这个分数,虽然是没时间,准备得不够,只看过数学寂静前200,没看过其它基金,做过OG11和不到10篇gwd,但主要还是自己语文发挥得不好。没一题看着眼熟,犹豫,费时,最后时间不够,只好连猜带蒙。这个在prep时从来没发生过。总共做过4次prep,都是时间有多,有两次还是剩7分钟。结果这次实战出来的分数是prep里从来没出现过的低分。只能说特殊时期,体力不支,状态太差。 牵狗。 AI: Businesses often over-emphasize team work. In fact, it's the strongest individual, with high commitsion and energy, get things done. AA: University hospitals has poor performance compared with community and private hospitals. University hospital has lower employee staff number, lower patient treating recovery rate, less profit and blah blah. Evenmore, the doctors at university hospitals usually divide their time between teaching, research and treating patients. Therefore, university hospitals performance is worse than other kinds of hospitals.
Math: 1) DS: Is X= 1/Y? (1) XY=1. (2) 1/(XY)=1. I choose D.
5) 6 teams with 3 representatives per team, everyone shake hands with people out his own team, what's the total shake hands number? A: C(2)(18) - 6 C(2)(3)