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标题: Wharton MBA 面试汇总(2009-2010) [打印本页]

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 19:41     标题: Wharton MBA 面试汇总(2009-2010)

In@HBS另附HBS, Wharton, Yale MBA面试小结


面试官是TOP3consulting firm的Consultant,有近十年的工作经历,为人很热情豪爽,整个面试都聊得非常开心。由于吸取了此前YALE面试的经历,这次我尽量让整个过程象是对话,在面试中穿插了一些征询对方意见的问题,使得好几个问题都变成了一种讨论,而不仅仅是我单方面的理解。

而且由于她对我工作行业非常了解,省略了大量背景解释的环节,可以直接get to the point,这也是Wharton挺喜欢的。整个面试中我尽量表现Wharton想要的素质,well rounded, down to earth, analytical。我还开了几次玩笑,几次逗得她哈哈大笑的(这些笑话都是我平时的积累,根据经验,一般用上对方都会觉得有趣的^o^)

1. Walk me through your resume.
2. Biggest Achievement.
3. Some probing questions on resume.
4. My hobby.
5. Why MBA, Why Wharton.
6. What's my biggest challenge if I go to Wharton.
7. My carrer goal.
8. My extra-curriculum experience.
9. What make me different from other candidates.
10. What others I want to share.


记得去Wharton campus visit的时候,Adcom说过一句话让我非常印象深刻:Wharton loves students who are individually competitive but collectively collaborative. 不知道有没有记错,大概意思就是个人竞争力很强,但是非常注重团队合作。而且Wharton的vigor core我也的确从内心里认同,可能和我实在的性格有关。 ... amp;extra=page%3D10

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 19:43




约校友的经历也有些曲折,狂给校友发信,终于约上了一位,08年毕业在上海工作的校友,人很nice 只是问的问题好像不完全常规



* introduce yourself

* Tell me more about your career progression to date?
* Why Wharton?
* Why an MBA?
* Why now?
* What do you want to do upon graduation?
* How would you describe your leadership style?
* Describe a team situation which failed?

* Do you have any weaknesses?  
* What are you interested in being involved at Wharton?
* What do you do for fun?
* Is there anything else we have not discussed that you would like to share with the Committee?
* Do you have any questions for me?  

希望对面试Wharton的其他筒子们有帮助! ... p;highlight=Wharton

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 19:44

新鲜出炉的Wharton mba面经
今年貌似面试wharton的人不是很多啊 在其他的论坛上看到这个帖子 大家一起分享吧!


昨天BJ HUB,很nice的Julia美眉面的,在国贸的中金。

不过昨天真是加班到很晚 没时间写面经 今天补交作业.

1. tell me about urself
2. why MBA
3. Career goal
4. what can you bring to wharton community
5. why wharton
6. my turn for questions



其实准备什么都没什么用啦,当然最好能先说英语把嘴遛开,以防表达不清。我就是昨天上午去上班时主动给公司在菲律宾的support center打了个电话,咨询了一下拖了半年没解决的一个电脑使用的问题,练练嘴啦:)然后午饭后就从公司直接地铁到国贸,还事先很敬业地约了在国贸的客户,面试出来下楼直接见客户开始工作。

嗯,所以不紧张,just be yourself就好。

Good luck to you all... ... p;highlight=Wharton

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 19:45

interviewed by J.J.
G730/6; T113; under from top university in mainland
am in finance

7点多就去看电影,期间不停看手机,我以为是会打电话的。。九点多散场,我还自作聪明以为是应该先给日本、韩国的同学打,那也很快就打到东八区了啊。。。接着我跟两个朋友去楼上喝东西,期间仍然一天到晚看手机,我朋友都受不了我了,把我的电话给没收了。。结果我晚饭后还吃了一个pizza和一盘鸡翅 最后还是回家后看到email。。

面试是JJ,他也没有问我所谓"typical questions",基本上就是讲我的工作经历云云,然后我也跟他说,“我年纪也不算很小了,工作也好多年了,你说要不要去读啊”然后他说"i can see the window is closing for you", 我也有点汗,然后我就跟他说 I guess it's a long-term investment etc. etc. 他说长远还是有帮助的。基本上就是这样

我挺喜欢JJ,很down to the earth,不浮夸


作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 19:48


1) tell me about yourself (其中每叙一段他会提出相关的问题)
2) Why MBA
3) Post-MBA plan
4) What do you do when you're not working
然后停下来,问我有没有什么需要和他share的。于是我讲了准备好long-term goal和strengths。之后他问我有没有什么问题,我问了两个,他回答得很仔细,之后就结束了。整个过程大概35-40分钟。

整个过程非常的conversational, 基本是对话的形式而非问答的形式。JJ在谈话过程当中非常地全神贯注,并提出相关的问题。终于明白为什么之前的童鞋说准备的长篇大论都派不上用场了。我也准备了一份script, 但基本上没有用到很多。虽然如此准备还是很必要的,非常感谢Zonia帮我做的mock interview, 让我了解到准备的重要性。也提醒之后的xdjm,尽量多mock几次,感受一下面试的氛围。



作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 19:48

Wharton MBA on-campus面经 (2-24)



基本都是常规问题,但是都是接着我的回答一个个问出来的。从其他同学的面经看,Wharton似乎真的不喜欢问“leadership, achievement”之类的问题,都集中在Why和个人简历的部分细节问。

面试完等着campus tour,结果等了20分钟,Admisssion的MM说抱歉,今天没人来带你们逛了,你们自己溜达吧。。。

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 19:52


问题都是typical questions
1 go through ur resume
2 career switch(why change job)
3 career goal
4 why MBA? Why Wharton?
5 extra-curriculum activities: one in US
6 working hours? what do you do in spare time? how can you make it? (他觉得我每周工作80h还能做其他的事情不太相信)
7 what do you want to share beyond your resume?
8 questions for him
1 be yourself, be confident
2 try to present who you are. the points that you wanna the adcom know. take some tactics in communication.
3 know urself(strength, weakness),
4 know ur job/previous WE/ reasons to change jobs.
5 know ur goal
just be consistent and sincere with your essay package
好像wharton比较注重international exposure, 尽量表现出自己比较diversfied, colorful的一面吧。

fingers crossed for all~~

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 19:53




The questions were quite standard:
walk me through your resume;
why MBA?
then we just started chatting about my community work and his background because he and I have both in healthcare and education.
good luck to those who interview in the next couple of days.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 19:56

Wharton R1 的最后一个面试者

我可能是Wharton R1中最后一个面试的。我在11月12日收到invitation, 当时北京上海的hub interview已经满了。所以我只能通过Wharton的alumni list选。后来我觉得也是个不错的选择。我research了list里所有一共9个面试人,因为我是来自industry的,所以我和一个精通此道的老外商量后,决定删除所有来自IB和consulting行业的人。原因有二:一,通常这些行业的人比较tough,这是他们每天做的事情之一;二,他们有比较大的可能性看不上来自其他行业的人(我说的比较直接,但确是事实)。然后剔除了刚毕业没多久,说话可能没什么分量的校友。我认为他们刚毕业,年轻气盛,又没赶上很好的就业环境,因此也可能比较挑剔(不要批判我,真实的内心活动)。最后剩下的两三位,我选了一位毕业5年左右,在中国当CEO的美国人。我觉得他的话会比较有分量。而且,我将来从事的行业是environment beneficial,和他现在的行业 people beneficial有connection,另外他在中国的生活也会让他感觉到环境改善的必要性。最后一个原因,我一个老外朋友认识他,说他人比较nice。然后我问这个老外朋友可以向他推荐一下我不,我这个老外朋友说it would not look good。因此作罢。

之后,我开始了严重的焦虑。我已经被Chicago锯掉,因此Wharton是我第一轮剩下的比较有可能的机会,而且我真的非常喜欢Wharton。但是我又搞不清楚interview的目的是什么:半小时的Interview怎么能够评价一个人的potential,就和其他的人能够区分出来?搞不清楚他的评判标准,我就觉得无从准备。因此我迟迟没有约interview。其间,我买了clear-admit的interview guild,感觉也没什么营养。但是通过论坛和别的朋友,我从另外一个角度试着理解了面试的意义:面试人通过这半个小时的接触,了解这个人的品行如何,这和你如何约面试,礼貌,周到,替别人着想,一直到见面的准时,是否真诚等等都能体现出来;还有沟通能力如何,是不是能明白别人的问题,整个谈话是互动还是你把自己准备的东西一古脑倒出来;你的知识结构广度和宽度;成熟度;还有就是chemistry,这个校友是否愿意把你选为他未来的校友。想清楚这些,我终于开始约面试,第一封email是11月30日发的,学校要求12月4日R1面试必须全部结束。

算我幸运,虽然这个校友人在芝加哥,但是三号回北京,我终于赶上了最后一天。请大家一定要提前准备,以避免出现我的情况。但是我也没什么后悔的,如果没想明白去面试,也可能被搞砸。在给这个校友的第一封信里,我诚实的写了我有九个选择,但是我希望和他面试以及原因,并且就如此short notice做了道歉。校友很礼貌的回信,说很愿意给我面试,时间就在最后一天,12月4日。还问我去他们公司方便不,或者其他地方,还问我prefer的时间。利用最后两天,我好好熟悉了一下我的材料。

面试当天,西装领带,提前到场。在咖啡厅选了一个安静的座位。安排妥当,提前十分钟给校友发短信,说我到了,请他不要着急。我抽了根烟平复心情,同时默诵我准备的内容。在约定时间15分钟后,校友到了。我正站在咖啡馆中间等他,礼貌引导到我选好的位子,并说我特意找了个安静的地方。他道谢并道歉迟到。我说我已经很感谢校友为我们这些申请人所花费的时间和精力。开始叫服务员点饮料,等待饮料的其间,我和他聊了聊我们共同认识的朋友(准备好的话题),一方面easy myself和找点connection,另一方面展示一下network并且我对面试的重视程度。

面试开始,我有点着急,想把自己理顺的思路(career goal)一股脑讲给他。但是我的career goal比较复杂,更像是一个business plan,后来他有点lost就打断了我。我发现到我的问题,放弃灌输式的沟通方式,和他一人一句的说着。最后他说我有一个清晰的目标(个人感觉不是夸奖,中性词而已)。问我为什么要读MBA,我也是聊着天和他说的。他也表示确实有必要念。然后问为什么Wharton,我说了一个global presence, 他不是很了解,我给他解释了下。Why Wharton这部分我觉得我准备的不充分,最后他问我还有什么是我想去Wharton的原因。我没有很好的表达我对学校的passion。比较吓人的是,最后问我,如果没有MBA要你,你下一步打算怎么办,我大概说了另外一条为了同一个目标努力的路。但是事后,我有点害怕他是不是暗示什么,也许是我敏感了,不知道。。。


最后,我问他了一些问题。因为我对他做过研究,问了他为什么他的职业之路在Wharton之后就改变了?(他是非常显赫的家族成员之一,但现在和家族生意无关)。他给了我有点感性的答案,和我也有点相似。再有就是很流行的一个问题,Wharton’s uniqueness, 他说最不同的是“Wharton Community”characterized by self-evolving and extreme democracy。一些club红了,一些死了;faculty极度重视学生意见等等。我很喜欢这种文化!我还问了他把西方管理经验应用在中国市场的challenge,因为我以后也会面对。他的答案也很inspiring,说这和中国无关,只是涉及如何把理论应用于实践,在哪里,在任何function都是一样。总之,这个校友非常和善和专业的感觉。


他好像挺感兴趣的,说,我再问最后一个问题;再问最后一个问题;真的最后一个问题。。。:)最后这几个问题基本是比较像Personal的聊天,非常轻松和愉快。包括,除了所有的application material,你还有什么想说的,我帮你加进去。我说我虽然30,但是依旧open-mind,我崇尚improvement, 因此请学校不要因为我的年龄而觉得我很难变化。还说到他要在我公司的楼里做个业务,我说这个业务我们员工很需要,我很愿意帮忙。


起身,他穿大衣,我问起美国的天气来fill the blank。我的东西还都没收拾,打算先送他,谁想他说他要把自己的帐结了,我说please, let me。被拒绝,他说什么没听清。但我也没勉强,和服务员说只结他的饮料。在这个空档,他问我之前有没有接触过他们学校,还问他们学校和其他学校在中国申请人中的品牌和印象如何。我如实做答,但是我确实觉得Wharton对中国学生的吸引面是最大的。最后,他问我要名片,我的名片用完但是没印新的,这点真是疏忽了。我道歉并解释原因。


送走他,马上回到咖啡厅写感谢信,写了大约300字,写了些聊天的细节,他所代表的Wharton给我的感觉,再次道歉没带名片但希望EMS给他,以及他或者Wharton Community需要帮忙我一定竭尽所能等等,最后说这次见面给我中已经belong to Wharton的想法(第一封给他的信字也不少,可能加起来是所有约面试的人里email字数最多的人了:)。写这么多和马上写是因为当晚就是evaluation report submission的时间(我猜),我想短时间,高强度大密度的给他留下正面,主动,积极的印象。至此,我能做的都已经做完了。

到今天,他还没有回给我thanks letter,但是我除了祈祷也没什么能做的。朋友说我整个做的有点over,我也觉得有点。但是我觉得我还是有节制的,从来没有虚伪的拍马屁,只是异常的热情和周到。另有朋友说去雍和宫和卧佛寺再拜拜,我说好:)

总结一下,早动手,有策略,尽量热情周到,让人舒服,不要push,没准备的问题be yourself:人只有在不装的时候才最有魅力,最有说服力。

At last, best luck to all and sincerethanks to all and my interviewer.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 19:56

新鲜出炉的Wharton面经 北京 hub

昨天BJ HUB,很nice的Julia美眉面的,在国贸的中金。



Tell me about urself
Career goal
What can you bring to wharton community
Why wharton
My turn for questions



其实准备什么都没什么用啦,当然最好能先说英语把嘴遛开,以防表达不清。我就是昨天上午去上班时主动给公司在菲律宾的support center打了个电话,咨询了一下拖了半年没解决的一个电脑使用的问题,练练嘴啦:)然后午饭后就从公司直接地铁到国贸,还事先很敬业地约了在国贸的客户,面试出来下楼直接见客户开始工作。

嗯,所以不紧张,just be yourself就好。

Good luck to you all...
(crossing my fingers这次能上首页,以向相继上过首页的caomuruzhi和bwdlmt两位MM致敬)

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 20:23

在香港与一位buy side的校友面的,面试过程十分standard. 整个过程共三十分钟左右,问了why wharton, why MBA, walk through your resume, what do you do outside work,另外还专门对我的career goal问了一些较细的问题. 校友十分友好,给了我不少时间问他关于wharton生活和学习的经历。

作者: bigpig    时间: 2010-5-20 20:29

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 20:33

本帖最后由 myice 于 2010-5-21 10:01 编辑
Round 2 / 2nd Year Student (Published April 2nd, 2010)

Walk me though your resume.
What are your short and long term goals?
Why MBA?
Why Wharton?
Why now?
What will you contribute to the Wharton community?
What personal traits do you have that will stand out at Wharton? (The interviewer indicated that he wanted this to be an introspective question)
Tell me about a time you "grabbed the bull by the horns" and took control of the situation.
Pretty laid back interview. The interviewer chimed in with a few questions as I went through my resume. He also asked for 2-3 questions at the end. I'd have about 5 prepared as he asked for them.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 20:34

本帖最后由 myice 于 2010-5-21 10:01 编辑
Round 2 / Alum / Off Campus (Published March 29th, 2010)

I had my interview on a weekend with the Wharton alum. It lasted roughly 50 minutes. The interview was quite laid back though I could not really tell what my interviewer was thinking. My interviewer wrote notes during the whole interview but kept eye contact.

I led the first 20 minutes of the interview and logically answered the following questions:

walk through the resume? (10 minutes)
short term and long term goals?
why Wharton?
Then, for the next 30 minutes:

Describe a time when you had to work with a difficult team member
What do you do if you disagree with someone?
Anything you would like to discuss or would like the Adcom to know about you?
Questions for me?
I was not asked the "Why now" question though I covered it partially in the first 10 minutes of the interview.

Good luck and thanks to previous contributors.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-20 20:34

本帖最后由 myice 于 2010-5-21 10:01 编辑
Round 2 / On-campus / 2nd-year student (Published March 29th, 2010)

Tell me about yourself.
Give an example of leadership experience?
Why MBA?
What are your career goals?
What would you like to do when you're at Wharton?
What's your definition of success?
What’s your biggest accomplishment?
Anything else you'd like to mention?
Questions for interviewer.

作者: s    时间: 2010-5-20 21:13

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-21 10:02

Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus (Published March 18th, 2010)

The interviewer was fairly formal and was nice- to- neutral. The interview lasted about 30 minutes.

Walk me through your resume
Why MBA? Why Wharton?
What is your biggest strength?
Name one weakness
Describe a time when you had a conflict with your manager
Describe a time when you experienced competition with a peer
What extracurricular activities are you interested in at Wharton?
What classes do you think will be useful for you at Wharton?
Questions for the interviewer

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-21 10:02

Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus (Published March 15th, 2010)

I am a second round applicant for Wharton and was invited for an alum interview. The interview happened in one of the cafes in Bombay and was very relaxed. The questions asked were:

Please walk me through your resume
Please tell me more about your extra curricular activities - why do you pursue this particular hobby?
Why do you want to do an MBA - I started talking about my long term goal and how the MBA was important for me
Why Wharton?
Which other schools have you applied to?
Tell me some leadership experience
Tell me a time when things did not work out in a project
Tell me a time when you were not in the leadership role
Do you have any questions for me
It is true that the Wharton interviewers are very strict about the timing. The interview ended in sharp 40 minutes and I could not interpret at all from the looks of the interviewer whether I did well. I interpreted it as if I did not do well and was not as excited as my Chicago Booth interview (where I was super happy after the interview - though I was waitlisted later)

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-21 10:02

Round 2 / Second year student / On-campus (Published March 1st, 2010)

Walk me through your resume (with a twist, please give insight into some of the choices you have made)
Why do you want an MBA (combined with Why Now, a little disorienting)
Why Wharton
What do you want to do after MBA
Somewhat 'push back:' Why leave your company ( I own it)
What three qualities are important for a leader?
Tell me about a conflict/difficult client?
What are you most proud of at this point in your career?
What is the most difficult thing you have ever done?
Is there anything else you would like the Adcom to know about you?

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-21 10:02

Round 2 / Off-campus / Alumni (Published February 25rd, 2010)

The interview was pretty informal and took place at Starbucks. We talked for about an hour and seemed to click pretty well. He was very enthusiastic about Wharton and his passion for the school definitely showed. He asked me to email him my resume ahead of time and brought a list of questions with him. Some of the questions he asked were:

Tell me about yourself (he started by talking about himself and once finished asked me to do the same)
Why MBA?
Why Wharton?
Why Now?
Short term and long term career goals (he probed into this a bit).
What other schools did you apply to (he followed up by asking if I got into those schools, would I choose Wharton)?
What is an accomplishment you are proud of?
Name a time you worked with a team and had to work with a difficult teammate (some derivation of this question).
Name a time you received constructive criticism and how did you take it.
What are some of the qualities of leadership to you? He followed with 'what leadership qualities would you like to enhance?'
Questions for the interviewer.
He then described his experiences at Wharton and was very enthusiastic about them. He mentioned that one big thing about Wharton is that students do not compete with each other in a cut-throat manner and that they are big on collaboration, so make sure you hit home on this (as long as this is the truth!) I would also definitely suggest to do your homework on the school (this should be why you are even applying there) because it is good to mention specific things about the program that they can relate to. Other suggestion: be yourself! I think it is all about fit and making sure that you don't come off as a snob, or are arrogant, or are a weirdo! Relax and smile :-) If you are yourself, and are passionate, sociable, excited, and know exactly why you want to go to that school to get an MBA right now and what you expect to do with it, it's all gravy baby! Good luck to all!

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-21 10:03

Round 2 / Off-campus / Alumni (Published February 23rd, 2010)

The interview took place in a London hotel's cafe. Timing was 45 minutes discussion (the alumnus kept track of time all the way through the interview) + 20 minutes questions and informal discussion. The atmosphere was quite relaxed, especially after the "official" part ended.

Walk me through your resume (I kept on describing my long and short term plans, as the interviewer did not stop me)
What was the most important project you have done? (I've been working for the same consulting company since graduation)
Why entrepreneurship? Tell me two examples from your past experience
Why Wharton? He asked some follow up questions to challenge me
What are you most proud of?
If you had 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?
If you were an alumni interviewer what would be your two most important questions to the applicant (he then asked me to answer these questions)
What do you offer to Wharton/why you?
How would you fit in the community?
Give me two strengths and two weaknesses and provide actual examples (he then asked follow up questions on these)
How do you imagine yourself 20 years from now?
Questions to the interviewer.
We then continued the discussion. He openly answered all my questions and made a case for Wharton. After about an hour he asked me to finish the discussion, as he did not want "his opinion to be altered", and because he should not give more time to any one interviewee.

Overall, the interviewer very friendly and relaxed. He offered to remain in touch and asked me to let him know about the decision.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-21 10:03

Round 2 / On-campus / 2nd year student (Published February 23rd, 2010)

Thank you to the Clear Admit community for helping me prepare. The interview was a straightforward 30 mins Q&A, with the interviewer sticking to the format & time.

Walk me through your resume
Why Wharton?
Why you?
Give me an example of leadership.
Give me an example of how you resolved a conflict.
What is your weakness.
Questions for the interviewer.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-21 10:03

Round 1 / On-campus / 2nd year student (Published January 20th, 2010)

I interviewed on campus with a 2nd year student. She was friendly, and the interview was generally pretty laid back, though she packed alot of questions in. To prepare I looked over the Clear Admit wiki interview reports and prepared some answers to possible questions. Sample questions are as follows:

Walk me through your resume.
Why are you pursuing an MBA?
Tell me about a time when you lead a team.
Tell me about a time when you worked with a difficult teammate.
If you were working in Wharton learning team, what characteristics would you look for in your groupmates?
What is your biggest professional accomplishment?
What is your biggest personal or professional regret?
Is there anything you would like to talk about that you have not had the chance?
Any questions for me?
One interesting thing was that she did not ask me Why Wharton or why an MBA now. Overall, the interview was relaxed and gave me a chance to cover the points I wanted to, with a couple tougher ones mixed in (biggest regret).

作者: myice    时间: 2010-5-21 10:04

Round 1 / On-campus / Second-year Student (Published November 23, 2009)

The interview atmosphere was very casual. After waiting for about ten minutes in the admissions office waiting room, I was escorted to an interview room by a second-year MBA student. The first five minutes of the interview was a casual conversation outlining the items on my resume.

The interviewer then said he had to "get through" some specific questions. After he asked a question, I would respond, and he would frequently comment on my responses, or ask follow-up questions. It was a very casual, conversational interview.

Some specific questions that were asked:

Tell me some of your weaknesses
Describe your leadership style
Tell me about a time you were involved in a confrontation, either at work or in your personal *life
Why an MBA? Why Wharton? Why now?
What are your plans post-MBA?
As a non-traditional applicant, how do you plan to ensure that you can keep up with the quantitative coursework here?
There was nothing surprising about the interview, other than how conversational and pleasant it was. I left Wharton with a great feeling about the school and its students.

作者: stream    时间: 2010-5-21 10:25

作者: chanyeen    时间: 2010-5-21 10:36

作者: waffle    时间: 2010-6-1 16:50

作者: lenghongmin    时间: 2010-6-2 06:29

many  thanks !!!

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