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标题: 5月28日GMAT考试-逻辑新题(2-11) [打印本页]

作者: 赢智    时间: 2010-5-28 21:33     标题: 5月28日GMAT考试-逻辑新题(2-11)

1、GWD变体 Kitchen magazine        3
2 、鱼肝油与心脏病.........................................................................................................................4
4、meat&grain GWD.......................................................................................................................4
作者: 赢智    时间: 2010-5-28 21:34


V1(from morningqu 600+)
逻辑有道吃鱼能降低心脏病发病率但芬兰吃很多这种鱼的人却比别人发病风险高 找支持

考古 (from nowwsy)

补充:Google来的材料 (没时间的童鞋就跳过了吧。)
作者: 赢智    时间: 2010-5-28 21:34

(from phrenology  )
In each of the past five years, Barraland’s prison population has increased.  Yet, according to official government statistics, for none of those years has there been either an increase in the number of criminal cases brought to trial, or an increase in the rate at which convictions have been obtained.  Clearly, therefore, the percentage of people convicted of crimes who are being given prison sentences is on the increase.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

A.    In Barraland the range of punishments that can be imposed instead of a prison sentence is wide.
B.    Over the last ten years, overcrowding in the prisons of Barraland has essentially been eliminated as a result of an ambitious program of prison construction.
C.    Ten years ago, Barraland reformed its criminal justice system, imposing longer minimum sentences for those crimes for which a prison sentence had long been mandatory.
D.    Barraland has been supervising convicts on parole more closely in recent years, with the result that parole violations have become significantly less frequent.
E.    The number of people in Barraland who feel that crime is on the increase is significantly greater now than it was five years ago.
作者: 赢智    时间: 2010-5-28 21:34

4 Meat&Grain GWD
V1 (From richardmzq 720)


Ps: 已经主人确认考的是gwd题目是原题   答案是变体。主人答案靠谱儿!

考古   (from nowwsy)
GWD 原题
Gortland has long been narrowly self-sufficient in both grain and meat. However, as per capita income in Gortland has risen toward theworld average, per capita consumption of meat has also risen toward theworld average, and it takes several pounds of grain to produce one poundof meat. Therefore, since per capita income continues to rise, whereasdomestic grain production will not increase, Gortland will soon have to import either grain or meat or both.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A. The total acreage devoted to gain production in Gortland will not decrease substantially.
B. The population of Gortland has remained relatively constant during the country's years of growing prosperity.
C. The per capita consumption of meat in Gortland is roughly the same across all income levels.
D. In Gortland, neither meat nor grain is subject to government price controls.
E. People in Gortland who increase their consumption of meat will not radically decrease their consumption of grain.

V2 from carriemo
说是某国对肉和粮食的消费量都增加了,生产肉需要耗费很多生产粮食的时间。居民消费不会减少,国家也没有打算扩大生产肉或者粮食。问可以assume以下哪种情况的产生好像。我选的是该国不久要start to import 肉或者粮食或者both.

作者: 赢智    时间: 2010-5-28 21:35

V1 (From richardmzq 720)

考古  (from nowwsy)
The city of Workney, in raising bus fares from $1.00 to $1.25, proposed that 18 fare tokens be sold for $20.00 to alleviate the extra burden of the fare increase on the city’s low-income residents.  Critics suggested alternatively that 9 fare tokens be sold for $10.00, because a $20.00 outlay would be prohibitive for low-income riders.
The alternative proposal depends on which of the following assumptions?
A.    Low-income residents of Workney will continue to ride the buses in the same numbers despite the fare increase.
B.    Low-income riders would be more likely to take advantage of the savings afforded by the 9-token offer than would other riders.
C.    The outlay of $10.00 for the purchase of 9 fare tokens would not be prohibitive for low-income bus riders.
D.    The proposed fare increase is needed for the purchase of new buses for the city’s bus system.
E.     Buses provide the only means of public transportation in the city of Workney.
作者: 赢智    时间: 2010-5-28 21:35

V1 (From richardmzq 720)
填空的,关键词是venue.一些 历史学家说公元前2世纪时候一个罗马时期venue,而在意大利南部另一个时期出土的花瓶什么的上面刻有的venue情景和上面的情景很相似,还说了这些 venue是不同Level的wooden的。然后一些人反对这个看法,一方面因为罗马那个venue往往是在一个什么节日前后才有的,还有因为  (横线)
作者: 赢智    时间: 2010-5-28 21:35

7、绿色食品 (待补充)
V1 (From richardmzq 720)
作者: 赢智    时间: 2010-5-28 21:36

本帖最后由 赢智 于 2010-6-9 21:26 编辑

V1 from mylover 730
有一种transgene,可以有什么作用(大概是增强体能之类),而最近运动协会宣布要禁止这种药物在运动员身上使用。作者提出A可以作为其中一个媒 介,只要检测A的存在就能判断是否有违禁。而违禁的运动员会被ban。问assumption。

V2 from vincent007
作者: 赢智    时间: 2010-5-28 21:36


V1 from
说某省有很多人去邻省赌博,为邻省贡献了税金,为了减少500亿的财政赤字,某领导 议不增加烟草税而是使赌博在本省合法化,我weak的选项是?我选的是去邻省赌博的人,很多人所在的省市是允许赌博的

考古   (from nowwsy)
有个是邻城通过赌博赚了很多钱 我们城市很多人去赌博,于是为提高税收 我们不应该在香烟上采取措施提高香烟税之类的,而应该也建议赌博的场所, 问削弱
我选的削弱取消香烟税的那一个, 因为觉的没有削弱建立赌博场的 不太确定
作者: 赢智    时间: 2010-5-28 21:37

V1 from 樾上  780
说在汽车行业 顾客普遍反应最不能忍受的就是车子坏掉了 因为修理的时间很长 所以有个公司决定要不惜代价提高车子的质量(不一定是质量 就是让它不容易坏的意思)
问most weaken


V1 from 樾上  780
说是研究发现 在car accident中 大车里的人受重伤的频率大大高于小车里的人 所以为了减小在car accident中重伤频率 建议大家都开大车
问most weaken
我选的是 在涉及到行人的car accident中 被大车撞的人受重伤的远比被小车撞的多

考古   from nowwsy

V1坐小车通常比坐大车发生事故的伤害严重 所以通过让人们做小车可以减少事故伤害 问削弱
答案是 很少有人愿意从开小车转变成开大车  这是最接近的答案了

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