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标题: 大全-3-8,请教 [打印本页]

作者: linglingdan    时间: 2010-2-20 21:36     标题: 大全-3-8,请教

By analyzing the garbage of a large number of average-sized households, a group of modern urban anthropologists has found that a household discards less food the more standardized—made up of canned and prepackaged foods—its diet is. The more standardized a household’s diet is, however, the greater the quantities of fresh produce the household throws away.

Which of the following can be properly inferred from the passage?

(A) An increasing number of households rely on a highly standardized diet.

(B) The less standardized a household’s diet is, the more nonfood waste the household discards.

(C) The less standardized a household’s diet is, the smaller is the proportion of fresh produce in the household’s food waste.

(D) The less standardized a household’s diet is, the more canned and prepackaged foods the household discards as waste.C

(E) The more fresh produce a household buys, the more fresh produce it throws away.


请问第一句"discards less food the more standardized—made up of canned and prepackaged foods—its diet is"指的是什么们呢?food越standardize, 丢的food越少?

第二个是food 越Standardize,fresh produce丢的就越多

为什么答案是C呢。如果以上两个理解正确的话,less standardize推出less fresh produce,但是能否推出food waster就增加呢?如果不能的话,为什么C 对呢?


作者: tonger    时间: 2010-2-21 08:21


另外再想问一下,—made up of canned and prepackaged foods—到底算修饰food还是 the more standardized its diet呢?如果是修饰前者,那么这句话就是说discards less canned and prepackaged foods,若不是,就是discards less (total) food。


作者: tongxiaolong    时间: 2010-2-21 19:04

发现:a household 如果他们的diet more standardized,他们扔较少的食物。如果a

household's diet越是standardized,他们扔的fresh produce的数量就越多。
C.如果a household's diet 的standardized成分越少,那么扔的fresh produce比例则越少。


D. 如果a household's diet 的standardized成分越少,canned and prepackaged foods就扔

的越多。 food the more standardized—made up of canned and prepackaged foods,

canned and prepackaged foods就是等于standardized food. standardized的食物越少,标准


C is right.

作者: linglingdan    时间: 2010-2-22 07:23

谢谢啦,但是文中最后一句反过来说只是提到食物less standadize推出扔掉的produce的量少,但是C是说比例少啊,如果整体扔掉的food的量也少了而且少的更加快,那么扔掉的produce在扔掉的food中的比例会增加咯?

作者: tongxiaolong    时间: 2010-2-22 20:52

文中最后一句为什么不是比例呢?the more....., the greater, 前面的变多,后面跟着


作者: waixiaoxi    时间: 2010-2-23 07:21


因为题干中最后一句讲的是quantity,而非proportion。Less standardized, less quantity was thown away (not necessarily means that smaller portion of food is thrown away).

作者: yuying8124    时间: 2010-2-26 07:05

a household discards less food the more standardized—made up of canned and prepackaged foods—its diet is
这句话中made up of canned and prepackaged foods是限定和解释什莫叫standardized的,所以可以看成 more standardized its diet is=>a household discards less food,所以就算是less standardized its diet 能退出来的也是a household discards more food.所以D相对C来讲错的更加多
原文中The more standardized a household’s diet is=》the greater the quantities of fresh produce the household throws away.已知A=>B,但是A否=》B否是不一定成立的,但是问题措辞的方式是can be properly inferred 所以仅仅是问有可能的是哪一项。所以选C

作者: newgoldrs2    时间: 2010-3-5 07:01     标题: RunescapeGold


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