Adcom说他们是有点慢,第二轮decision deadline的时候大概还有15个左右的人没有面,所以就拖到了现在。
发Cornell MBA第二轮面经
btw,我问他家的那个language course是不是强制的,她说我的英语水平可以不参加,另外就是问我想不想转1年的那个program?
Cornell phone interview
Just finished my phone interview with Johnson School. The interviewer is Kim.
For your reference, the following is the questions that i took
1. walk through your resume (incld. reason for position transition & achievements)
2. L/T & S/T goals
3. Why Cornell
4. A question about leadership experience on my resume
5. an example of how you interacted with a difficult person at work
6. what's the key role/responsibility of a team member
7. what's the major strength/weakness of your application
8. question
Good luck!
Cornell Johnson 电话面试
Go through your resume;
Career goal after MBA;
Why MBA;
Why Johnson;
How to deal with conflict;
Your leadership story;
What clubs or organization you are interested in;
What's your weakness;
Other schools applied;
Any question to ask.
面试官是Debbie,应该算Admin吧,人特别nice,但说话基本不带感情,很难判断她的态度,很职业的面试官。我的account manager也是Heidi,好像很多人都是她负责联系,人不错。我没收到这几天大家讨论的christmas card,但我想收到不收到都不说明什么问题,不要担心,学校管理应该还没先进到可以区别性的群发邮件。
Cornell Johnson MBA面经(半夜的)
也是Kim MM 面的,加拿大人,声音很可爱,人很友好。Blind interview,所以她说她边听边记录。
1. walk through resume
2. leadership experience
3. how to persuade others
4. why Johnson
5. goals
6. what other schools did you apply
7. greatest strength and potential weakness
8. 3 words to describe yourself
9. questions
攒人品,Cornell 电话面经
Admission Staff,一个MM,叫Kim,没有搜到背景资料
Introduce me your career switch on your resume, the reason, 为什么要辞职去FAMILY BUSINESS,是不是LAID OFF,我说不是,我自己辞职的(没说其实现在后悔了)
描述在工作中遇到一个很difficult的人的story,你是怎么deal with的
对我大学时的创业开翻译公司很感兴趣,我告诉她为什么开,当时就是一个entrepreneurship dream,再加上觉得有外校资源,没多想,脑子里就是do it first, ask questions later,把她逗笑了@_@,不知笑点在哪里。讲了一下怎么run的。
Why Cornell
Any other school (对于我申的CEIBS,她没听清,我解释是在上海,答完后没有追问原因)
你觉得你的Application package中有什么弱的地方,我说我是一小土鳖
Cornell Johnson MBA电话面经
why mba
why cornell
career goal(注意:转行的要准备back up)
leadership example
teamwork example
what club
your questions
:( :( :(,最后问我学习英语要求高,怎么提高打算
Short-term and long-term goal;
Why MBA;
Why Johnson;
A difficult situation;
How to deal with conflict;
How to persuade others;
Your leadership style;
What clubs or organization you are interested in;
3 words to describle yourself;
Other schools applied;
Any question to ask.
刚出炉的Cornell Johnson面经
Walk through your resume
Why resigned from the first job, which sounds pretty elite and promising?
Why Cornell
Biggest accomplishment(我就直接把essay的搬运上去了,不知道这样是不是不合适。等我balabala半天,他幽幽地问了一句,这是不是essay上的?我汗,也不知是不是不应该这样?)
Any other school applied(我只有他家一所,所以回答起来特别理直气壮)
貌似还有一些什么,不记得了,都是很常规的问题。但在walk through resume的里面陆续问过很多追问的小问题,记得回答起来特别需要打点精神。看到他在简历里做了很多的标注,应该是事先很认真准备过问题的。
bless all, including me
刚面试完。基本上JOHNSON 是让你告诉他们你要如何面试。如果选择当地ALUM面试的话,他们会发一个LIST给你,你自己联系当地的ALUM和SET UP 你的INTERVIEW。当你SET UP 好了以后再回话告诉ADCOM他们会FOLLOW UP 那个INTERVIEW你的ALUM。
Cornell 1y
我是在Decision release前一天收到邀请的。cornell的round 3有1100多人申请,学校估计人手不够了,拖得比较晚。。
我约了电话面试,知道面试官姓名后,到Linkedin查了一下。她是负责immersion project的,因此准备了这方面的问题问她。
1, Go through resume,
2, Why MBA, why Cornell
3, Leadership experience,
4, How to deal with conflict? Example?
5, Team work experience
6,Other school applied
7, How do your colleagues describe you?
8, what three points of you I should tell adcom office?
9, Questions for her
1. why mba? Any catalyst for MBA decision?
2. why Cornell?
3. Other school? why?
4. contributions to class?
5. short-term goal?
6. Questions to her?
本人工作时间较长,所以重点问了 why mba, 中间有interaction.
感谢一位mm两次的mock.不知道她版上的ID. 就此谢过!!!
2月10日收到面试邀请,约在2月12日Skype面。面试官是VICTORIA Z. AVERBUKH,Cornell在Manhattan的director。其实他家发offer前并不是都要面试,一些有问题需要clarify的申请人才会被要求面试。
面试时只有我开视频,对方不开。意料之外的是interview是压力面,对方非常tough,针对了材料中的几处硬伤质询了一下,我尽力defend,但感觉很不是滋味。其中我提到对algorithmic trading感兴趣,对方问了如何处理trading中的lag time,还有对high frequency trading的了解。我答得都不太好,最后还问了一下最近一次读WSJ是什么时候,对报上什么topic感兴趣。因为自己有订阅,就提了一下了EU对Greece的纠结和自己对市场情绪的看法。结束前director给我提了一些建议,如准备intern面试尽早准备,早在开学前就要进入状态,我觉得还是非常受用的。
Cornell R2 面经 & telephone interview discussion (3-1)
一个小时前面完了我的dream school,表现不好,真恨自己没有抓住机会。先上面经吧。
1. professional progress at work
2. the most difficult time at work
3. team work experience
4. the most important decision of your life
5. why cornell
6. other schools applied
7. how did you do to contact Cornell alumni
8. any questions
虽然已经面试过好几所学校了,但电话面试还是头一次。感觉很不好,看不到对方,好容易紧张,还会走神。真后悔没多做做telephone interview的mock. 感觉电话面试和face-to-face,哪怕skype interview都差好多啊。交流不顺畅,好像也很难和面试官有共鸣(就连我问的问题,关于BRI的,她都不太清楚)。想想去读MBA后找工作也会有很多电话面试的,大N们讲讲经验吧?电话面试到底怎么提高?有什么技巧麽?还是因为个人英语水平的问题?
Adcom / On-campus / Round 2 / Accepted! (Published March 22nd, 2010)
Interview was fairly informal. Lasted almost exactly 30 minutes and she asked the following questions:
Walk me through your resume and experience.
Leadership examples
Asked about my career goals
Which immersion would best fit your goals?
Tell me about a time you experienced conflict and how did you resolve it?
Did you bring anything else besides your resume you would like to share?
Asked me about my passion for a particular sport since the interviewer was also passionate about it
Asked if I had re-taken my GMAT because I said I would in the optional essay of my application (which I did re-take).
Any questions for me?
When I walked away I didn't feel like I had connected with the interviewer as well as I would have liked but I got my message across about my background, goals, how Cornell fits into my plan and how I fit into Cornell. Learned of my acceptance via a phone call on February 15th, one day before the notification deadline.
Round 2 / Alum / Telephonic (Published February 1st, 2010 as shared by MY MBA journey)
Brief me about your work post graduation
More follow up about the actual work
Tell me about a significant leadership experience
Tell me about a teamwork related conflict you faced
How did you make the choice about this career path
Have you done more research about this path?
Where else have you applied? Why?
Tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision
Any questions?
Round 2 / Second Year Student with Adcom present / On-campus (Published January 7th, 2010)
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, not gloom of night shall keep me from my appointed interviews! Borrowing that from the USPS, I figured that was a pretty good recap of my weekend. Friday night, Danielle and I had dinner with friends and we didn’t get back until pretty late. We slept in until about 9ish on Saturday, which was a welcome relief from the stresses of the past week. The original plan was to drive up to Ithaca on Sunday and stay at the Statler hotel, which is a hotel on Cornell’s campus that is student run. The only problem was the huge freaking blizzard that was scheduled to hit the northeast on Saturday. I didn’t think much of it at first until I spoke with my mother (who lives near Philly) who informed me that 8 inches of snow had just fallen in the first hour of the storm. It was right about that time that I panicked…
My fiancée and I started running around the apartment packing everything for the weekend. It was about 11:30 and the storm was supposed to hit NYC around 1, so there wasn’t much time to waste. I quickly called and booked a room at the Courtyard Marriott Ithaca, for the night (because I didn’t really want to pay another $250 to stay at the Statler for an additional night). We made great time up to Ithaca and didn’t see a drop of snow. The trip had started very well…
We found a local bar to eat at called “The Rose” and had a pretty good meal, with the locals seeming very friendly. It was pretty cold at night, so we didn’t hang around for very long. We made our way back to hotel and went to bed.
Sunday brought another day. We wanted to explore a little, so we went to an early movie to see Avatar (in 3D). I highly, highly recommend this to anyone who might want to see it. The theater in Ithaca was pretty spectacular. We only paid $11/person for a 3D movie. I am used to paying that for a normal Saturday movie in NYC…pretty good snack choices as well.
We then went to check into the Statler hotel. It is a beautiful hotel and they gave us a room with a view of the valley that is below Cornell. The campus is very much an IVY league campus, with brick and old stone throughout the buildings. We settled in and watched some football. After watching the Jets choke their game away, we went to the hotel restaurant. It was a very nice Italian place with a nice view of campus. After dinner we settled back into our hotel room and I tried to get some sleep before the big day…
It was no use, 10 o’clock turned into 11, into 12…I finally fell asleep around 12:30, only to wake up at 2:30! After some restlessness, I went back to bed around 3:30 and woke up at 7, so not terrible, but not a great night’s sleep either. I got up, ordered some breakfast and got dressed for my interview.
I arrived at around 8:50 for my 9:15 interview and waited in the admissions office until my interviewer arrived. I was supposed to be interviewing with an adcom, but was told that she would be joined by a 2nd year student. I didn’t know if this was good or bad, but I had to just roll with the punches. The 2nd year student arrived (along with the adcom) around 9:20 and after introductions, we made our way to a conference room.
The 2nd year told that this was going to be very conversational and that he would be conducting the interview under the supervision of the adcom. He started by telling me about himself and about his time at Johnson. Then we started the interview. Here are the questions that he asked, I don’t think you are going to find them as helpful because he tailored the interview to my work experience and the flow of our discussion.
Tell me why you chose your college.
Tell me about your internship at Bear Stearns.
Anything you saw that made you not surprised that it went out of business?
Tell me what ICAP (current company) is and what you do.
What 3 changes need to be made to fix the financial system?
Do you like the VaR model?
What is its main drawback?
What other schools are you applying to and why?
What is the main difference between Tuck and Johnson in your eyes?
Tell me how your teammates would describe you as a team member? (work and ex. curricular)
Asked me a long hypothetical question about morals and wanted me to detail my thought process for him.
Any questions for me?
The interview lasted for almost an hour and after that time I was escorted back to the admissions office. After that I met with Randall Sawyer, the assistant dean of admissions. We chatted about life in Ithaca and what having a partner there would mean. It was a really nice talk and it really helped with some of my concerns.The only bad part about the conversation was Randall telling me that I would still have to wait until Feb 15th to hear anything back. I had hoped that it would be rolling instead of a deadline…
With the interview and my interaction with some of the students, Johnson has zoomed past Stern to #1 on my list (of 2). I really loved the scenery of Ithaca and the small town feel. I think it would be the perfect place to spend 2 years and I am really hoping that I get some good news in February!
Round 2 / Telephone / Adcom (Originally shared by Choc Heaven. Published March 16th, 2009)
I had my Johnson (Cornell) interview last night, which lasted for 40 minutes. It was on the phone with an ad-com representative, and was a blind interview. The questions were pretty routine:
Why MBA, why now, what are your post-MBA plans?
Discussion on your career to date, what roles you have had, skills learned etc.
Example of a time when you had a conflict in team and how you reacted to it.
Example of a leadership situation - where you had to convince a colleague or team about something they disagreed with.
Why Cornell? This I feel is the most important aspect for Johnson. They really want to see how motivated you are to attend Johnson, whether you'll be a good fit, and whether you actually have an idea of what they prize themselves on
What 3 adjectives would I use to describe you to the Admissions committee?
What student clubs are you interested in?
What Immersion Program will you join?
Any questions for me?
Round 2 / On-campus / Adcom / Accepted! (Published February 9th, 2009)
I interviewed on campus in January. School was not fully in session when I visited, but all the first year students were around for their Immersions. As such, walking around at Sage Hall, I was able to converse with multiple current students regarding their experience.
I would highly recommend doing the info session BEFORE the interview. I found it very helpful, and was able to relate what I saw during the information session to answer questions of why I was a good fit at Cornell during the interview.
My interview was with an adcom member in the late afternoon. She was very cordial, and being my first MBA interview experience, it was very simple. Having read all the previous Clear Admit interview experiences, and having practiced my answers out loud extensively (probably 3 or 4 run throughs with another person) I was prepared for all of her questions.
They included:
Walk me through your resume/life story.
Why MBA?
Why now?
Why Cornell?
What immersion would you be interested in and why?
What 3 qualities do you believe a leader must have? Which of these is your weakest?
Tell me about the most difficult professional experience you've had.
What other schools are you applying to and why?
What questions do you have for me?
She also went over a couple of the activities that I had listed on my resume. If there is something regarding your extracirriculars you would like to talk about, I advise putting it on your resume. Also, a couple of these questions were in response to something that I said, so it is possible to lead the conversation in the direction that you desire.
I was accepted in R2 with a partial scholarship. Good luck to everyone!
Round 2 / Alumni (Published February 6th, 2009)
I had applied to R2 and I had the alumni interview. He had not seen my application. The alumni was very friendly and the interview was mostly in the form of conversation.
Walk through your resume
Why MBA and why Now
Short term/Long term goals
Why Johnson School of business
Most difficult decision in my professional life
Most innovative solution
Example of motivation in professional life
Style of leadership
challenging thing in the job
Any questions for me
On-campus / 2 yr student / Round 2/admitted with scholarship (Published on February 4, 2009)
I had a interview on-campus at the Cornell Johnson School yesterday for the November application round. To my surprise, the admission staff didn't even mention other options, just let me choose which time is OK for me to have the interview on campus. I drove up the morning before from New York City (4 hour drive), toured around the campus, talked to some students I contacted before and stayed at the super8 motel downtown(cheap but great). On campus parking is free for admission visitors, so don't worry about parking. Just drive to one of the four info booth and identify yourself as admission visitor they'll give a parking permit, a map and a clear direction about where to park, how to get there. (the staff in the info booth was a pretty blonde student worked as a part-time!)
My interview was with a 2nd year student who had already signed his offer, so he really spent some time reading my resume and made marks and prepared specific questions. We talked in one of the breakout room (no. 121). Although it's a blind interview, I found the interview a little bit challenging than other reported interviews but the interviewer was nice and I believe I've also prepared well. It lasted about 50 minutes.
Questions Asked:
I've read through your resume and let's start with your most recent one, ok?
The employment gap? what did you do?
Why MBA?
why now?
which specific area and location are you interested in? (related to my goal)
what's your 3 strongest strengths and weakness?
How will you work in a difficult team situation, when someone don't even care to contribute?
What other schools are you applying to?
what activities will you join if admitted? anything specifically interested in Johnson?
What questions do you have for me?
In addition to these questions he asked many follow-up questions that were specific to my responses.
I also scheduled a class visit / information session / lunch (only 7 dollar coupon for 1 person, other schools I visited even provided for my girl friend) / tour with current students, which I found not so helpful.
When I drove back to NY in the afternoon, the snow came. The Pocono Mt was all in snow and very difficult to even see the road. The location of Ithaca really is a problem for some others, but I'm OK.
Adcom / On-campus / Round 2 (Published February 3rd, 2009)
I interviewed on-campus at the Cornell Johnson School last week for the November application round. I drove up the night before from New York City (4 hour drive) and stayed at the Holiday Inn hotel downtown. The morning of my interview I found easy parking at a municipal parking garage in Collegetown and walked up to campus (5 minute walk) instead of trying to find on-campus parking. My interview was with a member of the Admissions Committee in their office. He had a copy of my resume and a report from the application reader. I found the interview to be very conversational and a great experience. It lasted about 45 minutes.
Questions Asked:
Walk me through your background
How did you end up at your current job?
What do you do for fun outside of work?
Why Cornell?
Why do you want an MBA?
What do you plan to use your MBA for?
How would your friends describe you?
What other schools are you applying to?
What are you reading right now?
What do your parents do?
What questions do you have for me?
In addition to these questions he asked many follow-up questions that were specific to my responses. I paired my interview with the information session / lunch / tour with current students, which I found extremely helpful. However, I could not attend a class given my timing constraints. I came away in love with Cornell's campus. Ithaca seemed like a great place to spend 2 years if you're looking for somewhere a little more rural, like I am after spending 4+ years in NYC.
Round 2 / Adcom / On-campus (Published January 28th, 2009)
I found the Johnson School very helpful during the application process. When I was asked to interview, they assigned me a contact in the admissions office and also provided a login to a portal to search for students using various criteria (clubs/ undergrad institution / nationality / similar post-MBA interests) etc. - you can reach out these students who have volunteered to help prospective applicants.
My interview was on campus in Ithaca. I was interviewed by a student and adcom. Blind interview - they just had a copy of my resume. Standard questions, very conversational - most questions were based on my prior response. 1 hour.
List of interview questions (quite standard)
Resume walk through
Why MBA, why now?
Why Johnson School?
leadership examples?
teamwork examples?
Post-MBA plans - short and long term?
How will I contribute and be an active member of the Johnson community?
My strengths?
My weaknesses?
how will my friends describe me?
time for questions
Ithaca is an absolutely beautiful place! Very impressed with everything - smart and friendly students, the classes I sat in on were interesting with good class participation - and my interview was handled extremely well too.
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