细节题:政府介入公共资源的态度是什么(或政府的作用):代表特定国家的利益,battle for the quota 的同意替换。
1 公共物品的悲剧(另一版本)
第一段中是先简单介绍了一下公共品的耗竭,又讲了如果被一个大的私人企业将整个海岸(还是什么记不清了,好像是所有可供打鱼的地方)给承包下来,他们就会为自己的将来考虑,而不会让资源无节制的耗竭,后面又讲个一个价格的提高(没太看懂,但好像是说在完全弹性elastic市场中,价格的毫微上升会导致销售量大量下跌)。第二段讲个人对于资源的保护是微不足道的,例如一个环境保护者自己不打鱼,并不会对整个环境带来多大的作用,还会使那些打鱼者搭便车free-ride(本人注:有题目请解释何为便车,简单经济学 别人作出了贡献,你没有,却从中得利)。后面是说政府虽然已经制定了打鱼的配额quato,但是。。。。。。(本人补充:这个题目是这样的,原文提及,政府会干预公共品被滥用的现象,但由于政府局限于本国的利益,因此,即使政府干预,也不能完全解决涉及国际利益的公共品问题。出题,问政府干预的局限。答案:它只能代表它所代表的那部分人的利益) Version 2 有关公共物品, 以渔夫捕鱼为例,有一个主题提,我选介绍一个概念;
common tragedy 记得有个题目 有个选项有点干扰 但是我后来仔细一看 有个词solely 所以这个选项是错的 大家留心
c.music broadcasted through public airway
d.air above North America
e.a specific corporation's 某种矿藏作者选E,大家斟酌,在下面留言
主旨题,选了discuss了personal traits和job position的correlation,好像当时还有一个干扰选项让我纠结了很久的,结果还是糊里糊涂地随便猜了一个就过去了。
1)主旨题(选了discuss了personal traits和job position的correlation)
5)第一个问题是management position人的特点是什么,我选的outgoing and organized
6)一道JJ里没有的题目:文中说从事tech的人性格withdraw and **(想不起来哪个单词了sorry),问以下哪个能weaken从事tech的人的**性格? 我选E,从事tech的人也需要经常跟别人交流并且说服别人(好像那么说得)
7)4.有道题,问withdraw的人如果做管理类的工作会怎么样?我在两个选项之间徘徊,一个是说he will not intend to与人打交道。还有一个是说他会转向高科技领域找工作,but he will lost his advantage over time.我没太理解这句话,就算了第一个
还有个问从文章中可以infer出withdraw的人去做manager会怎样?选这些人tend to be less successful in leading than outgoing managers
【版本1】说性格特点和职业选择的关系。两段:第一段,outgoing的人适合management position,性格内向的人会适合技术工种。分析了为什么适合。第二段讨论人们是否会根据这个规律来选择工作,最后一句最后用不用还是老板说了算。
第一个问题是management position人的特点是什么,我选的outgoing and organized。(organized文中有提到需要lead, talk and organize staff)
【版本2】一篇短的,说职业和个人特征的关系(personal traits and 职业选择)(有主题题,我就选的描绘他们俩关系),两段,第一段说做管理的人应该outgoing(有题,我选应该outgoing and organised,因为里面说做管理的人需要接触很多人啦,组织一些东西啦。第二段说但是有些人没办法按照自己个性选择职业。总的说爆简单,感觉是高中词汇。
【版本3】我遇到的jj是那个性格和找工作,管理者要开朗的人来做,内向的要做技术活,最后作者说什么样的人做什么样的工作还是由招聘的人说了算 最后一道题就是定位在最后however那句话的
【版本4】还有一篇 说的是 manager的性格 好多都是outgoing但是从事tech的都是withdrawn的
然后就论述为什么。。因为manager要怎么样,怎么样。。(列举)因此outgoning的话 好一点。但tech得人都是搞研究的用不着
第二段说的是什么忘了 大概的意思是outgoing的人更想做manager 但最总决定的是employer.
第一段说,OUTGOING的人比较会做经理人。而PASSIVE 的人比较会做高科技人才。然后解释了OUTGOING和经理人,PASSIVE 和高科技人才之间的 CORRELATION。 第二段是说有OUTGOING 素质的人,也比较倾向于选择经理人的工作。但最后的决定权还是在公司。
【版本6】第二篇是性格和工作的(outgoing和passive,有一题问main purpose,我纠结半天选了比较difference)
【版本7】一篇讲关于个人性格和职业的那道。JJ上也有。作者举了一个例子,说outgoing的人比较适合做管理类的工作,因为要与人沟通什么的。但是withdraw的人比较适合做高科技的,因为高科技的是与事物打交道。(有道题,问withdraw的人如果做管理类的工作会怎么样?我在两个选项之间徘徊,一个是说he will not intend to 与人打交道。还有一个是说他会转向高科技领域找工作,but he will lost his advantage over time.我没太理解这句话,就算了第一个)。第二段就说了个人会根据自己的性格选择工作地,但是最终作甚么工作还是雇主说了算(有道题,大意是说一个人会不会根据性格选择工作呢?我选了最后还是雇主说了算)。还有道题问第二段的作用。一个选项是undermine第一段的内容,还有一个是restate 第一段。
【版本8】1)第一个问题是management position人的特点是什么,我选的outgoing and organized。(organized文中有提到需要lead, talk and organize staff)2)有主题题,我就选的描绘他们俩关系3)一道JJ里没有的题目:文中说从事tech的人性格withdraw and **(想不起来哪个单词了sorry),问以下哪个能weaken从事tech的人的**性格? 我选E,从事tech的人也需要经常跟别人交流并且说服别人(好像那么说得)
还有个问从文章中可以infer出withdraw的人去做manager会怎样?选这些人tend to be less successful in leading than outgoing managers
【版本10】另一篇:性格和工作的关系,其中一题问如果内向的人做经理会怎样。答案A说he will not intend to be interested in showing the company image to client.答案D说他会转向高科技领域找工作,but he will lost his advantage over time. 2个选项我由于了好久。还有一题,应该是定位最后一段的,说找工作最后还是老板说了算。作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 20:44
4.美国external capital investment (高分题)
开篇说有一些有点,但是马上就开始说不足。首先说的是external system, investor太过关注短期公司的表现,而且投资过于分散,small stakes in many companies导致他们根本没有调查这些公司的情况;对比German capital system,投资者的投资时间比较长,不是想通过投机短期股价波动来赚利润,所以投资之前会做thorough research
第二段将internal system,主要的缺点和external很想,都是过于短视、追求短期利润,导致很多manager为了吸引投资放弃了一些能够增强long-term competitiveness的做法,比如员工培训等等,而是Overinvest在一些能够让那些报表数字好看的方面。
还有一篇很长的,第二段全文都是高亮的,是讲美国的capital investment的。第一段说的好像是external capital怎么的。说虽然美国的capital什么的有flexible等的有点,但是只是注重。。。反正是说美国不好的。这个时候说道了Germany,说他们与美国怎么的不一样(这里有考点)。第二段就是讲internal capital怎么的,说美国的公司只注重短期的profit,而忽略了长期的投资,削弱了他们的competitiveness(这个有考题)作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 20:45
To compete effectively in interna-
tional markets, a nation’s businesses
must sustain investment in intangible as
Line well as physical assets. Although an 美国投资资本虽多,但使用不
(5) enormous pool of investment capital 当。
exists in the United States, the country’s
capital investment practices put United
States companies at a competitive
(10) United States capital investment 零散不可预见的税策和高联邦
practices, shaped by sporadic and 预算赤字塑造了投资操作,鼓
unpredictable changes in tax policy and 励过低和过高投资。
high federal budget deficits, encourage
both underinvestment and overinvest-
(15) ment. For example, United States 例如,低投资发展计划,如改
companies invest at a low rate in inter- 善供应商关系(无即时效应),
nal development projects, such as 高投资外部计划如合并(即时
improving supplier relations, that do not 有效应)。
offer immediate profit, and systemati-
(20) cally invest at a high rate in external
projects, such as corporate takeovers,
that yield immediate profit. Also,
United States companies make too 美国公司在不同形式投资方式
few linkages among different forms of 间建立的联系太少。
(25) investments. Such linkages are impor- 这些联系非常重要,例如工厂
tant because physical assets, such as 生产力的提高需要相应投资到
factories, may not reach their potential 无形资产如员工培训和产品重
level of productivity unless companies 设计。
make parallel investments in intangible
(30) assets such as employee training and
product redesign. In general, unlike
Japanese and German investment 不像日本和德国投资注重长期
practices, which focus on companies’ 利益,美国投资喜欢马上有财
long-term interests, United States 益的。
(35) investment practices favor those
forms of investment for which finan-
cial returns are most readily available.
By making minimal investments in 最小限度的无形资产投资会减
intangible assets, United States com- 弱美国未来的竞争力。
(40) panies reduce their chances for future
F: 出题点汇总
有一题比较美德两国投资方式的不同之处不包括哪一个 (同上)
有一题问美国企业家的投资行为。 猜测答案: 注重短期投资, 投资高科技产业 (第一段中可以定位)
1:1980s 美国在国际市场的dominant降低原因分析
先是说明现象 提出有理论说企业不愿意搞long-term investment, 但是举例说明那个理论的不足(考点:例子的作用,我选的就是说明前一个理论的不足)举例子好像是steel 和一个不认识的行业, 两者都是long-term 的,但是只有steel下降。 于是提出观点是internal investment 不足(考点:作者同意哪个关于1980行业的××变化的原因?我选的是企业对internal investment 的strategy不同, 貌似选E)
以上来自------- cymissiloveu作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 20:45
考 古(已确认 GWD版本)
53. T-4-Q24~27:天山-7-33~36另类海豹哺乳方式与众不同
Until recently, zoologists believed that 动物学家一直相信所有p
all species of phocids (true seals), a pin- 型海豹的母亲策略和o型
nipped family, use a different maternal 是不同的。
Line strategy than do otariids (fur seals and
(5) sea lions), another pinniped family. Mother O豹妈妈运用觅食策略。
otariids use a foraging strategy. They 它们到达饲养地前先以鲸
acquire moderate energy stores in the 脂形式储存能量,产仔后
form of blubber before arriving at breeding 禁食5到11天。
sites and then fast for 5 to 11 days after
(10) birth. Throughout the rest of the lactation 在后来4个月到3年的
(milk production) period, which lasts from 泌乳期里,它们都会在海
4 months to 3 years depending on the 里觅食,重获力量养儿。
species, mother otariids alternately for-
age at sea, where they replenish their fat
(15) stores, and nurse their young at breed-
ing sites. Zoologists had assumed that 动物学家以为P豹运用禁
females of all phocids species, by contrast, 食策略,即妈妈在4到50
use a fasting strategy in which mother 天的泌乳期内戒食。
phocids, having accumulated large energy
(20) stores before they arrive at breeding sites,
fast throughout the entire lactation period,
which lasts from 4 to 50 days depending on
the species. However, recent studies on 但是近期对H豹-一种P
harbor seals, a phocids species, found that 类豹的研究发现,泌乳雌
(25) lactating females commenced foraging 性产仔后约6天开始觅食,
approximately 6 days after giving birth and 在24天的泌乳期内平均觅
on average made 7 foraging trips during 食7次。
the remainder of their 24-day lactation
(30) The maternal strategy evolved by H豹的母亲策略与其体积
harbor seals may have to do with their 小消耗大是有关的。
small size and the large proportion of their
fat stores depleted in lactation. Harbor H豹与其它P类豹如灰海
seals are small compared with other phocids 豹相比体型更小,灰海豹
(35) species such as grey seals, all of which 整个泌乳期就戒食。
are known to fast for the entire lactation
period. Studies show that mother seals of 其它P类豹在泌乳期
these species use respectively 84 percent, 内分别消耗84%,58%和
58 percent, and 33 percent of their fat 33%的脂肪。
(40) stores during lactation. By comparison, 相比之下,H豹在泌乳期
harbor seals use 80 percent of their fat 的前19天就消耗了80%
stores in just the first 19 days of lactation, 的脂肪。
even though they occasionally feed during
this period. Since such a large proportion 所以它们要去觅食。
(45) of their fat stores is exhausted despite
feeding, mother harbor seals clearly cannot
support all of lactation using only energy
stored before giving birth. Though smaller H豹虽然比其他P豹小,
than many other phocids, harbor seals are 但与O豹的体型类似。
(50) similar in size to most otariids. In addition, 另外证据显示体型类似
there is already some evidence suggesting H豹的P型环斑海豹也
that the ringed seal, a phocids species that 使用觅食策略。
is similar in size to the harbor seal, may
also use a maternal foraging strategy.
文章两处用到了对比:phocids和otariids;harbor seals和other phocids
It can be inferred from the passage that the females of all phocids species differ from the females of all otariid species in that the female phocids
A. have shorter lactation periods
B. consume more food during lactation
C. consume a higher proportion of fat stores
D. forage for food occasionally during their lactation periods
E. deplete a smaller percentage of their fat stores during their lactation periods
Throughout the rest of the lactation (milk production) period, which lasts from
4 months to 3 years;the entire lactation period, which lasts from 4 to 50 days
The primary purpose of the passage is to
A. present evidence that several phocids species use the maternal fasting strategy
B. explain why the maternal strategy typically used by phocids is different from the maternal strategy used by otariids
C. argue that zoologists’ current understanding of harbor seals’ maternal strategy is incorrect
D. describe an unexpected behavior observed in harbor seals and propose an explanation that may account for the behavior
E. describe evidence concerning the maternal strategy of the harbor seal and suggest that the harbor seal belongs to the otariid rather than to the phocids family
According to the passage, until recently zoologists believed which of the following about all phocids mothers?
A. Their fasting periods after giving birth were typically shorter than those of otariids.
B. Their lactation periods were generally as long as those of comparably sized otariids.
C. They acquired only moderate energy stores in the form of blubber before arriving at breeding sites.
D. They depleted less than a third of their stored body fat during lactation.
E. The replenished their fat stores only after their lactation period ended.
The author of the passage mentions ringed seals most probably in order to
A. provide an example of a phocid species that fasts throughout its entire lactation period
B. provide an example of a phocid species whose maternal strategy is typical of phocid species
C. provide an example of a phocid species that may deplete an even higher proportion of its fat stores during lactation than harbor seals do
D. support the assertion that harbor seals are smaller than many other phocids
E. support the assertion that harbor seals’ maternal strategy may be related to their small size
What is the similarity between o和p型妈妈海豹?
我选they both abstain food during at least part of the lactation period.
8.bottle water
V1讲bottle water的,bottle似乎在2007还是2001年的统计发现其实这是很耗能源的,但是发现大部分是在运输和生产上,于是学者就提出说要就近生产bottle water节约能源。反对者说要直接净化水龙头的水,但是学者有说即使最便宜的净化方式也远远高于bottle water(这些都有题噢)
V2第二篇,bottle water,第一段讲bottle water生产制造还有运输消耗能源比另外一个什么多(记不清了,反正是个什么什么water),所以生产另外一种water比较好;第二段讲有部分人反驳这个结论,详细记不清了,大概就是说回收方面bottle water比较有优势。题目一道主题题,其他都是细节题。
V31、bottel water 那个。 貌似和考古的有些像。但是第二段的那个意思好像有些出入? 我回头再看一下。
反对者说要直接净化水龙头的水,但是学者有说即使最便宜的净化方式也远远高于bottle water(这些都有题噢)
第一段讲bottle water生产制造还有运输消耗能源比净化水龙头水贵。运输途径等很耗能源。会导致更多的环境污染。
第二段对者说要直接净化水龙头的水。 但是提出了2个反对意见。又分别解释了着2个反对意见。
瓶子回收那个地方考了一题( )
bottel water 和 水龙头的那个有个优劣比较
问题有4个。1、infer, 2、main (选那个bottel water, energy....),别的好像都是细节。
1.有讲到water bottle 浪费energy的问题被一个关注环境的组织注意到。这个水从净化,加工,装罐都会影响环境。后面说到运输非常浪费油。差不多运输一车水,要浪费1/3等量的油。后面有个观点是来解决这个问题(用过的瓶子回收??)。但是最后这个研究机构说,这个方法无法从根本解决问题,因为瓶子在使用完了后不会被回收,有可能被当作玩具,垃圾,或者其他用途。回收的只是很少部分。
V7有讲到bottle water 浪费energy的问题被一个关注环境的组织注意到。这个水从净化,加工,装罐都会影响环境。后面说到运输非常浪费油。所以进口瓶装水比在本地生产要不划算.(后面有个题,问怎么减低一些能源消耗,选本地生产)。
第二篇:bottled water,机经第8篇,基本上是V7的内容,补充了一点
第一段讲一个environmental protection team研究了到bottle water的issue,发现整个manufacturing process of bottled water是非常浪费能源的。processing the water; manufacturing the plastic bottles, bottling the water, transportation of the water, cooling the water for retail sales等各种环节都是非常耗费能源的。(中间还有几个process记不清了,但不影响解题)。其中manufacturing of plastic bottle和transportation这两个process最浪费能源(这句话后面有题考到,选manufacturing of plastic bottle比processing the water更浪费能源)。整体上bottled water的能耗比直接净化的tap water要高上1100~2000倍的能源。In addition,进口瓶装水比在本地生产的瓶装水要耗能2~3倍左右。(具体数字完全没用,不知道为什么就是记忆那么深刻……关键的文章内容和题目倒是忘了一堆>_<)
第二段讲有反对者说bottled water分析的不错,但是关于tap water的分析却不是很完善。研究人员反驳说tap water在最耗能的情况下,也比bottled water消耗能源少hundreds of times。又有人提出说bottle water的分析中没考虑瓶子回收的情况。team反驳说,回收的瓶子都做别的东西了,carpet cloth什么的,没做回到塑料瓶的生产过程中,所以没考虑。
2.第二篇:【狗狗第8篇】:bottle water。2段:参考V8。很全面了,基本就是翻译版。考题也和V8一样。
后面有人ARGUE说你bottle water 分析的比较好,但tap water的MODEL分析的没正么好。反驳回去说tap water的MODEL用最严重的情况,也比bottle water 消耗能源少。人又ARGUE说bottle water的MODEL没考虑瓶子回收的情况。反驳回去说,回收的瓶子都做别的东西了,没做新的瓶子,可以忽略。
2、bottle water 2段文章,内容狗狗已经很全了
It is hard to argue the fact that waste management has become a large problem in the world, with landfills growing to enormous sizes and recycling rates remaining dismally low. The number of plastic bottles produced by the bottled water industry and subsequently discarded by consumers has only exacerbated this problem.
According to a 2001 report of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), roughly 1.5 million tons of plastic are expended in the bottling of 89 billion liters of water each year.
Besides the sheer number of plastic bottles produced each year, the energy required to manufacture and transport these bottles to market severely drains limited fossil fuels. Bottled water companies, due to their unregulated use of valuable resources and their production of billions of plastic bottles have presented a significant strain on the environment.
The authors of the WWF report suggested that water bottles be washed and reused in order to lessen their negative impact on the environment. Unfortunately, reusing plastic bottles further compromises the quality of the water, due to the fact that more and more phthalate leaches its way into the water as the bottle gets older. In another suggestion, the authors recommended that bottled water companies use local bottling facilities in order to lessen fuel expenditures for transportation needs. Regrettably, local bottling further compromises water quality due to the reduced health standards for in-state bottled water production and consumption. It seems there is no feasible solution to this problem. The bottled water industry causes a severe strain on the environment, but solutions to this environmental damage significantly lessen the quality of water in the bottles.
Bottled water, due to several factors, is clearly not a healthier or purer alternative to tap water. Also, bottled water is outrageously expensive when compared to the cost per gallon of tap water. If one is choosing only between tap water and bottled water, tap water is plainly the more economical, and, in many cases, the healthier choice. Despite this assertion, tap water does not remain without its problems.
The concerns over the quality and safety of tap water that sparked the growth of the bottled water industry are still entirely present.
Tap water is nowhere near free from dangerous contaminants.
The most recent and innovative solution to the problems of low water quality has come about in the age of water filters.
Water filters currently provide the best and healthiest solution to the problems of both bottled water and tap water.
Water filters remove more dangerous contaminants than any other purification method, and they are uniquely designed to work with municipally treated water. The water they produce is not subject to phthalate contamination, and they are able to remove cryptosporidium from drinking water, a feat that neither municipal water treatment plants nor bottled water companies have yet managed. Also, drinking filtered water is a much more economical practice than drinking bottled water. The pure water product of a water filter costs very little more than untreated tap water. Furthermore, because water filters use no more energy than is already required to propel water through a home’s plumbing system, they circumvent several of the environmental problems of the bottled water industry.
At this point in time, there is simply no better choice-for purity and economy-than filtered water.作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 20:49
Eden(名字不确定)认为殖民时期的美国南方黑人通过在做奴隶之外打工来赚钱,攒钱为自己赎身。但是研究发现,由于不打工的话,黑人也能通过自己种东西卖来赚钱,所以打工的并没有存更多的钱。但是Eden的观点persists among历史学家们inadequately consider both the research results and the role Africa American communities played。在哥伦比亚时期,会有黑人组织-比如说某某组织,提供钱给黑人赎身,或者通过和他们交换物品,提供住宿等方式帮助他们。
还有一篇是slave labor那个,人们过去认为黑人赎回自己自由的方法忽视了community的作用,问到了解放了的黑奴用了很多方法帮助未解放黑奴except哪一个,还问了主旨题(750)
奴隶寻求自由方式奴隶如果获得自由.BK认为,奴隶主要是通过为paying employer和奴隶主工作存钱或自由的,一般没有什么其他方式存钱赎身.可是事实上,奴隶也通过自己种庄稼,在市场上交易赚钱,这样赚钱不比工作的少.支持BK的人明显忽略了一个事实,那就是在大城市,奴隶获自由的多于其他地方.在大城市,自由的奴隶帮助其他奴隶自由,individually or through some 机构.举例某机构,为奴隶治病的机构,帮助奴隶获得自由(这里没有太明白).问题: 1. 支持BK的人认为什么? 2. 文章举例某机构是为了说明什么?
版本2,说的是传统理论认为美国黑奴都是利用给雇主或者农奴主打工,来赚取一点钱,自己赎身。但是一学家说不是这样的,因为黑奴都自己种地养活自己并把一些农产品拿到市场卖钱,那些打工的黑奴不会比这些自己种地的黑奴收入更多。 ~"m7r M S(F u*k R
但是,传统理论已经在一些学者中根深蒂固。比如说,在某州,已经解放的黑奴就积极的帮助那些没有解放的赎身,他们或者个人或者组织起来资助黑奴,这里提到了一个具体的黑人组织,资助黑奴赎身。除此之外,那些已经解放的还通过雇佣黑奴,和黑奴交换产品,以及给打工的黑奴提供食宿的方式支持他们。作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 20:50
17.performance improvement
V1讲的美国的公司可能怎样来着,接着就引出注重performance improvement。美国的performance improvement一般采用activities-centered program(文章中貌似说这是咨询公司推荐的)。然后就举例子了,说运用了activities-centered program,然后怎样,however,但是显示多少年以后,这个公司的员工communications提高了,但是profit并没提高。
P2 说activities-centered program怎样,然后又引出了result-program(记不清了,大概就是以结果为导向),然后进行比较,说前者注重长期效果,后者只注重短期的。
.我的第一篇:【狗狗第17篇和51篇】:activity-based strategy and result-based strategy。2段。这篇比较简单。本月狗狗中说的差不多翻译版本。
P1:美国的公司可能怎样来着,接着就引出注重performance improvement。美国的performance improvement一般采用activities-based program(文章中说这是咨询公司推荐的)。然后就举例子了(quality control),说运用了activities-based program,然后怎样,however,但是显示多少年以后,这个公司的员工communications提高了,但是profit并没提高。
P2: activities-centered program怎样,然后又引出了 result-based strategy(记不清了,大概就是以结果为导向),然后进行比较,说前者注重长期效果,后者只注重短期的。
题1:main idea: evaluate the relative merits and weaknesses of two strategies.
题2:关于activity-based strategy正确的描述是:忘了。定位第一段。
题3:quality control(第一段举得例子里面的)的细节题
1 主题题:我选的是evaluate the weakness and merits of each strategy。?
2 还有问哪个选项跟作者第一段的相关:我选的是虽然activity- based strategy 可以给企业一些benefit,但它还是让企业失去了一些main goal。
3 另外,这文章有提到"quality control"的例子,用在说明activity导向通常只能达到一些不是重点的目标…
40) activity-driven vs result driven
activity driven 和result driven的decision making 这一篇很简单
很多公司用activity driven,但是成效不是很明显,因为它的投入基本都是long term 体现的。第一段结尾举了一个有投入得到一些回报,但是却与最初目标有些差距的例子。第二段介绍了result driven,说了一下这个方法的优点,能比较快的达到预期的效果
第一段是说许多cousltant有关active的方法来设定长期目标,战略决策,已经员工培训等等,但是这种情况大概持续2年,就发现没有太大用处了,虽然在对employee的motivaton 和 communication有好处,但并没有让公司得到profit。
第二段开始介绍result-based stratey,它跟第一个战略恰好相反,主要是设定短期的目标,还说了一些优点,总之让许多企业gain profit了。
1 主题题:我选的是evaluate the weakness and merits of each strategy。?
2 还有问哪个选项跟作者第一段的相关:我选的是虽然activity- based strategy 可以给企业一些benefit,但它还是让企业失去了一些main goal。
activity driven 和result driven我的理解是这篇主要提供result导向比activity的好,因为
2 另外,这文章有提到"quality control"的例子,用在说明activity导向通常只能达到一些不是重点的目标…作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 20:53
P1predatory 什么(就是一种策略) 然后对这种策略进行了解释,我的理解是降低价格以把其他竞争者挤出去。然后就讲这个要求企业要一直能保持低成本啊什么的,然后引出了A开头的一个单词。不认识 后面的段落记不太清楚了,大体的是讲A这个问题,说企业要么通过cross-subsidy来弥补这个亏损,我的理解是企业用其他产品的盈利来对这个predatory策略造成的亏损弥补,后面讲了这种subsidy不好,以其他产品利润为牺牲。最后讲了即便是这样,还坚持这个策略,是有原因的,那就是达到垄断以后的利润会弥补这个前期的亏损。接着讲了这个弥补也是有条件的,那就是以后不会有竞争者进入,也就是高门槛,但是话又说回来,高门槛也就意味着难进入,比如一个企业已经在这个领域有了brand(也就是说已经投入了很多)也就不容易推出了。
阅读狗 18 考古 公司定价
第一段先说什么predatoryprice 的战略(我这里简称价格战吧,虽然有点不符合,大家凑合看)的定义,然后说企业要进行价格战有哪些必要的factor,有四个 (出题,哪个因素是不必要的)。然后还说了一句什么,不认识那个单词。(出题,这一段的论述结构是?)【补充下,大企业通过把价格降低到成本以下,把其他竞争对手挤出市场,然后再慢慢把价格回升。】
版本三:第一段 讲大公司定价低以挤走competitor的策略虽然有好处,但是也有代价的,比如一旦把对手挤出市场,要保证自己有足够的生产能力cover多余的order,还比如order多了,承担的损失也大了。
引用一下机经中的“然后说企业要进行价格战有哪些必要的factor,有四个 (出题,哪个因素是不必要的),”
第二段 有办法能sustain 这些,第一,要求公司大的话有别的部门的利润能cover这个部门的损失,但是实际上公司有损失这是一定的,第二,有办法找投资者(还是政府补助),但是这些人也可能发现投资给后期要进入市场的公司更能盈利而不一定要给这个大公司。
第三段 讲而且大公司在成功排除competitors后还要面临其他公司再进入市场的可能,而且要make sure 后期的盈利能cover前期的损失。(后来因为担心来不及,没完全看懂就做题了)
版本四:就是侵略性定价策略的,那个很长,不过条理清晰。先说这个策略对于使用者来说cost more 比起victims,为什么呢,因为1要有很高市场份额,2要有能力降到很低价格,3要有很强的xx渠道什么的,4还有个什么,最后说应用这个策略会怎样,然后有个题就问第一段是什么stucture, 我选的一个claim先show,然后选evidence,blabla那个,ms是A,不知道对错。然后第二段说,由于这个策略会让使用者承受到很大压力,所以要有out finace什么的,但是经过调查还是分析,这个out finace并不是关键点(没时间了这块我没看……)。然后最后说,能否回收profit最重要的还是barrier的设立,要特别高,不管事entry还是exit,这里有题,就问回收profit的关键是什么。(回忆人730分)
第一段:开篇第一句是:Predatory pricing的战略,(这里用逗号或破折号插入,用同位语的形式补充了一下这个战略的定义,就是故意压低价格敢走竞争对手),是不怎么好的(原话大意是 对压迫者本身的坏处比对victim的坏处更大)。原因是价格战要成功的因素在于(列举两个factor,句子都较长),包括1. 要本来市场份额就比较大,这样它降价才有影响力,2. 有足够的产能capacity来生产,3. 能够以低于成本的价格。最后一句好像总结这样会有损失,强调负面作用。(后面考到了第一段的结构,详见后。)
第二段:但是,也有人argue如果这些企业有deep pocket(口袋深,意指钱多实力强),也就是这些企业有其它盈利的部门可以补贴这个压价的部分。但是(转折),上述这个证据不relevant(考 到,问这个不relevant是什么意思)。后面解释,因为这种补贴也应当以长期能够盈利为条件。递进,如果长期不能盈利,如果存在outsider financing 外部资金的提供者,这些外部的人也可以转而支持被迫害者victim,如果他们认为这种受害的情况是暂时的话。(最后一句比较绕,不要像我这样浪费时间 看。)
第三段:因此,价格战成功还得有一个条件,就是潜在竞争对手的进入壁垒barrier高。(解释了一下,略。但是接着又否定):进入壁垒高往往意味 着退出壁垒也高啦,(举例说明,)如果一个行业成功需要大品牌,但打造品牌很不容易,那竞争对手费了好大力气才搞出了品牌,人家也会赖着不走的呀。(后面 又几歪了一些,总之,即使壁垒高,也很难)。
依据别人也许没有我这个版本完善的JJ,我查了Wikipedia什么是predatory pricing,你会读到:
Concept: In theshort term predatory pricing through sharp discounting reduces profit margins,as would a price war, and will cause profits to fall. Competitors who are notas financially stable or strong may suffer even greater loss of revenue orreduced profits. After the weaker competitors are driven out, the survivingbusiness can raise prices above competitive levels (to supra competitivepricing). The predator hopes to generate revenues and profits in the futurethat will more than offset the losses it incurred during the predatory pricingperiod.
In essence, thepredator undergoes short-term pain for long-term gain. Therefore, for thepredator to succeed, it must have sufficient strength (financial reserves,guaranteed backing or other sources of offsetting revenue) to endure theinitial lean period. There must be substantial barriers to entry for newcompetitors.
But thestrategy may fail if competitors are stronger than expected, or are driven outbut replaced by others. In either case, this forces the predator to prolong orabandon the price reductions. The strategy may thus fail if the predator cannotendure the short-term losses, either because of it requiring longer thanexpected or simply because it did not estimate the loss well.
So the predatorshould hope this strategy to succeed only when it is substantially strongerthan its competitors and when barriers to entry are high. The barriers preventnew entrants to the market replacing others driven out, thereby allowing supracompetitive pricing to prevail long enough to dwarf the initial loss.作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 20:53
V1P1鸟的迁徙辨认方向的因素,一个是by什么,另一个是by environmental cues.然后讲这个cues包括什么东西啊,比如什么。 然后举了个例子,说一个人的研究,鸟儿是根据太阳来到达目的地的,however,in spring and autum,怎样怎样(忘记了)然后这个人通过镜子改变阳光照射进屋子的角度,到达什么效果(忘了)
P2 但是太阳的位置是变化的啊,鸟儿会不会受影响呢,这段不长
P1: Unlike nonmigratory birds, migratory bids要迁徙。受2个cues影响。1个是森林树木等地理方位的。1个是刮风类。然后做了个study,发现鸟是根据太阳到目的地的,balabala...
P2: 有人疑问,那为啥鸟在一天之内是咋办的呢?一天之内太阳一直在动吖~回答:自己的生物钟。
考题:1. Main idea考题有一道主旨题,我选的提出一种观点和他的flaw
1.有个问题问第二段的作用,答案是第二段提出了第一段没有考虑到的一个情况或者问题作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 20:54
23.work memory
第一段讲一个人的理论 说是记东西的时候分别用了大脑几个不同的区域(中间细节没看明白 )然后这与传统的理论不一样。中间的也忘了 ,最后说另一个人的实验还是什么的证明了这个理论是对的并否定了传统理论。
Working Memory 新老观点
P1: 讲述人大脑的Working Memory的短暂记忆,是由大脑的P部位来控制,认为不同的部位控制不同的功能之类(新观点)。 这与Standard 的方法不一样,有什么Executive function之类(旧观点)。
P2: 后来一位研究证实了新观点的正确性,指出了Executive function之类的旧观点的矛盾。说明了不同的部位控制不同的功能。
Google 上找到一篇,不是原文,但很有帮助。
Working memory is the process of maintaining a limited
amount of information in an active representation for a
brief period of time so that it is available for use. There-
fore, by definition, working memory includes those
processes that enable us to hold in our `mind's eye' the
contents of our conscious awareness, even in the absence
of sensory input. Thus, the study of working memory
provides a framework for investigating the neural system
underlying our awareness of stimuli, memories and
knowledge that are no longer tied to perceptual events.
Although the neural system responsible for working
memory is known to include a large number of brain
regions, there is abundant evidence from neurophysio-
logical and lesion studies in monkeys that prefrontal
cortex is a critical component (Fuster 1990; Goldman-
Rakic 1990). Recent brain-imaging studies, using
positron emission tomography (PET) and functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have also impli-
cated the human prefrontal cortex in working memory.
However, there remain questions and some
dispute about the functional organization of the human
prefrontal cortex and its exact role in working memory.
版本1一篇是讲大脑传递信息的,叫working memory。有个人认为这个功能是在大脑的前额后面的一个地方负责的。并且不同的subregion负责不同的信息,如空间信息,形象信息等。这与传统的executive system理论不同。第二段又说有一个新实验,加强了那个人的理论。问题中问如果试验出什么结果,就会greatly undermine那个人的理论。
"P1: 讲述人大脑的Working Memory的短暂记忆,是由大脑的P部位来控制,认为不同的部位控制不同的功能之类。这与Standard 的方法不一样,有什么Executive function之类(旧观点)。
P2: 后来一位研究证实了新观点的正确性,指出了旧观点的矛盾指出,Executive function之类的。说明了同的部位控制不同的功能之类。"
"关于working memory 的 大意 记不太清了:
1。working memory 是和executive memory 相对的; 有人发现working memory 储存在大脑的cortex中,而原来的理论说working memory分散在cortex之外
2。另一个人发现 when recognize faces, the middle part of cortex is most active. 。。。
不好意思 记不太清 不误导大家了 问题有一道较难 就问第二个人的发现可以用作什么的证据?
我选的是:the middle part of cortex is most important to working memory 类似的,不知道是不是对
这篇整体感觉挺难的 大家小心"
" 第一段,work memory是一种短期的记忆,以前理论认为是由大脑的某个部分P来控制的。第二段,某个人发现,人在认路的时候P的某个部分反应很大,由此证明其实P分 为很多单独的部分来管理不同的记忆,而不是总的控制。第三段,另一个人发现认人脸的时候也是一个单独的地方有反应,并且没有P是总控器官的证据,由此证明 某个人的发现是对的。
问题:main idea;…"
好像是讲人的大脑如何处理短期记忆的,是个新老观点对比型,其中讲到一个女科学家的新研究。第二段是一个新tech的发现什么,有1题是问这tech的新发现证明了什么理论是真的。这一篇很多很多生词,短而难。作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 20:56
1P说3个人每个人的。。方式不太一样。二战期间,每个人的习惯分别是。1) 2) 3)
2P 段落第一句都是 罗斯福。。。。。例如什么时候休息,要求比人怎么样。
3P 段落第一句也是 罗斯福。。。。举了一些具体的例子。怎么做的。
V3 (740) 3、斯大林和其他领导人那篇 有一题问EXCEPT的,选的答案和狗狗好象不一样,选某个人(丘吉尔还是谁)很少和他的军事顾问一起讨论,文章有他经常讨论,选项关键词:sporadic
V4(730) 、第一段的时候先下一个评论说罗斯福应该是二战期间最清闲的领导人了。然后分别描述了斯大林、丘吉尔、希特勒当时的战略方针。斯大林的战略目标较具体,首先让德军从苏联境内撤退,其次我不记得了,再次使红军在战争中的利益最大化。丘吉尔则较为理想主义,他的方针就是要赢,而忽略了两点很重要的因素,而这两个因素则被希特勒掌握着。
题目!有问primary purpose。这里面有干扰项说每个国家领导人的生活安排。但是大家注意下就会发现这个阅读每段的开端必讲罗斯福生活多么多么的空闲。后面还有整整一段来码他的无所事事,更通过M将军的勤勤恳恳来反衬其对这个总统碌碌无为。所以我选择的是批评罗斯福同学在二战期间的执政生活。其他的大小细节题,只要紧贴原文找,就应该没问题了。其中有一个细节题很简单,就说一下哪个不是二战期间各国领导人的日常生活,其中有一项是描述M将军的生活。因为这个娃太可怜我记住了,所以很快就选出来了。
罗斯福 丘吉尔 斯大林 他们 在二战时的个人的一些工作风格
备选答案:contrast 罗斯福和其他领导人的工作特点。
Question 3:有点像考逻辑,问的是全文的行文方式。作者选的是先summary arguments,然后在一一展开论述,好像有另一个选项挺犹豫的,大家自己权衡。(我也表示怀疑,但是总分结构是没错。)
Question 4:EXCEPT问以下哪个特点是文中没有提到的四个领袖的特点(看到EXCEPT我才知道这个题目也是高分区题目)
A. Marshall(文中罗斯福的参谋之类)的唯一休息时间是在午餐时(一开始觉得不是几位元首肯定不对,但后来定位到最后一段有讲到这一点,所以不是except)
B. 说Hilter(还是Churchill的,反正两人被作者视为同类)偶尔跟军士官讨论战争问题;就选它!
因为“偶尔“(考试用的 sporadic 这个词,当时考场上想不起来这个词的意思,但知道这个选项,如果sporadic的意思是“偶尔”就肯定是它,因为原文说Hilter只知道跟军官们在一起谈论战争。但如果是“时常”,那就符合原意,不用except)所以只要考试时知道这个词的意思,就能选出来了……
C. 说Stalin做事儿都是不公开的
Question 5:What can we infer from the passage about 罗斯福的个人特点
This article most strongly suggested which of the following?
有一道题好像问斯大林的特点, 我选的是他在晚上nocturnal工作那个.
还有一道问: this article most strongly suggested which of the following?
A) 那个美国元帅在罗斯福手下工作得很郁闷
B) 斯大林和希特勒都具军事才能
C) 国家制度影响领袖风格
我选C) (这里的ABCDE是我乱拍的, 不是原题顺序)作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 20:57
V2,大致讲的一个人的theory,讲是集中在forehead 的cortex 有不同的subregions possess different sensory domains, 这理论和某个前辈讲的cortex是executive function to send messages to different locations in brain不同。 前者的理论由一个MRI的新发现印证了,恰好与后者的理论相悖。
1. 有主旨题,问你这篇文章的目的什么
2. 还有一题是问你作者不同意以下哪一个观点;
3. 问MRI这个evidence说明了什么作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 20:58
Essay #16. 563 (23692-!-item-!-188;#058&00563-00)
Planter-legislators of the post-Civil War southern United States enacted crop lien laws stipulating that those who advanced cash or supplies necessary to plant a crop would receive, as security, a claim, or lien, on the crop produced. In doing so, planters, most of whom were former slaveholders, sought access to credit from merchants and control over nominally free laborers--former slaves freed by the victory of the northern Union over the southern Confederacy in the United States Civil War. They hoped to reassure merchants that despite the emancipation of the slaves, planters would produce crops and pay debts. Planters planned to use their supply credit to control their workers, former slaves who were without money to rent land or buy supplies. Planters imagined continuation of the pre-Civil War economic hierarchy: merchants supplying landlords, landlords supplying laborers, and laborers producing crops from which their scant wages and planters' profits would come, allowing planters to repay advances. Lien laws frequently had unintended consequences, however, thwarting the planter fantasy of mastery without slavery. The newly freed workers, seeking to become self-employed tenant farmers rather than wage laborers, made direct arrangements with merchants for supplies. Lien laws, the centerpiece of a system designed to create a dependent labor force, became the means for workers, with alternative means of supply advances, to escape that dependence.
Q37. p2-rc Question #52. 563-01 (23738-!-item-!-188;#058&000563-01)
Which of the following best expresses the central idea of the passage?
(A) Planters in the post-Civil War southern United States sought to reinstate the institution of slavery.
(B) Through their decisions regarding supply credit, merchants controlled post-Civil War agriculture.
(C) Lien laws helped to defeat the purpose for which they were originally created.
(D) Although slavery had ended, the economic hierarchy changed little in the post-Civil War southern United States.
(E) Newly freed workers enacted lien laws to hasten the downfall of the plantation economy.
Q38. p2-rc Question #53. 563-02 (23784-!-item-!-188;#058&000563-02)
According to the passage, each of the following was a reason planters supported crop lien laws EXCEPT:
(A) Planters believed that lien laws would allow them to expand their landholdings.
(B) Planters expected that lien laws would give them control over former slaves.
(C) Planters anticipated that lien laws would help them retain access to merchant credit.
(D) Planters intended to use lien laws to create a dependent labor force.
(E) Planters saw lien laws as a way to maintain their traditional economic status.
Q39. p2-rc Question #54. 563-03 (23830-!-item-!-188;#058&000563-03)
The passage suggests which of the following about merchants in the post-Civil War southern United States?
(A) They sought to preserve pre-Civil War social conditions.
(B) Their numbers in the legislatures had been diminished.
(C) Their businesses had suffered from a loss of collateral.
(D) They were willing to make business arrangements with former slaves.
(E) Their profits had declined because planters defaulted on debts for supply advances.
ANSWER作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 20:59
V1by bingyue
第一段是说两个地方两个雕像,一个地方的更小。。。,第二段是说一个地方头上戴的装饰品 说明是goddess 下一段是另一个地方 到底是不是goddess 呢 就是这样了 题里面有问细节的 问这个地方的是不是goddess 呢 科学家是通过什么方法头上带什么东西判断的
V2by wxsimon [强烈感谢作者考后还一直帮忙确认寂静,协助找背景资料]
V3by lonelycalla (760)
我补充道题,问prior to the pottery techniques 之前M地的figurine author suggests了什么?(定位在文章第一段)文章中并没有直接给出,只有一句说M地的figurine corresponds with M的pottery techniques,而N地的figurine则出现在pottery techniques之前,我最后选了M地在pottery techniques之前没有figurine,大家做的时候再体会一下哈
问的是那些认为M地(还是N地?真的记不清了。。)的fugurine并不是deity的专家会觉得以下哪项是正确的?我选的是: 当时的工匠对deity有的统一的雕刻方法(大致是这个意思)
CDer提问:1. 我最后选了M地在pottery techniques之前没有figurine,大家做的时候再体会一下哈
是JJ上的“They are not found before the advent of pottery techniques"?
lonelycalla回答:大概就是这个意思,答案写的好像是: 没有found M地的fugurine prior to pottery(大致是)
V4by jenny521(710)
2、问infer出在pottery age之前美索不达米亚的雕像是什么样的,答案是那时还没有雕像,原文中说美的雕像是和pottery age同时产生的。
V5by jacky7689(710)
中东娃娃有问女神像有什么特点(朴素,有许多装饰....)还一题女神像通常有什么装饰(头顶的decoration, mask...)
V6by ncdark(700+)
2.Not womanhood。
我考试的时候也有这题,这个题目该是有个前提,NE和M两地的 goddess会有什么特征,具体特征要从原文去找,对应的会有1或者2的答案。
V7by 风野星泽117(700+)
1 有问说M 地雕像不是女神像是由文中哪像说明的,2, N地雕像不是女神像是由下面哪像说明的,答案在最后,N地雕像different from one to another.
V8by rainforce(740 38)
2.Not womanhood
V9by gerrard(710 V36)
Q1.问N 两地为什么不是女神像(不是M地)
#3. 女神塑像应该是什么样的,我选的是“不是”women hood那项,有关women hood的那句可在文中找到 原话(740 确认)
#1.问的是那些认为M地的fugurine并不是deity的专家会觉得以下哪项是正确的?我选的是: 当时的工匠对deity有的统一的雕刻方法(大致是这个意思)(760确认)
#2. Q6: What is true about figurines at M? My answer: they are not found before the advent of pottery techniques.
我补充道题,问prior to the pottery techniques 之前M地的figurine author suggests了什么?(定位在文章第一段)文章中并没有直接给出,只有一句说M地的figurine corresponds with M的pottery techniques,而N地的figurine则出现在pottery techniques之前,我最后选了M地在pottery techniques之前没有figurine,大家做的时候再体会一下哈。They are not found before the advent of pottery techniques (760确认)
Q4. 问如果雕像是deity的话会有什么特征,我选的是有garb什么的
考古by XYXB[考友已确认考古]
Near East 和 Me 雕像那题,靠!又长又难读,问题还特别复杂。如果你碰上这篇阅读,而且是第四篇,恭喜你进入高分区(个人感觉,嘻嘻)。其中有一题问如果雕像是deity(神像)的话会有什么特征,我选的是会有个什么东西,就是文中讲mask那句前面那个单词(不好意思忘了),原句是说虽然有些雕像会有个什么东西,但也许那只是个 mask,不能证明雕像就是deity。还有一题问为什么说Me这个地方的雕像不是deity,我选的是因为跟其他地方比较,各个地方不同,所以不是神像,落实到文章的最后一段,最后一句话。
1。说N区和C区都有雕像,但是就风格和手法的分析N区的更复杂和先进于是推论是因为N区更早就有了制陶技术;然后似乎又从C区推翻了该理论 - 即因为制陶技术使N区更NB。
讲考古的,是Near East 和Me(一个地方)雕像,研究是是否是female figure,三段。
第一段:说两个地方发现了figure, NE这个地方的figure是typically 质量差,小,compared to that of Me, 原因是因为在ME这个地方potter 的发展和figure是同时的,而NE这地方的potter的发展precede figure。而且在NE这个地方,有很多遗迹发现的不好的figure也同时发现很elaborate的figure。
第二段:开段第一句,提出中心句:The most important question is whether such figures represents female or Gods?(大概意思是这样)。然后说ME这个地方发现的很多figure都有elaborate head decorate,但是这个不能说明是female,而是其他(记不清楚了)
第三段:讲NE这个地方的一些figure的情况,讲虽然有一些装饰,但是认为这些figure是 abstract 的表现of female的说法更加可信。又讲到说这些figure在各个地方不同,说明没有统一的female …(d开头的一个词,出现过两次)
First paragraph: People are studying figurines from two places, M and Near East. Figurines from M usually elaborated 精细while those from Near East are usually plain. Figurines from M are discovered to be at the advent of pottery techniques while figurines from Near East are found before pre-ceramic era.
Second paragraph: 主题: are figurines at M and Near East made after a single goddess? Discussion: probably not. Because for those at M, they are so diverse and different, so they don’t represent a single goddess. And for those at Near East, although they are plain, they probably represent women in general. Because other arts from Near East, like paintings, are so diverse that they don’t seem to represent a single goddess.
1. What is true about figurines at M? My answer: they are not found before the advent of pottery techniques. 文中有be at
2. What is the evidence that the author cited to support that figurines are Near East doesn’t represent a single goddess?
东非出土的小破人问题 文章没细看 M地和N地的female figurine
第一段M地和N地的female figurine有很多不同,大概是M地做工更好(有一道题是问关于m出土的小人的 ,还有道题 问中一句话 说n这个地方到什么时候才出现制陶业还是怎么样,反正是体现技术的进步,问这句话的作用,答案我就不误导了)
第二段,M的female figurine不是神因为雕像有很多不同
第三段, N的female figurine有很多相同点,然后说了一些人关于雕像到底是不是女神的看法。
还问到文章的主旨我选的是确定这些小人是不是女神像作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 21:00
37. 印度女人写小说
1. 题目就记得一个,考点是最后一段,就是选“无法确定英国女人和这个文学作品是不是独立的
题目总结: 题目集中在前三段
1问了一个subvert的含义:推翻,颠覆,改变.Appropriate有占据,占有的意思【1】 让你推测approaches and XXX这个词的含义,根据上下文应该推断是改良一类的意思吧,答案选的是那个adapt 什么的,
3.问infer了作者对该作品的何种看法: 作者认为仅仅从政治方面看这部作品是不对的,它的literature的意义也很重大
4.还有一题好像也infer大概是问写作手法 :采用了两种写作手法,一种是traditional的写法,还有种是narrative的独特手法。
8. 第二段写小家庭是为了什么,答案选是浓缩反映了社会背景。
9. 问的是作者认为不能去研究下列哪一项 选的是(whether 这个印度女作家的作品和Bronte她们的作品相似只是偶然)文章中最后一句话说到了对她们之间的研究是moot的,只要知道moot是无实际意义的意思即可
10. 【3】 问作者对什么问题不sure。。。定位在最后一段最后几句的评价之类的。 答案是那个作者不确定这个author和England 的author写作风格相似是因为有意的借鉴还是coincidence。
11. 第二,书中讲家庭背景是干嘛来着的。选一个选项带micro***的一个词,就是以小见大的意思,来看整个当时社会的政治,社会生态。
-What do the author think about the politics setting in Anagan?
-What do the author think about the narration used in Anagan?
-Which of the following is similar to the Anagan? (这里问的就是从什么角度去描述故事的,注意描述人的心情-原文中是带有anger的女子)
” 考古
P1: 对一部作品Anagan(一印巴女作家的著名作品)的pointed的观点是从政治角度考虑。但是,作者认为仅仅从政治方面看这部作品是不对的,它的literature的意义也很重大。
P2: 讨论了该作品的背景和内容,Set in British India and moving in to post independence Pakistan, Aangan is the story of dystopic home where the battles of the world are played out…它所描述的政治都只是为它的故事做背景,它的作者并没有偏向哪一方、没有明显政治目的。
P3: 讨论了该女作家的写法:说女作家appropriates and subverts采用了两种写作手法,一种是traditional的写法,还有种是narrative的独特手法。作者从一个带有anger的女子的角度出发来叙述她身边的人和事情,从而透露出那个时代的特点之类
P4: 这部作品的作者和Emily Bronte她们这些著名的女权作家比较。到底是这些女作家影响了anagan这部作品的作家而写出了跟《简爱》类似的作品、还是她们的作品只是一个巧合,这是一个moot question.作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 21:00
Inner Courtyard (Aangan) : A Novel/Khadija Mastur. Translated by Neelam Hussain. New Delhi, Kali for Women, 2001, 274 p., ISBN 81-86706-45-8.
Book Description
"Narrated in the intimate anger of a young woman’s journal-keeping voice this novel explores the politics of sex and class through the lives of women compelled to live their lives in the seclusion of the inner courtyard or aangan. Set in thirties India, Inner Courtyard is the story of a dystopic home where the battles of the world are played out. Based on the interiority of women’s lives it explores realpolitik through the personal and political affiliations of one family." (jacket)
About the AuthorKhadija Mastur (1927-1982) was a member of the Progressive Writers' Association, formed by a group of left-leaning intellectuals in 1935. She wrote several collections of short stories and two novels. Khadija Mastur was born in 1927 in Lucknow and grew up in a family that valued learning, reading and political dialogue. Mastur and her younger sister Hajira Masroor, worked actively for the Muslim League in 1946, and a year later, when Partition came along, her family migrated to Lahore, Pakistan. Khadija Mastur wrote in a simple but eloquent style. She the author of several collections of short stories and two novels, Aangan (The Courtyard) and Zamin (Earth). She was posthumously honored with the Baba-e-Urdu, Dr. Abdul Haq Award for her collection of short stories Thanda Meetha Pani (Cold, Sweet Water).
Inner Courtyard or Aangan, Khadija Mastur’s first published novel, written in 1952 over eight months, is Mastur’s best loved and most acclaimed fiction. Set in British India and moving in to post independence Pakistan, Aangan is the story of dystopic home where the battles of the world are played out. Based on the of women’s lives, the inner courtyard, it explores realpolitick through the diverse political affiliations of the members of one family. That it does so without espousing (支持,赞成)any one shade of opinion makes Aangan a politically sensitive and not a political novel (即提出了很多政治因素,观点,但是作者的态度是很中立的,没有评价和表态这些观点). Khadija Mastur deals with the theme of the Freedom Movement, not from the perspective of men but from the point of view of the women whose lives were changed radically by the decisions made by men in the public arena. It is a powerful novel built around female protagonists (主角)and the ways in which they mediate their space in society while condemned to the enclosed world of the inner courtyard, enmeshed in (使陷入)and sustained by strong familial ties and age-old customs.
作者原话:嗯,女作家那个考古版本三和我的出入比较大(原文和题目都不一样),其他都一样作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 21:01
44.发展中国家和发达国家的service sector和manufacture industry
developing countries 的service sector 和manufacture industry 可以共同发展,不像developed countries 牺牲了manufacture industry 来发展service industry, 其中强调了government 对developing countries 这种发展的positive 影响。
1. (1)主题
2. 有关PRIMARY的叙述哪项正确,我选它底子够厚足够可支持制造业的发展
与DEVELOPED COUNTRY不同,DEVELOPING COUNTRY 的制造业和服务业可同时增长。虽然这些南亚国家的PRIMARY部分(如农业)有所DECLINE, 但其基础足够大,能够满足制造业发展所需的原材料要求。
G题目不难,问(1)主题(2)有关PRIMARY的叙述哪项正确,我选它底子够厚足够可支持制造业的发展 (3)忘了作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 21:01
46. 动物group
有一篇讲的是 关于动物group的,有两段,第一段说传统在实验室里的理论是怎么样的,第二段说in the wild 动物的表现就跟实验室完全不同。最后说实验室的结论还是有可取之处,但是由于 conditions跟in the wild不同,所以出现错误。
1 有主旨题
2 高亮了最后的那个conditions 问是干什么的
这个有点象63篇里面的 Weddell seal
Passage 29 (29/63)
Studies of the Weddell seal in the laboratory have described the physiological mechanisms that allow the seal to cope with the extreme oxygen deprivation that occurs during its longest dives, which can extend 500 meters below the ocean’s surface and last for over 70 minutes. Recent field studies, however, suggest that during more typical dives in the wild, this seal’s physiological behavior is different.
In the laboratory, when the seal dives below the surface of the water and stops breathing, its heart beats more slowly, requiring less oxygen, and its arteries become constricted, ensuring that the seal’s blood remains concentrated near those organs most crucial to its ability to navigate underwater. The seal essentially shuts off the flow of blood to other organs, which either stop functioning until the seal surfaces or switch to an anaerobic (oxygen-independent) metabolism. The latter results in the production of large amounts of lactic acid which can adversely affect the pH of the seal’s blood, but since the anaerobic metabolism occurs only in those tissues which have been isolated from the seal’s blood supply, the lactic acid is released into the seal’s blood only after the seal surfaces, when the lungs, liver, and other organs quickly clear the acid from the seal’s bloodstream.
Recent field studies, however, reveal that on dives in the wild, the seal usually heads directly for its prey and returns to the surface in less than twenty minutes. The absence of high levels of lactic acid in the seal’s blood after such dives suggests that during them, the seal’s organs do not resort to the anaerobic metabolism observed in the laboratory, but are supplied with oxygen from the blood. The seal’s longer excursions underwater, during which it appears to be either exploring distant routes or evading a predator, do evoke the diving response seen in the laboratory. But why do the seal’s laboratory dives always evoke this response, regardless of their length or depth? Some biologists speculate that because in laboratory dives the seal is forcibly submerged, it does not know how long it will remain underwater and so prepares for the worst.
1. The passage provides information to support which of the following generalizations?
(A) Observations of animals’ physiological behavior in the wild are not reliable unless verified by laboratory studies.
(B) It is generally less difficult to observe the physiological behavior of an animal in the wild than in the laboratory.
(C) The level of lactic acid in an animal’s blood is likely to be higher when it is searching for prey than when it is evading predators.
(D) The level of lactic acid in an animal’s blood is likely to be lowest during those periods in which it experiences oxygen deprivation.
(E) The physiological behavior of animals in a laboratory setting is not always consistent with their physiological behavior in the wild.
2. It can be inferred from the passage that by describing the Weddell seal as preparing “for the worst” (line 41), biologists mean that it
(A) prepares to remain underwater for no longer than twenty minutes
(B) exhibits physiological behavior similar to that which characterizes dives in which it heads directly for its prey
(C) exhibits physiological behavior similar to that which characterizes its longest dives in the wild
(D) begins to exhibit predatory behavior
(E) clears the lactic acid from its blood before attempting to dive
3. The passage suggests that during laboratory dives, the pH of the Weddell seal’s blood is not adversely affected by the production of lactic acid because
(A) only those organs that are essential to the seal’s ability to navigate underwater revert to an anaerobic mechanism
(B) the seal typically reverts to an anaerobic metabolism only at the very end of the dive
(C) organs that revert to an anaerobic metabolism are temporarily isolated from the seal’s bloodstream
(D) oxygen continues to be supplied to organs that clear lactic acid from the seal’s bloodstream
(E) the seal remains submerged for only short periods of time
4. Which of the following best summarizes the main point of the passage?
(A) Recent field studies have indicated that descriptions of the physiological behavior of the Weddell seal during laboratory dives are not applicable to its most typical dives in the wild.
(B) The Weddell seal has developed a number of unique mechanisms that enable it to remain submerged at depths of up to 500 meters for up to 70 minutes.
(C) The results of recent field studies have made it necessary for biologists to revise previous perceptions of how the Weddell seal behaves physiologically during
its longest dives in the wild.
(D) Biologists speculate that laboratory studies of the physiological behavior of seals during dives lasting more than twenty minutes would be more accurate if the seals were not forcibly submerged.
(E) How the Weddell seal responds to oxygen deprivation during its longest dives appears to depend on whether the seal is searching for prey or avoiding predators during such dives.
5. According to the author, which of the following is true of the laboratory studies mentioned in line 1?
(A) They fail to explain how the seal is able to tolerate the increased production of lactic acid by organs that revert to an anaerobic metabolism during its longest dives in the wild.
(B) They present an oversimplified account of mechanisms that the Weddell seal relies on during its longest dives in the wild.
(C) They provide evidence that undermines the view that the Weddell seal relies on an anaerobic metabolism during its most typical dives in the wild.
(D) They are based on the assumption that Weddell seals rarely spend more than twenty minutes underwater on a typical dive in the wild.
(E) They provide an accurate account of the physiological behavior of Weddell seals during those dives in the wild in which they are either evading predators or exploring distant routes.
6. The author cites which of the following as characteristic of the Weddell seal’s physiological behavior during dives observed in the laboratory?
I. A decrease in the rate at which the seal’s heart beats
II. A constriction of the seal’s arteries
III. A decrease in the levels of lactic acid in the seal’s blood
IV. A temporary halt in the functioning of certain organs
(A) I and III only
(B) II and IV only
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II, and IV only
(E) I, III, and IV only
7. The passage suggests that because Weddell seals are forcibly submerged during laboratory dives, they do which of the following?
(A) Exhibit the physiological responses that are characteristic of dives in the wild that last less than twenty minutes.
(B) Exhibit the physiological responses that are characteristic of the longer dives they undertake in the wild.
(C) Cope with oxygen deprivation less effectively than they do on typical dives in the wild.
(D) Produce smaller amounts of lactic acid than they do on typical dives in the wild.
(E) Navigate less effectively than they do on typical dives in the wild.作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 21:02
48. 买电脑问题
V1讲电脑的。以前的电脑很好买。因为可以帮人做很多事情,但是后来逐渐买的人少了。可能是因为软件和硬件的问题。。。(跳过了,因为没有时间了。。。)电脑的Utilities和application之间有gap. 需要bridge the gap才是王道。最后用两个公司做了比对,第一个公司,作者大加赞赏,说他们很注意研究消费者的用电脑的习惯,不仅仅更新自己的软件,硬件,更能研究那些部分对人们的用途更高。第二个公司也有好的地方,但是他们。。。。(反正就是不好)
V2computer 购买力在 1980到1985上升,但是 by 1990年,消费者限制了在其上的消费。原因在于, the gap between what computers are capable of doing and imagination and engineering blabla, 然后指出,it should focus on how computers are used, rather than how computers are manufactured. 假设了两个公司,company 1 做的很好,调和这GAP, company 2 不好,虽然从technical角度来讲,做的很先进,但是不能通用,只能在自己的系统上用,所以2失败了。
题目: 1,company 2 需要哪些改进?
2,computer industry 出现了哪些问题?
V3. 电脑的软件和硬件
作者又举了两个公司的例子:公司A呢bla bla bla(大致介绍了下优点),而公司B相比于A虽然有更好的制造能力,但它产的软件都只能适用于本公司的产品。B应该像A一样,将制造的软件运用于更多的computers。
(1) 主旨:电脑制造商要考虑的是怎么满足顾客的需要而不是怎么制造电脑。
(2) 以下哪个对B的描述是正确的?我选虽然有很好的制造软件的能力,但不能适用于很多电脑。
(3) 1980-1990发生了什么? 大家注意,要选有转折词的那个。因为这里1980-1985是个时间段,1990又是个时间点。我选的是:开始顾客会愿意花很多钱买硬件软件但是后来几乎就没有人买了(好像选B)
(4) 题目: 1,company 2 需要哪些改进?
(5) 2,computer industry 出现了哪些问题?
80-85成上升态势, 85-90下降, 原因是计算机生产厂商忽略实际用户的需要, 产品"too powerful"但"utility"不足. 作者建议厂商对此有针对缘髡? 最后举例"company I"(正面)和"company II"(反面)对比支持其观点. -- 这篇记得是GWD中的, 大家可以找找看.
P1 IT行业,开始时硬件的发展缓慢限制了行业发展,到1980-1985年,硬件大发展,价格下降,因计算机utilization上升,销量上升,总利润和销售上升 (有题),P2 90年后硬件过度发展,但utilization到顶了,销售额下降,利润下降。P3 提出观点,计算机公司应弥补技术和应用之间的gap (有题) P4 举了2个公司做例子,I弥补了gap,II技术先进 (有题),市场份额却小,因为软件只能应用于自己生产的电脑,I却能广泛应用。II要改进应用作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 21:02
49. 对环境和受益的理解(高分题)
一个人说××与prime factor有关, 包括×××××。(这里不重要,因为重点是讲下一个人的观点)下一个人的观点雨上一个基本相同, 但是少了对财富的强调(考点)。解释了一下他的理论。然后就帮助人们决定人的capability与外部环境的什么什么(这里有一道类比题,答案我不是很确定)
记得一个主旨题:我选解释一个approach 来帮助解决什么问题。这个还是比较确定的
V2第二篇是说环境保护与一些factor 有个人认为与wealth 和social status影响了他们对于环境采取的措施。。貌似是有钱的人去保护环境 没钱没条件就不去?忘了原文怎么描述的了。。
文章有问主旨 我选是recommend第二个人的观点
最后说环境问题跟engage in the related economic activities的一个什么关系。这里有个infer题目。说下列哪个最demonstrate这个关系。这篇阅读的最后一题。
1.记得一个主旨题:我选解释一个approach 来帮助解决什么问题
2. 然后有个考题问哪个选项能体现那个conflict
第一段 因为经济发展和生态环境互相有影响,所以需要研究是怎样互相影响的。RJ这个人提出evaluate这种影响是based on "primary goods" such as opportunities, wealth之类的,然后MN这个人提出evaluate based on capability of people。段尾说虽然MN提出的capability跟primary goods有一部分重叠,但是在MN的理论中wealth和salary的作用相对较小,然后给出了MN对capability的定义
第二段 作者认为MN的观点能更好的阐述问题,因为分析人类经济活动对环境的影响最终要归咎到环境对人类的影响,当real conflict between social position and environment出现的时候能体现MN观点的优势,然后有个考题问哪个选项能体现那个conflict作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 21:02
55. 极地部落和科学家的看法的对立
第二段是总分结构。一开始中心句就说很多个群体的人结合在一起来制定一些策略(什么scientist啊,当地居民啊之类之类,感觉像是第一段最后那里讨论的策略的具体执行)。后面举了一个whale的例子,说某一年scientist统计就只有700只了,hunters 就被blame说过度捕捞。然后hunters就抗议说scientist的统计办法是不对的,那个whale应该有7000多只。然后scientist就按照hunter提供的whale的习性去统计,发现有8000只。Hunter们就迎来了harvest。
就记得说举了个例子,说科学家认为座头鲸正面临灭绝。Inuit hunter 认为科学家对于座头鲸的数量的estimate不正确。说座头鲸会躲避在冰层一下,以至于普通的目测无法准确估计其数量。然后引入了一项新的测量方法(aerial-注意:有一个细节题考点和??相结合),说新的测量方法证实了Inuit hunter的观点是正确的。
北极的居民们有很多方法来观察他们赖以生存的环境,世代相传下来,他们积累了丰富的经验。 而且他们还有一个组织document这些经验。生态学家和科学家们也同这些极地居民合作来进行环境研究。举例:科学家们198几年的时候估计某种海豚只有700头,但是这些居民估计有7000头。科学家的assumption:这些海豚不能feed during immigration,也不能swim under the ice. 但是居民认为这种海豚可以在冰下面游泳,因为探测仪无法探测冰下的情况,所以可能低估了该海豚的数量。这些争论一直存在。直到1991年通过跟踪器,估计到这种海豚大概有8000头。因而这些北极居民猎杀该海豚的限额得到改变。
一个是环境学家和科学家在南极这样的地方会和当地部落的人民:Inious people合作,第一段说了很多东西,但是几乎没有考到,说的都是写套话,就是说环境学家发现和当地的人合作是很有好处的,而且他们在做决定的时候会运用本地的一些"土知识"(就是本地知识).第二段讲的主要是一个例子,就是大家以前说了的鲸鱼的问题.科学家通过原来的方法测算出来的BOW WHALE的数目是700头,所以严格控制了捕猎的数量.但是当地人告诉科学家他们的测算方法是有误的,因为科学家们不知道鲸鱼在冰下面也可以游动,所以当地人说鲸鱼应该有7000头. 后来科学家就DEVELOP了新方法,跟踪计算鲸鱼数量,发现有8000头,就印证了当地人是对的.最终当地人和科学家商谈后决定放宽捕猎的限制.
讲一个ANTACTIC的环境保护,第一段,前半段介绍了背景知识,然后引入了一个当地的组织,主要目的就是传授知识啊什么的,目的就是为了环境保护,这里有一道IN ORDER TO, KEY是在结尾的那一句话上。第二段,引入一个事件,这个事件是说科学家用一种预测方法来衡量WHALE(鲸)的数量,原来的数量是7000头,但测下来却只有800头,但本地的人不这么认为,他们不用科学手段就说这WHALE一定有7000-8000,原因是W在冰下可以活动的(老观点是不可以的),然后又用新的测量方法再测,测出来是的确如本地人所说的。然后对这个事例进行总结,这里有一道,问科学家和本地人在测量方法上的。
1 Inuit hunter和科學家的看法在何處不相同(我選對XX whale的行為) (科学家认为这些海豚不能feed during immigration,也不能swim under the ice, 但是inuit hunter认为这些海豚可以swim under the ice)
2 文章結構 (我選點出一個問題然後如何解決, 不知對不對) (好像不对,根据版本2机经,开头是北极的居民们有很多方法来观察他们赖以生存的环境,证明全文是为了说明北极居民的赖以生存的许多方法,然后举出其中一个例子来证明。所以应该是提出观点,然后再举例证明和支持观点.)
3 為什麼Inuit hunter要反對科學家對XX whale的數量預測(我選因為Inuit hunter會被限制捕whale的數量) (同意,因为最后提到通过这件事情北极居民猎杀该海豚的限额得到改变。生活质量提高了阿)
4.第二段的推理结构这个我不确定 (认为这题应该用第2题的答案,即提出一個問題然後如何解決,从而证明南极人运用知识活动的能力)
6.从文章INFER当地部落的测算方法为他们得到了什么好处: 就是可以HUNT THE WHALE. (类同3)
Scientific surveys indicated the Beaufort Sea bowhead whale population was very depleted, with only about 800 whales surviving in 1977. Local hunters stated the whale population was about 7000. They also took issue with assumptions underlying scientists' population estimates (e.g., that whales only migrated in open water leads, and were incapable of swimming under the ice offshore and did not feed during migration). On the other hand, Inuit hunters believe whales migrate hundreds of miles offshore under the ice and therefore cannot be censured by visual means alone. On the basis of these methodological criticisms, a sophisticated survey technique was developed, incorporating Inuit assumptions (later verified). Using the new census methods the 1991 bowhead population was conservatively estimated to be in excess of 8000 whales, despite an annual harvest of between 20 and 40 whales over the past decade. The findings tended to confum the Inuit 1977 population assessment of about 7000 animals
辛苦忽然MM了~强大的考古专家~(你的专业是不是考古啊?)楼主原话作者: tianya 时间: 2010-5-19 21:07
第二段,主要是讲telenontric approach的不好的,有说这个approach是什么自动化的,类似于让人去机械的做一些事情的,然后举了几个例子,其中提到了一个是银行用了这段计算机化的东东后,银行那些工作人员的什么东东变了,然后工作效率还是产能降低了;(后面有题,问用了那种新的方法后,银行工作人员会怎么样的好像),后面不记得了
第三段,讲了一个新的approach, 说着这个好,可以避免前面的那个的缺点,说道decentralization; 然后说可以让员工参与到其中来,貌似感受到自身的在工作中的重要性;然后还说管理者和员工间的关系得到改善还是什么的,下面也不记得了
有主旨题;选了,说了一个的limition, 然后提出了alternative.
Technology-approach, 提出这种传统模式,是应该节约cost什么的,但是却不是这样的。举例说在banking system里,computer implement没有提高productivity就影响了员工的morale。还举例说了其他的。
第二段又提出一个organization-approach更preferable,说了一些优点,然后说但是这个模式也有局限,比如assumption是建立在员工都积极参与,并和manager share the same goal。
信息题,banking system里这种technology-approach infer了什么
V2我来补充Technocentric 这一篇, 至今印象深刻
第一段作者给technocentric 这个名词做了定义,是babababa一个东西,然后说了这个理论的假设是top-down structure based upon 等级制度(考题一)(作者提到这个假设的意义是什么我选择为后面的一个提供一个challenge 的base 因为后面的一个理论假设是encourage employee participation, i am sure the answer is correct) 然后作者举例banking industry,说这个理论fail,然后作者提出另外一个理论,是centralization approach, 他强调的是employee participation,还有两道出题点一个是说为什么banking industry, technocentric will fail,我选择他没有encourage employee particpation. i am sure this is correct. 最后一个是主旨题,有点犹豫,
note reverse effects of one approach and recommmed a modest approach
pointing out a limitation and present an alternative.想了半天最后还是狠狠心选了pointing out.大家自己琢磨一下吧
1. 作者提到这个假设的意义是什么我选择为后面的一个提供一个challenge 的base
2. 一个是说为什么banking industry, technocentric will fail,我选择他没有encourage employee particpation
3. 主旨题pointing out a limitation and present an alternative.
4. 问那个tele的没有提到以下那个(影响的还是缺点什么的)(不确定了)作者: Janet_Ge 时间: 2010-5-20 17:32
辛苦楼主了作者: liexodus 时间: 2010-5-21 06:45
many thanks !!!
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