1、主旨题,我选的MC business's methods and goals
2、 MC most likely encourage her agents to do ...? 我选:“通过personal appearance to show a social status.” 通过化妆打扮表现自己的social status(干扰项说要匿名捐款)
3、推断MC最有可能希望other business owners以下哪个行为? 我选:希望他们能hire黑女人,provide opportunity to help black women improve social and financial status
5 Biomagnification 有毒化学物质在食物链各个环节中的毒性渐进
Biomagnification有毒化学物质在食物链各个环节中的毒性渐进 means that the level of toxin in animals' tissues rises as one moves up the food chain. For instance, as larvae eat algae, (此处有题 问algae的作用,我选的是处在食物链最低端~~不知对否~) fish eat the larvae, and bigger fish eat smaller fish, the toxin present in the algae becomes increasingly concentrated; top predators like swordfish and polar因为处在食物链顶端所以毒素最高 bears end up with the highest doses in their tissues. This can happen with stable, fat-soluble脂溶性的 chemicals that aren't easily excreted in urine or feces不容易通过尿或粪便排泄出去. Biomagnification was first studied in the late 1960s in aquatic水上的 food webs, explains Frank Gobas, professor at Simon Fraser University and leader of the study. To screen chemicals, scientists began using a property known as Kow水分配系数, which indicates how readily a chemical dissolves in water compared with fat and thus predicts how easily it will move from a fish's blood lipids into water through its gills鳃. Low-Kow, or more water soluble可溶解的, chemicals don't build up in the fish food chain and were assumed to be safe. Gobas这个人第一个发现了这种化学物质可以在水中溶解,鱼可以很容易地通过鳃来排泄。Gobas一开始认为low-Kow安全。
Environmental chemists realized, however , that this assumption might not hold in food chains involving mammals and birds because their lungs are in contact with air, not water. This means that many chemicals that are relatively soluble in water and therefore don't accumulate in fish might remain in the tissues of land animals if they aren't volatile enough to easily move from the lungs into the air (predicted by a property called Koa空气分配系数). Supporting this idea, some organic chemicals that don't biomagnify in fish appeared to be doing so in other wildlife and humans. 但是,环境学家认为这个假设不对,提出哺乳动物和鸟类可能不能排泄这种化学毒素,因为它们的肺接触空气而不是水。Koa
To explore this hypothesis, Gobas and graduate student Barry Kelly and colleagues collected plant and animal tissue samples— from lichens青苔 to beluga 白鲸whales killed in Inuit hunts—in the Arctic, where, because of weather patterns and cold temperatures, organic pollutant levels are high. They tested the samples not only for known POPs but also for several chemicals with a low Kow but high Koa, which suggested they might biomagnify in air-breathing animals. The measured levels of contaminants for various animals in aquatic and land food webs were similar to those predicted from a bioaccumulation model incorporating合并一体化 Koa and Kow, suggesting the model was correct. Chemicals with low Kow and high Koa stood out as potentially risky. 最后Gobas也说Low Kow并且high Koa的有潜在危险的,证实了Biomagnification,即毒素随着食物链的增长会沉积。
7 Tiny organisms remember the way to food浮游动物转圈
第一段 说学者Liang Li 和某某发现浮游生物转向具有记忆力,第一次向右转,那么下一次向左的概率就会大一倍。而通过植入一种蛋白物质,使其往相反的方向转,这样它能游得更远。
第二段 又有两个人,研究发现一种东西是转36度,说这个角度是最佳的
SOME of the most basic organisms are smarter than we thought. Rather than moving about randomly, amoebas变形虫and plankton浮游生物 employ sophisticated strategies to look for food and might travel in a way that optimizes their foraging. 不是随机捕食 是有方法来优化它们的捕食
Biophysicists have long tried to explain how creatures of all sizes search for food. However, single-celled organisms such as bacteria细菌 seem to move in no particular direction in their search. 细菌这种单细胞生物就不行
To investigate, Liang Li and Edward Cox at Princeton University studied the movements of amoebas变形虫 (Dictyostelium) in a Petri dish, recording the paths traveled by 12 amoebas, including every turn and movement straight ahead, for 8 to 10 hours per amoeba. Immediately after an amoeba turned right, it was twice as likely to turn left as right again, and vice versa反之亦然, they told a meeting of the American Physical Society meeting in Denver, Colorado, last week. This suggests that the cells have a rudimentary memory, being able to remember the last direction they had just turned in, says Robert Austin, a biophysicist at Princeton who was not involved in the study. 有未成熟的记忆力 能记住最后一次转的方向
Such memories might be laid down because of the way the cell moves. To turn, an amoeba extends part of its body in the preferred direction, which creates a scar made of protein down that side of the cell. The scar might make the cell temporarily more likely to move in the opposite direction. For the amoeba, the pay-off is that it avoids traveling in circles and hence can search a larger area. Scar会使它们有短期记忆,避免了它们总向一个方向转圈,因此可以搜索更大的范围
Another study has shed light on the optimal foraging strategy of micro-organisms. Ricardo Garcia and Frank Moss at the University of Missouri at St Louis placed Daphnia zooplankton (see Picture) in water laced饰以花边 with food particles and measured the angles of up to 1000 turns made by individuals of five different species. The plankton were exponentially 成倍的 more likely to turn at smaller, more gradual angles than larger ones, with a preferred turning angle of about 36 degrees. 最佳捕食的角度
Meanwhile, their collaborators合作者 at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany, used a computer model to calculate what angle would maximize the amount of food Daphnia collected within a fixed space and time. It turns out that the optimal turning angle closely matches that used by Daphnia in the experiments (Mathematical Biosciences, in press); and an angle any greater or smaller would make the plankton less successful. 角度稍大稍小都不好,上面提到的36度是最佳 "This allows it to explore the most area and get the most food in a given amount of time," says Garcia电脑计算的与实验一致 肯定了上面的说法作者: Ecrepe 时间: 2010-4-20 13:37
9 mid-ear muscle中耳肌肉 三段
第二段:不但是对外界大噪音而且人自己的大声说话也有反应CONTRACT。无论大小,如噪音和婴耳声,其最初的反应都是一样的,都是先收缩。保护头骨对自己声音的传导给耳朵的伤害。举例:火车的声音, 婴儿的哭声as loud as the sound of the train
1、主题题:答案是有 "mid-ear muscle" 的那个
版本2:文中关于中耳肌的描述正确? 我选:中耳肌将声音从鼓膜传递到内耳
3、中耳肌的特点: 选最后一个: 与其他肌肉不同, 不可以voluntary 控制
4、问举例火车train的作用?为了说明中耳肌的作用 (不确定)
(这个是这样的,作者说婴儿的哭声在对婴儿而言就想火车一样。所以,提train应该是说中耳对控制internal voice作用,答案好几个说external的反正都错的)
10 Green List/Book生物学家的绿宝书
第一段:一个生物学家propose a strategy that应该建立不是濒临灭绝的动物的绿宝书,而不是当前广泛使用的红宝书(Red xxx Book)。因为受地理因素限制,生物学家不可能深入到热带雨林的腹地调查每一样濒临灭绝生物的情况,而热带雨林tropical却恰恰是物种最丰富的地方(考了一题EXCEPT,其中4个选项都在这段位置有提到,注意热带雨林这块的阐述)。美国和加拿大鸟类保护的一段话,大意是说北美的人比较爱出去搜集资料,而且是定期的,所以那里的资料up to date。但是别的地方的人就不这样做了,导致很多地方的red list里面的种类不全(例子作用)。最后一句还提到了要case by case。
第二段:是讲那些用红宝书的生物学家argue了什么(包括有多少比例的生物多少种濒临灭绝什么的:旧的方法则认为在8000种1600年存在的鸟类中,只有80中左右灭绝了。),但是这个生物学家说,其实不是这样的,能上安全名单列表的远远少于你们所认为的。证明在一些鸟类研究不多的地方Green list比Red list好。
1、主题题:我选提出strategy to correct a traditionally held view\suggest a strategy to correct a flaw technology
2、第一段中那些支持采用red book的科学家assume: 他们觉得book挺全的
3、类比题:哪个选项与red book 和green book 的关系相似的example?limited supply, sufficient storage
6、第一段提到tropical那里有题,要注意作者: Ecrepe 时间: 2010-4-20 13:39
1、高亮题:一题是考第二段第一句,高亮了an alternative观点
2、高亮题:针对最后一句,在For example后面。答案往前一句小论点找就可以。
4、imprison有一题说那些壁画主要是M人种做什么用的?第一段 (文中提了animal是作为一个spiritual power practical,其中有个干扰选项,2个选项都有spiritual这个词,最后我选centership那个)
5、问下列哪项是a tenet of the first theory?哪项是第一个理论的宗旨?
14 美国劳动者的立场(GWD17-24-27原文)
In 1938, at the government-convened 1938年的会议上工会工人
National Health Conference, organized labor 士提议立法保障公众健康
emerged as a major proponent of legislation 的主要力量。
Line to guarantee universal health care in the
(5) United States. The American Medical 代表医师利益的AMM要
Association, representing physicians’ 求保护医师的自由市场权。
interests, argued for preserving physicians’
free-market prerogatives. Labor activists 劳工行动家反对他们,坚
countered these arguments by insisting that 持说卫生保健是由政府项
(10) health care was a fundamental right that 目保障的基本权利。
should be guaranteed by government
programs. 1938年, labor activists支持政府医疗保障
The labor activists’ position represented 劳工行动家的立场背离了
a departure from the voluntarist view held AFL到1935年才放弃的
(15) until 1935 by leaders of the American 唯意志观点。
Federation of labor (AFL), a leading affili-
ation of labor unions; the voluntarist view 唯意志观点强调工人有权
stressed workers’ right to freedom from 摆脱政府对自己生活的干
government intrusions into their lives and 扰,它认为健康保险危及
(20) represented national health insurance as a 公众隐私。
threat to workers’ privacy. AFL president AFL领袖SG肆意说代表了
Samuel Gompers, presuming to speak for 全体工人,反对AALL在
all workers, had positioned the AFL as 1915年设立健康保险的提
a leading opponent of the proposals for 议。
(25) national health insurance that were advo-
cated beginning in 1915 by the American
Association for Labor Legislation (AALL),
an organization dedicated to the study and
reform of labor laws. Gompers’ opposition SG的反对一定程度上有他
(30) to national health insurance was partly 的原则,基于资本主义政
principled, arising from the premise that 府总是保护雇主的利益。
governments under capitalism invariably
served employers’, not workers’, interests.
Gompers feared the probing of government SG害怕官僚主义伸入工人
(35) bureaucrats into workers’ lives, as well as 生活,由雇主资助的保险
the possibility that government-mandated 又可能让公司得到员工的
health insurance, financed in part by 体检报告,用来辞退伤残
employers, could permit companies to 工人。
require employee medical examinations
(40) that might be used to discharge disabled
workers. 1935年之前AFL的主要观点,反对政府医疗保障
Yet the AFL’s voluntarism had accom- 但唯意志论容纳了某些例
modated certain exceptions: the AFL had 外:AFL支持代表受伤工
supported government intervention on behalf 人和童工的政府干预。
(45) of injured workers and child laborers. AFL 但AFL和健康保险划清界
officials drew the line at national health 线,一部分是出于自身权
insurance, however, partly out of concern 力的考虑。
for their own power. The fact that AFL AALL等局外人担当主
outsiders such as the AALL had taken the 要角色惹怒了SG。
(50) most prominent advocacy roles antagonized
Gompers. That this reform threatened union- 这个改革危及SG支持的
sponsored benefit programs championed by 资助利益项目,让保险
Gompers made national health insurance 更讨厌。
even more objectionable.
(55) Indeed, the AFL leadership did face AFL的领导层的确面临
serious organizational divisions. Many 严重分化。很多联盟成员
unionists, recognizing that union-run health 认识到联盟运作的健康项
programs covered only a small fraction of 目只面对一小部分成员,
union members and that unions represented 纷纷支持义务健康保险。
(60) only a fraction of the nation’s workforce,
worked to enact compulsory health
insurance in their state legislatures. This 最终在1935年AFL还是
activism and the views underlying it came to 支持了这一立法。
prevail in the United States labor movement
(65) and in 1935 the AFL unequivocally reversed
its position on health legislationAFL最终倒戈支持政府医疗保证.
The passage suggests which of the following about the voluntarist view held by leaders of the AFL regarding health care?
A. It was opposed by the AALL.
B. It was shared by most unionists until 1935.
C. It antagonized the American Medical Association.
D. It maintained that employer-sponsored health care was preferable to union-run health programs.
E. It was based on the premise that the government should protect child laborers but not adult workers.
AFL president Samuel Gompers, presuming to speak for all workers, had positioned the AFL as a leading opponent of the proposals for national health insurance that were advocated beginning in 1915 by the American Association for Labor Legislation (AALL)
The primary purpose of the passage is to
A. account for a labor organization’s success in achieving a particular goal
B. discuss how a labor organization came to reverse its position on a particular issue
C. explain how disagreement over a particular issue eroded the power of a labor organization
D. outline the arguments used by a labor organization’s leadership in a particular debate
E. question the extent to which a labor organization changed its position on a particular issue
Which of the following best describes the function of the sentence in lines 42-45 (“Yet … child laborers”)?
A. It elaborates a point about why the AFL advocated a voluntarist approach to health insurance.
B. It identifies issues on which the AFL took a view opposed to that of the AALL.
C. It introduces evidence that appears to be inconsistent with the voluntarist view held by AFL leaders.
D. It suggests that a view described in the previous sentence is based on faulty evidence.
E. It indicates why a contradiction described in the previous paragraph has been overlooked by historians.
the AFL’s voluntarism had accommodated certain exceptions:
According to the passage, Gompers’ objection to national health insurance was based in part on his belief that
A. union-sponsored health programs were less expensive than government-sponsored programs
B. most unionists were covered by and satisfied with union-sponsored health programs
C. it would lead some employers to reduce company-sponsored benefits
D. it could result in certain workers unfairly losing their jobs
E. the AFL should distance itself from the views of the American Medical Association
Gompers’ opposition to national health insurance was partly principled, arising from the premise that governments under capitalism invariably served employers’, not workers’, interests. Gompers feared the probing of government bureaucrats into workers’ lives, as well as the possibility that government-mandated health insurance, financed in part by employers, could permit companies to require employee medical examinations that might be used to discharge disabled workers.作者: Ecrepe 时间: 2010-4-20 13:47
18 inventory model
有一篇是讲一个什么inventory model
第一段 讲它可以smooth production
第二段 讲在这个model下inventory应该与sales成反比,但数据显示inventory与sales成正比(有点记不清了,但这里没有考题)
第三段 解释这个矛盾的原因,因为统计数据计算的是seasonal aggregate sales,但(好像是)数据调整后还是与model 不一致
1、主题题:criticize前者,recommend an alternative solution
2、用 ROI 来衡量企业performance 的话, 有什么缺点?我选:用 ROI 的企业不会投钱去研发 (research and development)
第一段 有个制造业的机器人,以前用的standardized robot有缺陷:外部条件一改就不effective了,现在有新的机器人可以flexible 应对外部环境变化(这里高亮了问两种机器人的主要区别是什么)
第二段 south pole robot的具体原理和适应环境变化的工作原理等等,比如机器人如何躲避障碍物。好像用电脑,有signal解决obstacle障碍物。
1、问以下哪一种情况需要south pole robot新机器人来做?(选会出现可变环境的情况)
23. Horizontal Merge VS. Diversity Expand企业纵向一体化和横向一体化
27 Chinese American美国早期中国移民
讲Chinese American的研究,说得是前人都着重于客观方面的研究,而没有从华裔自己的看法和角度来研究这个群体。举例提到一个叫Miller的作品(这里有个考点)
但作者认为书信比任何资料都有研究价值。因为那些官方的资料总让人觉得当时的中国移民是被逼得,但通过他们给家人的书信我们得知在当时的经济和政治背景下,大部分移民是自己做决定来到美国的,他们有CONTROL。还有一些研究是基于移民写的的回忆录(有考题, 作者认为回忆录有什么缺点? )相比家书,回忆录中的感受也许不是当事人当时的确切感受。
1、主题题:应该就是suggest another approach
28 Symbol Economy & Real Economy虚拟经济与实体经济的脱钩 长篇
第一段 介绍了symbol economy和real economy的定义
第二段 先讲TRADE IN GOODS AND SERVICES近年来增长的很多,有3 trillion,可是资本市场增长更大。然后这里举了个伦敦资本市场London Euromarkets的例子,说capital flow有75 trillion. (这里出了个题目,问举这个例子的作用,我选的是emphasize 这个量很大吧)然后就说这个现象不符合传统的经济学理论:Tradition Economic Theory = Trade of goods and services (real economy) determines the capital & debt flow, etc.(symbol economy)
第三段 凯恩斯理论正好掉个头 = symbol economy (the capital & debt flow, etc.) determines the real economy (the trade of goods and services). 又讲这个现象也不符合凯恩斯的理论。(有考题:细节题关于K模型)举了美国和日本为例子。说80年代美国虽然大幅的逆差,但是经济依然很强势;相反日本虽然史无前例(用了precedent先例这个词好像)的大顺差,但是经济依然drag。(有考题,问提到鬼子有何用意)
最后好象是总结了一句话说原来interdependent elements 越来越apart了
29 Photorealism写实主义摄影
第一段:以前人们对Photography的看法是主要要靠实力,怎么取景啊,色彩啊什么之类的。但是20世纪开始,鉴赏家们发现了拍摄者事后修改图像的迹象(这里用了一个the hand in, 之后有题目的).有些鉴赏家就不爽了,觉得你们小丫的怎么可以这样呢,要原汁原味。
第二段:介绍了照片修改的一些由来。20世纪以来怎么样怎么样。然后举了以为叫ABC的家伙,这人呢在事后修改照片上面颇有造诣,出神入化。但是他更多地是拍一些和家庭生活有关的照片(有题)。然后说了业余的,专业的什么的,没看懂… 似乎作者还是对这个技术持有比较宽容的态度。(有主旨题看法题)
1. 原文提到的”hand”和以下哪项中的hand表达的意思最为接近?第一段:the hand in XXX(就是说事后修改照片的痕迹)举了一些hand的意思,比如give a hand to啊什么之类。
physical assistance 、 a round of applause to signify approval 、 ability、a position
2. 作者对这种“事后修改照片”还是“第二段那个家伙的具体做法”抱有什么样看法?
3. 问到了第二段那个叫ABC的NB他的处理照片的一些特点? 选项好像是景色啊,图像比较细腻,主要围绕家庭生活啊,比较专业还是比较业余啊
4、主题题作者: Ecrepe 时间: 2010-4-20 13:49
30 investment flow流向 between richer countries and poorer countries
第一段 根据经济学理论,资本应该从发达国家流向发展中国家.因为发展中国家没有足够的capital,所以他们会为capital提供更高的回报.但根据事实的观察,事情并不是这样的(其实是uphill的).贫穷国家的钱都流到发达国家去了.然后讲述了人民的储蓄和投资之间啥啥啥...忘了
第二段 又有观察发现,那些吸引外资投资的金额比本国投向外国的金额多的国家,发展得比较的慢.貌似也是和什么什么理论相悖的.好像他意思是说应该依赖本国自己内部的投资.
第三段 就解释说(中间有一段记忆空白)那些原本很穷,但是发展很快,但是金融体系financial system又不发达的国家,当人们有了钱时,就不倾向于通过本国的金融体系借给本国的公司用来发展,而是直接或者间接的投资于国外.bl...这个问题会因为金融体系financial system的逐渐健全而被解决的。(有题)
34 Black Americans civil right in wartime黑人权利增长 长篇
第一、二段:说在1941年和1945年第二次世界大战之间给黑人带来的政治上和经济的提高。因为二战,很多工业需要大量员工,所以黑人从suburban地区大量来到城市。并且最终得到了一定的政治权力,比如“one person, one vote”(好像是)。
1、哪项说明了二战时期黑人civil rights的改变?答案有:黑人和白人的工资区别小了/有两个是歧视的选项/第一次参加一个文中提到的什么工会组织。另:我选C:一个农村来的黑人找到了defend factory 的job,得到union wage(defend不是很明白)原文一二段结合看,提到大量黑人从农村到到城市工作,union使他们获得很多rights,但没有提到pay,所以我也不确定。其他选项好像也有点问题。
2、NAAPC组织infer了什么?(定位第二段)我选C:tenfold increase is due to unions workers’ participation because they think NAAPC can offer them more than unions.
原文先将在union的帮助下,黑人已经获得很多rights了。但Union workers goal of further earnings contribute to the tenfold increase in NAAPC’s membership
有一个选项比较confuse:The huge amount of black worker joining NAAPC want to have further earning because the past experience show it has improved black’s civil relations.我认为这个答案错在两点:1文中没有提到NAAPC过去的贡献,只说到union为黑人做了很多。2是原文是union worker加入NAAPC而选项只是black worker.感觉范围不一样。
36 Manufacturing site location工厂选址问题
原文 已确认GWD32-Q13-Q14
Manufacturing site location is an important consideration in determining the optimal deployment of a firm’s production resources, but one that is usually given only limited attention. Decisions about location are often based purely on quantitative analyses that trade off transportation costs, economies of scale, and other cost-based variables. This practice, however, can lead to suboptimal不最理想的、不适宜的 results, as decision-makers tend to focus only on easily quantifiable factors. A further disadvantage of strictly cost-based methods is that they tend to focus on cost advantage factors, which are often transitory Government regulations, tax systems, and exchange rates can quickly change. Strategies based on such parameters may eventually be rendered obsolete by the very factors that first created an advantage.
In contrast, qualitative issues, which are frequently neglected in choosing manufacturing site locations, are often central to creating and supporting a competitive advantage. For example, the level of skill possessed by the local workforce varies with location; consequently, location can affect the ability of firms to implement skill-based process technologies. When formulating a site location strategy, companies should therefore emphasize qualitative factors to ensure that the chosen strategy supports the company’s overall business strategy. Only after establishing a set of desirable location options should companies refine choices精选 using cost-based factors.
Q13. The passage suggests which of the following concerning qualitative methods used in choosing manufacturing sites?
A. They are more likely than are quantitative methods to identify issues crucial to maintaining a competitive advantage
B. They are least useful to companies with relatively low levels of manufacturing technology
C. They have little value when applied to decisions other than choice of site
D. They are more risky for decision makers than are quantitative methods
E. They are used more frequently by multinational corporations than by companies with strictly domestic operations.
Q14. According to the passage, analysis of quantitative factors is best used for which of the following?
A. Determining strategies for offsetting qualitative disadvantages in manufacturing site locations
B. Evaluating manufacturing site-location parameters affecting long-term competitive advantage
C. Choosing manufacturing site locations that have access to optimal workforce populations
D. Narrowing manufacturing site location options arrived it through qualitative analysis
E. Making decisions about business considerations other than location of manufacturing sites作者: Ecrepe 时间: 2010-4-20 13:50
37. RESIDUAL STRESS牙齿填充物产生的压力dental fillings 长篇三段
第一段 讲people will be mildly alarmed that the dental filling materials have residual stress,会导致牙齿列开,应该想办法eliminate.
第二段 讲这种stress很难除,因为加工材料的过程中很容易引入,举例了几个很common 的过程。 然后说这种stress也不一定都是坏的,有时有好处。(这里有一题) 举了汽车spring(洗车减震)的例子,制造spring 时通过“PEENing”这个过程引入这种stress,可以防腐蚀,防裂什么的。最后来了一句what is important of new today就是说现在的科技可以计算/测量出这种stress的值,而不需要像过去那样通过研究一断裂的材料来估计。
第三段 讲这种计算方法很重要,在三个方面trends:(第三段题很多)
1 计算陶瓷的半岛体中stress的值
2 过去建造load bearing 的东西, 比如bridge,考虑到这种stress的add on, 但却又不知道具体值是多少, 所以会将实际承重比标注的大很多,这样很浪费材料,而如今可以计算了,从而减少不必要的材料。(有考题:选了个减少建筑用材料的选项)
3、Which is supported by the argument?问作者支持那个观点:stress in dental fillings can be beneficial
4、问原文中的analytical competence(分析能力)指的是什么?选measure directly什么field的那个
一种假设说,女性的地位在一段时间内从golden age 变到现在的exploitation虽然has not been entirely unchallenged(用了双重否定,还是有challenged),yet still have some influences. 女性地位的change大致是从3个方面判断的:具体做的工作,时间,第三个忘了。
之后转折说这种changes need criticism,把上面3点都反驳了一下,有很明显的first, second…反驳的理由包括:1这种change是临时的 2工作的时间短还是什么3 这种change要放在长期的环境下综合各方面因素(这里列了很多因素)考虑。
C stay the same while deteriorated in some aspects但在某些方面不好
D stay the same while在某方面变好
E一些方面变好一些方面变不好作者: Ecrepe 时间: 2010-4-20 13:51
43 business retention and expansion(BRE)
第一段 先讲BRE是啥,然后开始就促进就业问题展开文章。说一个地方的就业一般来源两种渠道:已存在的企业扩张规模和新建立的企业创造的就业。有些地方的政府主要把促进就业寄托于一些大型的国内企业规模扩张上,但这样不足以满足就业的需求。(此处有题)
第二段 开始分析政府对于之前说的那两种渠道的态度,提到很多政府表面上是把BRE的这个渠道放在第一位的,但实际行动上更倾向于吸引新的企业落户。(貌似吧...)然后作者态度有变,说其实我们还是该真正focus在BRE上,BRE有些什么好处啊~~~
45 Art manufactory艺术产业的进步与其他产业的比较 B’s cost disease
第一段 一个人提出其他产业因为技术的提高,而劳动力cost减少,但是艺术上并没有,cost一直超过正常的inflation,然后讲了art 的cost为什么降不下来的原因,举了个艺术上的例子。(考点,细节题in order to?例子作用)
第二段 用了两个人的study来讨论,第一个人反驳了第一段的观点,发现还是有不少原因促进了这一产业的发展,例如观众。第二个人对一音乐领域orchestra的26年的发展进行研究,证明B’s cost disease是存在的(认为PERFORMANCE INDUSTRY IS SUBJECTED TO THIS DISEASE),但也不排除其他原因,有点让步的意思。(文章最后一句是:pointing out the.....,however, 学者认为 increases of the productivity are possible。) 这里出题了,我选的是 这个例子说明了productivity并没有上升到足以抵消inflation影响的程度。
1、 主题题:对一种理论的解释并且用其他的研究来研究这个理论的validity
2、 问第一段里讲TECHNOLOGY水平提高的目的是什么?这主要是将制造业和ART进行对比,制造业水平提高,COST就减小,PRODUCTIVITY就增加。
3、 问最后那个人和第一个人的观点相同之处是什么?
4、 问第一段的例子作用in order to? Provide a example related to one aspect of labor cots of ....作者: Ecrepe 时间: 2010-4-20 13:51
Companies that must determine well 好卖的产品产量太少,难卖的产品
in advance of the selling season how 产量又太大。
many unites of a new product to manu-
Line facture often underproduce products
(5) that sell well and have overstocks of
others. The increased incidence in 这种供求矛盾似乎很讽刺,因为
recent years of mismatches between 消费者购买模式的数据趋于精确,
production and demand seems ironic讽刺的, 弹性生产又允许小量商品的生产。
since point-of-sale scanners have
(10) improved data on consumers’ buying
patterns and since flexible manufacturing
has enabled companies to
produce, cost-effectively, small
quantities of goods. This type of 弹性生产导致美国每年新产品
(15) manufacturing has greatly increased 大量增加。但是频繁引入新产品
the number of new products introduced 有两个消极的副作用。
annually in the United States. However,
frequent introductions of new products
have two problematic side effects. For 一方面产品平均寿命缩短;它
(20) one, they reduce the average lifetime of 们既不处于初期(难以预计),
products; more of them are neither at the 也不处于末期(库存昂贵)。
beginning of their life (when prediction
is difficult) or at the end of their life
(when keeping inventory is expen-
(25) sive because the products will soon
become obsolete荒废). For another, as 另一方面,随着新产品泛滥,
new products proliferate泛滥, demand is 需求在增加的库存单位内分
divided among a growing number of 配
stock-keeping units (SKU’s). Even 虽然厂商和零售商有些把握预
(30) though manufacturers and retailers can 计准确的累积总需求,但他们
forecast aggregate demand with some 难以准确预计这些需求在众多
certainty, forecasting accurately how 库存单位内如何分配。
that demand will be distributed among
the many SKU’s they sell is difficult.
(35) For example, a company may be able 例如,一家公司可能可以准确
to estimate accurately the aggregate 估计鞋子总售量,但它不确定
number of shoes it will sell, but it may 哪种鞋子会卖更多,哪种鞋子
be uncertain about which specific 会卖更少。
types of shoes will sell more than
other types.
Which of the following most accurately describes the function of the last sentence in the passage (lines 35-40)?
A. To cite a situation in which the aggregate demand is more important than the distribution of demand among SKU’s
B. To refute an assertion about the side effects of flexible manufacturing
C. To illustrate an assertion about companies’ ability to forecast demand
D. To provide an example of ways in which companies address the difficulties of forecasting demand
E. To note an exception to the author’s assertion about distributing demand am-ong SKU’s
The passage suggests which of the following about divided demand among a growing number of SKU’s?
A. It has increased the average lifetime of products.
B. It has resulted from retailer’s attempts to predict demand more accurately and avoid both understocks and overstocks.
C. It has decreased the use of flexible manufacturing by companies.
D. It has not increased the expense of keeping inventory of certain products.
E. It has not prevented companies from predicting aggregate demand with some certainty.
According to the passage, which of the following has led to growth in the number of new products introduced in the United States each year?
A. Reduced average lifetime of products
B. Increased ability to forecast aggregate demand
C. More cost-effective ways of keeping inventory for products
D. Cost-effective production of small quantities of goods
E. Increased ability to divide demand among a number of SKU’s and to forecast how that demand will be distributed among those SKU’s作者: Ecrepe 时间: 2010-4-20 13:51