If p1 and p2 are the populations and r1 and r2 are the numbers of representatives of District 1 and District 2,respectively, the ratio of the population to the number of representives is greater for which of the two districts?
1) p1>p2
2) r2>r1
下个月20号就要考了,第一次考,有点紧张啊..其实俺要求不高,有个650俺就笑了。呵。感觉数学还是有点弱,每次都要错那么8,9道题,请问大家有没什么好方法呢?Prep的数学总结有必要看么??感觉题好多,我怕我来不及。作者: EGHJUYMN 时间: 2010-5-13 06:48
E?作者: tingting520 时间: 2010-5-14 06:50
呃。。正解:C作者: EGHJUYMN 时间: 2010-5-15 08:18
Taking (1) and (2) together, < because
r2 > r1, and because populations can be assumed to
be positive, < . Th en, it follows that
< because p2 < p1. Combining <
and < gives < .作者: EGHJUYMN 时间: 2010-5-15 08:20