354. 有一个问卷调查,三个选项让1200个用户选择;三个选项分别是:user friendly,A & B; 我忘记其他两个选项了,所以暂且称为A & B;选择他们的人的percentage分别是56%,48%,42%;there is 30% of customers choose both User friendly and A. Then what's the maximum number of people who chose program B and neither A nor User friendly?
355. DS : if a and b are real numbers, |a|/|b|=a/b, then is b>0?
1) a>0 2) ab>0
356. DS : if k and w are the slopes of two lines, then is w > 2? ++注意是2不是3, 记得以前的小狗上出现过的是3, 难道是变体 = =?
1) k is bigger than -1/3
2) k is less than -1/4
我选的是A = = 这种斜率的题很不会做 纠结了半天觉得1应该就sufficient了的.. 不排除做错的可能性 大家讨论讨论吧..
357. PS : |a+2|>3, which one is NOT the value of a?
answers : -3, -2, 4, 5, 6
373. 两条线r和s看上去平行(但是题目里面没有告诉他们能是平行),s在r下方,然后一条线t和这两条线都相交,与上面的交点是B,与下面的交点是C,然后从B引出一条直线u和下面的s交于A,然后t和s相交的那个锐角是44度,问比较AB和AC的长度大小(这道题的点的名字我没有记清楚,不过题意是这样的),条件1)s和r平行,条件2)u和t垂直,我选 B
409. .最后说这道让我纠结了半天的题.大家看看吧再.说百货公司的buyer买了100条dress和150件blouse,共花了15500刀.已知average (arithmetic mean) price of dress is $30 higher than the average price of blouse.然后卖的时候比buyer买的价格高60%.问average selling price of one dress and one blouse.