digital recording is called “new and superior” (line 90. The wax-cylinder recording mentioned in
line 3 is described a “decades-old.” The suggestion thus is that the two processes were developed
at different times, not that they were developed in competition with each other.)
(B) It has resulted in the first distortion-free playback system.
(C) It has been extensively applied to nonmusical sounds.没提及
(D) It cannot yet process music originally recorded on analog equipment.
(E) It is not yet capalbe of reprocessing old recordings in a completely distortion-free manner.
13 A 07:09
14 D 01:46
15 C 04:25
16C 03:02
17 B 02:45
18 B 01:50
67 B 04:40
68 D 01:29
69 A 01:47
70 E 01:03
71 E 01:08
72 C 00:30
101 D 04:16
102 B 01:23
103 A 00:30
104 C 01:48
105 A 01:11
106 A 01:25
272 D 05:05
273B 01:27
274 D 04:30
275D 04:16
Passage 1
Caffeine , the stimulant in coffee, has been called
“the most widely used psychoactive substance on Earth .”
Synder, Daly and Bruns have recently proposed that
caffeine affects behavior by countering the activity in
(5) the human brain of a naturally occurring chemical called
adenosine. Adenosine normally depresses neuron firing
in many areas of the brain. It apparently does this by
inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters2题, chemicals
that carry nerve impulses from one neuron to the next .
(10) Like many other agents that affect neuron firing,
adenosine must first bind to specific receptors on
neuronal membranes. There are at least two classes
of these receptors, which have been designated A1 and
A2. Snyder et al propose that caffeine, which is struc-
(15) turally similar to adenosine5题, is able to bind to both types
of receptors, which prevents adenosine from attaching
there and allows the neurons to fire more readily than
they otherwise would2题.
For many years , caffeine’s effects have been attri-
(20) buted to its inhibition of the production of phosphodi-
esterase , an enzyme that breaks down the chemical
called cyclic AMP .A number of neurotransmitters exert
their effects by first increasing cyclic AMP concentra-
tions in target neurons. Therefor e, prolonged periods at
(25) the elevated concentrations, as might be brought about
by a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, could lead to a greater
amount of neuron firing and, consequently, to behav-
ioral stimulation. But Snyder et al point out that the
caffeine concentrations needed to inhibit the production
(30) of phosphodiesterase in the brain are much higher than
those that produce stimulation. Moreover , other com-
pounds that block phosphodiesterase’s activity are not
既然出现了老理论,一定会出现对老理论的反驳。所以老理论本身内容不重要,如何反驳才是最重要的。这里的BUT要注意,but后出现了S人物,又出现了point out,大家就知道,这里就是S对于老理论的反驳了。后面又出现了一个Moreover,说明是S人物进一步的阐述――从这里可以看出GMAT阅读文章论述上的严谨:从一个角度反驳不够,还会从另外一个角度增加反驳的力度和严谨性。
本段有几个语言现象是值得注意的:1.therefore和consequently,表示顺接总结上面的意思,就说明还是在说老理论,时间非常紧张的时候就可以略过不读,当然我本人建议能读都要读,帮助理解也帮助理清逻辑关系;2. for many years表示老理论内容;3. but转折后出现了S人物和point out,说明S要开始反驳了,要特别注意反驳的内容。4. Moreover说明是S反驳的另外一个角度。
To buttress their case that caffeine acts instead by pre-
(35) venting adenosine binding, Snyder et al compared the
stimulatory effects of a series of caffeine derivatives with
their ability to dislodge adenosine from its receptors in
the brains of mice. “In general,” they reported, “the
ability of the compounds to compete at the receptors
(40) correlates with their ability to stimulate locomotion in
the mouse; i.e., the higher their capacity to bind at the
receptors, the higher their ability to stimulate locomo-
tion.” Theophylline , a close structural relative of caffeine
and the major stimulant in tea, was one of the most
(45) effective compounds in both regards.
To buttress…所以做实验实验总结in general说…举例来说,小T…
There were some apparent exceptions to the general
correlation observed between adenosine-receptor binding
and stimulation. One of these was a compound called
3-isobuty1-1-methylxanthine(IBMX), which bound very
(50) well but actually depressed mouse locomotion. Snyder
et al suggest that this is not a major stumbling block to
their hypothesis. The problem is that the compound has
mixed effects in the brain, a not unusual occurrence with
psychoactive drugs3题. Even caffeine, which is generally
(55) known only for its stimulatory effects, displays this
property, depressing mouse locomotion at very low
concentrations and stimulating it at higher ones.
最后一段也很简单,这也是GMAT文章很普遍的一个现象:为了表示其理论的严谨性,通常作者一会一杆子打死所有反驳,他会承认,的确是有例外的,但是这些例外是可以解释的――不用我说, S解释的内容才是本段的重点。
1. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) discuss a plan for investigation of a phenomenon that is not yet fully understood
(B) present two explanations of a phenomenon and reconcile the differences between them
(C) summarize two theories and suggest a third theory that overcomes the problems encountered in the first two
(D) describe an alternative hypothesis and provide evidence and arguments that support it
(E) challenge the validity of a theory by exposing the inconsistencies and contradictions in it新老理论,不是同一个理论本身的矛盾,错
错题/信息题:问小a,小a 首次出现在文中第一段,在第一段定位
2. According so Snyder et al, caffeine differs from adenosine in that caffeine
(A) stimulates behavior in the mouse and in humans, whereas adenosine stimulates behavior in humans only第三段内容
(B) has mixed effects in the brain, whereas adenosine has only a stimulatory effect第四段内容,错
我错误的把mixed effects等于both receptors了
(C) increases cyclic AMP concentrations in target neurons, whereas adenosine decreases such concentrations第二段内容
(D) permits release of neurotransmitters when it is bound to adenosine receptors, whereas adenosine inhibits such release这些词全部都在第一段出现过,肯定对
(E) inhibits both neuron firing and the production of phosphodiesterase when there is a sufficient concentration in the brain, whereas adenosine inhibits only neuron firing 第二段内容
文字对应法。文字对应法的意思就是说,一般来讲,GMAT阅读中的名词题(也就是说关于小A这个名词,以下哪个是对的),那么:1. 答案一般出现在该名词在文章中第一次出现的地方;2. 答案基本不可能出现在该名词第一次出现的该段以外的地方,也就是说,小A在第一段出现,答案不可能在其他段出现。
3. In response to experimental results concerning IBMX, Snyder et al contended that it is not uncommon for
psychoactive drugs to have
(A) mixed effects in the brain
(B) inhibitory effects on enzymes in the brain
(C) close structural relationships with caffeine
(D) depressive effects on mouse locomotion
(E) the ability to dislodge caffeine from receptors in the brain
4. According to Snyder et al, all of the following compounds can bind to specific receptors in the brain EXCEPT
(B) caffeine
(C) adenosine
(D) theophylline
(E) phosphodiesterase
细节题:A1 and A2 receptors定位第一段
5. Snyder et al suggest that caffeine’s ability to bind to A1 and A2 receptors can be at least partially attributed to
which of the following?
(A) The chemical relationship between caffeine and phosphodiesterase
(B) The structural relationship between caffeine and adenosine
(C) The structural similarity between caffeine and neurotransmitters
(D) The ability of caffeine to stimulate behavior
(E) The natural occurrence of caffeine and adenosine in the brain
In order to 题:in general 与summerize同义转换
6. The author quotes Snyder et al in lines 38-43 most probably in order to
(A) reveal some of the assumptions underlying their theory
(B) summarize a major finding of their experiments
(C) point out that their experiments were limited to the mouse
(D) indicate that their experiments resulted only in general correlations极端词。文章中如果没有出现过,答案中出现了,一般必然是错的。
(E) refute the objections made by supporters of the older theory作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:18
Passage 19
Seeking a competitive advantage115题, some professional
service firms(for example, firms providing advertising,
accounting, or health care services) have considered
offering unconditional guarantees of satisfaction. Such
(5) guarantees specify what clients can expect and what the
firm will do if it fails to fulfill these expectations.
Particularly with first-time clients, an unconditional
guarantee can be an effective marketing tool if the
client is very cautious, the firm’s fees are high, the
(10) negative consequences of bad service are grave, or
business is difficult to obtain through referrals and
However, an unconditional guarantee can sometimes
hinder marketing efforts. With its implication that fail-
(15) ure is possible, the guarantee may, paradoxically, cause
clients to doubt the service firm’s ability to deliver the
promised level of service117题. It may conflict with a firm’s
desire to appear sophisticated, or may even suggest that
a firm is begging for business. In legal and health care
(20) services, it may mislead clients by suggesting that law-
suits or medical procedures will have guaranteed out-
comes 116题. Indeed , professional service firms with outstandin
reputations and performance to match have little to gain
from offering unconditional guarantees. And any firm
(25) that implements an unconditional guarantee without
undertaking a commensurate commitment to quality of
service is merely employing a potentially costly
marketing gimmick.
grave [ɡreiv] adj. 严肃的;重大的;黯淡的vt. 雕刻;铭记n. 墓穴,坟墓;死亡
referral [ri'fə:rəl] n. 参照;提及
dignity ['diɡnəti] n. 尊严;高贵
113. The primary function of the passage as a whole is to
(A) account for the popularity of a practice
(B) evaluate the utility of a practice
(C) demonstrate how to institute a practice
(D) weigh the ethics of using a strategy
(E) explain the reasons for pursuing a strategy
114. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as
circumstances in which professional service firms can
benefit from offering an unconditional guarantee
(A) The firm is having difficulty retaining its clients of
long standing. first time clients与long standing 不是反义
(B) The firm is having difficulty getting business
through client recommendations. (business is difficult to obtain through referrals and
word-of-mouth)word-of-mouth 与recommendations的同义转换
(C) The firm charges substantial fees for its services.(the firm’s fees are high)
(D) The adverse effects of poor performance by the firm
are significant for the client.( the negative consequences of bad service are grave)
(E) The client is reluctant to incur risk.(if the
client is very cautious)
信息题:some professional service firms首次提及定位第一段?
115. Which of the following is cited in the passage as a goal
of some professional service firms in offering
unconditional guarantees of satisfaction?
(A) A limit on the firm’s liability
(B) Successful competition against other firms competitive advantage与Successful competition同义转换
(C) Ability to justify fee increases
(D) Attainment of an outstanding reputation in a field
(E) Improvement in the quality of the firm’s service
信息题:health care or legal services定位第二段,推断暗示题,result与outcomes同义转换
116. The passage’s description of the issue raised by
unconditional guarantees for health care or legal
services most clearly implies that which of the following
is true?
(A) The legal and medical professions have standards of
practice that would be violated by attempts to fulfill
such unconditional guarantees.
(B) The result of a lawsuit of medical procedure cannot
necessarily be determined in advance by the
professionals handling a client’s case. result与outcomes同义转换
(C) The dignity of the legal and medical professions is
undermined by any attempts at marketing of
professional services, including unconditional
(D) Clients whose lawsuits or medical procedures have
unsatisfactory outcomes cannot be adequately
compensated by financial settlements alone.
(E) Predicting the monetary cost of legal or health care
services is more difficult than predicting the
monetary cost of other types of professional
117. Which of the following hypothetical situations best
exemplifies the potential problem noted in the second
sentence of the second paragraph (lines 14-17)?
(A) A physician’s unconditional guarantee of
satisfaction encourages patients to sue for
malpractice if they are unhappy with the treatment
they receive.
(B) A lawyer’s unconditional guarantee of satisfaction
makes clients suspect that the lawyer needs to find
new clients quickly to increase the firm’s income.
(C) A business consultant’s unconditional guarantee of
satisfaction is undermined when the consultant fails
to provide all of the services that are promised.
(D) An architect’s unconditional guarantee of
satisfaction makes clients wonder how often the
architect’s buildings fail to please clients.
(E) An accountant’s unconditional guarantee of
satisfaction leads clients to believe that tax returns
prepared by the accountant are certain to be
118. The passage most clearly implies which of the following
about the professional service firms mentioned in line
(A) They are unlikely to have offered unconditional
guarantees of satisfaction in the past.
(B) They are usually profitable enough to be able to
compensate clients according to the terms of an
unconditional guarantee.
(C) They usually practice in fields in which the
outcomes are predictable.
(D) Their fees are usually more affordable than those
charged by other professional service firms.
(E) Their clients are usually already satisfied with the
quality of service that is delivered.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:18
Passage 21
Two modes of argumentation have been used on
behalf of women’s emancipation in Western societies.
Arguments in what could be called the “relational”
feminist tradition maintain the doctrine of “equality in
(5) difference,” or equity as distinct for equality. They
posit that biological distinctions between the sexes
result in a necessary sexual division of labor in the
family and throughout society and that women’s pro-
creative labor is currently undervalued by society, to
(10) the disadvantage of women. By contrast, the individual-
ist feminist tradition emphasizes individual human rights
and celebrates women’s quest for personal autonomy,
while downplaying the importance of gender roles and
minimizing discussion of childbearing and its attendant
(15) responsibilities.
Before the late nineteenth century , these views
coexisted within the feminist movement, often within
the writings of the same individual. Between 1890 nd
1920 , however , relational feminism, which had been the
(20) dominant strain in feminist thought, and which still pre-
dominates among European and non-Western feminists129题,
lost ground in England and the United States. Because
the concept of individual rights was already well estab-
lished in the Anglo-Saxon legal and political tradition,
(25) individualist feminism came to predominate in English-
speaking countries125题. At the same time , the goals of the
two approaches began to seem increasingly irreconcil-
able . Individualist feminists began to advocate a totally
gender-blind system with equal rights for all. Relational
(30) feminists, while agreeing that equal educational and
economic opportunities outside the home should be avail-
able for all women128题, continued to emphasize women’s
special contributions to society as homemakers and
mothers; they demanded special treatment
(35) including protective legislation for women workers,
state-sponsored maternity benefits, and paid compensa-
tion for housework.
Relational arguments have a major pitfall : because
they underline women’s physiological and psychological
(40) distinctiveness, they are often appropriated by political
adversaries and used to endorse male privilege126题. But the
individualist approach, by attacking gender roles, deny-
ing the significance of physiological difference127题, and
condemning existing familial institutions as hopelessly
(45) patriarchal, has often simply treated as irrelevant the
family roles important to many women. If the individu-
alist framework, with its claim for women’s autonomy,
could be harmonized with the family-oriented concerns
of relational feminists, a more fruitful model for con-
(50) temporary feminist politics could emerge.
In order to 题:because表解释必须account for/explain
125. The author of the passage alludes to the well-
established nature of the concept of individual rights in
the Anglo-Saxon legal and political tradition in order to
(A) illustrate the influence of individualist feminist
thought on more general intellectual trends in
English history
(B) argue that feminism was already a part of the larger
Anglo-Saxon intellectual tradition, even though this
has often gone unnoticed by critics of women’s
(C) explain the decline in individualist thinking among
feminists in non-English-speaking countries
(D) help account for an increasing shift toward
individualist feminism among feminists in English-
speaking countries.
(E) account for the philosophical differences between
individualist and relational feminists in English-
speaking countries
126. The passage suggests that the author of the passage
believes which of the following?
(A) The predominance of individualist feminism in
English-speaking countries is a historical
phenomenon, the causes of which have not yet
been investigated.错误,原因是Anglo-Saxon legal and political tradition
(B) The individualist and relational feminist views are
irreconcilable, given their theoretical differences
concerning the foundations of society.错误,原文是seem increasingly irreconcilable
(C) A consensus concerning the direction of future
feminist politics will probably soon emerge, given
the awareness among feminists of the need for
cooperation among women.没提及
(D) Political adversaries of feminism often misuse
arguments predicated on differences between the
sexes to argue that the existing social system
should be maintained.
(E) Relational feminism provides the best theoretical
framework for contemporary feminist politics, but
individualist feminism could contribute much
toward refining and strengthening modern feminist
127. It can be inferred from the passage that the individualist
feminist tradition denies the validity of which of the
following causal statements?
(A) A division of labor in a social group can result in
increased efficiency with regard to the performance
of group tasks.
(B) A division of labor in a social group causes
inequities in the distribution of opportunities and
benefits among group members.
(C) A division of labor on the basis of gender in a social
group is necessitated by the existence of sex-linked
biological differences between male and female
members of the group.
(D) Culturally determined distinctions based on gender
in a social group foster the existence of differing
attitudes and opinions among group members.
(E) Educational programs aimed at reducing inequalities
based on gender among members of a social group
can result in a sense of greater well-being for all
members of the group.
128. According to the passage, relational feminists and
individualist feminists agree that
(A) individual human rights take precedence over most
other social claims
(B) the gender-based division of labor in society should
be eliminated
(C) laws guaranteeing equal treatment for all citizens
regardless of gender should be passed
(D) a greater degree of social awareness concerning the
importance of motherhood would be beneficial to
(E) the same educational and economic opportunities
should be available to both sexes
信息题/强对比取非题:出现时间标志词before1890 定位原文第二段。
129. According to the author, which of the following was true
of feminist thought in Western societies before 1890?
(A) Individualist feminist arguments were not found in
the thought or writing of non-English-speaking
(B) Individualist feminism was a strain in feminist
thought, but another strain, relational feminism,
(C) Relational and individualist approaches were equally
prevalent in feminist thought and writing.
(D) The predominant view among feminists held that the
welfare of women was ultimately less important than
the welfare of children.没提及
(E) The predominant view among feminists held that the
sexes should receive equal treatment under the law. 没提及
信息题:定位词after 1920。推测题,其他选项原文都没有出现,对原文意思的理解,因为个人主义理论代替关系理论在英美盛行,推测出两者没有协调。
130. The author implies that which of the following was true
of most feminist thinkers in England and the United
States after 1920?
(A) They were less concerned with politics than with
intellectual issues.
(B) They began to reach a broader audience and their
programs began to be adopted by mainstream
political parties.
(C) They called repeatedly for international cooperation
among women’s groups to achieve their goals.
(D) They moderated their initial criticism of the
economic systems that characterized their societies.
(E) They did not attempt to unite the two different
feminist approaches in their thought.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:19
Passage 45
Maps made by non-Native Americans to depict Native American land tenure, resources and
population distributions appeared almost as early as Europeans’ first encounters with Native
Americans and took many form: missionaries’ field sketches, explorers’ drawings, and surveyors’
maps, as well as maps rendered in connection with treaties involving land transfers . Most existing
maps of Native American lands are reconstructions that are based largely on archaeology, oral
reports, and evidence gathered from observers’ accounts in letter, diaries, and official reports ;
accordingly , the accuracy of these maps is especially dependent on the mapmakers’ own
interpretive abilities.270题、271题
Many existing maps also reflect the 150-year role of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in
administering tribal lands. Though these maps incorporate some information gleaned directly from
Native Americans, rarely has Native American cartography contributed to this official record ,
which has been compiled, surveyed, and authenticated by non-Native American. Thus our current cartographic record relating to Native American tribes and their migrations and cultural features, as well as territoriality and contemporary trust lands, reflects the origins of the data, the mixed purposes for which the maps have been prepared, and changes both in United States government policy and in non-Native Americans’ attitudes toward an understanding 269题
of Native Americans.
tribal ['traibəl] adj. 部落的;种族的
cartography [kɑ:'tɔɡrəfi] n. 制图学,绘图法;地图制作,制图
contemporary [kən'tempərəri] n. 同时代的人;同时期的东西
adj. 当代的;同时代的;属于同一时期的
268. Which of the following best describes the content of the passage?
(A) A chronology of the development of different methods for mapping Native Americans
(B) A discussion of how the mapmaking techniques of Native Americans differed from those of
(C) An argument concerning the presenta-day uses to which historical maps of Native
American lands are put 没提及现在对这些地图的使用,只是说这些地图反映了制造者生产地图的一些方面。
(D) An argument concerning the nature of information contained in maps of Native American
(E) A proposal for improving the accuracy of maps of Native American lands
269. The passage mentions each of the following as a factor affecting current maps of Native
American lands EXCEPT
(A) United States government policy
(B) non-Native Americans’ perspective on Native Americans(perspective与attitude 同义转换)
(C) origins of the information utilized to produce the maps
(D) changes in ways that tribal lands are used
(E) the reason for producing the maps(the mixed purposes for which the maps have been prepared)
270. The passage suggests which of the following about most existing maps of Native American
(A) They do not record the migrations of Native American tribes.(Thus our current cartographic record relating to Native American tribes and their migrations)
(B) They have been preserved primarily because of their connection with treaties involving
land transfers.没提及
(C) They tend to reflect archaeological evidence that has become outdated.没提及
(D)They tend to be less accurate when they are based on oral reports than when they are
based on written documents.没提及
(E) They are not based primarily on the mapmakers’ firsthand oberservations of Native
American lands.
271. All of the following are examples of the type of evidence used in creating “Most existing
maps” (line 7-8) EXCEPT
(A) a nineteenth-century government report on population distribution of a particular tribe(official与government 同义转换)
(B) taped conversations with people who lived on Native America tribal lands in the early
twentieth century (oral report)
(C) aerial photographs of geological features of lands inhabited by Native Americans
(D) findings from a recently excavated site once inhabited by a certain Native American people(archaeology)
(E) a journal kept by a non-Native American explorer who traveled in Native American territory
in the early nineteenth century (diary)
1 D 04:40
2 B 01:25
3 A 00:53
4 E 00:27
5 B 00:57
6 B 01:39
113 B 02:30
114 D 02:35
115 B 00:42
116 B 02:00
117 D 01:38
118 E 02:34
125 D 05:42
126 E 03:13
127 C 01:41
128 E 01:05
129 B 01:24
130 E 00:49
268 D 04:18
269 E 01:49
270 E 01:54
271 C 01:27
Passage 7
In 1896 a Georgia couple suing for damages in the
accidental death of their two year old was told that since
the child had made no real economic contribution to the
family37题, there was no liability for damages. In contrast ,
(5) less than a century later, in 1979 , the parents of a three
year old sued in New York for accidental-death damages
and won an award of $750,000.
The transformation in social values implicit in juxta-
posing these two incidents is the subject of Viviana
(10) Zelizer’s excellent book, Pricing the Priceless Child.
During the nineteenth century, she argues , the concept
of the “useful” child who contributed to the family
economy38题 gave way gradually to the present-day notion
of the “useless” child who, though producing no income
(15) for, and indeed extremely costly to, its parents38题E, is yet
considered emotionally “priceless.” Well established
among segments of the middle and upper classes by the
mid-1800’s , this new view of childhood spread through-
out society in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth
(20) centuries as reformers introduced child-labor regulations
and compulsory education laws predicated in part on the
assumption that a child’s emotional value made child
labor taboo.
For Zelizer the origins of this transformation were
(25) many and complex. The gradual erosion of children’s
productive value in a maturing industrial economy,
the decline in birth and death rates, especially in child
mortality, and the development of the companionate
family (a family in which members were united by
(30) explicit bonds of love rather than duty)41、42题 were all factors
critical in changing the assessment of children’s worth.
Yet “expulsion of children from the ‘cash nexus,’...
although clearly shaped by profound changes in the
economic, occupational, and family structures,” Zelizer
(35) maintains. “was also part of a cultural process ‘of sacral-
ization’ of children’s lives. ” Protecting children from the
crass business world became enormously important for
late-nineteenth-century middle-class Americans, she
suggests ; this sacralization was a way of resisting what
(40) they perceived as the relentless corruption of human
values by the marketplace.
In stressing the cultural determinants of a child’s
worth. Zelizer takes issue with practitioners of the new
“sociological economics,” who have analyzed such tradi-
(45) tionally sociological topics as crime, marriage, educa-
tion, and health solely in terms of their economic deter-
minants. Allowing only a small role for cultural forces
in the form of individual “preferences,” these sociologists
tend to view all human behavior as directed primarily by
(50) the principle of maximizing economic gain. Zelizer is
highly critical of this approach, and emphasizes instead
the opposite phenomenon: the power of social values to
transform price. As children became more valuable in
emotional terms, she argues , their “exchange” or “ sur-
(55) render” value on the market, that is, the conversion of
their intangible worth into cash terms, became much
liability [,laiə'biləti] n. 债务;责任;倾向
juxtapose [,dʒʌkstə'pəuz] vt. 并置;并列
taboo [tə'bu:, tæ-] n. 禁忌;禁止adj. 禁忌的;忌讳的 vt. 禁止;禁忌
expulsion [ik'spʌlʃən] n. 开除;驱逐
sacralize ['sækrəlaiz] vt. 使……神圣;使……神圣化
relentless [ri'lentlis] adj. 严厉的;无情的;残酷的;不间断的
corruption [kə'rʌpʃən] n. 堕落;贪污,腐败
take issue with与…争论作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:24
37. It can be inferred from the passage that accidental-death damage awards in America during the nineteenth century tended to be based principally on the
(A) earnings of the person at time of death(定位文中第一段1896年)
(B) wealth of the party causing the death
(C) degree of culpability of the party causing the death
(D) amount of money that had been spent on the person killed
(E) amount of suffering endured by the family of the person killed(在19世纪开始有这个观点,但并不是主流)
错题/强对比取非题:the early 1800’s定位第二段
38. It can be inferred from the passage that in the early 1800’s children were generally regarded by their families as individuals who
(A) needed enormous amounts of security and affection(新观点)
(B) required constant supervision while working(没提及)
(C) were important to the economic well-being of a family (the “useful” child who contributed to the family economy)
(D) were unsuited to spending long hours in school(没提及)
(E) were financial burdens assumed for the good of society(新观点)(indeed extremely costly to…)
39. Which of the following alternative explanations of the change in the cash value of children would be most likely to be put forward by sociological economists as they are described in the passage?
(A) The cash value of children rose during the nineteenth century because parents began to increase their emotional investment in the upbringing of their children.(Z的观点)
(B) The cash value of children rose during the nineteenth century because their expected earnings over the course of a lifetime increased greatly.(all human behavior as directed primarily by the principle of maximizing economic gain)
(C) The cash value of children rose during the nineteenth century because the spread of humanitarian ideals resulted in a wholesale reappraisal of the worth of an individual没提及
(D) The cash value of children rose during the nineteenth century because compulsory education laws reduced the supply, and thus raised the costs, of available child labor.没提及
(E) The cash value of children rose during the nineteenth century because of changes in the way negligence law assessed damages in accidental-death cases.没提及
40. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) review the literature in a new academic subfield没有评价
(B) present the central thesis of a recent book
(C) contrast two approaches to analyzing historical change
(D) refute a traditional explanation of a social phenomenon第四段内容
(E) encourage further work on a neglected historical topic
信息题:the course of the nineteenth century定位全文第二段
41. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following statements was true of American families over the course of the nineteenth century?
(A) The average size of families grew considerably
(B) The percentage of families involved in industrial work declined dramatically.
(C) Family members became more emotionally bonded to one another.
(D) Family members spent an increasing amount of time working with each other.
(E) Family members became more economically dependent on each other.
42. Zelizer refers to all of the following as important influences in changing the assessment of children’s worth EXCEPT changes in
(A) the mortality rate
(B) the nature of industry
(C) the nature of the family
(D) attitudes toward reform movements
(E) attitudes toward the marketplace作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:24
Passage 37
A recent study has provided clues to predator-prey dynamics in the late Pleistocene era.
Researchers compared the number of tooth fractures in present-day carnivores with tooth fractures
in carnivores that lived 36,000 to 10,000 years ago and that were preserved in the Rancho La Brea
tar pits in Los Angeles. The breakage frequencies in the extinct species were strikingly higher than
those in the present-day species.
In considering possible explanations for this finding, the researchers dismissed demographic bias
because older individuals were not overrepresented in the fossil samples234题. They rejected
preservational bias because a total absence of breakage in two extinct species demonstrated that
the fractures were not the result of abrasion within the pits235题. They ruled out local bias because
breakage data obtained from other Pleistocene sites were similar to the La Brea data.232题 The
explanation they consider most plausible is behavioral differences between extinct and present-day
carnivores-in particular, more contact between the teeth of predators and the bones of prey due to
more thorough consumption of carcasses by the extinct species. Such thorough carcass
consumption implies to the researchers either that prey availability was low, at least seasonally, or
that there was intense competition over kills and a high rate of carcass theft due to relatively high
predator densities.
231. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) present several explanations for a well-known fact
(B) suggest alternative method of resolving a debate
(C) argue in favor of a controversial theory
(D) question the methodology used in a study
(E) discuss the implications of a research finding
232. The passage suggests that, compared with Pleistocene carnivores in other areas, Pleistocene
carnivores in the La Brea area
(A) included the same species, in approximately the same proportions
(B) had a similar frequency of tooth fractures
(C) populated the La Brea more densely
(D) consumed their preys more thoroughly
(E) found it harder to obtain sufficiency prey
细节题:定位第二段most plausible的解释
233. According to the passage, the researchers believes that the high frequency of tooth breakage
in carnivores found at La Brea was caused primarily by
(A) the aging process in individual carnivores
(B) contact between the fossils in the pits
(C) poor preservation of the fossils after they wer removed from the pits
(D) the impact of carnivores’ teeth against the bones of their prey
(E) the impact of carnivores’ teeth against the bones of other carnivores during fights over kills
234. The researchers’ conclusion concerning the absence of demographic bias would be most
seriously undermined if it were found that
(A) the older as individual carnivore is, the more likely it is to have a large number of tooth
(B) the average age at death of a present-day carnivores is greater than was the average age
at death of a Pleistocene carnivore
(C) in Pleistocene carnivore species, older individuals consumed carcasses as thoroughly as
idd younger individuals
(D) the methods used to determine animals’ ages in fossile samples tend to misidentify many
older individuals as younger individuals(=older individuals were overrepresented)
(E) data concerning the ages of fossil samples cannot provide reliable information about
behavioral differences between extinct carnivores and present-day carnivores
235. The passage suggests that if the researchers had not found that two extinct carnivore species
were free of tooth breakage, the researchers would have concluded that
(A) the difference in breakage frequencies could have been the result of damage to the fossile
remains in the La Brea pits
(B) the fossils in other Pleistocene sites could have higher breakage frequencies than do the
fossils in the La Brea pits
(C) Pleistocene carnivore species probably behaved very similarly to one another with respect
to consumption of carcass
(D) all Pleistocene carnivores species differed behaviorally from present-day carnivore
(E) predator desities during the Pleistocene era were extremely high作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:25
Passage 44
In the seventeenth-century Florentine textile industry, women were employed primarily in
low-paying, low-skill jobs. To explain this segregation of labor by gender, economists have relied
on the useful theory of human capital. According to this theory , investment in human capital-the
acquisition of difficult job-related skills-generally benefits individuals by making them eligible to
engage in well-paid occupations. Women’s role as child bearers, however , results in interruptions
in their participation in the job market (as compared with men’s) and thus reduces their
opportunities to acquire training for highly skilled work. In addition , the human capital theory
explains why there was a high concentration of women workers in certain low-skill jobs, such as
weaving, but not in others, such as combing or carding, by positing that because of their primary
responsibility in child rearing women took occupations that could be carried out in the home.265题
There were, however , differences in pay scales that cannot be explained by the human capital
theory. For exampl e, male construction workers were paid significantly higher wage than female
taffeta weavers. The wage difference between these two low-skill occupations stems from the
segregation of labor by gender: because a limited number of occupations were open to women,
there was a large supply of workers in their fields, and this “overcrowding” resulted in women
receiving lower wages and men receiving higher wages.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:25
265. The passage suggests that combing and carding differ from weaving in that combing and
carding are
(A) low-skill jobs performed by primarily by women employees
(B) low-skill jobs that were not perfomed in the home
(C) low-skill jobs performed by both male and female employees
(D) high-skill jobs performed outside the home
(E) high-skill jobs performed by both male and female employees
266. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the explanation provided by the human
capital theory for women’s concentration in certain occupations in seventeenth-century Florence?
(A) Women were unlikely to work outside the home even in occupations whose hourse were
flexible enough to allow women to accommodate domestic tasks as well as paid labor.
(B) Parents were less likely to teach occupational skills to their daughters than they were to
their sons.
(C) Women’s participation in the Florentine paid labor force grew steadily throughout the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
(D) The vast majority of female weavers in the Florenine wool industry had children.
(E) Few women worked as weavers in the Florentine silk industry, which was devoted to
making cloths that required a high degree of skill to produce.
作者态度题:useful正评价——can not be explained 负评价
267. The author of the passage would be most likely to describe the explanation provided by the
human capital theory for the high concentration of women in certain occupations in the
seventeenth-century Florence textile industry as
(A) well founded though incomplete
(B) difficult to arciculate
(C) plausible but poorly substantiated
(D) seriously flawed
(E) contrary to recent research作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:25
Passage 47
The function of capital markets is to facilitate an exchange of funds among all participants, and
yet in practice we find that certain participants are not on a par with others. Members of society
have varying degrees of market strength in terms of information they bring to a transaction, as
well as of purchasing power and creditworthiness, as defined by lenders.
For example , within minority communities, capital markets do not properly fulfill their functions;
they do not provide access to the aggregate flow of funds in the United States. The financial
system does not generate the credit or investment vehicles needed for underwriting economic
development in minority areas. The problem underlying this dysfunction is found in a rationing
mechanism affecting both the available alternatives for investment and the amount of financial
resources. This creates a distributive mechanism penalizing members of minority groups because
of their socioeconomic differences from others. The existing system expresses definite socially
based investment preferences that result from the previous allocation of income and that influence
the allocation of resources for the present and future. The system tends to increase the inequality
of income distribution. And, in the United States economy, a greater inequality of income
distribution leads to a greater concentration of capital in certain types of investment.
Most traditional financial-market analysis studies ignore financial markets’ deficiencies in
allocation because of analysts’ inherent preferences for the simple model of perfect competition.
Conventional financial analysis pays limited attention to issues of market structure and dynamics,
relative costs of information, and problems of income distribution. Market participants are viewed
as acting as entirely independent and homogeneous individuals with perfect foresight about
capital-market behavior. Also , it is assumed that each individual in the community at large has the
same access to the market and the same opportunity to transact and to express the preference
appropriate to his or her individual interest. Moreover , it is assumed that transaction costs for
various types of financial instruments (stocks, bonds, etc.) are equally known and equally divided
among all community members.
par [pɑ:] n.标准
underwrite ['ʌndərait] vt. 给...保险;承诺支付;签在...下 vi. 经营保险业
creditworthiness ['kredit,wə:θinis] n. 好信誉;有资格接受信用贷款
rationing ['ræʃəniŋ] n. 定量配给
contradictory [,kɔntrə'diktəri] adj. 矛盾的;反驳的;反对的;抗辩的 n. 对立物;矛盾因素作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:26
276. The main point made by the passage is that
(A) financial markets provide for an optimum allocation of resources among all competing
participants by balancing supply and demand 没提及
(B) the allocation of financial resources takes place among separate individual participants,
each of whom has access to the market(文章的一部分内容、第三段内容没提及)
(C) the existence of certain factors adversely affecting members of minority groups shows that
financial markets do not function as conventional theory says they function
(D) investments in minority communities can be made by the use of various alternative
financial instruments, such as stocks and bonds(stocks and bonds只在第三段出现)
(E) since transaction costs for stocks, bonds, and other other financial instruments are not
equally apportioned among all minority-group members, the financail market is subject to
277. The passage states that traditional studies of the financial market overlook imbalances in the
allocation of financial resources because
(A) an optimum allocation of resources is the final result of competition among participants
(B) those performing the studies choose an oversimplified description of the influences on
Competition(because of analysts’ inherent preferences for the simple model of perfect competition.)
(C) such imbalances do not appear in the statistics usually compiled to measure the market’s
(D) the analysts who study the market are unwilling to accept criticism of their methods as
(E) socioeconomic difference form the basis of a rationing mechanism that puts minority
groups at a disadvantage
278. The author’s main point is argued by
(A) giving examples that support a conventional generalization
(B) showing that the view opposite to the author’s is self-contradictory
(C) criticizing the presuppositions of a proposed plan
(D) showing that omissions in a theoretical description make it inapplicable in certain cases(…pays limited attention…)
(E) demonstrating that an alternative hypothesis more closely fits the data
这道题的定位容易出问题,用inequality 定位在第二段;
应该用transaction costs定位在文章末尾处
279. A difference in which of the following would be an example of inequality in transaction costs
as alluded to in lines 40-43?
(A) Maximum amounts of loans extended by a bank to businesses in different areas
(B) Fees charged to large and small investors for purchasing stocks(A fee to purchase stock is a transaction cost, and stock is mentioned in the passage as an example of type of financial instrument. Differences in fees charged to buy stock would thus be an example of inequality in transaction costs for financial instruments.)
(C) Prices of similar goods offered in large and small stores in an area
(D) Stipends paid to different attorneys for preparing legal suits for damages
(E) Exchange rates in dollars for currencies of different countries
280. Which of the following can be inferred about minority communities on the basis of the
(A) They provide a significant portion of the funds that become available for investment in the
financial market.没提及
(B) They are penalized by the tax system, which increases the inequality of the distribution of
income between investors and wage earners.没提及
(C) They do no receive the share of the amount of funds available for investment that would be
expected according to traditional financial-market analysis.
(According to the passage, traditional financial-market analysis assumes equal access to the market for all participants; according to the author, however, minority communities do not have equal access to the market. Thus it may be inferred that while traditional analysis assumes that all communities will receive their share of available funds, in reality those funds are disproportionately allocated to majority communities.)
关于这句话理解有误,according to traditional financial-market analysis表示投资的可用资金是这些传统分析者期望有的,我错误的理解为依照传统分析者的观点,他们没有接受投资的可用资金(这样理解according to traditional financial-market analysis应该放在句首)according to放在句尾修饰expected 相当于by
(D) They are not granted governmental subsidies to assist in underwriting the cost of economic
Development 没提及
(E) They provide the same access to alternative sources of credit to finance businesses as do
majority communities. 反
281. According to the passage, a questionable assumption of the conventional theory about the
operation of financial markets is that
(A) creditworthiness as determiend by lenders is a factor determining market access(文中第一段内容)
(B) market structure and market dynamics depend on income distribution
(C) a scarcity of alternative sources of funds would result from taking socioeconomic factors
into consideration
(D) those who engage in financial-market transactions are perfectly well informed about the
Market(are equally known)
(E) inequalities in income distribution are increased by the functioning of the financial market
282. According to the passage, analysts have conventionally tended to view those who participate
in financial market as
(A) judging investment preferences in terms of the good of society as a whole
(B) influencing the allocation of funds through prior ownership of certain kinds of assets
(C) varying in market power with respect to one another
(D) basing judgments about future events mainly on chance
(E) having equal opportunities to engage in transactions
37 A 04:01
38 E 00:42
39 B 01:48
40 B 00:24
41 C 01:09
42 D 00:54
231 E 01:58
232 B 00:48
233 D 00:32
234 D 00:47
235A 01:19
265 B 02:41
266A 01:15
267A 00:39
276 C 06:19
277 B 01:27
278 D 00:39
279 A 02:12
280 B 01:08
281 D 01:31
282 E 00:55
超时率14%作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:26
Passage 4
The majority of successful senior managers do not
closely follow the classical rational model of first clari-
fying goals, assessing the problem, formulating options,
estimating likelihoods of success, making a decision,
(5) and only then taking action to implement the decisio n.
Rather , in their day-by-day tactical maneuvers, these
senior executives rely on what is vaguely termed “intu-
ition” to mangage a network of interrelated problems
that require them to deal with ambiguity, inconsistency,
(10) novelty, and surprise; and to integrate action into the
process to thinking.
Generations of writers on management have recog-
nized that some practicing managers rely heavily on
intuition. In general, however , such writers display a
(15) poor grasp of what intuition is20题. Some see it as the oppo-
site of rationality: others view it as an excuse for ca-
Isenberg’s recent research on the cognitive processes
of senior managers reveals that managers’ intuition is
(20) neither of these. Rather , senior managers use intuition
in at least five distinct ways20题. First , they intuitively sense
when a problem exists. Second , managers rely on intu-
ition to perform well-learned behavior patterns rapidly.
This intuition is not arbitrary or irrational, but is based
(25) on years of painstaking practice and hands-on experi-
ence that build skills. A third function of intuition is to
synthesize isolated bits of data and practice into an inte-
grated picture, often in an “Aha!” experience. Fourth ,
some managers use intuition as a check on the results
(30) of more rational analysis. Most senior executives are
familiar with the formal decision analysis models and
tools, and those who use such systematic methods for
reaching decisions are occasionally leery of solutions
suggested by these methods which run counter to their
(35) sense of the correct course of action. Finally , managers
can use intuition to bypass in-depth analysis and move
rapidly to engender a plausible solution. Used in this
way, intuition is an almost instantaneous cognitive
process in which a manager recognizes familiar patterns.
(40) One of the implications of the intuitive style of execu-
tive management is that “thinking” is inseparable from
acting. Since managers often “know” what is right
before they can analyze and explain it, they frequently
act first and explain later. Analysis is inextricably tied
(45) to action in thinking/acting cycles, in which managers
develop thoughts about their companies and organiza-
tions not by analyzing a problematic situation and then
acting, but by acting and analyzing in close concert.
Given the great uncertainty of many of the manage-
(50) ment issues that they face, senior managers often insti-
gate a course of action simply to learn more about an
issue. They then use the results of the action to develop
a more complete understanding of the issue. One impli-
cation of thinking/acting cycles is that action is often
(55) part of defining the problem, not just of implementing
the solution.
第三段:I认为的直觉是:管理者用5种方式使用直觉:1… 2… 3… 4… 5…
19. According to the passage, senior managers use intuition in all of the following ways EXCEPT to
(A) speed up of the creation of a solution to a problem
(B) identify a problem
(C) bring together disparate facts
(D) stipulate clear goals(第一段“旧观点”)
(E) evaluate possible solutions to a problem
20. The passage suggests which of the following about the “writers on management” mentioned in line 12?
(A) They have criticized managers for not following the classical rational model of decision analysis.
(B) They have not based their analyses on a sufficiently large sample of actual managers.
(C) They have relied in drawing their conclusions on what managers say rather than on what managers do.
(D) They have misunderstood how managers use intuition in making business decisions.
(E) They have not acknowledged the role of intuition in managerial practice.没提及
21. Which of the following best exemplifies “an ‘Aha!’ experience” (line 28) as it is presented in the passage?
(A) A manager risks taking an action whose outcome is unpredictable to discover whether the action changes the problem at hand.
(B) A manager performs well-learned and familiar behavior patterns in creative and uncharacteristic ways to solve a problem.
(C) A manager suddenly connects seemingly unrelated facts and experiences to create a pattern relevant to the problem at hand.
(D) A manager rapidly identifies the methodology used to compile data yielded by systematic analysis.
(E) A manager swiftly decides which of several sets of tactics to implement in order to deal with the contingencies suggested by a problem.
22. According to the passage, the classical model of decision analysis includes all of the following EXCEPT
(A) evaluation of a problem
(B) creation of possible solutions to a problem
(C) establishment of clear goals to be reached by the decision
(D) action undertaken in order to discover more information about a problem新观点
(E) comparison of the probable effects of different solutions to a problem
23. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following would most probably be one major difference in behavior between Manager X, who uses intuition to reach decisions, and Manager Y, who uses only formal decision analysis?
(A) Manager X analyzes first and then acts; Manager Y does not.
(B) Manager X checks possible solutions to a problem by systematic analysis; Manager Y does not
(C) Manager X takes action in order to arrive at the solution to a problem; Manager Y does not.
(D) Manager Y draws on years of hands-on experience in creating a solution to a problem; Manager X does not.
(E) Manger Y depends on day-to-day tactical maneuvering; manager X does not.
24. The passage provides support for which of the following statements?
(A) Managers who rely on intuition are more successful than those who rely on formal decision analysis.
(B) Managers cannot justify their intuitive decisions.
(C) Managers’ intuition works contrary to their rational and analytical skills
(D) Logical analysis of a problem increases the number of possible solutions.
(E) Intuition enables managers to employ their practical experience more efficiently.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:26
Passage 20
Although genetic mutations in bacteria and viruses
can lead to epidemics, some epidemics are caused by
bacteria and viruses that have undergone no significant
genetic change. In analyzing the latter, scientists have
(5) discovered the importance of social and ecological fac-
tors to epidemics. Poliomyelitis, for example , emerged
as an epidemic in the United States in the twentieth
century; by then, modern sanitation was able to delay
exposure to polio until adolescence or adulthood, at
(10) which time polio infection produced paralysis. Previ-
ously, infection had occurred during infancy, when it
typically provided lifelong immunity without paralysis.
Thus, the hygiene that helped prevent typhoid epidemics
indirectly fostered a paralytic polio epidemic119题. Another
(15) example is Lyme disease, which is caused by bacteria
that are transmitted by deer ticks. It occurred only spo-
radically during the late nineteenth century but has
recently become prevalent in parts of the United States,
largely due to an increase in the deer population that
(20) occurred simultaneously with the growth of the suburbs
and increased outdoor recreational activities in the
deer’s habitat. Similarly, an outbreak of dengue hemor-
rhagic fever became an epidemic in Asia in the 1950’s
because of ecological changes that caused Aedes aegypti,
(25) the mosquito that transmits the dengue virus, to proliferate120题
The stage is now set in the United States for a
dengue epidemic because of the inadvertent introduction
and wide dissemination of another mosquito, Aedes
epidemic [,epi'demik] adj. 流行的;传染性的
n. 流行病;传染病;风尚等的流行
mutation [mju:'teiʃən] n. 突变;变化;
paralysis [pə'rælisis] n. 麻痹;停顿;无力
immunity [i'mju:nəti] n. 免疫力;免除;豁免权
hygiene ['haidʒi:n] n. 卫生学;卫生;保健法
typhoid ['taifɔid] adj. 伤寒的;斑疹伤寒症的n. 伤寒
sporadicallyadv. 偶发地;零星地
suburb ['sʌbə:b] n. 郊区;边缘
inadvertent [,inəd'və:tənt] adj. 不注意的(副词inadvertently);无意中做的;疏忽的
disseminate [di'semineit] vt. 散布;宣传,传播vi. 散布;广为传播
paradox ['pærədɔks] n. 似非而是的论点;悖论,反论;自相矛盾的人或事作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:27
错题/信息题/强对比取非题:定位第一个例子,推断题; sanitation与hygiene同义。Hygiene阻止t,没有h 就应该有t
119. The passage suggests that a lack of modern sanitation
would make which of the following most likely to
(A) An outbreak of Lyme disease第二个例子
(B) An outbreak of dengue hemorrhagic fever第三个例子
(C) An epidemic of typhoid
(D) An epidemic of paralytic polio among infants
(E) An epidemic of paralytic polio among adolescents
and adults
120. According to the passage, the outbreak of dengue
hemorrhagic fever in the 1950’s occurred for which of
the following reasons?
(A) The mosquito Aedes aegypti was newly introduced
into Asia.
(B) The mosquito Aedes aegypti became more
(C) The mosquito Aedes albopictus became infected
with the dengue virus.
(D) Individuals who would normally acquire immunity
to the dengue virus as infants were not infected until
later in life.
(E) More people began to visit and inhabit areas in
which mosquitos live and breed.
121. It can be inferred from the passage that Lyme disease
has become prevalent in parts of the United States
because of which of the following?
(A) The inadvertent introduction of Lyme disease
bacteria to the United States
(B) The inability of modern sanitation methods to
eradicate Lyme disease bacteria第一个例子
(C) A genetic mutation in Lyme disease bacteria that
makes them more virulent
(D) The spread of Lyme disease bacteria from infected
humans to noninfected humans
(E) An increase in the number of humans who encounter
deer ticks
122. Which of the following can most reasonably be
concluded about the mosquito Aedes albopictus on the
basis of information given in the passage?
(A) It is native to the United States.
(B) It can proliferate only in Asia.极端词
(C) It transmits the dengue virus.
(D) It caused an epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever
in the 1950’s.
(E) It replaced Aedes aegypti in Asia when ecological
changes altered Aedes aegypti’s habitat.
123. Which of the following best describes the organization
of the passage?
(A) A paradox is stated, discussed and left unresolved.
(B) Two opposing explanations are presented, argued,
and reconciled.
(C) A theory is proposed and is then followed by
descriptions of three experiments that support the
(D) A generalization is stated and is then followed by
three instances that support the generalization.
(E) An argument is described and is then followed by
three counterexamples that refute the argument.
124. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen
the author’s assertion about the cause of the Lyme
disease outbreak in the United States?
(A) The deer population was smaller in the late
nineteenth century than in the mid-twentieth century.
(B) Interest in outdoor recreation began to grow in the
late nineteenth century.(与鹿的数量无关、与人类对鹿的娱乐活动无关)
(C) In recent years the suburbs have stopped growing.(weaken)
(D) Outdoor recreation enthusiasts routinely take
measures to protect themselves against Lyme
(E) Scientists have not yet developed a vaccine that can
prevent Lyme disease.无关作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:27
Passage 40
In an unfinished but highly suggestive series of essays, the late Sarah Eisentein has focused
attention on the evolution of working women’s values from the turn of the century to the First
World War. Eisenstein argues that turn-of-the-century women neither wholly accepted nor rejected
what she calls the dominant “ideology of domesticity,” but rather took this and other available
ideologies-feminism, socialism, trade unionism-and modified or adapted them in light of their won
experiences and needs. In thus maintaining that wages-work helped to produce a new
“consciousness” among women, Eisenstein to some extent challenges the recent, controversial
proposal by Leslie Tentler that for women the work experience only served to reinforce the
attractiveness of the dominant ideology. According to the Tentler , the degrading conditions under
which many female wage earners worked made them view the family as a source of power and
esteem available nowhere else in their social world. In contras t, Eisenstein’s study insists that
wage-work had other implications for women’s identities and consciousness. Most importantly,
her work aims to demonstrate that wage-work enabled women to become aware of themselves as a
distinct social group capable of defining their collective circumstance. Eisenstein insists that as a
group working-class women were not able to come to collective consciousness of their situation
until they began entering the labor force, because domestic work tended to isolate them from one
Unfortunately, Eisenstein’s unfinished study does not develop these ideas in sufficient depth or
detail, offering tantalizing hints rather than an exhaustive analysis. Whatever Eisenstein’s overall
plan may have been, in its current form her study suffers from the limited nature of the sources she
depended on. She use the speeches and writings of reformers and labor organizers, who she
acknowledges were far from representative, as the voice of the typical woman worker. And there
is less than adequate attention given to the differing values of immigrant groups that made up a
significant proportion of the population under investigation. While raising important questions,
Eisenstein’s essays do not provide definitive answer, and it remains for others to take up the
challenges they offer.
tantalizing ['tæntəlaiziŋ] adj. 撩人的;逗引性的;干着急的v. 惹弄;逗弄人
hint [hint] n. 暗示;线索vt. 暗示;示意vi. 示意
逻辑简图:SE观点…与LT观点相反,LT观点…, SE 观点….
SE观点不完整,缺点…作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:28
Passage 40
In an unfinished but highly suggestive series of essays, the late Sarah Eisentein has focused
attention on the evolution of working women’s values from the turn of the century to the First
World War. Eisenstein argues that turn-of-the-century women neither wholly accepted nor rejected
what she calls the dominant “ideology of domesticity,” but rather took this and other available
ideologies-feminism, socialism, trade unionism-and modified or adapted them in light of their won
experiences and needs. In thus maintaining that wages-work helped to produce a new
“consciousness” among women, Eisenstein to some extent challenges the recent, controversial
proposal by Leslie Tentler that for women the work experience only served to reinforce the
attractiveness of the dominant ideology. According to the Tentler , the degrading conditions under
which many female wage earners worked made them view the family as a source of power and
esteem available nowhere else in their social world. In contras t, Eisenstein’s study insists that
wage-work had other implications for women’s identities and consciousness. Most importantly,
her work aims to demonstrate that wage-work enabled women to become aware of themselves as a
distinct social group capable of defining their collective circumstance. Eisenstein insists that as a
group working-class women were not able to come to collective consciousness of their situation
until they began entering the labor force, because domestic work tended to isolate them from one
Unfortunately, Eisenstein’s unfinished study does not develop these ideas in sufficient depth or
detail, offering tantalizing hints rather than an exhaustive analysis. Whatever Eisenstein’s overall
plan may have been, in its current form her study suffers from the limited nature of the sources she
depended on. She use the speeches and writings of reformers and labor organizers, who she
acknowledges were far from representative, as the voice of the typical woman worker. And there
is less than adequate attention given to the differing values of immigrant groups that made up a
significant proportion of the population under investigation. While raising important questions,
Eisenstein’s essays do not provide definitive answer, and it remains for others to take up the
challenges they offer.
tantalizing ['tæntəlaiziŋ] adj. 撩人的;逗引性的;干着急的v. 惹弄;逗弄人
hint [hint] n. 暗示;线索vt. 暗示;示意vi. 示意
逻辑简图:SE观点…与LT观点相反,LT观点…, SE 观点….
SE观点不完整,缺点…作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:28
Passage 43
Homeostasis, an animal’s maintenance of certain internal variables within an acceptable range,
particularly in extreme physical environments , has long interested biologists. The desert rat and
the camel in the most water-deprived environments, and marine vertebrates in an all-water
environment, encounter the same regulatory problem: maintaining adequate internal fluid balance.
For desert rats and camels , the problem is conservation of water in an environment where standing
water is nonexistent, temperature is high, and humidity is low. Despite these handicaps, desert rats
are able to maintain the osmotic pressure of their blood, as well as their total boy-water content, at
approximately the same levels as other rats. One countermeasure is behavioral: these rats stay in
burrows during the hot part of the day, thus avoiding loss of fluid through panting or sweating,
which are regulatory mechanisms for maintaining internal body temperature by evaporative
cooling. Also, desert rats’ kidneys can excrete a urine having twice as high a salt content as sea
Camels , on the other hand, rely more on simple endurance. They cannot store water, and their reliance on an entirely unexceptional kidney results in a rate of water loss through renal function significantly higher than that of desert rats. As a result, camels must tolerate losses in body water of up to thirty percent of their body weight. Nevertheless, camels do rely on a special mechanism to keep water loss within a tolerable range: by seating and panting only when their body temperature exceeds that which would kill a human, they conserve internal water.
Marine vertebrates experience difficulty with their water balance because though there is no
shortage of seawater to drink, they must drink a lot of it to maintain their internal fluid balance.
But the excess salts from the seawater must be discharged somehow, and the kidneys of most
marine vertebrates are unable to excrete a urine in which the salts are more concentrated than in
seawater. Most of these animals have special salt-secreting organs outside the kidney that enable
them to eliminate excess salt.
261. Which of the following most accurately states the purpose of the passage?
(A) To compare two different approaches to the study of homeostasis
(B) To summarize the findings of several studies regarding organisms’ maintenance of internal
variables in extreme environments
(C) To argue for a particular hypothesis regarding various organisms’ conservation of water in
desert environments
(D) To cite examples of how homeostasis is achieved by various organisms
(E) To defend a new theory regarding the maintenance of adeuate fluid balance
262. According to the passage, the camel maintains internal fluid balance in which of the
following ways?
I. By behavioral avoidance of exposure to conditions that lead to fluid loss
II. By an ability to tolerate high body temperatures
III. By reliance on stored internal fluid supplies
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III
263. It can be inferred from the passage that some mechanisms that regulate internal body
temperature, like sweating and panting, can lead to which of the following?
(A) A rise in the external body temperature 相反
(B) A drop in the body’s internal fluid level(The passage states that camels conserve internal water by sweating and panting only when they reach very high body temperatures. Since camels conserve internal water by not panting and sweating, it can be inferred that sweating and panting decrease the body’s internal fluid level.)
(C) A decrease in the osmotic pressure of the blood
(D) A decrease in the amount of renal water loss
(E) A decrease in the urine’s salt content
264. It can be inferred from the passage that the author characterizes the camel’s kidney as
“entirely unexceptional” (line 24) primarily to emphasize that it
(A) functions much as the kidney of a rat functions
(B) does not aid the camel in coping with the exceptional water loss resulting from the extreme
conditions of its environment
(C) does not enbale the camel to excrete as much salt as do the kidneys of marine vertebrates
(D) is similar in structure to the kidneys of most mammals living in water-deprived
(E) requires the help of other organs in eliminating excess salt
19 D 04:24
20 E 00:39
21 C 01:01
22 D 00:42
23 C 02:20
24 E 01:05
119 E 02:58
120 B 01:01
121 E 01:00
122 C 01:21
123 D 00:29
124 B 01:14
Passage 8
Prior to 1975 , union efforts to organize public-sector
clerical workers, most of whom are women, were some-
what limited. The factors favoring unionization drives
seem to have been either the presence of large numbers
(5) of workers, as in New York City, to make it worth the
effort, or the concentration of small numbers in one or
two locations, such as a hospital, to make it relatively
easy, Receptivity to unionization on the workers, part
was also a consideration, but when there were large
(10) numbers involved or the clerical workers were the only
unorganized group in a jurisdiction, the multioccupa-
tional unions would often try to organize them regard-
less of the workers’ initial receptivity. The strategic
reasoning was based, first , on the concern that politi-
(15) cians and administrators might play off unionized
against nonunionized workers, and, second, on the
conviction that a fully unionized public work force
meant power, both at the bargaining table and in the
legislature. In localities where clerical workers were few
(20) in number, were scattered in several workplaces, and
expressed no interest in being organized, unions more
often than not ignored them in the pre-1975 period.
But since the mid-1970’s, a different strategy has
emerged. In 1977, 34 percent of government clerical
(25) workers were represented by a labor organization,
compared with 46 percent of government professionals,
44 percent of government blue-collar workers, and
41 percent of government service workers, Since then,
however, the biggest increases in public-sector unioniza-
(30) tion have been among clerical workers. Between 1977
and 1980 , the number of unionized government workers
in blue-collar and service occupations increased only
about 1.5 percent, while in the white-collar occupations
the increase was 20 percent and among clerical workers
(35) in particular, the increase was 22 percent.
What accounts for this upsurge in unionization
among clerical workers? First , more women have entered
the work force in the past few years, and more of them
plan to remain working until retirement age. Conse-
(40) quently , they are probably more concerned than their
predecessors were about job security and economic bene-
fits. Also , the women’s movement has succeeded in legit-
imizing the economic and political activism of women on
their own behalf, thereby producing a more positive atti-
(45) tude toward unions47题. The absence of any comparable
increase in unionization among private-sector clerical
workers, however, identifies the primary catalyst -the
structural change in the multioccupational public-sector
unions themselves. Over the past twenty years , the occu-
(50) pational distribution in these unions has been steadily
shifting from predominantly blue-collar to predomi-
nantly white-collar. Because there are far more women
in white-collar jobs, an increase in the proportion of
female members has accompanied the occupational shift
(55) and has altered union policy-making in favor of orga-
nizing women and addressing women’s issues.
clerical ['klerikəl] adj. 牧师的;办事员的;书记的 n. 牧师
clerical worker: 文书工作者
receptivityn. 接受能力;感受性
play off against使对抗
collar ['kɔlə] n. 衣领;颈圈vt. 给…上领子;给…套上颈圈;
catalyst ['kætəlist] n. 催化剂;刺激因素作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:29
43. According to the passage, the public-sector workers who were most likely to belong to unions in 1977 were
(A) professionals人数最多,最有可能
(B) managers
(C) clerical workers
(D) service workers
(E) blue-collar workers
In order to 题:如果出现解释原因,注意解释的是什么,定位在题目的前面
44. The author cites union efforts to achieve a fully unionized work force (line 13-19) in order to account for why
(A) politicians might try to oppose public-sector union organizing
(B) public-sector unions have recently focused on organizing women
(C) early organizing efforts often focused on areas where there were large numbers of workers
(D) union efforts with regard to public-sector clerical workers increased dramatically after 1975
(E) unions sometimes tried to organize workers regardless of the workers’ initial interest in unionization
45. The author’s claim that, since the mid-1970’s, a new strategy has emerged in the unionization of public-sector clerical workers (line 23 ) would be strengthened if the author
(A) described more fully the attitudes of clerical workers toward labor unions老战略
(B) compared the organizing strategies employed by private-sector unions with those of public-sector unions
(C) explained why politicians and administrators sometimes oppose unionization of clerical workers
(D) indicated that the number of unionized public-sector clerical workers was increasing even before the mid-1970’s(weaken)
(E) showed that the factors that favored unionization drives among these workers prior to 1975 have decreased in importance(the old circumstances discussed in the first paragraph have become less important, further necessitating the adoption of a new strategy in place of an old strategy suitable to those older circumstances.)
错题:EXCEPT题型 考旧观点,往往错误选项是说新观点
46. According to the passage, in the period prior to 1975, each of the following considerations helped determine whether a union would attempt to organize a certain group of clerical workers EXCEPT
(A) the number of clerical workers in that group
(B) the number of women among the clerical workers in that group出现在第二段1975年后的情况
(C) whether the clerical workers in that area were concentrated in one workplace or scattered over several workplaces
(D) the degree to which the clerical workers in that group were interested in unionization
(E) whether all the other workers in the same jurisdiction as that group of clerical workers were unionized(the clerical workers were the only unorganized group in a jurisdiction)
47. The author states that which of the following is a consequence of the women’s movement of recent years?
(A) An increase in the number of women entering the work force
(B) A structural change in multioccupational public-sector unions
(C) A more positive attitude on the part of women toward unions
(D) An increase in the proportion of clerical workers that are women
(E) An increase in the number of women in administrative positions
48. The main concern of the passage is to
(A) advocate particular strategies for future efforts to organize certain workers into labor unions
(B) explain differences in the unionized proportions of various groups of public-sector workers
(C) evaluate the effectiveness of certain kinds of labor unions that represent public-sector workers
(D) analyzed and explain an increase in unionization among a certain category of workers
(E) describe and distinguish strategies appropriate to organizing different categories of workers作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:29
43. According to the passage, the public-sector workers who were most likely to belong to unions in 1977 were
(A) professionals人数最多,最有可能
(B) managers
(C) clerical workers
(D) service workers
(E) blue-collar workers
In order to 题:如果出现解释原因,注意解释的是什么,定位在题目的前面
44. The author cites union efforts to achieve a fully unionized work force (line 13-19) in order to account for why
(A) politicians might try to oppose public-sector union organizing
(B) public-sector unions have recently focused on organizing women
(C) early organizing efforts often focused on areas where there were large numbers of workers
(D) union efforts with regard to public-sector clerical workers increased dramatically after 1975
(E) unions sometimes tried to organize workers regardless of the workers’ initial interest in unionization
45. The author’s claim that, since the mid-1970’s, a new strategy has emerged in the unionization of public-sector clerical workers (line 23 ) would be strengthened if the author
(A) described more fully the attitudes of clerical workers toward labor unions老战略
(B) compared the organizing strategies employed by private-sector unions with those of public-sector unions
(C) explained why politicians and administrators sometimes oppose unionization of clerical workers
(D) indicated that the number of unionized public-sector clerical workers was increasing even before the mid-1970’s(weaken)
(E) showed that the factors that favored unionization drives among these workers prior to 1975 have decreased in importance(the old circumstances discussed in the first paragraph have become less important, further necessitating the adoption of a new strategy in place of an old strategy suitable to those older circumstances.)
错题:EXCEPT题型 考旧观点,往往错误选项是说新观点
46. According to the passage, in the period prior to 1975, each of the following considerations helped determine whether a union would attempt to organize a certain group of clerical workers EXCEPT
(A) the number of clerical workers in that group
(B) the number of women among the clerical workers in that group出现在第二段1975年后的情况
(C) whether the clerical workers in that area were concentrated in one workplace or scattered over several workplaces
(D) the degree to which the clerical workers in that group were interested in unionization
(E) whether all the other workers in the same jurisdiction as that group of clerical workers were unionized(the clerical workers were the only unorganized group in a jurisdiction)
47. The author states that which of the following is a consequence of the women’s movement of recent years?
(A) An increase in the number of women entering the work force
(B) A structural change in multioccupational public-sector unions
(C) A more positive attitude on the part of women toward unions
(D) An increase in the proportion of clerical workers that are women
(E) An increase in the number of women in administrative positions
48. The main concern of the passage is to
(A) advocate particular strategies for future efforts to organize certain workers into labor unions
(B) explain differences in the unionized proportions of various groups of public-sector workers
(C) evaluate the effectiveness of certain kinds of labor unions that represent public-sector workers
(D) analyzed and explain an increase in unionization among a certain category of workers
(E) describe and distinguish strategies appropriate to organizing different categories of workers作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:30
55. The passage is chiefly concerned with
(A) arguing against the increased internationalization of United States corporations
(B) warning that the application of laws affecting trade frequently has unintended consequences
(C) demonstrating that foreign-based firms receive more subsidies from their governments than United States firms
receive from the United States government
(D) advocating the use of trade restrictions for “dumped” products but not for other imports
(E) recommending a uniform method for handling claims of unfair trade practices
56. It can be inferred from the passage that the minimal basis for a complaint to the International Trade Commission is which
of the following?
(A) A foreign competitor has received a subsidy from a foreign government.
(B) A foreign competitor has substantially increased the volume of products shipped to the United States.
(C) A foreign competitor is selling products in the United States at less than fair market value.
(D) The company requesting import relief has been injured by the sale of imports in the United States.
(E) The company requesting import relief has been barred from exporting products to the country of its foreign competitor.
57. The last paragraph performs which of the following functions in the passage?
(A) It summarizes the discussion thus far and suggests additional areas of research.
(B) It presents a recommendation based on the evidence presented earlier.
(C) It discusses an exceptional case in which the results expected by the author of the passage were not obtained.
(D) It introduces an additional area of concern not mentioned earlier.
(E) It cites a specific case that illustrates a problem presented more generally in the previous paragraph.
58. The passage warns of which of the following dangers?
(A) Companies in the United States may receive no protection from imports unless they actively seek protection from import competition.
(B) Companies that seek legal protection from import competition may incur legal costs that far exceed any possible gain.
(C) Companies that are United States-owned but operate internationally may not be eligible for protection from import competition under the laws of the countries in which their plants operate.
(D) Companies that are not United States-owned may seek legal protection from import competition under United States import relief laws.
(E) Companies in the United States that import raw materials may have to pay duties on those materials.
59. The passage suggests that which of the following is most likely to be true of United States trade laws?
(A) They will eliminate the practice of “dumping” products in the United States.
(B) They will enable manufacturers in the United States to compete more profitably outside the United States.
(C) They will affect United States trade with Canada more negatively than trade with other nations.
(D) Those that help one unit within a parent company will not necessarily help other units in the company.
(E) Those that are applied to international companies will accomplish their intended result.
60. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of the following about the complaint mentioned in the last paragraph?
(A) The ITC acted unfairly toward the complainant in its investigation.
(B) The complaint violated the intent of import relief laws.
(C) The response of the ITC to the complaint provided suitable relief from unfair trade practices to the complainant.
(D) The ITC did not have access to appropriate information concerning the case.
(E) Each of the companies involved in the complaint acted in its own best interest.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:30
55. The passage is chiefly concerned with
(A) arguing against the increased internationalization of United States corporations
(B) warning that the application of laws affecting trade frequently has unintended consequences
(C) demonstrating that foreign-based firms receive more subsidies from their governments than United States firms
receive from the United States government
(D) advocating the use of trade restrictions for “dumped” products but not for other imports
(E) recommending a uniform method for handling claims of unfair trade practices
56. It can be inferred from the passage that the minimal basis for a complaint to the International Trade Commission is which
of the following?
(A) A foreign competitor has received a subsidy from a foreign government.
(B) A foreign competitor has substantially increased the volume of products shipped to the United States.
(C) A foreign competitor is selling products in the United States at less than fair market value.
(D) The company requesting import relief has been injured by the sale of imports in the United States.
(E) The company requesting import relief has been barred from exporting products to the country of its foreign competitor.
57. The last paragraph performs which of the following functions in the passage?
(A) It summarizes the discussion thus far and suggests additional areas of research.
(B) It presents a recommendation based on the evidence presented earlier.
(C) It discusses an exceptional case in which the results expected by the author of the passage were not obtained.
(D) It introduces an additional area of concern not mentioned earlier.
(E) It cites a specific case that illustrates a problem presented more generally in the previous paragraph.
58. The passage warns of which of the following dangers?
(A) Companies in the United States may receive no protection from imports unless they actively seek protection from import competition.
(B) Companies that seek legal protection from import competition may incur legal costs that far exceed any possible gain.
(C) Companies that are United States-owned but operate internationally may not be eligible for protection from import competition under the laws of the countries in which their plants operate.
(D) Companies that are not United States-owned may seek legal protection from import competition under United States import relief laws.
(E) Companies in the United States that import raw materials may have to pay duties on those materials.
59. The passage suggests that which of the following is most likely to be true of United States trade laws?
(A) They will eliminate the practice of “dumping” products in the United States.
(B) They will enable manufacturers in the United States to compete more profitably outside the United States.
(C) They will affect United States trade with Canada more negatively than trade with other nations.
(D) Those that help one unit within a parent company will not necessarily help other units in the company.
(E) Those that are applied to international companies will accomplish their intended result.
60. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of the following about the complaint mentioned in the last paragraph?
(A) The ITC acted unfairly toward the complainant in its investigation.
(B) The complaint violated the intent of import relief laws.
(C) The response of the ITC to the complaint provided suitable relief from unfair trade practices to the complainant.
(D) The ITC did not have access to appropriate information concerning the case.
(E) Each of the companies involved in the complaint acted in its own best interest.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:30
disregard [disri'ɡɑ:d] vt. 忽视;不理;漠视;不顾 n. 忽视;不尊重
femininity [femi'niniti] n. 温柔;柔弱性;女子本性
hoary ['hɔ:ri] adj. 灰白的;久远的,古老的
purview ['pə:vju:] n. 范围,权限;视界;条款
commensurate [kə'menʃərit] adj. 相称的;同量的;同样大小的
beckon ['bekən] vt. 召唤;吸引vi. (招手或点头)示意;吸引n. 表召唤的点头;手势
persistence [pə'sistəns, -'zis-] n. 持续;存留;固执
190. According to the passage, job segregation by sex in the United States was
(A) greatly diminished by labor mobilization during the Second World War反
(B) perpetuated by those textile-mill owners who argued in favor of women’s employment in wage labor
(C) one means by which women achieved greater job security
(D) reluctantly challenged by employers except when the economic advantages were obvious无
(E) a constant source of labor unrest in the young textile industry无
191. According to the passage, historians of women’s labor focused on factory work as a more promising area of
research than service-sector work because factory work
(A) involved the payment of higher wages
(B) required skill in detailed tasks
(C) was assumed to be less characterized by sex segregation(gender-blind同义转换)
(D) was more readily accepted by women than by men
(E) fitted the economic dynamic of industrialism better
192. It can be inferred from the passage that early historians of women’s labor in the United States paid little
attention to women’s employment in the service sector of the economy because
(A) the extreme variety of these occupations made it very difficult to assemble meaningful statistics about them
(B) fewer women found employment in the service sector than in factory work
(C) the wages paid to workers in the service sector were much lower than those paid in the industrial sector
(D) women’s employment in the service sector tended to be much more short-term than in factory work
(E) employment in the service sector seemed to have much in common with the unpaid work associated with
193. The passage supports which of the following statements about the early mill owners mentioned in the second
(A) They hoped that by creating relatively unattractive “female” jobs they would discourage women from losing
interest in marriage and family life.
(B) They sought to increase the size of the available labor force as a means to keep men’s to keep men’s wages
(C) They argued that women were inherently suited to do well in particular kinds of factory work.
(D) They thought that factory work bettered the
condition of women by emancipating them from
dependence on income earned by men.
(E) They felt guilty about disturbing the traditional
division of labor in family.
194. It can be inferred from the passage that the “unfinished revolution” the author mentions in line 13 refers to the
(A) entry of women into the industrial labor market
(B) recognition that work done by women as homemakers should be compensated at rates comparable to those
prevailing in the service sector of the economy
(C) development of a new definition of femininity unrelated to the economic forces of industrialism
(D) introduction of equal pay for equal work in all professions
(E) emancipation of women wage earners from gender-determined job allocation
195. The passage supports which of the following statements about hiring policies in the United States?
(A) After a crisis many formerly “male” jobs are reclassified as “female” jobs.反
(B) Industrial employers generally prefer to hire women with previous experience as homemakers.无
(C) Post-Second World War hiring policies caused women to lose many of their wartime gains in employment
(D) Even war industries during the Second World War were reluctant to hire women for factory work.无
(E) The service sector of the economy has proved more nearly gender-blind in its hiring policies than has the
manufacturing sector.反
196. Which of the following words best expresses the opinion of the author of the passage concerning the notion that
women are more skillful than men in carrying out detailed tasks?
(A) “patient” (line 21)
(B) “repetitive” (line 21)
(C) “hoary” (line 22)
(D) “homemaking” (line 23)
(E) “purview” (line 24)
197. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the final paragraph to the passage as a whole?
(A) The central idea is reinforced by the citation of evidence drawn from twentieth-century history.
(B) The central idea is restated in such a way as to form a transition to a new topic for discussion.
(C) The central idea is restated and juxtaposed with evidence that might appear to contradic it.
(D) A partial exception to the generalizations of the central idea is dismissed as unimportant.
(E) Recent history is cited to suggest that the central idea’s validity is gradually diminishing.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:31
Passage 48
(The following is based on material written in 1996.)
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, signed in 1987 by more than
150 nations, has attained its short-term goals: it has decreased the rate of increase in amounts of
most ozone-depleting chemicals reaching the atmosphere and has even reduced the atmospheric
levels of some of them. The projection that the ozone layer will substantially recover from ozone
depletion by 2050 is based on the assumption that the protocol’s regulations will be strictly
followed. Yet there is considerable evidence of violations, particularly in the form of the release of
ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s), which are commonly used in the refrigeration,
heating, and air conditioning industries. These violation reflect industry attitudes; for example , in
the United States, 48 percents of respondents in a recent survey of subscribers to Air Conditioning,
Heating, and Refrigeration News, and industry trade journal, said that they did not believe that
CFC’s damage the ozone layer. Moreover , some in the industry apparently do not want to pay for
CFC substitutes, which can run five times the cost of CFC’s. Consequently , a black market in
imported illicit CFC’s has grown. Estimates of the contraband CFC trade range from 10,000 to
22,000 tons a year, with most of the CFC’s originating in India and China, whose agreements
under the Protocol still allow them to produce CFC’s. In fact, the United States Customs Service
reports that CFC-12 is a contraband problem second only to illicit drugs.
283. According to the passage, which of the following best describes most ozone-depleting
chemicals in 1996 as compared to those in 1987?
(A) The levels of such chemcials in the atmosphere had decreased.
(B) The number of such chemcials that reached the atmosphere had declined.
(C) The amounts of such chemcials released had increased but the amounts that reached the
atmosphere had decreased.
(D) The rate of increase in amounts of such chemicals reaching the atmosphere had
(E) The rate at which such chemicals were being reduced in the atmoshphere had slowed.
284. The author of the passage compares the smuggling of CFC’s to the illicit drug trade most
likely for which of the following reasons?
(A) To qualify a previous claim
(B) To emphasize the extent of a problem
(C) To provide an explanation for an earlier assertion
(D) To suggest that the illicit CFC trade, likely the illicit drug trade, will continue to increase
(E) To suggest that the consequences of a relatively little-knows problem are as serious as
those of a well-known one
285. The passage suggests which of the following about the illicit trade in CFC’s?
(A) It would cease if manufacturers in India and China stopped producing CFC’s.
(B) Most people who participate in such trade do not believe that CFC’s deplete the ozone
(C) It will probably surpass illicit drugs as the largest contraband problem faced by the United
States Custom Services.
(D) It is fostered by people who do not want to pay the price of CFC substitutes.
(E) It has grown primarily because of the expansion of the refrigenration, heating, and
air-conditioning industries in foreign countries.
43 A 05:27
44 E 02:55
45 E 02:10
46 E 00:41
47 C 02:11
48 D 00:29
55 B 03:38
56 D 00:56
57 E 00:48
58 D 00:55
59 D 01:35
60 B 02:10
190 D 05:51
191 C 01:41
192 E 00:50
193 C 01:24
194 E 01:36
195 D 01:57
196 C 00:44
197 C 01:08
Passage 2
Archaeology as a profession faces two major prob-
lems. First, it is the poorest of the poor. Only paltry
sums are available for excavating and even less is avail-
able for publishing the results and preserving the sites
(5) once excavated. Yet archaeologists deal with priceless
objects every day. Second, there is the problem of illegal
excavation, resulting in museum-quality pieces being
sold to the highest bidder.
I would like to make an outrageous suggestion that
(10) would at one stroke provide funds for archaeology and
reduce the amount of illegal digging. I would propose
that scientific archeological expeditions and govern-
mental authorities sell excavated artifacts on the open
market. Such sales would provide substantial funds for
(15) the excavation and preservation of archaeological sites
and the publication of results. At the same time, they
would break the illegal excavator’s grip on the market,
thereby decreasing the inducement to engage in illegal
(20) You might object that professionals excavate to
acquire knowledge, not money. Moreover, ancient arti-
facts are part of our global cultural heritage, which
should be available for all to appreciate, not sold to the
highest bidder. I agree. Sell nothing that has unique
(25) artistic merit or scientific value. But, you might reply,
everything that comes our of the ground has scientific
value. Here we part company. Theoretically, you may be
correct in claiming that every artifact has potential scien-
tific value. Practically, you are wrong.
(30) I refer to the thousands of pottery vessels and ancient
lamps that are essentially duplicates of one another. In
one small excavation in Cyprus, archaeologists recently
uncovered 2,000 virtually indistinguishable small jugs in
a single courtyard, Even precious royal seal impressions
(35) known as/melekh handles have been found in abun-
dance---more than 4,000 examples so far.
The basements of museums are simply not large
enough to store the artifacts that are likely to be discov-
ered in the future. There is not enough money even to
(40) catalogue the finds; as a result, they cannot be found
again and become as inaccessible as if they had never
been discovered. Indeed, with the help of a computer,
sold artifacts could be more accessible than are the
pieces stored in bulging museum basements. Prior to
(45) sale, each could be photographed and the list of the
purchasers could be maintained on the computer A
purchaser could even be required to agree to return the
piece if it should become needed for scientific purposes.
It would be unrealistic to suggest that illegal digging
(50) would stop if artifacts were sold on the open market.
But the demand for the clandestine product would be
substantially reduced. Who would want an unmarked
pot when another was available whose provenance was
known, and that was dated stratigraphically by the
professional archaeologist who excavated it?
7. The primary purpose of the passage is to propose
(A) an alternative to museum display of artifacts
(B) a way to curb illegal digging while benefiting the archaeological profession
(C) a way to distinguish artifacts with scientific value from those that have no such value
(D) the governmental regulation of archaeological sites
(E) a new system for cataloguing duplicate artifacts
8. The author implies that all of the following statements about duplicate artifacts are true EXCEPT:
(A) A market for such artifacts already exists.
(B) Such artifacts seldom have scientific value.
(C) There is likely to be a continuing supply of such artifacts.
(D) Museums are well supplied with examples of such artifacts.
(E) Such artifacts frequently exceed in quality those already catalogued in museum collections.
9. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as a disadvantage of storing artifacts in museum basements?
(A) Museum officials rarely allow scholars access to such artifacts.
(B) Space that could be better used for display is taken up for storage.
(C) Artifacts discovered in one excavation often become separated from each other.
(D) Such artifacts are often damaged by variations in temperature and humidity.
(E) Such artifacts’ often remain uncatalogued and thus cannot be located once they are put in storage.
10. The author mentions the excavation in Cyprus (lines 31-34) to emphasize which of the following points?
(A) Ancient lamps and pottery vessels are less valuable, although more rare, than royal seal impressions.
(B) Artifacts that are very similar to each other present cataloguing difficulties to archaeologists.
(C) Artifacts that are not uniquely valuable, and therefore could be sold, are available in large quantities.
(D) Cyprus is the most important location for unearthing large quantities of salable artifacts.
(E) Illegal sales of duplicate artifacts are wide-spread, particularly on the island of Cyprus.
11. The author’s argument concerning the effect of the official sale of duplicate artifacts on illegal excavation is
based on which of the following assumptions?
(A) Prospective purchasers would prefer to buy authenticated artifacts.
(B) The price of illegally excavated artifacts would rise.
(C) Computers could be used to trace sold artifacts.
(D) Illegal excavators would be forced to sell only duplicate artifacts.
(E) Money gained from selling authenticated artifacts could be used to investigate and prosecute illegal excavators.
12. The author anticipates which of the following initial objections to the adoption of his proposal?
(A) Museum officials will become unwilling to store artifacts.
(B) An oversupply of salable artifacts will result and the demand for them will fall.
(C) Artifacts that would have been displayed in public places will be sold to private collectors.
(D) Illegal excavators will have an even larger supply of artifacts for resale.
(E) Counterfeiting of artifacts will become more commonplace.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:31
Passage 16
Traditionally, the first firm to commercialize a new
technology has benefited from the unique opportunity to
shape product definitions, forcing followers to adapt to a
standard or invest in an unproven alternative. Today, how-
( 5) ever, the largest payoffs may go to companies that lead in
developing integrated approaches for successful mass
production and distribution.
Producers of the Beta format for videocassette recorders
(VCR’s), for example, were first to develop the VCR com-
(10) mercially in 1975, but producers of the rival VHS (Video
Home System) format proved to be more successful at
forming strategic alliances with other producers and
distributors to manufacture and market their VCR format
Seeking to maintain exclusive control over VCR distri-
(15) bution. Beta producers were reluctant to form such alli-
ances and eventually lost ground to VHS in the compe-
tition for the global VCR market.
Despite Beta’s substantial technological head start and
the fact that VHS was neither technically better nor cheaper
(20) than Beta, developers of VHS quickly turned a slight early
lead in sales into a dominant position. Strategic alignments
with producers of prerecorded tapes reinforced the VHS
advantage. The perception among consumers that prere-
corded tapes were more available in VHS format further
(25) expanded VHS’s share of the market. By the end of the
1980’s. Beta was no longer in production.
95. The passage is primarily concerned with which of the
(A) Evaluating two competing technologies
(B) Tracing the impact of a new technology by narrating
a sequence of events
(C) Reinterpreting an event from contemporary business
(D) illustrating a business strategy by means of a case
(E) Proposing an innovative approach to business
96. According to the passage, today’s successful firms,
unlike successful firms in the past, may earn the greatest
profits by
(A) investing in research to produce cheaper versions of
existing technology
(B) being the first to market a competing technology
(C) adapting rapidly to a technological standard
previously set by a competing firm
(D) establishing technological leadership in order to
shape product definitions in advance of competing
(E) emphasizing the development of methods for the
mass production and distribution of a new technology.
97. According to the passage, consumers began to develop a
preference for VCR’s in the VHS format because they
believed which of the following?
(A) VCR’s in the VHS format were technically better
than competing-format VCR’s.
(B) VCR’s in the VHS format were less expensive than
competing-format VCR’s.
(C) VHS was the first standard format for VCR’s.
(D) VHS prerecorded videotapes were more available
than Beta-format tapes.
(E) VCR’s in the Beta format would soon cease to be
98. The author implies that one way that VHS producers
won control over the VCR market was by
(A) carefully restricting access to VCR technology
(B) giving up a slight early lead in VCR sales in order to
improve long-term prospects.
(C) retaining a strict monopoly on the production of
prerecorded videotapes.
(D) sharing control of the marketing of VHS-format
(E) sacrificing technological superiority over Betaformat
VCR’s in order to remain competitive in price.
99. The alignment of producers of VHS-format VCR’s with
producers of prerecorded videotapes is most similar to
which of the following?
(A) The alignment of an automobile manufacturer with
another automobile manufacturer to adopt a
standard design for automobile engines.
(B) The alignment of an automobile manufacturer with
an automotive glass company whereby the
manufacturer agrees to purchase automobile
windshields only from that one glass company
(C) The alignment of an automobile manufacturer with a
petroleum company to ensure the widespread
availability of the fuel required by a new type of
engine developed by the manufacturer.
(D) The alignment of an automobile manufacturer with
its dealers to adopt a plan to improve automobile
(E) The alignment of an automobile dealer with an
automobile rental chain to adopt a strategy for an
advertising campaign to promote a new type of
100. Which of the following best describes the relation of the
first paragraph to the passage as a whole?
(A) It makes a general observation to be exemplified.
(B) It outlines a process to be analyzed.
(C) It poses a question to be answered.
(D) It advances an argument to be disputed.
(E) It introduces conflicting arguments to be reconciled.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:32
Passage 18
When A. Philip Randolph assumed the leadership of the
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, he began a ten-year
battle to win recognition from the Pullman Company, the
largest private employer of Black people in the United
(5) States and the company that controlled the railroad
industry’s sleeping car and parlor service. In 1935 the
Brotherhood became the first Black union recognized by a
major corporation. Randolph’s efforts in the battle helped
transform the attitude of Black workers toward unions and
(10) toward themselves as an identifiable group; eventually,
Randolph helped to weaken organized labor’s antagonism
toward Black workers.
In the Pullman contest Randolph faced formidable
obstacles. The first was Black workers’ understandable
( 15) skepticism toward unions, which had historically barred
Black workers from membership. An additional obstacle
was the union that Pullman itself had formed, which
weakened support among Black workers for an
independent entity.
(20) The Brotherhood possessed a number of advantages,
however , including Randolph’s own tactical abilities. In
1928 he took the bold step of threatening a strike against
Pullman. Such a threat , on a national scale, under Black
leadership, helped replace the stereotype of the Black
(25)worker as servant with the image of the Black worker as
wage earner. In addition , the porters’ very isolation aided
the Brotherhood. Porters were scattered throughout the
country, sleeping in dormitories in Black communities;
their segregated life protected the union’s internal
(30) communications from interception. That the porters were a
homogeneous group working for a single employer with
single labor policy, thus sharing the same grievances from
city to city, also strengthened the Brotherhood and encour-
aged racial identity and solidarity as well. But it was only
(35) in the early 1930’s that federal legislation prohibiting a
company from maintaining its own unions with company
money eventually allowed the Brotherhood to become
recognized as the porters’ representative.
Not content with this triumph, Randolph brought the
(40)Brotherhood into the American Federation of Labor, where
it became the equal of the Federation’s 105 other unions.
He reasoned that as a member union, the Brotherhood
would be in a better position to exert pressure on member
unions that practiced race restrictions. Such restrictions
were eventually found unconstitutional in 1944.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:32
107. According to the passage, by 1935 the skepticism of
Black workers toward unions was
(A) unchanged except among Black employees of
railroad-related industries.
(B) reinforced by the actions of the Pullman Company’s
(C) mitigated by the efforts of Randolph
(D) weakened by the opening up of many unions to
Black workers.
(E) largely alleviated because of the policies of the
American Federation of Labor.
108. In using the word “understandable” (line 14), the
author most clearly conveys
(A) sympathy with attempts by the Brotherhood
between 1925 and 1935 to establish an independent
(B) concern that the obstacles faced by Randolph
between 1925 and 1935 were indeed formidable
(C) ambivalence about the significance of unions to
most Black workers in the 1920’s.
(D) appreciation of the attitude of many Black workers
in the 1920’s toward unions.
(E) regret at the historical attitude of unions toward
Black workers.
109. The passage suggests which of the following about the
response of porters to the Pullman Company’s own
(A) Few porters ever joined this union.
(B) Some porters supported this union before 1935.
(C) Porters, more than other Pullman employees,
enthusiastically supported this union.
(D) The porters’ response was most positive after 1935.
(E) The porters’ response was unaffected by the general
skepticism of Black workers concerning unions.
110. The passage suggests that if the grievances of porters in
one part of the United States had been different from
those of porters in another part of the country, which of
the following would have been the case?
(A) It would have been more difficult for the Pullman
Company to have had a single labor policy.
(B) It would have been more difficult for the
Brotherhood to control its channels of
(C) It would have been more difficult for the
Brotherhood to build its membership.
(D) It would have been easier for the Pullman
Company’s union to attract membership.
(E) It would have been easier for the Brotherhood to
threaten strikes.
111. The passage suggests that in the 1920’s a company in
the United States was able to
(A) use its own funds to set up a union
(B) require its employees to join the company’s own
(C) develop a single labor policy for all its employees
with little employee dissent.
(D) pressure its employees to contribute money to
maintain the company’s own union
(E) use its resources to prevent the passage of federal
legislation that would have facilitated the formation
of independent unions.
112. The passage supplies information concerning which of
the following matters related to Randolph?
(A) The steps he took to initiate the founding of the
(B) His motivation for bringing the Brotherhood into the
American Federation of Labor
(C) The influence he had on the passage of legislation
overturning race restrictions in 1944
(D) The influence he had on the passage of legislation to
bar companies from financing their own unions
(E) The success he and the Brotherhood had in
influencing the policies of the other unions in the
American Federation of Labor作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:33
Passage 27
Until recently, scientists did not know of a close verte-
brate analogue to the extreme form of altruism observed in
eusocial insects like ants and bees, whereby individuals
cooperate, sometimes even sacrificing their own oppor-
( 5) tunities to survive and reproduce, for the good of others.
However , such a vertebrate society may exist among under-
ground colonies of the highly social rodent Heterocephalus
glaber, the naked mole rat.
A naked mole rat colony, like a beehive, wasp’s nest, or
(10) termite mound, is ruled by its queen, or reproducing
female. Other adult female mole rats neither ovulate nor
breed. The queen of the largest member of the colony, and
she maintains her breeding status through a mixture of
behavioral and, presumably, chemical control. Queens have
(15) been long-lived in captivity, and when they die or are
removed from a colony one sees violent fighting for breed-
ing status among the larger remaining females, leading to a
takeover by a new queen.
Eusocial insect societies have rigid caste systems, each
(20)insects’s role being defined by its behavior,body shape, and
physiology. In naked mole rat societies, on the other hand,
differences in behavior are related primarily to reproductive
status (reproduction being limited to the queen and a few
males), body size, and perhaps age. Smaller nonbreeding
(25) members, both male and female, seem to participate pri-
marily in gathering food, transporting nest material, and
tunneling. Larger nonreaders are active in defending the
colony and perhaps in removing dirt from the tunnels.
Jarvis’ work has suggested that differences in growth rates
(30)may influence the length of time that an individual performs
a task, regardless of its age.
Cooperative breeding has evolved many times in verte-
brates, but unlike naked mole rats , most cooperatively
breeding vertebrates (except the wild dog, Lycaon pictus)
(35) are dominated by a pair of breeders rather than by a single
breeding female. The division of labor within social groups
is less pronounced among other vertebrates than among
naked mole rats, colony size is much smaller, and mating
by subordinate females may not be totally suppressed,
(40) whereas in naked mole rat colonies subordinate females are
not sexually active, and many never breed.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:33
altruism ['æltruizəm] n. 利他;利他主义
captivity [kæp'tivəti] n. 囚禁;被关
caste [kɑ:st, kæst] n. (具有严格等级差别的)社会地位;
pronounced [prəu'naunst] adj. 断然的;显著的;讲出来的 v. 发音;宣告;断言(pronounce的过去分词)
160. Which of the following most accurately states the main
idea of the passage?
(A) Naked mole rat colonies are the only known
examples of cooperatively breeding vertebrate
(B) Naked mole rat colonies exhibit social organization
based on a rigid caste system.
(C) Behavior in naked mole rat colonies may well be
a close vertebrate analogue to behavior in eusocial
insect societies.
(D) The mating habits of naked mole rats differ from
those of any other vertebrate species.
(E) The basis for the division of labor among naked
mole rats is the same as that among eusocial insects.
161. The passage suggests that Jarvis’ work has called into
question which of the following explanatory variables
for naked mole rat behavior?
(A) Size
(B) Age
(C) Reproductive status
(D) Rate of growth
(E) Previously exhibited behavior
162. It can be inferred from the passage that the performance
of tasks in naked mole rat colonies differs from task
performance in eusocial insect societies in which of the
following ways?
(A) In naked mole rat colonies, all tasks ate performed
(B) In naked mole rat colonies, the performance of
tasks is less rigidly determined by body shape.
(C) In naked mole rat colonies, breeding is limited to
the largest animals.
(D) In eusocial insect societies, reproduction is limited
to a single female.
(E) In eusocial insect societies, the distribution of
tasks is based on body size.
163. According to the passage, which of the following is a
supposition rather than a fact concerning the queen in a
naked mole rat colony?
(A) She is the largest member of the colony.
(B) She exerts chemical control over the colony.
(C) She mates with more than one male.
(D) She attains her status through aggression.
(E) She is the only breeding female.
164. The passage supports which of the following inferences
about breeding among Lycaon pictus?
(A) The largest female in the social group does
not maintain reproductive status by means of
behavioral control.
(B) An individual’s ability to breed is related primarily
to its rate of growth.
(C) Breeding is the only task performed by the breeding
(D) Breeding in the social group is not cooperative.
(E) Breeding is not dominated by a single pair of dogs.
165. According to the passage, naked mole rat colonies may differ from all other known vertebrate groups in which
of the following ways?
(A) Naked mole rats exhibit an extreme form of altruism.
(B) Naked mole rats are cooperative breeders.
(C) Among naked mole rats, many males are permitted to breed with a single dominant female.(错误!原文是其他脊椎动物是由两个个体完成的繁殖,而rat是有单个个体完成的)
(D) Among naked mole rats, different tasks are performed at different times in an individual’s life.
(E) Among naked mole rats, fighting results in the selection of a breeding female.
166. One function of the third paragraph of the passage is to
(A) state a conclusion about facts presented in an earlier paragraph
(B) introduce information that is contradicted by information in the fourth paragraph
(C) qualify the extent to which two previously mentioned groups might be similar
(D) show the chain of reasoning that led to the conclusions of a specific study
(E) demonstrate that, of three explanatory factors offered, two may be of equal significance
7 B 03:02
8 E 00:29
9 E 00:55
10 C 01:03
11 A 01:09
12 C 01:42
95 D 02:52
96 E 00:33
97 D 00:29
98 D 00:29
99 C 01:15
100 D 00:53
107 C 06:13
108 D 01:02
109 B 03:31
110 B 02:50
111 A 01:24
112 B 02:13
160 C 04:43
161 B 01:06
162 B 02:57
163 B 03:37
164 E 00:49
165 C 00:45
166 D 02:42
Passage 6
In the two decades between 1910 and 1930, over
ten percent to the Black population of the United States
left the South, where the preponderance of the Black
population had been located, and migrated to northern
(5) states, with the largest number moving, it is claimed,
between 1916 and 1918. It has been frequently assumed,
but not proved, that the majority of the migrants in
what has come to be called the Great Migration came
from rural areas and were motivated by two concurrent
(10) factors: the collapse of the cotton industry following
the boll weevil infestation, which began in 1898, and
increased demand in the North for labor following
the cessation of European immigration caused by the
outbreak of the First World War in 1914. This assump-
(15) tion has led to the conclusion that the migrants’ subse-
quent lack of economic mobility in the North is tied to
rural background, a background that implies unfamil-
iarity with urban living and a lack of industrial skills.
But the question of who actually left the South has
(20) never been rigorously investigated. Although numerous
investigations document an exodus from rural southern
areas to southern cities prior to the Great Migration.
no one has considered whether the same migrants then
moved on to northern cities. In 1910 over 600,000
(25) Black workers, or ten percent of the Black work force,
reported themselves to be engaged in “manufacturing
and mechanical pursuits,” the federal census category
roughly encompassing the entire industrial sector. The
Great Migration could easily have been made up entirely
(30) of this group and their families. It is perhaps surprising
to argue that an employed population could be enticed
to move, but an explanation lies in the labor conditions
then prevalent in the South.
About thirty-five percent of the urban Black popu-
(35) lation in the South was engaged in skilled trades. Some
were from the old artisan class of slavery-blacksmiths.
masons, carpenters-which had had a monopoly of
certain trades, but they were gradually being pushed
out by competition, mechanization, and obsolescence,
(40) The remaining sixty-five percent, more recently urban-
ized, worked in newly developed industries---tobacco.
lumber, coal and iron manufacture, and railroads.
Wages in the South, however, were low, and Black
workers were aware, through labor recruiters and the
(45)Black press, that they could earn more even as unskilled
workers in the North than they could as artisans in the
South. After the boll weevil infestation, urban Black
workers faced competition from the continuing influx
of both Black and White rural workers, who were driven
(50) to undercut the wages formerly paid for industrial jobs.
Thus, a move north would be seen as advantageous
to a group that was already urbanized and steadily
employed, and the easy conclusion tying their subse-
quent economic problems in the North to their rural
background comes into question.
31. The author indicates explicitly that which of the following records has been a source of information in her
(A) United States Immigration Service reports from 1914 to 1930
(B) Payrolls of southern manufacturing firms between 1910 and 1930
(C) The volume of cotton exports between 1898 and 1910
(D) The federal census of 1910
(E) Advertisements of labor recruiters appearing in southern newspapers after 1910
32. In the passage, the author anticipates which of the following as a possible objection to her argument?
(A) It is uncertain how many people actually migrated during the Great Migration.
(B) The eventual economic status of the Great Migration migrants has not been adequately traced.
(C) It is not likely that people with steady jobs would have reason to move to another area of the country.
(D) It is not true that the term “manufacturing and mechanical pursuits” actually encompasses the entire industrial sector.
(E) Of the Black workers living in southern cities, only those in a small number of trades were threatened by obsolescence.
33. According to the passage, which of the following is true of wages in southern cities in 1910?
(A) They were being pushed lower as a result of increased competition.
(B) They had begun t to rise so that southern industry could attract rural workers.
(C) They had increased for skilled workers but decreased for unskilled workers.
(D) They had increased in large southern cities but decreased in small southern cities.
(E) They had increased in newly developed industries but decreased in the older trades.
34. The author cites each of the following as possible influences in a Black worker’s decision to migrate north in the Great Migration EXCEPT
(A) wage levels in northern cities
(B) labor recruiters
(C) competition from rural workers
(D) voting rights in northern states
(E) the Black press
35. It can be inferred from the passage that the “easy conclusion” mentioned in line 53 is based on which of the following assumptions?
(A) People who migrate from rural areas to large cities usually do so for economic reasons.
(B) Most people who leave rural areas to take jobs in cities return to rural areas as soon as it is financially possible for them to do so.
(C) People with rural backgrounds are less likely to succeed economically in cities than are those with urban backgrounds.
(D) Most people who were once skilled workers are not willing to work as unskilled workers.
(E) People who migrate from their birthplaces to other regions of country seldom undertake a second migration.
36. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) support an alternative to an accepted methodology
(B) present evidence that resolves a contradiction
(C) introduce a recently discovered source of information
(D) challenge a widely accepted explanation
(E) argue that a discarded theory deserves new attention作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:34
Passage 23
New observations about the age of some globular clusters in our Milky Way galaxy have cast doubt on a long-held
theory about how the galaxy was formed. The Milky Way contains about 125 globular clusters (compact groups of
anywhere from several tens of thousands to perhaps a million stars) distributed in a roughly spherical halo around the
galactic nucleus. The stars in these clusters are believed to have been born during the formation of the galaxy, and so
may be considered relics of the original galactic nebula, holding vital clues to the way of the formation took place.
The conventional theory of the formation of the galaxy contends that roughly 12 to 13 billion years ago the Milky
Way formed over a relatively short time (about 200 million years) when a spherical cloud of gas collapsed under the
pressure of its own gravity into a disc surrounded by a halo. Such a rapid formation of the galaxy would mean that
all stars in the halo should be very nearly the same age.
However , the astronomer Michael Bolte has found considerable variation in the ages of globular clusters. One of the
clusters studied by Bolte is 2 billions years older than most other clusters in the galaxy, while another is 2 billion
years younger. A colleague of Bolte contends that the cluster called Palomar 12 is 5 billion years younger than most
other globular clusters.
To explain the age differences among the globular clusters, astronomers are taking a second look at “renegade”
theories. One such newly fashionable theory , first put forward by Richard Larson in the early 1970’s, argues that the
halo of the Milky Way formed over a period of a billion or more years as hundreds of small gas clouds drifted about,
collided, lost orbital energy, and finally collapsed into a centrally condensed elliptical system. Larson’s conception of
a “lumpy and turbulent” protogalaxy is complemented by computer modeling done in the 1970’s by mathematician
Alan Toomre, which suggests that closely interacting spiral galaxies could lose enough orbital energy to merge into a
single galaxy.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:34
relic ['relik] n. 废墟;纪念物;遗迹,遗物
halo ['heiləu] n. 光环;荣光vt. 使有晕轮;围以光环vi. 成晕轮
renegade ['reniɡeid] n. 变节者;脱党者;叛徒vi. 背叛;脱离adj. 背弃的;脱离的;叛徒的
137. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing
(A) the importance of determining the age of globular clusters in assessing when the Milky Way galaxy was formed
(B) recent changes in the procedure used by astronomers to study the formation of the Milky Way galaxy
(C) current disputes among astronomers regarding the size and form of the Milky Way galaxy
(D) the effect of new discoveries regarding globular clusters on theories about the formation of the Milky Way galaxy
(E) the origin, nature, and significance of groups of stars known as globular clusters
138. According to the passage, one way in which Larson’s theory and the conventional theory of the formation of the Milky Way galaxy differs is in their assessment of the
(A) amount of time it took to form the galaxy
(B) size of the galaxy immediately after its formation
(C) particular gas involved in the formation of the galaxy
(D) importnce of the age of globular clusters in determining how the galaxy was formed
(E) shape of the halo that formed around the galaxy
139. Which of the following, if true, would be most useful in supporting the conclusions drawn from recent observations about globular clusters?
(A) There is firm evidence that the absolute age of the Milky Way galaxy is between 10 and 17 billion years.
(B) A survey reveals that a galaxy close to the Milky Way galaxy contains globular clusters of ages close to the age of Palomar 12.
(C) A mathematical model proves that small gas clouds move in regular patterns.
(D) Space probes indicate that the stars in the Milky Way galaxy are composed of several different types of gas.
(E) A study of over 1,500 individual stars in the halo of the Milky Way galaxy indicates wide discrepancies in there ages.
140. If Bolte and his colleague are both correct, it can be inferred that the globular cluster Paloma 12 is approximately
(A) 5 billion years younger than any other cluster in the galaxy
(B) the same age as most other clusters in the galaxy
(C) 7 billion years younger than another cluster in the galaxy
(D) 12 billion years younger than most other clusters in the galaxy
(E) 2 billion years younger than most other clusters in the galaxy
In order to题
141. The passage suggests that Toomre’s work complements Larson’s theory because it
(A) specifies more precisely the time frame proposed by Larson
(B) subtly alters Larson’s theory to make it more plausible
(C) supplements Larson’s hypothesis with direct astronomical observations
(D) provides theoretical support for the ideas suggested by Larson
(E) expands Larson’s theory to make it more widely applicable
142. Which of the following most accurately state a finding of Bolte’s research, as described in the passage?
(A) The globular clusters in the Milky Way galaxy are 2 billion years older than predicted by the conventional theory.
(B) The ages of at least some globular clusters in the Milky Way galaxy differ by at leat 4 billion years.(one cluster “is 2 billion years older than most other clusters
in the galaxy, while another is 2 billion years younger” (lines 22-24). Thus, he found that at least
these two clusters differ in age by at least 4 billion years.)
(C) One of the globular clusters in the Milky Way galaxy is 5 billion years younger than most others.(Choice C is incorrect, because the
passage states that it was a colleague of Bolte’s who claimed that a cluster is 5 billion years
younger than most)
(D) The globular clusters in the Milky Way galaxy are significantly older than the individual stars in the halo.
(E) Most globular clusters in the Milky Way galaxy are between 11 and 15 billion years old.
?错题/In order to 题
143. The author of the passage puts the word “renegade” (line 29) in quotation marks most probably in order to
(A) emphasize the lack of support for the theories in question
(B) contrast the controversial quality of the theories in question with the respectable character of their formulators
(C) generate skepticism about the theories in question
(D) ridicule the scientists who once doubted the theories in question
(E) indicate that the theories in question are no longer as unconventional as they once seemed作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:35
Passage 33
While there is no blueprint for transforming a largely
government-controlled economy into a free one, the
experience of the United Kingdom since 1979 clearly
shows one approach that works: privatization, in which
(5) state-owned industries are sold to private companies . By
1979, the total borrowings and losses of state-owned
industries were running at about t3 billion a year. By
selling many of these industries, the government has
decreased these borrowings and losses, gained over t34
(10) billion from the sales, and now receives tax revenues from
the newly privatized companies. Along with a dramatically
improved overall economy, the government has been able
to repay 12.5 percent of the net national debt over a
two-year period.
(15) In fact, privatization has not only rescued individual
industries and a whole economy headed for disaster, but
has also raised the level of performance in every area. At
British Airways and British Gas, for example , productivity
per employee has risen by 20 percent. At associated
(20) British Ports, labor disruptions common in the 1970’s and
early 1980’s have now virtually disappeared. At British
Telecom, there is no longer a waiting list—as there always
was before privatization—to have a telephone installed.
Part of this improved productivity has come about
(25) because the employees of privatized industries were given
the opportunity to buy shares in their own companies. They
responded enthusiastically to the offer of shares; at British
Aerospace, 89 percent of the eligible work force bought
shares; at Associated British Ports, 90 percent; and at
(30) British Telecom, 92 percent. When people have a personal
stake in something, they think about it, care about it, work
to make it prosper. At the National Freight Consortium,
the new employee-owners grew so concerned about their
company’s profits that during wage negotiations they
(35) actually pressed their union to lower its wage demands.
Some economists have suggested that giving away free
shares would provide a needed acceleration of the privati-
zation process. Yet they miss Thomas Paine’s point that
“what we obtain too cheap we esteem too lightly.” In
(40) order for the far-ranging benefits of individual ownership
to be achieved by owners, companies, and countries,
employees and other individuals must make their own
decisions to buy, and they must commit some of their own
resources to the choice.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:35
206. According to the passage, all of the following were benefits of privatizing state-owned industries in the United
Kingdom EXCEPT:
(A) Privatized industries paid taxes to the government.
(B) The government gained revenue from selling state-owned industries.
(C) The government repaid some of its national debt.
(D) Profits from industries that were still state-owned increased.
(E) Total borrowings and losses of state-owned industries decreased.
207. According to the passage, which of the following resulted in increased productivity in companies that have been
(A) A large number of employees chose to purchase shares in their companies.
(B) Free shares were widely distributed to individual shareholders.
(C) The government ceased to regulate major industries.
(D) Unions conducted wage negotiations for employees.
(E) Employee-owners agreed to have their wages lowered.
208. It can be inferred from the passage that the author considers labor disruptions to be
(A) an inevitable problem in a weak national economy
(B) a positive sign of employee concern about a company
(C) a predictor of employee reactions to a company’s offer to sell shares to them
(D) a phenomenon found more often in state-owned industries than in private companies(没提及)
(E) a deterrence to high performance levels in an industry(In lines 15-17, the author states that privatization has “raised the level of performance” in industry. As an example, the author mentions in lines 19-21 that at one company, “labor disruptions common in the 1970’s and early 1980’s have now virtually disappeared.” Thus,the author is implying that an absence of labor disruptions raises the level of performance, and the converse-that labor disruptions adversely affect performance level)
209. The passage supports which of the following statements about employees buying shares in their own
(A) At three different companies, approximately nine out of ten of the workers were eligible to buy shares in their
(B) Approximately 90% of the ellgible workers at three different companies chose o buy shares in their
(C) The opportunity to buy shares was discouraged by at least some labor unions.
(D) Companies that demonstrated the highest productivity were the first to allow their employees the opportunity
to buy shares.
(E) Eligibility to buy shares was contingent on employees’ agreeing to increased work loads.
210. Which of the following statements is most consistent with the principle described in lines 30-32?
(A) A democratic government that decides it is inappropriate to own a particular industry has in no way abdicated
its responsibilities as guardian of the public interest.
(B) The ideal way for a government to protect employee interests is to force companies to maintain their share of a
competitive market without government subsidies.
(C) The failure to harness the power of self-interest is an important reason that state-owned industries perform
poorly.( Lines 30-32 assert that people who have a persona stake in an endeavor will
“work to make it prosper.” In other words, self-interest is an incentive to make people perform
better. Choice C makes the same assumption and uses that the converse is also true: that when
workers lack a personal stake in the fate of their industry, their performance will be poor.)
(D) Governments that want to implement privatization programs must try to eliminate all resistance to the
free-market system.
(E) The individual shareholder will reap only a minute share of the gains from whatever sacrifices he or she makes
to achieve these gains.
211. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the privatization process in the United
(A) It depends to a potentially dangerous degree on individual ownership of shares.
(B) It conforms in its most general outlines to Thomas Palne’s prescription for business ownership.
(C) It was originally conceived to include some giving away of free shares.
(D) It has been successful, even though privatization has failed in other countries.
(E) It is taking place more slowly than some economists suggest is necessary.
错题:in order to题
212. The quotation in line 39 is most probably used to
(A) counter a position that the author of the passage believes is incorrect
(B) state a solution to a problem described in the previous sentence
(C) show how opponents of the viewpoint of the author of the passage have supported their arguments
(D) point out a paradox contained in a controversial viewpoint
(E) present a historical maxim to challenge the principle introduced in the third paragraph作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:35
Passage 38
During the nineteenth-century, occupational information about women that was provided by the
United States census-a population count conducted each decade-became more detailed and precise
in response to social changes. Through 1840 , simple enumeration by household mirrored a
home-based agricultural economy and hierarchical social order: the head of the household
(presumed male or absent) was specified by name, whereas other household members were only
indicated by the total number of persons counted in various categories, including occupational
categories. Like farms, most enterprises were family-run, so that the census measured economic
activity as an attribute of the entire household, rather than of individuals.
The 1850 census , partly responding to antislavery and women’s rights movements, initiated the
collection of specific information about each individual in a household. Not until 1870 was
occupational information analyzed by gender: the census superintendent reported 1.8 million
women employed outside the home in “gainful and reputable occupations.” In addition, he
arbitrarily attributed to each family one woman “keeping house.” Overlap between the two groups
was not calculated until 1890 , when the rapid entry of women into the paid labor force and social
issues arising from industrialization were causing women’s advocates and women statisticians to
press for more thorough and accurate accounting of women’s occupations and wages.
236. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) explain and critique the methods used by early statisticians
(B) compare and contrast a historical situation with a current-day one
(C) describe and explain a historical change
(D) discuss historical opposition to an established institution
(E) trace the origin of a contemproary cotroversy
237. Each of the following aspects of nineteenth-century United States censuses is mentioned in
the passage EXCEPT the
(A) year in which data on occupations began to be analyzed by gender
(B) year in which specific information began to be collected on individuals in addition to the
head of the household
(C) year in which overlap between women employed outside the home and women keeping
hosue was first calculated
(D) way in which the 1890 census measured women’s income levels and eductional
(E) way in which household members were counted in the 1840 census
238. It can be inferred from the passage that the 1840 United States census provided a count of
which of the following?
(A) Women who worked exclusively in the home
(B) People engaged in nonfarming occupations(Lines 5-15 indicate
that in the 1840 United States census, individuals were classified by occupational categories. It
can be inferred from this information that the 1840 census provided a count of persons in
occupations other than farming.)
(C) People engaged in social movements
(D) Women engaged in family-run enterprises
(E) Men engaged in agriculture(Lines 19-20 indicate that the 1870 United State census was the first
in which occupational information was analyzed by gender.)
错题/in order to 题
239. The author uses the adjective “simple” in line 5 most probably to emphasize that the
(A) collection of census inofrmation became progressively more difficult throughout the
(B) technology for tabulating census information was rudimentary during the first half of the
nineteenth century
(C) home-based agricultural economy of the early nineteenth century was easier to analyze
than the later industrial economy
(D) economic role of women was better defined in the early nineteenth century than in the late
nienteent century
(E) information collected by early-nineteen-century censuses was limited in its amount of detail
信息题/强对比取非题:注意这种题,原文说现在应该more accurate,证明以前没有accurate
240. The passage suggests which of the following about the “women’s advocates and women
statisticians” mentioned in lines 27-28?
(A) They wanted to call attention to the lack of pay for women who worked in the home.
(B) They believed that previous census information was inadequate and did not reflect certain
economic changes in the United States.(Their pressing for fuller
information implies that the women’s advocates and women statisticians believe earlier United
States censuses had not provided adequate information about women’s occupations and wages.)
(C) They had begun to press for changes in census-taking methods as part of their
participation in the antislavery movement.(1850)
(D) They thought that census statistics about women would be more accurate if more women
were employed as census officials.
(E) They had conducted independent studies that disputed the official statistics provided by
previosu United States censuses.(无)
31 D 07:29
32 C 01:14
33 E 01:29
34 D 00:53
35 C 01:36
36 D 00:36
137 D 04:29
138 A 01:02
139 E 00:58
140 C 02:14
141 D 01:28
142 C 02:36
143 C 01:35
206 D 04:23
207 A 00:56
208 B 01:51
209 B 01:19
210 E 01:26
211 E 01:25
212 D 00:45
236 C 02:56
237 D 01:01
238 E 01:51
239 C 01:12
240 C 01:46
总时间没有超时作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-6-3 22:36
Passage 11
At the end of the nineteenth century, a rising interest
in Native American customs and an increasing desire to
understand Native American culture prompted ethnolo-
gists to begin recording the life stories of Native Amer-
(5) ican. Ethnologists had a distinct reason for wanting to
hear the stories: they were after linguistic or anthropo-
logical data that would supplement their own field
observations, and they believed that the personal
stories, even of a single individual, could increase their
(10) understanding of the cultures that they had been
observing from without. In addition many ethnologists
at the turn of the century believed that Native Amer-
ican manners and customs were rapidly disappearing,
and that it was important to preserve for posterity as
(15) much information as could be adequately recorded
before the cultures disappeared forever.
There were, however, arguments against this method
as a way of acquiring accurate and complete informa-
tion. Franz Boas, for example, described autobiogra-
(20) phies as being “of limited value, and useful chiefly for
the study of the perversion of truth by memory,” while
Paul Radin contended that investigators rarely spent
enough time with the tribes they were observing, and
inevitably derived results too tinged by the investi-
(25) gator’s own emotional tone to be reliable.
Even more importantly, as these life stories moved
from the traditional oral mode to recorded written
form, much was inevitably lost. Editors often decided
what elements were significant to the field research on a
(30) given tribe. Native Americans recognized that the
essence of their lives could not be communicated in
English and that events that they thought significant
were often deemed unimportant by their interviewers.
Indeed, the very act of telling their stories could force
(35) Native American narrators to distort their cultures, as
taboos had to be broken to speak the names of dead
relatives crucial to their family stories.
Despite all of this, autobiography remains a useful
tool for ethnological research: such personal reminis-
(40) cences and impressions, incomplete as they may be, are
likely to throw more light on the working of the mind
and emotions than any amount of speculation from an
ethnologist or ethnological theorist from another
61. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
(A) The historical backgrounds of two currently used research methods are chronicled.
(B) The validity of the data collected by using two different research methods is compared.
(C) The usefulness of a research method is questioned and then a new method is proposed.
(D) The use of a research method is described and the limitations of the results obtained are discussed.
(E) A research method is evaluated and the changes necessary for its adaptation to other subject areas are
62. Which of the following is most similar to the actions of nineteenth-century ethnologists in their editing of the life stories of Native Americans?
(A) A witness in a jury trial invokes the Fifth Amendment in order to avoid relating personally incriminating evidence.
(B) A stockbroker refuses to divulge the source of her information on the possible future increase in a stock’s value.
(C) A sports announcer describes the action in a team sport with which he is unfamiliar.
(D) A chef purposely excludes the special ingredient from the recipe of his prizewinning dessert.
(E) A politician fails to mention in a campaign speech the similarities in the positions held by her opponent for political office and by herself.
63. According to the passage, collecting life stories can be a useful methodology because
(A) life stories provide deeper insights into a culture than the hypothesizing of academics who are not members of that culture
(B) life stories can be collected easily and they are not subject to invalid interpretations
(C) ethnologists have a limited number of research methods from which to choose
(D) life stories make it easy to distinguish between the important and unimportant features of a culture
(E) the collection of life stories does not require a culturally knowledgeable investigator
64. Information in the passage suggests that which of the following may be a possible way to eliminate bias in the editing of life stories?
(A) Basing all inferences made about the culture on an ethnological theory
(B) Eliminating all of the emotion-laden information reported by the informant
(C) Translating the informant’s words into the researcher’s language
(D) Reducing the number of questions and carefully specifying the content of the questions that the investigator can ask the informant
(E) Reporting all of the information that the informant provides regardless of the investigator’s personal opinion about its intrinsic value
65. The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is to
(A) question an explanation
(B) correct a misconception
(C) critique a methodology
(D) discredit an idea
(E) clarify an ambiguity
66. It can be inferred from the passage that a characteristic of the ethnological research on Native Americans conducted
during the nineteenth century was the use of which of the following?
(A) Investigators familiar with the culture under study
(B) A language other than the informant’s for recording life stories
(C) Life stories as the ethnologist’s primary source of information
(D) Complete transcriptions of informants’ descriptions of tribal beliefs
(E) Stringent guidelines for the preservation of cultural data作者: shefff 时间: 2010-7-22 16:05
感谢分享作者: myice 时间: 2010-10-15 22:50
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