AA: 43. The following appeared in an article in the health sectionof a newspaper.
“There is a common misconception that university hospitals arebetter than community or private hospitals. This notion is unfounded, however:the university hospitals in our region employ 15 percent fewer doctors, have a20 percent lower success rate in treating patients, make far less overallprofit, and pay their medical staff considerably less than do privatehospitals. Furthermore, many doctors at university hospitals typically dividetheir time among teaching, conducting research, and treating patients. Fromthis it seems clear that the quality of care at university hospitals is lowerthan that at other kinds of hospitals.”
AI: 81. “No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting successor ‘get rich’ in business by conforming to conventional practices or ways ofthinking.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinionstated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your ownexperience, observations, or reading.
第一段:说group think的第一个不好的地方:就是会忽略组里面最有expertise的人的意见,从而不能做最好的决定。举了,automobile company 一个group 的例子,说小组里的所有人会认为他们既然在这个group里面了,他们一定是有这方面的专长了(这句话有考点,某细节还是推断题的答案)。他们常常把那些大家都同意的意见,作为最好的方法。但是,最有expertise的人说的观点,可能有很多人听不懂或听不进去,所以容易被忽略掉。
Newitems developed for automobiles in the 1997 model year included a safer airbag, which, unlike previous air bags, eliminated the possibility that a burstof smoke would appear when the bag inflated, and making an already terrifiedpassenger think the car was on fire.