提到哈佛商学院,似乎它是每个MBA申请者的Dream School。Topway上有一个贴子,投票选出在中国最被认可的商学院,哈佛高居榜首(请不要在这个时候就以鄙夷的姿态拒绝读完这篇博文)。当然,这种认可也不是绝对的:今年我认识的一个申请者,拿到了哈佛的录取通知书和10万美金的奖学金,最终也没有选择它。哈佛在我看来,除了显赫的名声(这点我想没有人会否认)、强大的General Management课程和教师团队(当然,Boston也是个不错的地方)以外,我更看重的就是它的案例教学法(Case Study Method)所能极大程度上激发学生们的独立思考的能力(大家可以去看看HBS MBA网站上对于案例教学的介绍)。
我最终选择Wharton,并非出于“别无选择”。我大学本科学的是外交和英语,没有金融、经济或者任何商科的背景,就连高等数学的课程,也是零零星星蹭的国际商学院彭龙老师的大课。Wharton是Lecture和Case相结合,对于我来说,更加适合。当然,有朋友担心我如何能“survive”这样一个非常偏重Finance的学校,援引一个Wharton Alumni的话来说,“That is what you come to Wharton for”。后来慢慢接触到被Wharton录取的同学,才感觉到Wharton真的非常dynamic,相比HBS对consultant的过分偏爱,我更喜欢和来自不同领域,有着不同经历的人们一起交流和学习。
1. How long you have known the applicant and describe your relationship to the applicant?
2. How would you rank this applicant relative to his/her peer group? Please describe the peer group to which you are comparing this applicant (e.g., employees with comparable work experience and level of responsibility).
3. How would you describe the applicant's personal integrity?
4. What observations do you have concerning the applicant's leadership abilities, team and/or group skills? How would you describe the applicant's sense of humor (seriously)?
5. What are the applicant's most salient strengths?
6. What are the applicant's weaknesses? What efforts has the applicant made to address these areas?
7. What do you see this candidate doing and achieving in 10 years?
8. Do you have any additional comments that you think would assist the Admissions Committee in making its decision? If yes, please elaborate.
1. Please comment on the context of your interaction with the applicant. How long have you known the applicant and in what connection? If applicable, briefly describe the applicant's role in your organization. (250-word limit)
2. Please describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant's response. (250-word limit)
3. Please make additional statements about the applicant's performance, potential, or personal qualities you believe would be helpful to the MBA Admissions Board. (250-word limit)
客观,即“用字数说话”;直观,即要让读者对你提供的数字有概念。一封优秀的简历,就要让一个即使完全没有接触过你所从事的行业的人也能读懂你的成绩。例如:“provided financial analysis for various projects”,这句陈述既不客观,也不直观。“various”是多少个?这些个项目的规模有多大?如果将这句话改善一下:“provided financial analysis for approximately 60 projects with a total contract value of $250 million”,就客观和直观多了。另外一个例子,也是我们经常会忽略的:“Awarded outstanding graduate”,这句话看起来没有什么问题,可仔细考虑一下,你们学校有多少毕业生?多少人被评为优秀?如果被评为优秀的毕业生占毕业生总数的 80%,这个“优秀”还有意义么?所以这句话如果表示成:“Awarded outstanding graduate (5 out of 1000)”,就显得你很突出了。奖学金的陈述也一样,“Awarded 1st grade scholarship”,一等奖学金啊,看起来似乎很牛,如果更进一步完善这个陈述:“Awarded 1st grade scholarship (1%)”就更好了。总结一句话,只有尽可能让你的每句陈述都有相关性和可比性,才能做到客观和直观。